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Aw man, really? That's so nice of you! X3 My post style isn't really special (I don't do fancy CSS stuff because I just can't), but I'm fine with you drawing my character in your style! (Your art is really freaking good, by the way X3)

Also I hope I somehow get accepted. Like seriously, the history section might as well be the result of some Regents prep.

Seems good to me! Accepted! :]

// Answers to Questions

She quietly listened to the masses' on goings. After a while, she nodded, and cleared her throat. "I suppose that was rather uncooth of me to have brought you here without proper introduction," she said in a more calm demeanor. "Wasn't this how you humans... pique interest? How the female species act cutely to quote, 'score hot studs?' Or perhaps I wasn't cute enough... But very well."

She then curtseyed, displaying her more welcoming and formal personality. "First and foremost... you may call me Juliette. No, I am not an alien. I am but a simple resident of this place, serving my master. As for this place: this place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. You don't need to worry; you are all fast asleep in your world; it is only through your subconscious that we have brought here. You see, you may not understand this now, but you were are all fated to be here."

She slowly closed her eyes. "...But that is something you will come to understand in another time. As for why you are all here right now, a trifle reason: we felt a slow creeping feeling through the bottom of our heart to our mind of our desires to spruce up our routine with delightful endeavors. In your words, we were simply bored."

She then clapped her hands, displaying a wide smile that she gave during the start of all this. "Shall we continue, my kings and queens? ?" said in a higher pitched, bubbly tone. "It was sooo fun learning about what animals you would be! Ah, and this love clinic is the peeeerfect haven for your debuts! Or for you cat lovers, should I say: your puuuuuuurrrrfect debut? Teehee! Now then! Next question!"

"What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? If you're a girl, you'd be a boy! If you're a boy, you'd be a girl! Wouldn't that sound fun?!"


[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Kazue Tamaka
Female//16//The Tower

Party Over Here, I'll Be Over There - III

And I thought I had issues Kazue thought as "rabid-dog" finally decided against decking someone with a chair. With him finally down, and the rest of the room finally quiet, she had a bit more time to process what "Juliette" was actually saying. The maid's puns made her want to jump out the nearest non-existent window, but she'd hold back for now.

"Seriously? A mini panic attack and all we get is more questions?" She asked, rubbing her eyes in frustration. "You're not making this easy to go along with. It's obvious we don't want to play match maker. I especially am not interested."

Her other question bothered her even further, why transition from animals to the opposite gender like that. Is that some kind of weird dating question? What the hell did rabbits, dogs, and cats even mean in bed... aside from weird anime animal girls.

"Secondly," she continued, "what I would do if I was a man is private, thank you very much. I don't see honestly what would change, but I can see what you're angling for. Is that what gets you off? Asking highschoolers how they would explore the opposite anatomy?"

Kiro Irakuza ~ Hunger XI-2
"Aw," she didn't take it. Oh well... He was slightly disappointed as 'Juliette' gave a somewhat underwhelming explanation after 'edge-glasses' ignored him. "OK, Whatever the fuck that just meant... Not really, that sounds, really uncomfortable. Actually, I've got a question for you 'my fair Juliette.' If you were bored then couldn't you have come up with something more fun for us to do? Most of us don't even know each other and never consented to this. I'm actually with her this time." He gestured to 'edge-glasses' before returning to his game. "What's your name anyway?" He went for the nice approach this time. His eyes briefly flickered to Juliette, "Who's your 'master' by the way? 'Where art thou Romeo?'"


Izumi Takino
Ace Detective!

Izumi sighed after learning some sort of truth about the group's host, as well as the situation they currently found themselves in. She was honestly hoping that the explanation wouldn't have been something so cut and dry as a dream. On one hand, it was a relief that she and the rest of the teens gathered in this "Love Clinic" were all going to be okay... well, aside from any sort of mental scarring that this woman and her rather... interesting questions would give them. On the other hand, the fact that it was a dream was so... boring.

Izumi sighed in defeat as she settled back down in her chair, listening to some of the answers that began to exit the mouths of her fellow schoolmates. A small smile graced Izumi's lips as she glanced over in Kazue's direction.

"No offense, but I could think of a few things that might change if you were a boy instead of a girl... if you catch my drift," Izumi said. "Don't be so boring, explore and have some fun. Like if I were a boy... I'd find a nice looking girl... good personality... settle down and have a good time, you know?"

A small blush graced Izumi's cheeks as she spoke of her plans, the girl sliding further back in her chair and closing her eyes in the process.


[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Uehara Naoki | Emperor​

Things got pretty heated quickly with one of them tried to escape. Naoki himself was feeling a bit woozy but that may be due to the fact that he's nowhere he knows. There were some shouting and some argument about some things but Naoki couldn't get the drift of it all.

Finally the lady spoke again, told them that they were between reality and dreams, as if that could be possible. There was a question but Naoki's head was starting to hurt so much. Several of the people in the room answered the question, some were keeping silent. Naoki himself was basically keeping to himself. His head hurting was the priority in his mind.

He wants to go, and he wants to go soon.

EDIT: guys calm down this is a just a panel lol no need for drastic things.
[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Aiko Schroeder-Inoue

Keep Calm and Don't Go Crazy

Throughout the entirety of the events that unfolded, Aiko could only look on with a mixture of horror and incredulity. First there was the Giichi boy who seemed to want to assault someone with that chair, Izumi with her silly hypothesis about aliens and most of all that short haired girl shouting those ugly words. She shivered, reminding her of someone else in her life. She addressed Kazue. "What's your problem? That was uncalled for you know, saying all those ugly things to us and her!" She pointed to Juliette. "You're really not helping our dream, kidnapping, whatever it is."

To save face after that scolding to Kazue, Aiko took a deep breath. "Sorry for that. If I was a dude for a day...hmm..." She looked up and held up her head. "I'd be going to try some cute styles on myself. Or maybe something with some oomph to express my newfound manliness." She giggled. "Maybe I'd take after my boyfr-" After all of the chaos that transpired, she almost forgot about Daiki. Aiko gasped. "My boyfriend. Crap, he would kill me if he found out I was doing this sort of thing. Uh, please promise you guys won't tell, okay?"

Male | 18 | Third-Year
???? Temperance

0. Blank Slate, Part 4

After patting all his pockets while the hostess named Juliette spoke, he found they were all empty. He supposed it came as no surprise that they would take his phone and wallet from him. And this woman here must've thought they were fools in saying they were all here under the pretense of a dream. Her trifling maid outfit and talk of a 'master' at the 'love clinic' didn't set him at ease with her next question.

He opened his eyes having collected himself, but lowered them to the floor and passed them over everyone's shoes. Giichi sat there in silence and stillnes yet again as the others reacted accordingly. He couldn't help but let the question sit in his mind though. What would he do if he were female for a day?

You should be happy you are a man...

"... Because the world is crueler to women," he breathed, reciting a line from a familiar woman's voice in his head. "Because the world is crueler to women, I'd not want to be one." As he spoke this, he absentmindedly threaded his fingers through his silky, cascading hair, pulling some out of the tail he bound tightly on his head. As he continued to gently caress his locks, something intruded his thoughts.

You look good in her blush.

This unknown voice was synthesized in his mind to the tone and pitch he imagined fit, but its anonymous speaker was all too real from those late nights. He remembered those chats, and slowly his stroking stopped as he gripped the ends of his loose, ribboned hairs in a solid fist.
Heads up. I'll be gone until Monday lol sorry for any inactivity.

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)


Oh, that cat pun. Under ordinary circumstances, Kouki found puns to be the highest level of humor. But coming on the heels of his own cat-related joke, it just made him more embarrassed. He'd stayed quiet since then, noticing that the mood hadn't exactly improved. But Ms. Juliette did open up with more information. A shared dream, but not a dream, so more of a... "collective subconscious". He was intrigued, but Ms. Juliette wanted to continue her little panel, it seemed.

When presented with the scenario of changing gender (or more accurately changing their physical sex), he wasn't surprised how many went for the... obvious answer. Though he didn't like talking about himself like this, playing along was his idea. He couldn't exactly back out now...

Putting all four chair legs back on the ground, he stood back up. "Be a girl, but just for a day? I wouldn't leave my house. I'd record myself singing, cook myself a decent meal for once, and take pictures. You know, stuff for later." He sat back down, confident that he didn't make a fool of himself this time.


Toshio Miyazaki

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Arcana: Fortune

?Munny? I don?t have any munny! I only have the lunch munny my mommy gave me!?

?Well that?s munny enough! Hand it over kid, us big boys can make better use of that,? he said gesturing to his comrade in arms, bully number two. They were both large in size as opposed to the younger and smaller brunette who stood before them, hugging himself tightly whilst trembling in fear.
Here he was, about to lose what few bits of munny he had in his possession, and no justice would be served?or was there. A flame lit up in his entire being, without warning the young victim brought his hind leg back and jerked it forward, his rubber sneakers making contact with bully number one?s crotch. For the next few seconds, nothing could be heard but the loud cry of pain that echoed throughout the entire area.


"I suppose that was rather uncooth of me to have brought you here without proper introduction,". "Eh ..?" Toshio grunted, stumbling backwards slightly while looking toward the maid. "Looks like I dozed off a little" Toshio sighed while trying to comprehend what she was saying.

Dreams are manifestation of the sub consciousness that the person encounters during the course of activity. What this woman is saying is that she or someone somehow brought the subconscious mind of people present here in this place.....but how? This is impossible yet I'm here. how..just how? Toshio closed his eyes and tried to breathe slowly to calm himself down. However, he didn?t get to fully celebrate his newly-acquired breathing area as he heard same voice again asking a new question...

"What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? If you're a girl, you'd be a boy! If you're a boy, you'd be a girl! Wouldn't that sound fun?!"

....this is going to be a long day.

Last edited:

Hideki Ishitani(Miyazawa)
[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

The Love Box's 63rd rule
Hideki continued to watch the goings-on with a certain amount of cold detachment. As strange as the whole situation was, he couldn't seem to find himself feeling the slightest bit nervous or threatened, only curious. He was normally cool under pressure, but this seemed unnatural. This all gets stranger and stranger. As if the situation itself wasn't odd enough, almost every person here seems to be pretty off. Some of them are downright freakish. At the very least, things seemed to have calmed down. A good time so speak once again, then.

"I don't see any reason much would change if I became a girl. I guess I'd just spend the day watching TV, trying not to get too mixed up by the different balance of chemicals in my brain and...Maybe spend some time messing around with my hair and seeing how it was different, how nice I could make it look." This time he was more than happy to stay sitting while he spoke, the subject didn't make him all that uncomfortable, but he had to admit the end of his answer was a bit embarrassing. He wasn't willing to even talk about all the clothes he'd try on. After all, these were his fellow students, and what if everybody remembered this meeting later? Come to think of it...if he became a girl for more than a day, he'd definitely have to practice his singing...see if he had any talent or potential to be an idol.

OOC: And then Eevee did a little dance in her mind because she got accepted~ :3

<I can't believe I haven't said anything for the entire time I've been here...> Yuuki still couldn't believe it took this long for the host to explain everything by basically just saying 'it's technically a dream'. Then again, that's much better than possibly being drugged and dragged into this mess. It would have just been another shining example of her bad luck getting her into trouble for the nth time. Thankfully, to her surprise, everyone (sorta) calmed down and seems to have decided to just play along with Ms. Juliette's 'game' of sorts. The next question was one that always seems to pop up now and then in some conversations: 'If you were the opposite gender for a day, what would you do?'

The bad-mouthed, but (usually) quiet girl, Kazue (Who hasn't even said her name yet, but Yuuki remembers seeing her before), was the first to answer. "What I would do if I was a man is private, thank you very much. I don't see honestly what would change, but I can see what you're angling for. Is that what gets you off? Asking high schoolers how they would explore the opposite anatomy?"

The sporty girl, Izumi, goes with the usual answer to this sort of question. "No offense, but I could think of a few things that might change if you were a boy instead of a girl... if you catch my drift," Izumi said. "Don't be so boring, explore and have some fun. Like if I were a boy... I'd find a nice looking girl... good personality... settle down and have a good time, you know?" Both of their responses made Yuuki blush a bit, for obvious reasons.

Aiko, one of those popular girls within their school, basically said something Yuuki would expect from someone like her: "I'd be going to try some cute styles on myself. Or maybe something with some oomph to express my newfound manliness." She giggled. "Maybe I'd take after my boyfr-" Aiko gasped. "My boyfriend. Crap, he would kill me if he found out I was doing this sort of thing. Uh, please promise you guys won't tell, okay?" Yuuki just slowly blink. That meant yes.

Next was Giichi. Yuuki wasn't really paying that much attention to what was happening around her, but as soon as this boy got out of his chair and tried to leave, she just lowered her head and tried to think of happy thoughts, knowing damn well that this was gonna cause trouble. Apparently, he did make quite an impression, since she actually heard the sound of something kicking wood while still being deep within her thoughts. His response was something that Yuuki agreed with:
"Because the world is crueler to women, I'd not want to be one." She couldn't help but slowly nod at this, considering what she had to experience in the past.

Next up was Kouki, the boy who was quieter than Kazue. "Be a girl, but just for a day? I wouldn't leave my house. I'd record myself singing, cook myself a decent meal for once, and take pictures. You know, stuff for later."

The other quiet boy, Hideki, was next to respond.
"I don't see any reason much would change if I became a girl. I guess I'd just spend the day watching TV, trying not to get too mixed up by the different balance of chemicals in my brain and...Maybe spend some time messing around with my hair and seeing how it was different, how nice I could make it look."

<I guess I'll go next...> Since she hasn't said anything yet, she's gonna have to introduce herself. "Yuuki Mastusheta...17 years old, second year...If I were a boy...I would just do my usual daily routine..." She said, in her naturally low voice. Knowing that the others would be confused by her answer, she continued, "I just want to know if it's possible for genders to have different luck ratios...It's a weird reason, I know, but some of you might want to know the answer to my theory of sorts, yes...?"

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)
[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Date Unknown | Location Unknown | Time Unknown

Seems things were finally starting to calm down fully... Or perhaps as fully as they probably could at this point in time. There were so many questions about this scenario still unanswered. Was this a dream just for him or for everyone here? How did they know they weren't just being lied to? What did this "Juliette" mean when she told them that they were fated to be here? What exactly would they come to understand about that statement... and when would said understanding come?

He gazed at their hostess for a moment longer, her intentions were lost on him, yet he felt something clawing at his consciousness from the back of his mind. It was something he had felt since his arrival at this place, yet looking at her only made it worse as he noticed it now. It was if the strange effects of this dream realm drew upon a particular source of power, a power for which she served as a nexus. Looking at her spurred a part of his mind he couldn't comprehend to stir, but he knew deep down that it wasn't yet time for it to fully awaken. He had no idea what that meant, he didn't even fully understand the nature of what he was feeling, but he knew it to be true.

So he buried those thoughts and feelings until they were ready... and tried his best to relax, watching over the group as they answered silly questions about gender and gave the expected teenage response. If something went wrong he would spur himself to action, for their sake.

He would say nothing more for the time being, not unless it was necessary. For now he was more than content enough to watch as events went by, until this prelude of a dream drew to a close.

i'd be fine with it being canon; in the end, once our characters wake up in the real world, it would've been just a dream to them anyway. how much they remember or how seriously they take it could be up to them... but at least with this they'd know each other's names and be a bit more aware of each others' existence, i suppose

also another question; could we maybe specify which class of each year our characters are in? just to get more of an idea who might know who just from class interation. let's say each year has 4 classes, so 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, and then the same for 2 and 3? just to start things off, i'll say Eri is in class 2-A.
On the topic of the OOC event becoming canon, I don't have any objections.

As for the classes, for now I'll go ahead and put Satomi in 1-D. Personally, I think it might be good to avoid spreading the cast too thin across classes. Besides opening more opportunities for in-class interaction, having more of us bunched up would also make things easier if we end up doing a school festival.
PLEASE keep it canon, lol. Going through cold introductions again is such a hassle, this is an easy way to do a vague tip off like "o, maybe that face is familiar", especially if that room is a place IC we're going to visit time and again. It's just something to fall back on, I don't expect everyone to remember the dream like it was lucid the first time around tho.

And we should really all just be in the same class per year. There are, like, 15 accepted players. Spreading us out too thin would be extra work in the long run (like Geras said, ayyy) and we seriously need to be cohesive here because there are just too many of us. Persona was all about a small, close-knit group who maybe were or were not all friends but that gave them room to grow and appreciate each other, so small units like classes should break up our cast enough to start small and form better bonds that way (but I don't know how the ages are spread out. Dragon please update the player list with this info)

And of course, we can plan with each other about how other chars know under/upperclassmen too if people wanna make cross connections that way, like through club activities or neighbors etc. to build even stronger bonds. This is an rp where we really, really need to interconnect and make an effort as players to plan with other players and grow or players will start feeling isolated and their chars overlooked. It's easy to get lost in the crowd with so many of us and its easy to just have your char repeatedly sit back and say "I'll just watch" and always be on the fringe of character building if they aren't introspectively and independently applying themselves, tbvf
Oh god pls be accepting more people like your title tag says.

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Birth Name: Kagawa, Daiki
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Arcana: XV Devil

Appearance: At five foot even, the guy is shorter than most men his age at 18. The "small man" complex is pretty apparent not only from the clothing but also his buff body that he won't allow to be wasted by gluttony or sloth.

Blond and blue eyes helps for good charisma but he's way too worried about being ignored and goes out of his way to change up his look in ways to grab attention. School uniforms are often doctored by his poor taste and unskilled adjusting. Dark clothing and leather help for image, but when alone (rarely mind you) he's all about getting comfy such baggy clothes to stay warm for cold nights or white tees for hot afternoons.

What was once a terribly self created mo-hawk is an updo properly managed by "a friend." Short on the sides but long and flowing in a center stripe on the top is his preferred look but it's been done to death. Prone to changing it up, there will inevitably be disasters which lead to chopping it all off.

Personality: Daiki pushes barriers until they are broken, often the rules toppling down with him. He seeks to be in control as he can't stand the idea of being out of control. Being vulnerable, weak, or hesitant is unacceptable. The tough guy attitude is already trouble, but in truth he doesn't want to be that way.

Buried deep down is a desire to be cared and provided for by people he can trust. Becoming anxious at the thought of abandonment is the source for most distrust. To avoid that situation, he trusts no one with his fears, doubts, and hopes. Doing so means giving someone else leverage, control. He goes out of his way to have control even if it means hurting himself such as by poor reputation with others.

When it comes to decision making he prefers the concrete and apparent. Thinking and planning doesn't to satisfy him.

History: Daiki is the only child of his family. He never knew his mom because she left the family around a year after he was born. To compensate for the lost income his father worked wherever possible, sometimes two shifts in a row. Instead of a paying baby sitter, Daiki was left with whatever family was available from aunts to uncles even from his mother's side.

When he was seven years old his father told him truth about their divorce. She left because her husband was an unappealing nobody. Worried that the world would judge him to be like his father, Daiki attached himself to other role models that he would never associate being like his dad. At that age it was powerful villains from cartoons but when he turned fifteen he took a sharp transition to the common subculture of his peers.

Moving around didn't help him hold an identity. Where his own interests weren't shared by others, he took new interests and dropped old ones. Dressing himself to fit in with whomever he was hanging out with that day lead him to accumulate a large collection of clothing most of which is black.

When his small family moved to Osaka, he found that only his facade was necessary to fit in with the youth his age. They were posers who just wanted to look cool. Gradually his own interest with subcultures was nothing more than looks. Thankfully, he avoided getting into any trouble with the law.

At Rakkoken High he wasn't sure how he'd face his future. He knew that he'd probably move again one day just to get a job. Higher education wasn't out of the question at first; however, his poor grades proved otherwise after the first year. According to his teachers, he was going to be like his father and have to move around for any job he could find just to get by.

Dread about the future occupies his thoughts but he would never admit to it, and make people believe that he's going to have his own company by the time he's 20 while the suckers go to university and will have to work for him one day. He often pushes people to invest in him while they can. Money, favors, really whatever seems necessary at the time is what Daiki tries to get from people.


Name of Persona: Lucifer of Lo, Fallen Seraph

Appearance: In this depiction of Lucifer, he is at is lowest. His humanoid body is wrapped by his six white-feathered wings revealing only his feet and head. Chains surround himself, squeezing those wings tightly to the point of crippling. Even though he's hurt, Lucifer of Lo is holding those chains himself.

Lucifer's once long hair is shaved off and one horn cut to a mere nub. Drained of glory, his once peach skin is a pale gray while his eyes are stitched open with the color of the eye faded to gray. Despite obvious pain, the face of the fallen angel is calm.

Types of Skills: Curse, Ailment

Persona Personality: Lucifer of Lo seems quiet and ashamed of himself, a foil to Daiki who is loud and proud. This version of Luficer is a mix of the devil and angel on one's shoulder as it always seeks to oppose Daiki's objectives good or bad. At Daiki's worst of times Lucifer is a voice for sensibility, trust, and hope; but, while at Daiki's best of times he is instead a voice of doubt, paranoia, and confusion. When shifting between the two tones, Lucifer of Lo keeps to a whisper but may change tone to emphasize words which prove to effectively grab Daiki's attention.

Only when Daiki is willing to be vulnerable does Lucifer of Lo provide actual clear guidance.
I'm going to say Tatsuo is in class 3-A. Just because it's an easy number to go with and remember.

I think personally all the third years should stick to the same class to make it easier for interaction... but I can't exactly enforce that so, just an opinion, haha.