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IMPORTANT: Pet Picture Thread

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 9,063
    Ignoring the March 2018 flop that was the Pet Thread here in Other Chat, it's time to show off your pets!!! Lots of pictures of your beloved animal compantions please!!!!
    This is Jude Nyathis, my ragdoll (well, partial ragdoll?) cat. He is a sweet boy who is sometimes very naughty. With him is my latest addition to the family.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pet Picture Thread

    I will just post this one pic for now bc I intend to absolutely spam this with cat pics if tyler lets me. And he will, bc otherwise I'll bully him.
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    Awhhhhhhh cute baby!!! I always like seeing pics of Jude, because he is so adorable, especially his face!!!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pet Picture Thread

    Here's my last kittykat, aptly named TC [Top Cat]. He was a very old boi when this was taken, I think 8/9 years old???? He was a bit grumpy but super affectionate when he wanted to be and he had the most adorable little black spots just above the eyes, otherwise all white (which was annoying because he'd get dirty a lot)
    Awhhhhhhh cute baby!!! I always like seeing pics of Jude, because he is so adorable, especially his face!!!
    Friends have told me he looks like a fake cat in most pictures bc his face is so plush and cute.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pet Picture Thread

    Here's my last kittykat, aptly named TC [Top Cat]. He was a very old boi when this was taken, I think 8/9 years old???? He was a bit grumpy but super affectionate when he wanted to be and he had the most adorable little black spots just above the eyes, otherwise all white (which was annoying because he'd get dirty a lot)
    A+ use of concrete sidewalk as a pillow.

    Jasper as a feral baby.


    A few hours later. He peed on me and I gave him a bath before this photo.


    getting scared of his own reflection,,,he is a dumb baby


    first vet visit!!


    he was so small


    after getting The Snip


    with santa


    he sleeps like this


    jasper said "Gay Rights!!!"

    this is all i have uploaded to imgur i'll post more later
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    I have quite a lot of pictures of my pets, but it's hard to find any decent photos because they're all taken with an iPhone 5C camera.. but here is one I took sometime last year of one of my kittens under my desk.
    His mum is feral and she gave birth to 5 kittens, so we raised them. We gave two away to a good friend who spoils her animals and we kept 3.

    I have quite a lot of pictures of my pets, but it's hard to find any decent photos because they're all taken with an iPhone 5C camera.. but here is one I took sometime last year of one of my kittens under my desk.
    His mum is feral and she gave birth to 5 kittens, so we raised them. We gave two away to a good friend who spoils her animals and we kept 3.


    tell him i love him
    I have quite a lot of pictures of my pets, but it's hard to find any decent photos because they're all taken with an iPhone 5C camera.. but here is one I took sometime last year of one of my kittens under my desk.
    His mum is feral and she gave birth to 5 kittens, so we raised them. We gave two away to a good friend who spoils her animals and we kept 3.

    wow, so many cat owners here on PokeCommunity
    just mine sleeping on my bed, got to it first before I could even set my bed up

    My first chinchilla, Chinderella. Unfortunately she passed away in March but I still wanted to show a picture of her.

    My second chinchilla, Chinelope. Taken the day after she broke her leg. She's terrified of everything (which is why she broke her leg in the first place and why this is the only decent picture I could get of her.)

    Here's Chilliette, my newest chinchilla. Despite being the brattiest of them all, she's somehow the only one that will sit still and let me photograph her.

    And here's a picture of one of the many tree frogs that I am in the process of raising from tadpoles.
    I'll start my post off with my new rescue boi, Briggs. He's a big boy, a Black Mouth Cur, and while he has a high prey drive, he's a very sweet pup and loves people and other dogs. He really wants to chase my cats but we're working on training him out of that. I've had him for 13 days now and we went out to a festival today, which marks the first time he's been out of our house since we got him. He has anxiety and really wants to be around my s.o and I. He loves to snuggle and is very obedient, especially when there's food involved, lol.


    Here's our other rescue pup who was unfortunately bounced around from house to house by an owner who was never quite financially stable. She lived in several dirty houses due to the owners being hoarders. Then she landed in a backyard and was forced to be an outside dog. But now she lives with us in our home. She's an attention whore and loves to get pets and affection. It's the whole basis of her obedience training because she's not particularly food motivated, but she's a great dog who can be trusted off-leash. She knows how to do several tricks, but she's really stubborn about her 'speak' command, despite that she's very vocal. She's a GSD mix with what I've surmised as a Husky but we have no definitive proof.


    And here's my late dog, Tachi. A Chocolate Lab, he embodied everything that made a Lab great: he loved to please, learned quickly, was empathetic, and he loved to swim and fetch. He was an amazing dog and will be fondly remembered by my close family and especially myself forever. Plus, he was a handsome boi. But in my current batch of pictures, I only have his urn. At some point, I should get other pics of him to post here, too.


    Here are a few pictures of Briggs and Cocoa together. He still doesn't quite understand why Cocoa's allowed on the couch but he is not, but he'll eventually earn that privilege.


    And onto my kitties! I only wanted two cats because I much prefer dogs, but I have three due to someone allowing their cats to breed, with no game plan no less. The cats came from the same hoarder house and often lived in crates, but were let out throughout the afternoon and confined to a bedroom. The owners didn't even realize the cats had had kittens until they saw them one day. Blows my mind. The mother had twins (mom and dad went to my grandmother's and I got the twins). This one is Venus. She's kinda skittish and doesn't like to be touched, but she will chill in the same room with new humans before the other two cats do. She's a lap cat and often falls into such a deep sleep in my lap that she looks dead, lol.


    And this one is Deziree. Deziree is a friendly cat who takes a while to open up to new people. But she's ballsy. She was the first to come out with Briggs here and since the third day, Deziree has been standing her ground and unafraid to show Briggs whose boss. She was also the first to learn the 'sit' command out of the three, due to her desperate love of food. She also our biggest cat without being overweight -- she's just large and stocky. She's another lap cat.


    And here are the girls together after about 15 minutes of intense play with our new feather toy that they all go crazy for. Cicero was going to be in the picture, too, but he decided to get up and walk off the second I got my phone ready. He does that.


    And here is our original cat, Cicero. He's needy and affectionate and will cry for attention 5 minutes after having laid in my lap. Yes, all three of my cats are lap cats. Sometimes I feel like a cat jungle gym. Cicero loves to be held, too. Deziree tolerates it, Venus hates it, but Cicero adores it. He's also very trusting and will ragdoll in my arms expecting me not to drop him. Guess he's right, though; at 5 years old, I've only dropped him twice, both times from him ragdolling over my arm and expecting me to keep him up. Whoops. He's a very handsome boi, though.


    These were some of the pics on my phone currently, so I don't have pictures of my late animals: Tachi, Mitzi (tuxedo grey cat), and Blitz (beautiful blue-grey and white Dutch rabbit with gorgeous icy blue eyes). Nor do I have pics of the reptiles on here since I've been so preoccupied with Briggs these past two weeks. I have a River Cooter named Titus and a Uromastyx named Wilson. Titus loves carrots and Wilson loves dandelions. Wilson also loves to whip people with his spiky tail to show them who's boss. ♥ Hopefully I can upload pics of these animals some day.
    Here's a big post, chock full of animal pictures. It's been a tough post to make, considering the wounds of Tachi's death are still very fresh, even 2 months later. Pretty sure half of my time making this thread has been me bawling over him but let's not put a damper on everyone else's enjoyment of these adorable pictures. We'll start with the boi of the hour (and the day and the month and the year and the forever): Tachi!


    I seriously feel like I'm breaking a rule with all these attachments... Maybe I should split this into two posts? I think that's what I'll do. Next up, we got some Wilson, Blitz, Briggs, and a pic of the girls in their favorite spot!
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    Continuing where I left off! Let's start with the other baby who didn't get any love last time. Wilson! He and Titus are so difficult to photograph due to their tanks.


    That's all for now, fellow pet lovers! Hope you enjoyed looking at my animals again!
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