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I have a a question on navigating this forum: if I want to discuss tabletops or campaigns that are related to Pokemon media, where would I go for that?
Hello NotOnCommunity, and welcome to PokéCommunity! ^^

I don't know about that, but maybe you can ask the moderators of the General section, Devalue or Ninetales.
How long have you been into Pokémon ?
Hello there and welcome to the PC!

You mentioned liking the main games, so which one is your favorite?
Okay forget this waiting game. Who do I contact directly to get important answers regarding HexManiacAdvanced? I really wanna know about those "?~25" empty slots in the list of Pokemon, if I can't get an answer I might as well not even continue forward with that rom hack I'm doing. I need information that no one is giving me, not one tutorial I have come across is giving me the answers I need and I'm starting to get stressed. Please help.
Okay forget this waiting game. Who do I contact directly to get important answers regarding HexManiacAdvanced? I really wanna know about those "?~25" empty slots in the list of Pokemon, if I can't get an answer I might as well not even continue forward with that rom hack I'm doing. I need information that no one is giving me, not one tutorial I have come across is giving me the answers I need and I'm starting to get stressed. Please help.

You might be interested in looking at the Fan Games section, about ROM hacks.
You will have more luck getting the answer if you ask in the section I linked above! I am sorry I cannot help you more, but I wish you the best of luck to find the answer you seek!
Okay forget this waiting game. Who do I contact directly to get important answers regarding HexManiacAdvanced? I really wanna know about those "?~25" empty slots in the list of Pokemon, if I can't get an answer I might as well not even continue forward with that rom hack I'm doing. I need information that no one is giving me, not one tutorial I have come across is giving me the answers I need and I'm starting to get stressed. Please help.

I am sorry to hear that you are getting stressed out, but this section of the site is designed for saying hello to new or returning users, so people you'll talk to in this section (myself included) probably don't know much about ROM hacks. You can send a message to one of the Fan Games section's Mods, but they will probably just link you to the main game thread to find help there. I hope you are able to find the info you're looking for, but it won't be in M&G, sorry.
Coming to this website has been a waste of my time. I came here looking for help, I have received none. And as I look around I see I'm not the only one getting ignored. It's starting to piss me off.

I might as well just request my account here be deleted since I'm about to stop coming here altogether.....
I am sorry to hear you have not had the answers you seek, but you should wait a bit more. Getting an answer can take some time as other users have real lives too! ^^
Have you tried PMing the fan games section's moderators ?
I am sorry to hear you have not had the answers you seek, but you should wait a bit more. Getting an answer can take some time as other users have real lives too! ^^
Have you tried PMing the fan games section's moderators ?
I just did. Guy I DMed was even on not too long ago. Nothing. And this isn't even the only website I've tried, can't even get on Discord, Reddit auto deletes my posts, and every last tutorial I have found is an outdated dead end. On top of that, the only single person who even talked to me said that there is no support for Pokemon Sapphire anyway meaning I now have to start all over from square one. I'm getting upset, I'm getting depressed and I might as well just give up on even attempting a rom hack at all let alone a simple palette swap one....

Besides I got a life of my own, priorities and other projects that I'm putting on hold trying to figure out the bare minimum of this stupid HMA program that I was promised renders the very notion of rom hacking as easy as breathing. But it has been anything but easy, can't even click the "add new pokemon" tab without something going wrong! As such I kindly ask, with upmost respect, that you please don't patronize me.....
@Tyrranux You have been a registered user of this site for just 2 days. It sucks that you're having an issue getting that ROM thing working, but please have even the slightest bit of patience before calling the site a waste of time, or getting frustrated at someone non-staff for an issue they can't fix. The fact is that the PC has to deal with a lot of fan game and ROM hack related things, while only very few of the staff are even into them in the first place. It takes time.
And time is too precious a resource for me to be wasting trying to figure out some stupid program that doesn't work as promised, so forget it. Just go ahead and have my account deleted, I'm not wasting any more time coming to this dead zone.
And time is too precious a resource for me to be wasting trying to figure out some stupid program that doesn't work as promised, so forget it. Just go ahead and have my account deleted, I'm not wasting any more time coming to this dead zone.

Hi there, RHFG staff here! A few things:

Firstly, it will probably be best to ask your question in the HMA Discord itself, which you should be able to access here: https://discord.com/invite/x9eQuBg. I know you mentioned having problems with Discord, so perhaps it would be best spending your energies on getting that sorted, because this sort of question is WAY more suited to those environments where there are a lot more people who are likely to answer your question faster (hell, even in our Discord server you'd probably get a fairly quick response).

Secondly, you have been here for three days. As you have probably seen, the forum itself is not super busy at the busiest of times and generally queries in those sections are answered by other users, so unfortunately a lot of the time queries are at the behest of someone seeing it. As moderators of the section, we don't necessarily have the ability to answer every single question posted, and sometimes not within such an awfully short timeframe as the one you are demanding. After all, time is too precious a resource for us too, we have other things going on outside of this website! If you had messaged one mod and not got a response, there are more of us in the team so you should've contacted them.

Lastly, even if you just read this and move on elsewhere with your question, I would advise exercising a LOT more patience and dealing with your frustrations in a better way than this ugly attitude. None of these people who have tried to help you deserve being spoken to the way you have, especially over something as trivial as not being able to figure out a program. I appreciate how frustrated you are, considering how often you've posted this and either not got a response or been moved elsewhere. However that doesn't warrant behaving like you are about it.

If you still want your account deleted, I would advise contacting one of the Administrators (the pink usernames).
for reference they've posted the same kind of thing on another website i frequent in a similar fashion so maybe just don't bother with them
Hello! Can't believe I've never been a part of this community. Been playing Pokemon since Red released in 1998 :tongue:
Hello Kazbeam, and welcome to the forums!
It is great to see more long time fans of Pokémon join PokéCommunity! I have played since Red too! ^^
Which starter did you pick back then ? Is it your favourite Pokémon ?