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[PKMN OPEN] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]


[font=Brawler][color=#91a8d4][i]Here comes the boi
  • 904
    Raphael Allard &
    Catherine Carlisle

    > Galar Mine 1
    > Crossroads

    The Galar mine… was somewhat beautiful, he had to admit. In all his time in the region, Raphael had only ever left Wedgehurst a few times. Playing it safe always, dancing around his condition. He had never entered this place before this moment and now that he had, he felt an odd sense of melancholy. Was it because, he wondered, he had waited so long and wasted so much time before finally pushing himself to see such things?

    Or rather because he wouldn't be able to see them for much longer?

    The thought of his birthday looming had made him feel more frustrated. The four year estimation date was rapidly approaching. He shakes his head lightly, his eyes reflecting the light of the various colourful crystals embedded in the wall. "No time to feel sorry for myself." He mutters, before taking a few more steps, deeper into the tunnels. After all, these gemstones were all deemed too flawed to be mined, was that really a sight wondrous enough to feel sadness for? A bunch of broken and flawed things scattered across his vision?

    He doesn't bother to take the time to dwell on it. That was too much effort.

    Catherine entered the mine exhausted, but in the best mood she'd been in for several weeks. The surprise hatching of her new Electrike, now named Holo after a Manectric spirit from a show she enjoyed, had been just the tip of the iceberg. The little Electric type had given her very little time to sleep, constantly bounding around, nipping at her and the rest of her team and being insanely affectionate towards a bunch she'd only just met.

    There was no denying that the energetic, mischievous young Pokemon was cute though and dealing with her endless enthusiasm seemed a fair trade for the absence of people. She hadn't seen another soul in days and it was glorious. She could appreciate the beauty of the mine's many jagged, colourful crystals in relative peace while Indra and Stampede attempted to corale the Electrike that kept sprinting ahead of them to investigate things.

    Things quickly took a turn for the worse though as Catherine quickly realised she was no longer alone in the tunnels.

    As she pushed onwards through the dull illumination of the refractory gemstones, she would find herself at a convergence of two rocky paths into one. The two tunnels funnelled into a single branch, only to split again but short distance further in. Two paths crossing, then splitting apart again.

    The young man who approached from the path opposite hers, thought that seemed a little too convenient.

    When Raphael first stepped into the converging path and realized he wasn't alone, he raised an eyebrow. He examined the girl who he was now faced with briefly, black hair, glasses, a displeased expression. Much as he tried to feign ignorance to himself, he knew who this person was. Another graduate, but he wasn't much in the mood to throw his lot in with someone else again so soon after his time with Arrietty. Even if that girl tended to bring out the best in him. With a gentle nod, he acknowledges her, then moves to step into the tunnel ahead, hoping they would choose different routes when it diverged.

    Yet he pauses in his stride when he remembers something. A conversation he had via text just a week or so prior.

    Raph's Phone said:
    @SimonSays412: :(
    @SimonSays412: :((
    @SimonSays412: :((((((((
    [Author's Note: These texts continue ad nauseam until Raph decides to respond.]
    @Raph810: what
    @SimonSays412: can i vent to u
    @SimonSays412: i dont like Catherine
    @SimonSays412: she said some pretty mean shit after our battle
    @SimonSays412: and to ruben also
    @Raph810: she's from our class yeah?
    @SimonSays412: yea we had a battle and it got p intense
    @SimonSays412: and i thought she was getting into it but instead she called me a loser and said Ruben wasnt even my friend
    @SimonSays412: like wtf
    @SimonSays412: yea i lost but still :///
    @SimonSays412: ruben says hi btw
    @Raph810: k
    @Raph810: hmm
    @Raph810: will deal with it, nbd, talk later
    @SimonSays412: wdym 'deal with it'
    > Seen: 5:40 PM
    @SimonSays412: (OK Emoji)

    Raph looks over his shoulder briefly, back at the girl behind him. He had told Simon something like that, that he'd deal with whatever problem he was facing at the time. Realistically he had just told him that to shut him up and stop whining at him, dealing with that sort of thing was exhausting after all, but still.

    Thinking back on it… and on the situation Simon had been put into.

    Raph sighs and turns around fully, facing the girl now properly. "Say… you're Catherine, right? From Wedgehurst Academy?"

    Catherine didn't respond at first, opting to first scoop up her squirming Electrike before she could tackle the newcomer to the ground in her curiosity, much as she had done to Catherine herself multiple times already. It was only with the baby safe in her grasp that she answered.

    "Yeah," Catherine replied, taking in the speaker for the first time. It wasn't difficult to see why he recognised her, she knew him too. Still, of all the graduates she could have had the misfortune of encountering, she figured Raphael was one of the better ones. She had a hard time imagining him putting in the effort to be annoying for long. "And you're Raphael, also from the Academy. So?"

    One hell of a tone, Raph was already piecing things together. "Not much of a so, just wanted to make sure and be cordial." It wasn't entirely true to say that, but it wasn't false either, not be a long stretch. He shifts, rubbing his neck a little as he takes stock of the girl.

    Something felt odd as he looked at her, like he was seeing beyond the pale so to speak. Her distaste for him was evident, but not focused. He could almost see it. Her irritation. She didn't hide it.

    No use beating around the bush here. He sighed gently, before his gaze focussed and settled on her again, it was different enough not to be relatable, yet eerily similar to her own glare. "I heard you battled Simon, once again, from the academy. Went well from the account I heard?"

    "I did," That was a surprise to Catherine. She couldn't remember Raphael ever really talking to anyone, least of all someone with the kind of upkeep Simon was likely to require. She supposed he could have heard about it from Ruben, but that was almost as weird. "I didn't particularly want to, but he badgered me into it. So I beat him. Why?"

    She didn't like the way Raphael was looking at her, as though she'd wronged him in some way by battling the irritating Bug trainer. It had nothing to do with him, and she wanted nothing to do with him either. Why was someone as apathetic as Raphael of all people going to stick his nose into her business and cause trouble for her now?

    Defensive. That was probably to be expected, they didn't know each other well so the sudden third degree was a little over the line. Still, from the way she was speaking an image of her encounter with Simon was forming in his mind. Raph felt something off about Catherine but he couldn't pinpoint what. He had to find the source of that feeling.

    But why did Raph, of all people, feel the need to do that? He wasn't entirely sure himself. Time to fill in the gaps Simon left open.

    "Simon's an annoying bastard." He states plainly, not holding back, nor mincing his words. "But he's a good kid, not a bad bone in his body. You're a trainer, trainers battle right? Even still, he's not capable of forcing you." He pauses, still maintaining a steady gaze. "You had no right to treat him the way you did. That was out of line."

    "I'm not obligated to be nice to anybody," Catherine retorted, "Yeah, I shouldn't have let the irritating little prick goad me into doing something I had no interest in doing, but I'll be damned if I'm going to tolerate him just assuming I should play into his self-centred fantasies at the expense of everyone stuck in his company."

    The Electrike in Catherine's arms barked and squirmed more as her grip tightened slightly with her growing irritation. Of all her pain-in-the-ass classmates, this was the one she least expected to be interfering in things. Yet here they were, with Raphael bothering her in the middle of a mine. "I just want people to leave me the hell alone, but now I have to deal with you accosting me too? I don't care how much defending Simon feeds your ego or whatever, but I don't want anything to do with it."

    Catherine turned and started heading down the tunnel ahead of her, suddenly very eager to be out of the mines. Indra and Stampede looked back at Raph briefly, before scuttling after their trainer. As it was though, they didn't get very far because Catherine halted suddenly at Raphael's response.

    "You're a hypocritical person, aren't you?" He sighs out the words as he turns to face Catherine, while she tries to walk away. It was a direct and abrupt statement, enough to catch her attention for a few seconds more it seemed. Raph had pieced it together now, there was no longer any need to hold back.

    "You look at everyone around you like they're guilty of some crime. You see everyone around you as automatically selfish and self-serving, so you look down your nose at us like we're the scum of the Earth. Especially when anyone dares to question anything you do." His voice is cold, cool and apathetic. In a way he thought, the lack of venom might've been more stinging. Though he didn't much care. "When someone like Simon tries to force you to engage you see it as an affront to you, because you're so above him and everyone else. You think it's only natural to put him in his place. So you do, in your mind you're in the right and anyone else, including a friend of his approaching you because he was hurt, is wrong." He closes his eyes and shakes his head gently.

    "But I'm the egotistical one? Get real. How delusional can you be, Catherine?"

    "I never said I was better than anyone," Catherine snapped back, turning back around, hearing the faint echo of another of her classmates saying something very similar not too long ago in the back of her mind. "Everyone is selfish and self-serving. Every single person, each and every one, no exceptions. People don't care about each other and every action they take is based on what's good for them, even at the expense of others. People use, abuse, manipulate, lie to and steal from everybody around them every day. That's the norm."

    In Catherine's arms, Holo was barking aggressively, almost as if saying "damn right" in support of her mother figure. Stampede and Indra remained silent, the former looking back and forth as though trying to decide whose side he was on and the latter with a look of concern and confusion. Of course, he didn't really get what was happening. Catherine barely registered any of that, her scathing gaze was focused on Raphael.

    "Nobody does anything that isn't beneficial to them. Even supposedly selfless acts are really motivated by a desire for personal glory or praise. There is no charity or altruism in this world. Only politics. The only difference is that I'm smart enough to see it and I choose not to engage with it. I don't want anything to do with assholes like Simon, or like you for that matter. I'm not going to be used like that and be someone's victim and I'm not going to pretend that any of that's okay. If you don't like that, that's your problem. I don't owe you anything. You're just another person motivated by your own personal brand of hedonistic egoism."

    "Just like you." Raphs response doesn't miss a beat, but his grow furrows, he's irritated. "You're so wrapped up in that perception that you've started to believe it yourself but when anyone starts to examine your behavior a little bit closer the truth is obvious. You want to look at the whole world as selfish because it justifies your own behavior. If the whole world is selfish and shit than you can act like whatever piece of work you choose and win by default. You really think you can make it through this world with that perception and not have it kick back?" His lip curls, but he shakes his head gently, shoves his hands in his pockets and sighs.

    "The world isn't selfish and self serving. You are. But you can't deal with that. So you've convinced yourself that everyone else is the problem to avoid dealing with your own shitty actions." He opens his eyes and there's a cold hanging in them, glaring at her, tearing her open. "When I ran into a burning building to save someone I barely knew it wasn't for self serving purposes. I didn't ask for glory, nor stand in the spotlight. Tell me, if the world is as shit as you say it is? What's your plan? You going to do anything about it?"

    "Of course I'm selfish and self-serving!" Catherine yelled, practically burning with rage as her voice echoed through the mine. "I just told you, didn't I? I don't think I'm better than anyone else. People are scum. All of them. No exceptions. You want to give me some bullshit story about running into a burning building with no ulterior motives? Maybe it wasn't glory or praise you were after, but I've seen enough of you. You don't do anything if you can avoid it. You don't like dealing with others any more than I do and push people away because it's too much effort to deal with them. People like you don't run into burning buildings unless there's something inside it for them. Who the hell is an apathetic piece of shit like you to judge me for not wanting to involve myself with a world that would step all over me without hesitation?!"

    Catherine could hear that voice in her head again. She was all too aware that the words that had just come out of her mouth echoed what Ruben had said in retaliation to her back on the train from Wedgehurst. It only made her madder.

    "Except I don't avoid the world because of who I am, I engage with it despite that." His voice is still calm as hers grows more visceral. "I step out here, I engage with others. I believe in the world around me, I grew up loving it, even if I'm not always allowed to enjoy it." He takes a step forward, calm defiance in face of her anger, deflecting it aside.

    "Who am I to tell you this? I'm the guy who chose to embrace a world that hurt him. You're the girl with all the opportunity and all of the excuses to waste it while sitting around angry and bitter." He pauses, letting the words sink. "There are bad people in the world, but there's good too. Ignoring that good shows that you can't, no, you won't work to be a part of what's right. You're running away from reality and justifying your nonsense best you can. If I'm wrong then try answering my question. What's your plan? What are you going to do to change the world you hate so much?"

    "The world hurts everybody in some way, you're not special," Catherine snarled, "Damn right I'm running away from reality. I don't want to deal with it. I'm not going to do anything to change the world because it can't be changed. People are always going to be people. All I ask is that I be left alone, but apparently you assholes can't even manage that because it's more personally satisfying to fuck with me."

    "I'm not saying I'm special. That's exactly my point." Raph glares through the words. "I'm not special, neither are you, we're the same, isn't that what you were getting at earlier? Despite that I tried, you didn't, you cried and you whined and you bitched because the world isn't what you want it to be. Then you took what you felt and tried to use it to drag others down. You get the picture yet? Your world doesn't need to be trash, but if it is, it's because of you. It's because you gave up on it. How could a world like that ever be anything other than awful?" He narrows his eyes one more time, driving the spike in best he could.

    "You're not the solution to your problem, you're the cause. If we're just as bad as each other, then you have no right to treat anyone else as lesser than you. Especially not a person like Simon who's so naive that he'd be friendly to anyone, even you. You're the one sinking lower, every step of the way, so unless you shape up and rise above what you claim to hate, then you'll continue to fall, dragging everyone around you, including the pokémon by your side, down with you."

    The last part he lets hang in the air, before he sighs and takes a few more steps forward, circumventing around her. His footsteps echo hollowly around the tunnel, the diverging paths. He moves past her without even looking at her. "...or did you forget you're a trainer too? I'd almost believe that considering the situation that caused this. Grow up, Catherine." That was the last word he spoke to her, without turning back, regardless of any response she might have had, Raphael disappeared into the darkness of the rightmost tunnel. Catherine and her team were alone again.

    Alone, but the peace was shattered. Catherine cared little for Raphael or what he thought of her, at least that's what she wanted to believe. It was hard to commit to that thought then and there because those last words had stung. More than anything that Simon or Ruben had said, suggesting that she was making her Pokemon suffer? The one good thing she'd found in the world? She would never do that. Never.

    Would I?



    [font=Brawler][color=#91a8d4][i]Here comes the boi
  • 904
    Raphael Allard
    > ???
    > Mood: ...
    > nightmare

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Trigger Warning: Terminal Illness, Nightmares, Pyrophobia


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  • 2,791

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]Simon Pearburgh
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Spewpa ♀ Harden | Tackle | Stun Spore | String Shot | Poison Powder Friend Guard
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Caterpie ♂ Tackle | String Shot | Bug Bite Shield Dust
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Burmy ♂ Protect | Hidden Power (water) Shed Skin
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Snom ♀ Powder Snow | Mirror Coat | Struggle Bug Ice Scales
    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Blackspear License
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokéball x2
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Net Ball x1
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Mysterious egg
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Strange Rock
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Potion x3
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Venoshock TR
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Bug Catcher Net
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Slightly less cinnamon buns
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Camping Supplies
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0

    Route 3 Outskirts

    A fair distance from the main area of route 3, Simon's camp was set up on a natural clearing beside a few trees. He'd deviated off the path for a few days in the hopes of finding more wild Pokemon to train with, though he'd found that most of his time had been spent helping said Pokemon keep warm, leaving his team to practice on still targets like boulders and snowmon. With Snom's help he'd managed to make the resting area camp-able and spent the night, and as the sunrise peeked through the hills in the distance, he sat on the edge of his tent, slurping the last of the packed holiday hot chocolate he'd bought, a small and now extinguished campfire smoking a short distance away.

    He hadn't willingly picked up the habit of getting up this early. As he'd discovered, besides Burmy's nocturnal nature, his other three Pokemon were also natural early risers. For Spewpa and Snom it wasn't much of an issue, as the former was fairly quiet and considerate and the latter would just go to chew on some snow, but Caterpie wasn't as easy to care for. As soon as it would wake up, the bug's incessant cries would jolt Simon awake and the only way he'd be able to quell them was with food. Besides the sleep schedule issue though, he'd found that caring for a Pokemon team of his own was much easier than he'd been taught, probably because none of them were very high-maintenance- so he was doing that well at least. There was, however, the egg Tim had bestowed upon him. Simon wasn't sure exactly what Pokemon would come out of there, but he knew that raising baby Pokemon was far more time-consuming than regular ones found in the wild. He found it hard to believe the one in this egg was born to battle- Rosa's Budew didn't seem like it even knew any battle-worthy moves. Following the breeder's instructions though, Simon had been careful to leave the solar-powered incubator peeking out of his bag most of the time so it could recharge. As he held on to the device, the heat coming from it helping to warm up his hands, he looked at what his Pokemon were doing.

    Spewpa and Burmy were engaged in what one could only assume was another riveting debate about bug-politics, as the fuzzy worm shared more of her coat with her partner. Caterpie sat beside them, nibbling on a berry, eyeing the two Pokemon with boredom and glancing at Snom once in a while. The ice worm was brooding alone as usual, clutching her precious ice shard with her legs as he ate away at the snow. With a nod of neighborly determination, Caterpie took his berry and crawled over to his icy teammate. As he got closer, the bug glared at him, as if he'd dared to step close to her without permission. Caterpie slowed down, but kept on approaching, holding on to his berry like a shield. As he got closer Snom's glare remained on him, until she let out a loud warning hiss. Caterpie squeaked quietly in response as he stood up taller and placed the berry in front her, as if giving her an offering to join him and the others. Snom stared at the gift for a moment and glanced at the other three bugs. She was quiet for a second… then promptly blasted the berry back at Caterpie's face with a flurry of snow.

    Simon sighed as he watched his dejected Caterpie crawl back to his friends. For a moment he'd actually believed the Pokemon had a breakthrough, but that hope was sadly short-lived. Snom's hostility towards other Pokemon was unlike any other one he'd seen, even in the dozens of wild bugs they encountered every day. He wondered if the battle against Catherine and Indra played a factor in her bitterness- no, probably not, otherwise she would've been just as angry with him. It seemed like losing in battle didn't bother her as much- probably just saw it as an opportunity to get stronger. Heh, we have that much in common, at least. Simon thought.

    He knew it wasn't the loss that was bothering him about the encounter with Catherine. Defeat in battle was never the issue, it just meant he knew to try harder next time. No, what was bothering him was what she'd said after the battle.

    "Nobody is obligated to indulge you or your fantasies and if someone like Sancho over there is doing that, it's not because they believe in your abilities, it's because they think they can get something out of you."

    Yeah. A fantasy. Simon thought, gripping his mug a little tighter. At first glance that's how everyone would see his goals, his aspirations, and of course they did, he couldn't blame them. But he could change that. He had changed that. He'd made people believe in him, people like Sachi, like Raph, like Ruben, like Kabu- hell, he'd proven himself to Aeliana before the job interview. People who saw him and his goals as more than a joke, people who actually rooted for him rather than out of pity.

    People who didn't think he was a loser.


    He took another sip of his drink, trying to tell himself that the girl was just another smack-talker on the trail. A champion's gotta take some knocks, right? He'd battle her again eventually, and he'd show her what a challenger with a real shot at winning looks like.

    A loud beeping noise interrupted his train of thought. He looked down at the incubator to make sure it wasn't coming from there, before looking behind him into his tent. The sound was coming from his backpack. He peeked inside and noticed that it was coming from the tablet Blackspear had given him to sign off Tim's package, which he'd been instructed to keep afterwards. He hadn't touched the device much since, it seemed to be locked from the inside unless the system allowed it to be used. As he picked it up, the beeping stopped, and the screen turned on, flashing the Blackspear logo before dissipating into a login screen. Simon stared blankly at the form until he realized his details were probably on his license card- and they were. One he'd done that, another Blackspear logo appeared, followed by a notification for a new message:
    FROM: Blackspear Motostoke
    TO: S. Pearbugh

    Dear Trainer,

    You have been assigned a new delivery task, to be delivered to: TURFFIELD. Pickup location: GALAR MINE #1 ROUTE 3 ENTRANCE. Pickup time: 8 AM. Contact name: AURORA YAN. Please check with your supervisor for any additional questions.

    The future is Blackspear!

    This is an automated message. Please do not respond to this email.

    Simon looked at his phone and spat out his drink. 8 AM?! We're miles away from the mine, we'll barely make it! he thought, scrambling to his feet.

    "Oi lads, we're moving quick!" he called out to his Pokemon. "They gave me the bloody morning shift…" he grumbled.


    8:09 AM. Simon was panting as he'd finally reached the entrance to the mine and looked at his phone. Cursing under his breath, he looked around to see if anyone he could pinpoint as a Blackspear employee was waiting for him- but nothing. He furrowed his brow; if this person had ended up being even more late after he'd run all the way through this snow to meet them, he'd send a strongly worded email to their-

    "Simon Pearburgh?"

    A voice from seemingly out of nowhere called out to him. He looked around, confused, and realized it hadn't come from mines, but from behind a few trees right next to the cave.

    "You're twenty minutes late." the voice scolded. It sounded female, though still quite young, and spoke with a calm but strict tone.

    Simon looked at his phone again, still catching his breath, "wha- I'm only nine m-"

    "Ten minutes early. Proper etiquette." she interrupted, stepping out from behind the trees. The voice belonged to a dark-skinned young woman, almost Simon's age even, with an Elgyem floating by her side. Was she another trainer hired by Blackspear? She didn't look the part of a Blackspear employee at all (and frankly, neither did Simon), as she was dressed in plain grey winter clothes and a backpack not unlike a full-time trainer's. Her hair was tied up in a neat ponytail however, and the air of professionalism she seemed to carry about her hinted at her being more than just a regular travelling trainer.

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Simon blinked a few times. "Um, hi! I'm Simon- but you probably already know that. Could I ask what's with the, um, hiding in the trees thing?"

    "Sensitive information. Now come here." the girl snapped. She looked at the floating Pokemon beside her. "Elgyem, Trick Room please."

    As Simon approached the pair he noticed the area around them shimmering slightly. "Well, uh, nice to meet you… Aurora, right?" he said, remembering the name from the email.

    "Mhm, sure. Hurry and give me your tablet, we won't be cloaked for long." she responded dryly, pulling out a laptop from her bag. Once Simon handed her the device she crouched down and connected it to the computer.

    "Uh, why are we… hidden, exactly?" Simon asked after a moment of silence. This girl sure was making him feel welcome as a colleague, but something about her felt off.

    "Sensitive information, I said."

    "Right, gotcha." Simon looked away awkwardly and mentally twiddled his thumbs. This tense silence continued for a few minutes as the girl typed away on her laptop, the reflection in her glasses showing lines of code and programs opening and closing rapidly.

    Unable to bear the tension anymore, Simon spoke up, "So, Aurora... you're a trainer, right? Are you a league challenger?"

    The girl faced him after a moment, the reflection in her glasses fading away. "I'm not here to make small talk, we're already past schedule." she snapped, before turning to her computer again. "...and yes, I'm a trainer."

    "Oh, sick!" Simon exclaimed. "Then you probably recognize me from the challenge, right? 412, I went up against Kabu."

    "...I'm not a challenger." Aurora responded, maintaining her monotone voice. "I'm sure it's an absolute joy."

    Simon opened his mouth excitedly to respond, but stopped himself. He was worried anything he'd say about his journey would come off as conceited or self-absorbed, as he was a league participant and she wasn't. He knew he'd been lucky to even have the opportunity to attend Wedgehurst, and that any other competitor would require a direct endorsement from a gym or champion, so him saying anything about himself would sound far too privileged.

    Aurora breathed a sigh of relief as she pressed a final key and closed her laptop, handing the tablet back to Simon. "Take this, and do not let anyone see you with it, especially not a worker from the mines. Make sure it gets to the office in Turffield intact."

    Simon raised an eyebrow; was this some sort of crazy valuable Rotom-dex he was holding? Or was it some sort of software…? Regardless, he knew he couldn't access anything inside without it unlocking remotely. He nodded at the girl's instructions and put the device safely in his bag.

    "Don't worry, I can just make my way around the mountain. Might take longer, but I was hoping for some more training anyway."

    Aurora picked up her bag and stowed away her computer, motioning for her Elgyem to follow her. "Good. As a precaution, don't tell anyone we've met; I don't know you."

    Simon shrugged, "Eh, I've heard that one before. Anyways, cheers."

    As he turned to leave, the girl's voice stopped him. "...and good luck. On your challenge."

    "Thanks! I-" When he turned back to look at her, he heard a loud blip and the pair had already teleported away.

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    ba-dum tssss. [icon]coffee-pot[/icon]
  • 992

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Nona Rodriguez
    ◇ Motostoke

    Young Nona seated herself inside a café, coffee and brownies acquired through her father's income laid before her. Their sweet scent tempted her, but her guilt for possibly leaving an endangered igglybuff overruled her olfactory senses.

    Beldum slept next to her plate, rhythmic metallic hums blending with the background idle chatter and café music. Pokémon and humans alike ordered and munched on the sweetest of delicacies. But no amount of hunger could have swayed Nona into nibbling on the baked goods.

    Place yourself in their shoes, her father would say, she imagined, wouldn't you want someone to help you when you can't do it on your own?


    The blissful squeal of a full pikachu jabbed Nona away from her thoughts with eyes blinking and readjusting to her surroundings. Sunset had now passed and she remained within the safe confines of the building, darkness having fallen on the streets of Motostoke.

    Was it too late to try again?

    Despite the grumbling stomach, Nona took her brownies and gulped her coffee, its sweet elixir injecting the woman with a burst of energy; she was ready for round two.

    Chapter 3.5

    A brownie was set feet from the burrow and atop a stack of brown napkins. Nona and Beldum watched from atop a nearby ledge, hidden beneath a low-reaching branch.

    "Are you ready? If you're not you can let me know, you know?" Nona asked of Beldum, who hovered next to her, red pupil awaiting for the culprit to emerge.

    But no culprit emerged. Instead, a pink ball steadily rolled out, inch by inch, as if unsure of itself. And when it bumped against the napkins a pair of legs and stubby arms suddenly popped out of its spherical form.

    It was an Igglybuff. Perhaps THE Igglybuff.

    Stunned by the revelation, Nona's breathing hitched as the gears turned, never having thought of what to do now that the lost pokémon was found. Or rather, regardless of what plan she had concocted, her anxious mind erased it and left Nona with nothing to work with.

    "O-okay… okay okay okay, Azúl, that's them… oh my god that's them, we-we found them…!" she announced the obvious to her companion, regaining hope with every word uttered.

    Nona and Beldum observed the small puffball nibble on the sweet brownie, never budging. And despite the cold having been affecting Nona earlier, now it is her trepidations for the next step that was beginning to warm her, nervous and anxious.

    "I-I can, um… maybe like, run and grab it?" Nona began to brainstorm with her companion, who faced her to better aid her. "Uh… it likes the brownies? Maybe I- ah! Drat, of course! I could have put the brownie inside my backpack and left it open there too. Then we could have simply scooped it all and all- oh my gosh I'm so dumb." Both of her hands ran through her brown locks, frustrated the idea did not occur to her sooner.

    "Okay um…! Cookie… let's try calling it? I-I don't know if it will work, but we can try so… okay. Let's go," she further pondered with Beldum, steadily lifting herself to a standing position feet from the unsuspecting Igglybuff.

    She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, capturing the small balloon's attention as she intended. "Cookie… hey, Cookie, look," Nona began, hand slowly but surely retrieving the remaining piece of the brownie. At first the igglybuff embraced her piece of the delicacy and began to head back into the burrow, but during one of the many glimpses they treated themselves with, the very last one revealed Nona's hand, fully extended, with another brownie.

    "Buff!" the small pink pokémon cried out in delight, but this only alerted the burrow's denizen.

    "TANK!" a second, deeper cry emerged from the burrow. It startled Nona and caused her to freeze in fright. What then jolted out the den was a purple skunk-like creature that donned a cream stripe running down its spine. It paused to take in the scene; igglybuff marched towards Nona, stubby arms open wide in a form of accepting the idea of more brownies.

    Beldum's movement downwards in a defensive position in front of Nona provoked the now-discovered-Stunky to break into a dash, which shocked Nona into a nervous mess.

    Nona panicked, hands unable to decide where to go as three pokémon were in her peripheral vision. "Oh my god oh my god Azúl Azúl, watch out watch out WATCH OUT!" she squealed, arms proceeding to instinctively wrap themselves around Beldum. Her foot then power kicked the Stunky away from them, followed by a pained cry that escaped the poor skunk as it flew past its den and into nearby bushes.

    Igglybuff paid no mind to the commotion, at last reaching Nona and bouncing on its tiptoes as it signaled for the woman to lift it up, eyes ogling the brownie still in her hand hungrily.

    "...oh no… I just kicked- oh my god, Azúl, do you think it's okay?! Shi- I mean, shoot! Shoot shoot shoot," she fretted, letting go of Beldum and scooping Igglybuff into her small bag, sliding the bag as to let it hang on her front chest instead of her back like a baby carrier. "Maybe it's still okay and-"

    A sudden, streaky blue beam carrying circles of various colors erupted from outside their vicinity, which then impacted the already-shaken Stunky.

    Nona had watched in horror and disbelief all the while igglybuff giggled and burped inside the backpack. And approaching the unfortunate scene was none other than her brother; two kirlias hopped and twirled behind their trainer, further adding to Nona's surprise.

    "Hey Nona. Dad asked me to see if you were okay because you weren't answering your phone," he explained his presence, casually ambling past the scene of destruction and towards the stiff sister. His hands slid into his front pockets.

    "Hai-um- do you think it's okay?" she greeted before having taken a step forward, finger pointed at the unconscious Stunky. However the brother shook his head.

    He sighed. "It's okaaay, Nona. It's only wild."

    "I'm just worried for it. I think we really hurt it bad, you know?"

    He paused, dumbfounded by her logic. "Really? I saw you kick it," he recalled, replaying the interesting development in his head, causing him to snicker. "But it was sorta funny."

    She blushed, embarassed he witnessed the mishap. "No it wasn't! I didn't think- I just u-uh, I was scared!" Another giggle escaped his lips, which further flustered Nona. "No, really! It was an accident, I would never- ah, u-um, before I forget though, I found the lost pokémon I told dad about-"

    "Oh. Yeah. He told me about it."

    "Yeah, and I um." Nona closed the gap between them, opening the bag to unravel a gluttonous, hiccuping igglybuff. She then glanced at her brother, who in turn expressed surprise. "I found it… I… I found it!"

    "Awesome. Let's go return it then," he congratulated with a single, small pat to her shoulder before turning to head back to Motostoke. "I'm hungry anyway." The two kirlias bounded behind him, one of which sang while the other covered their ears.

    For Nona this was one of many momentous occasions of her journey. She got to be a hero. A risk, with it plenty of other problems that were tied to it, but an amazing feeling nonetheless.

    "... I'm so happy," she muttered to her Beldum within earshot, who haplily nodded in approval. "I really am. I didn't think I'd find it." She began to follow Moises, albeit would occasionally turn to check up on the unconscious skunk. "I didn't think igglybuff would be there. All I did was guess and went for it. A gut feeling, kinda?"

    With the stiffness now lost, Nona dashed over to Moises, eyes darting from Kirlia to Kirlia in curiosity. "Hey hey, they're soooo cute! I know you had one, but I didn't know you got another one! How did you get the other kirlia? When?"

    ♤ ♡ ◇ ♧​

    Moises rested himself against the hallway wall, on stand by as Nona was amid a conversation with the igglybuff tenants. At first it was an awkward start, but the revelation of just who Nona had saved injected the atmosphere with joy and relief. This, in turn, raised their volume high enough for Moises to push himself off the wall. He dialed his father.

    "Mijo, heeeey!"

    "Hey, dad."

    "How's Nona? Is she okay?" The brief pause as the young brother gave his sister a fleeting glance reassured him of the answer he put forth.

    "Yeah. She's happy and she found igglybuff. Too."

    "Ah, that's great! I'm proud of her, and thank you for checking up your hermana. You know how she is, she gets scared easily and doesn't like to do things… like that by herself."

    "Yeah, I know dad."

    "Hey, oyé… actually pass me to your sister," the father experienced a change of heart, wishing to hear the excitement leak out of her own voice instead of the monotone son. Moises lowered the device, sighing and glaring at the aforementioned sibling prior to lifting it back up.

    "Okay, dad. I'm going to pass you to her. Uh- Nona… Nona. NONA."


    Don't let me disappear
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    Rosa looked up at the mine's interior, taking it all in for the first time. She'd been through some of the tunnels in Johto on her travels between shrines, but none of them had been mining spots. Sure, every now and then, someone would come out one side or the other with a nugget or some other valuable, but it wasn't the main purpose of the locations. There were what she supposed would be referred to as "trash gems" all around, stuck into parts of the interior where they'd simply chosen not to mine away at.

    Large parts of the cave had been darkened, despite the lanterns still lining the walls; abandoned by its previous owners in their hasty exit. It had been just over two years since Simon and her had moved to this region, just making it in time for the controversy of Rose to come down.

    She sat on the ground, leaning up against a thin pillar as she looked down one of the darkened shafts. She yawned deeply for several seconds, stretching her mouth incrementally wider with each short breath that she took in between. She peered into the darkness, losing herself in the seemingly endless darkness that lay beyond what was illuminated from the lights of the room she was in now.

    As she sat, a few Pokemon passed her by, looking at the girl curiously before continuing on their business. Her Pokedex dinged several times, alerting her to the new additions available. But her concentration was unbreakable at that moment. It was a feeling she'd not been able to indulge for a while, and it wasn't as if she was behind on her schedule for getting to Turrfield or anything. She had time. She could finally zone out, and just exist.

    As she became still, and her breathing slowed, several Pokemon began to gather around her. A Paras climbed onto her lap and took a break, comforted by the warmth of her sweater; and a couple of Zubat decided to alight on her shoulders. Her gaze lethargically fell to the Paras on her lap as her hand moved in slow motion to caress the fungus growing from the Pokemon's back. Her head slowly moved back, resting against the pillar as her gaze drifted off into the darkness once more.

    "Maybe this is what it's like for Simon," she mumbled, her lips only barely opening as they clung to one another. She closed her eyes, feeling everything slowly slip away as she drifted off.

    "Hey, you alright there?" A gravelly voice boomed from over her, just as she started to fall asleep. The Pokemon which had gathered around her ran off, disappearing into the dark of the mine's shaft. Rosa turned her head from side-to-side before finally looking up, meeting the gaze of the burly man leaning against the pillar above her.

    Rosa nodded, wetting her lips slowly as she cleared the drool from the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just…"

    "It's mesmerizing, ain't it?" The man whispered, crouching down beside her as they both looked out at the darkened shaft.

    Rosa glanced back over at the man and then back down the dark path. "Yeah, something like that."

    The man chuckled softly and placed his hand on the girl's shoulder. "They say this part of the mine ain't worth much. That's why nobody's bought up the rights for it yet, but that's good. Good for us, of course."

    "Good for… us?" She whispered, craning her neck for the first time to look around the burly man. Shortly behind him was a lanky boy, roughly a few heads taller than the man beside her now. "What do you-"

    "See, we're miners. Semi-famous ones, at that - 'specially 'round these parts. So much of this mine has been claimed by smaller businesses, but other parts have been abandoned entirely." The man stood slowly, reaching his hand out to the girl. "But that's only because it's not quote-unquote, profitable, for a business to spend the time digging any more beneath the surface. But for independent excavators, these abandoned wings are literal gold mines."

    Rosa looked up at the man and then took the extended hand before being lifted easily off the ground. "Why are you telling me all this?"

    The man shrugged and shook his head. "The dark can be inviting, but it's good to have a reason to go in it, lest you get lost searching." He looked at her with an inviting smile before he tilted his head slightly towards her. "If you'd like, we can show you around a bit? We were planning on heading out now, since our bags are full, but... " he looked over his shoulder and shrugged at the man behind him. "We've actually been trying to get more individuals invested so as to reignite the hype around this place."

    Rosa nodded her head quickly to the side as she furrowed her brow. "So… you want to take me into a dark space, and show me how to mine for myself?"

    The men looked at each and then shrugged. "Not exactly. It actually takes a lot of upper body strength, not to mention a good amount of stamina to do any worthwhile mining. No, what we'll do is we'll find a place that you think looks good, and we'll dig something up for you. As we're digging though, we'll have a little competition. Me 'n my brother both know there's still much to be found 'round here, so regardless of where we did we know we'll find something worthwhile. So we'll have a little battle while we wait, me 'n you."

    "A battle?" Rosa questioned; the idea piqued her interest, if for nothing more than to give her Pokemon some more experience. The next gym was coming up quick, and she'd barely done any fighting. In the fight against that Runerigus, Zorro even did more work than Wyatt. If she was going to win the next challenge, she'd have to get him some more experience.

    "Yeah, see, since we know there's going to be something wherever we dig - given enough time, that is - it's basically handing out freebies. But there's no real excitement in that, right? So we'll have a little battle to decide who gets to keep whatever's dug up, yeah? If I win, I'll keep your prize and you'll walk away with the thrill of seeing what random things you can find down here still. And if you win-"

    "I get to keep the item and you walk away without having to over-fill your bags?"

    The man smiled and nodded. "Exactly. So, whaddya say, you in for a challenge?"

    Rosa shrugged her shoulders. She had plenty of Pokemon on her if the men turned out to be sketchy. What was she really risking? "Sure. Sounds great." If she found a good spot, she might even get something nice to sell in the next town.

    "Here," Rosa stopped, holding the flashlight she'd been given as the started down the path up towards the wall on the right. They'd been walking for nearly twenty minutes, but it finally seemed like 'the right time'. She didn't really know what she was looking for, after all.

    "Oh-ho. Yes, that is a good spot." The man walked to the wall and began knocking against it with his knuckles and then pressed on it with his palm. "Yeah, we'll find something good back there. It'll take time, but we'll find something good. Now the only question is, who do you want to go against? My brother Lloyd is a faster digger but he's also prone to chipping or breaking our finds, while I'm a little more calculated and take the necessary time and precautions."

    The lankier brother passed by her as they went to put their bags down, tapping his hand on her shoulder as he bent over. "Choose Monty, otherwise we'll be waiting for your find all day," he whispered, glancing over at her momentarily as he pulled himself back up. The two looked back over at the bulkier brother, noting that he was preoccupied with surveying the wall. "Love him to death, but he's a perfectionist." Lloyd shrugged, pulling up the flashlight in his hand and swirling it in circles at his brother.

    "Blast! You know that hurts my eyes, and yet you always do it!" Monty turned slowly, shielding his eyes from the flashlight. "Whaddya want, Lloyd?"

    The lankier brother dropped the flashlight to his waist and then cleared his throat. "The girl said she'd rather I dig, and you fight. Ain't that right?" he nudged Rosa lightly, knowing that Monty wouldn't be able to see the motion in the dark.

    She got the idea. If Monty really was as much of a perfectionist as Lloyd was saying, she could end up wasting a lot of time here and possibly end up arriving late to Turrfield. She shuddered as she thought about what the family might do to her if she didn't keep to the schedule. "Yeah, I'll go with Mr. Fast and Reckless as my miner. You look like you've got stronger Pokemon anyways."

    Monty laughed as Lloyd shrugged weakly in defeat. "Ay, you've got an eye both for minin' and for battlin'! You'd be right, my Pokemon are stronger than my brother's. Had you chose him, you might've finished your fight and still be made to wait. But don't worry, I'll make sure you don't have to go through that."

    Lloyd sighed as Rosa shrugged lightly. "Alright." She fumbled in her pockets for her pokeballs, wondering what kind of Pokemon he'd send out.

    "Well, Lloyd'll get to work. In the meantime, challenger goes first."

    The lanky man reached over and grabbed up a few tools, heading over to the chosen wall which had been taped off by Monty in preparation for the excavation. Rosa fixed her gaze on Monty, placing the flashlight in the waiting and helpful vines of the Budew that had crept from her bag.

    She should give Wyatt some more experience, but without knowing what he has to show, it could just end up with her throwing a Pokemon away with nothing to show for it. She felt around in her pocket for a few more seconds before pulling out another ball. "Yzma, it's up to you to start us out."

    The ball rolled from the girl's fingertips, bouncing against the uneven floor as the Snorunt burst free with a chill that filled the room. "Runt."

    "Ah, nice, nice." Monty nodded his head, evident by the light on his head bouncing with the motion. "In that case, I suppose it doesn't much matter who I choose first. Come on out, Sasha!"

    The man tossed the ball out, catching the capsule in the light of his helmet before it bounced off the ground. "Shrew!" The Pokemon cried out. The area slowly became lit as Lloyd began to hang the brothers' own gas lanterns around the walls.

    "Good, that means I can do away with this for the moment," Monty chuckled as he pulled the helmet off his head. "Well now, let's get this on then, shall we?"

    Rosa nodded looking down at the Snorunt. "Yzma, let's make this easy! Powder Snow!" The Snorunt nodded and began to blow as hard as it could, filling the area quickly with a soft but violent snow.

    "Sasha, don't worry about that buildup and use Dig before the ground gets covered!"

    "Shrew!" The Pokemon cried out, quickly tunneling under the ground, disappearing completely.

    Rosa looked around for a few seconds, waiting for the Pokemon to pop back up. However, as she waited, the smile on the man's face grew wider. "Ay, hope you like the little tactic we've thought up in our past battles. As long as you can't hit us, we can take as long as we like to power up underground. Do whatever you want, by the time Sasha comes back up, you won't be able to touch her."

    "Runt?" Yzma quietly turned to face Rosa, stopping the attack and looking confused as she waited for the next command now that the opponent was nowhere to be seen.

    The girl pondered for a second, considering the options that she currently had. She could go for a direct and all out attack on the spot where the Sandshrew dug under, but if there were any other tunnels down there then the attack would get lost and be meaningless, leaving them completely open to counterattack. There was only one real option for the time being.

    "Yzma, use Double Team!"

    The Snorunt nodded, creating doubles of itself until it filled the entire room. The miner watched as the Snorunt continued to multiply, never once losing his smile. "Double up all you want, it won't matter if you can't catch her."

    Rosa bit her lip, considering the next move. She could have Yzma just keep using up Protects, but the second she didn't have the energy for another one is when they'd strike. No, even if Monty wasn't fazed, she had to stick to the plan. "Yzma, cover that snow with some Ice Shards!"

    The dozens of doubles inhaled deeply, forming small crystals which they quickly blew out in all directions, coating the battle area of the mine with a thick layer of snow and ice.

    "Tch." Monty retorted, losing his smile somewhat. "Guess that would work, wouldn't it? Sasha has to come up sometime, and trying to dig through all that ice and still get out an attack would be troublesome, huh?"

    Rosa smiled and nodded, happy to finally see a result from her planning. But, her smile didn't last long, as Monty regained his own.

    "Lucky for us, we've planned for that, too. Sasha, do it now! Rollout!"

    "Shrew!" The Pokemon cried as it bounded out of the hole it had dug itself under from. The Pokemon was moving faster than Rosa or Yzma could keep up with, attacking each and every one of the copies in turn as it rolled around the room, propelled even faster by the 360° ice rink they'd created.

    As the last copy disappeared and the Sandshrew came to a stop for the first time, just inches from Yzma's face, the Snorunt tried to get out a Protect, instinctively knowing that another attack was coming shortly after. However, she couldn't get it off in time. Sasha started an assault of Fury Cutters, hitting the same Spot on Yzma's face each time it lashed out, knocking the Pokemon back until it was up against the icy wall that it had created.

    "Finish it with a Poison Sting." Monty proclaimed smugly, clearly pleased with himself and the Pokemon's performance.

    The Sandshrew pulled its arm back slowly, and then jabbed straight into the icy wall, missing the Pokemon that was no longer there. Rosa held out the Snorunt's pokeball which it had just been recalled to. "I-I'm sorry. She can't do any more."

    Monty nodded and motioned for Sasha to come back to him. "It's understandable. With so much prep time, there's only so much you can do."

    Rosa nodded. He most definitely had the upper hand, especially now that she had to send a Pokemon out against a fully buffed opponent. The felt around in her pocket, wondering which would be the better option. Both Pokemon were slow, but they each had their own benefits. Ezra could take a few extra hits due to her Thick Fat, but Wyatt wouldn't have to worry about connecting with his sound based attacks. Given how fast the Sandshrew had gotten, it was clear now what she had to do.

    "Come on out, Wyatt!"

    "Whis!" The Pokemon cried as it burst free, picking its feet up quickly as it danced over the ice. "Whiiis!" The Pokemon shuddered and quickly stumbled over to Rosa and attempted to stand on her foot.

    "Yeah, I know it's cold. But I need you to do this for me, okay?" She whispered, rubbing the Pokemon's head as she crouched down. "Yzma already lost, and he's got at least one more waiting in the back. I need you to be brave, and strong, okay?"

    The Whismur looked up into the girl's eyes, staring for several seconds before slowly nodding his head. "Whis."

    "Good," she smiled softly, lifting the Pokemon up and setting him down on the ice before giving him a little shove that sent him sliding across the ice. "Do your best out there!"

    "Ah, a Whismur. That could be a problem. I suppose we'll just have to-"

    "Whiiiiiiis!" The Pokemon cried out, hitting not only the opposing Pokemon with is Echoed Voice, but both trainers, and Lloyd as well.

    "Ahhhh!" Monty screamed, covering his ears. "The ice only makes it reverberate more! Where's those damn… ah!" The man dug quickly through his pockets and then pulled out two, little orange bits of foam before shoving them in his ears. "That's a bit better, but…"

    "Shrew! Shrew! Shrew!" The Pokemon took several slow steps back as it attempted to cover its ears from the painful cry.

    "What to do, what to do…" Monty mumbled to himself as he watched his Pokemon get hit with the resonating sound. "Break its voice with a Fury Cutter, Sasha!"

    "Shrew! Shrew!" The Pokemon continued to step back before attempting to dig under the ice, ignoring its trainers orders.

    "Sasha! Attack, don't run!"

    "Shrew!" The Pokemon retorted almost instantly, breaking through the ice and burying its head under the snow as it attempted to pack it in around its ears.

    "Oh, come on!" he called out, waving his arms for Rosa to stop.

    "Wyatt, that's enough!"

    "Whis!" The Pokemon replied, scooting its feet across the ice as it made its way towards Rosa.

    "Y'did good, kid. Got a strong Pokemon there." Monty called out loudly, trying to hear himself over the earplugs he'd put in as he recalled the buried Sandshrew. "Got one left for you though, and she should be a bit more challenging! Come on out, Kryn!"

    The man tossed out the ball, releasing what he hinted at was his final Pokemon. "Pyyy!" The Phanpy cried out, throwing its trunk in a loop as it stomped at the icy ground beneath it. "Py! Py! Pyyyy!" The Pokemon danced around, sliding slightly with each step that it took.

    "Get ahold of yourself, lass! We've a battle to win now!"


    Rosa nodded and looked back down at Wyatt. "Ready to finish this?"

    "Whis!" He replied, sliding off of her foot and back out onto the ice.

    "Let's go, Kryn! Use-"

    "Whiiiiiiis!" Wyatt screamed out once more, this time using a Disarming tone to his Voice. The Pokemon continued to cry out, taking steps towards the stumbling and sliding Phanpy as it carried on. "Whiiis! Whiiis! Whiiis! Whiiis! Whiiiiiiiiiidred." The Pokemon began to glow as it carried on with its scream, growing larger with each step that it took until it stood over twice its height and stared down at the small elephant. "Loud." He cooed, mockingly.

    Monty's eyes widened and he both quickly and frantically began to wave his arms in the air, signaling the end of the match. "Nope. Not in here. Match is over, you win. I'd rather give up something potentially valuable than lose my life to a cave in from that Pokemon's voice."

    "Wyatt… you…" Rosa stepped forward slowly, reaching her hand out towards the newly evolved Pokemon. "You evolved," she whispered softly, her lips curling up into a smile as she felt the sting of tears in her eyes. "You evolved." She laughed lightly. "You… you evolved… I'm so happy."

    "Loud," the Pokemon replied, looking down at his arms for the first time. "Loudred." He stepped forward, looking up at his trainer's face as she began to cry softly, and wrapped his arms around her. "Loud-loud. Loud-loud." He whispered, rubbing her back as she sniffed and wiped away at her eyes.

    "Thank you," she whispered, rubbing the Pokemon's head. "Heh. You feel different, but you're still the same, aren't you?"

    "Loudred." The Pokemon replied, not relinquishing its grasp on the girl. "Loudred loud-dred."

    Rosa nodded, pulling the ball from her pocket. "You heard what he said though. Even though I'm so happy, we'll have to cut this short - just so we don't get into trouble from how strong you've gotten."

    Wyatt looked up at Rosa's face, taking it in fully for the first time from the new angle before nodding solemnly. "Loud."

    Rosa smiled weakly, her mouth wavering as she tapped the ball lightly against the Pokemon's head and recalled him. "Thank you. I promise we'll spend some time together soon."

    "Well, suppose that's it, yeah? You've won, so all we can do now is wait." Monty recalled the Phanpy and placed both balls back in his pocket. "That's a good partner you've got there."

    Rosa nodded. "He was my first Pokemon-"

    Monty nodded and interrupted her. "Yeah, I'll bet. With the bond that you two have, you should have no trouble earning that badge in Turrfield."

    Rosa smiled and shook her head. "I'm not sure that we're strong enough for that yet, but thank you."

    The miner shrugged and then walked over to what was left of the taped off wall. "Yo, you about done in there?"

    "Just about!"

    Monty shook his head. "Wait til you see all the scraps of decent finds he brings with him out of there with what he manages to keep intact for you. So much wasted profits from not being able to sell things whole."

    "Hey, I heard that! It's not like you haven't broken anything yourself, y'know! Besides, who's the one that taught me how to mine?"

    "Yeah, yeah, blah, blah." Monty shook his head and began to flap his fingers against his thumb, imitating Lloyd's mouth moving.

    "Look here, I finished a while ago, but that vein had a few more things than I'd thought."

    "Told you it was a good one," Monty nudged at Rosa and winked. "So, what'd you find?"

    "Well, we got some small gems, nothing of note though. A couple of stones that we'll have to dust off and figure out, but-" he started, pulling out a satchel from his waist. "This is what I found first, so it's what I'll be handing over. I at least know its value."

    "What… is it?" Rosa asked, taking the string of rocks in her hands.

    "That there is a genuine Onix tail. Also, more well known as a Lagging Tail."

    "Is it… is it actually part of a Pokemon?" Rosa questioned, now slightly more unenthused about having such an item on her person.

    "Not sure to be honest. That's just what our Pops always called it, so it stuck. Kinda fits though, doesn't it?" Lloyd rubbed his nose as he placed the other finds back into the satchel at his waist. "It's supposed to make any Pokemon feel so heavy that it can't keep up. It'll always move after your opponent if you make it hold that, no matter how big or how bad that Pokemon thinks it is."

    Rosa looked at Lloyd and then over at Monty, scrunching up her face in confusion. "Why would anyone want to…"

    The brothers both shrugged at the same time before Lloyd walked back over to grab the bags that had been dropped. "Beats me," Monty started, shaking his head. "We're not professional trainers, so we'll leave that up to you. Fact is, that's a valuable item for battling. I'm sure you'll find a use for it as you go on your journey."

    The girl shook her head and took the tail in one hand. "If you say so."

    As Rosa set her bag down and began to open it, Monty peered over briefly before coming down to his knees with a look of absolute excitement on his face. "Oh, where'd you get those?" He whispered, trying his best to hide his emotions.

    Rosa looked up from her bag as she placed the Lagging Tail into the bottom of it. "Where'd I get what?"

    "Those!" he whispered, gesturing at the stone and the nugget which had come to sit together in the side of the bag where Zorro wasn't now napping, following his stint as resident light bearer.

    Rosa shrugged her shoulders as she closed the bag up. "Just around. I am a journeying trainer, after all."

    "I see, I see." He muttered, wetting his lips as he rose back to his feet. "Suppose you wouldn't be interested in parting with one of them, would you? I'd be willing to pay market price, just so you don't have to lug them around."

    Rosa glanced back down at the bag and then back at Monty. Nuggets weren't really much use outside of selling off for cash, as far as she knew. Not lugging it around any more than she had to would be nice, but at the same time, she was ignorant to the item's real value since she'd found it in a seemingly non-existent haunted mansion. She also didn't have any idea what it would go for normally at market price, so he could rip her off without her even knowing. But, then again…

    "Look," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a smartphone and showing her the ATC app as he opened it. "I'll load up the transfer, just name your price. I don't know if you're much of a gemologist, so I'll let you know if it's too low, don't worry."

    Rosa was more hesitant now than she was before, but she reached into her pocket and withdrew the ATC regardless. "How about… four-thousand? For just the nugget."

    The man shook his head, not at all seeming disappointed. "Higher than that… we'll say, five-thousand?"

    That was fine with her. She thought that the first number was a little high for something so small, but she wasn't going to argue. Although, she was sure that the age of it would add some kind of value - though she doubted he'd believe her if she told him where she got it. "Sounds good."

    The man smiled and nodded, loading up the transfer before holding the device out. "Go ahead and tap your card, and the transfer will be complete. Shame you're not interested in parting with the stone too, though I suppose I understand, given your female Snorunt."

    Rosa furrowed her brow as she saw the 'transaction completed' appear on the man's device and pulled her card back into her pocket. "What does the stone have to do with Yzma?"

    The man widened his eyes quickly before bringing them back to normal. "Oh. Well, I'd thought that you were aiming to use it to evolve the girl, seeing how you didn't offer to sell it."

    "Evolve… wh-what?" she whispered, pulling the ball from her pocket and looking between her bag and the contained Snorunt. "You mean that stone is-"

    The man shrugged as he picked up his bag and held out his hand expectantly. "As long as she's actually female, yeah. Part of the job down here's to know what Pokemon evolve with what stones - that's how you get the most money out of 'em. Though I've never had to use one myself, so I don't really know the process behind it."

    Rosa looked bewildered as she dropped the ball back into her pocket and slowly re-opened the bag, staring at the stone as she reached down beside it and pulled up the nugget. "Well, thanks." She said, nonchalantly as she placed the gold in the man's hand.

    Monty tossed the nugget in the air a few times and then rolled it around his fingertips before smiling wildly. "Yeah, no problem. Same thing goes for your Budew though," he nodded towards her bag as he pocketed the nugget. "Once he evolves, you'll need a stone to go any further than that. But, now that you know that much, I'll let you figure out the rest, aye? Trainer's journey and all that."

    Rosa nodded slowly as she closed the bag back up and swung it over her shoulder. She walked with the two miners out of the dark corridor they'd dragged themselves down and then ultimately parted ways as they made their way out, and she started in deeper into the mine.

    Rosa's Party

    Rosa's Journal

    Simon Dansen
    My childhood friend. Absolute idiot. Can't ever get a read on him anymore. Buttface. Always there when I need him. Always there when I least expect him. JERK. Showed me up in battle and evolved his Pokemon before me.​

    An ex-classmate. He took my bait and threw me for a loop when we were fighting a group of Munchlax together. Not as bad a guy as I thought. Because of him, I have to re-evaluate my notes on everyone else just in case. I'm interested in trying a different approach with him when next we meet.

    Helped out a wrongfully arrested girl. Really smart. Observant. Kind, but doesn't like to show it. Isn't a terrible cook.​

    Charles the Biker
    An eccentric, but strong man. Indulges in bad puns. Love for bikes. We left on good terms.​

    Nat the Ranger
    A doting older brother to several sisters. A strong trainer who follows their duty. Only spent a day with them. Not sure if I want to meet again or not since I stole a broken styler from his scene of investigation. We left on good terms, I think? Unless he notices that something's missing.​

    Budew Girl
    Never got her name. Apparently she's a challenger like the rest of my classmates. Comes from a family of Budew fanatics. They breed Budew in their hometown and journey around with all three forms of it. She seems endearing. It might be interesting to meet her again in the future. As long as she's not being accused of theft, that is.​

    Achille Béringer
    Rich kid. Pays his debts. Is keen on rich kid things. Doesn't seem much different from how he was in school, but still need to reevaluate.​

    Melody Argent
    Cute and kind. She keeps to herself kind of like I do. Loves music. Feels similar to Simon. Still need to reevaluate because of interactions with Jasper. Kind of maybe, possibly, a small amount of a badass. Finger guns - super corny. Don't harp on the idea of being in contests. If that culty stuff doesn't get figured out by the time we come back to Motostoke, I'll have to remember to find her around town. She's much more attuned to pop culture than I am.​

    The Family // Damien(?)
    Not the family himself, I don't think. I still haven't got his name or what role he really plays in all this. He's a shady motherfucker - pardon my Kalos. I still don't know how much of the stuff I've gone through in Motostoke has been orchestrated by him, but for the moment I'm not planning to try anything. I still don't know enough about him to make any real guesses. The longer that I stay around this town, the further behind the veil that I see. I'm scared even to go to sleep at night so long as I'm here. They have eyes... everywhere.​

    Buggy Simon

    Some kind of freak of nature. I guess he understands Pokemon in some way that I can't; like, he understands what they're actually trying to say when they speak? Kind of cool, but also weird. Him and Simon used to hang out every once in a while at school. He knows about my "secret styler".​


    An absolute ray of sunshine and happiness. She's also a streamer, and earns enough money from it to show it off. Not put off by literal ghosts. Has some kind of dream of meeting Mew.​


    Alolan dance girl. She's supposed to teach me sometime. Pretty much just how I remembered her in school. I didn't get to spend much time with her when we all hung out. Didn't seem too bothered by the ghosts.​


    Pia... definitely is afraid of literal ghosts. I had a few choice words for her, but... after we saw Jirachi, it just felt like the time had passed, so I gave up. She's seen me without my mask, so next time we meet up is probably going to be awkward.​


    Spoiler: Here be a number of large images
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]


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  • 25,595
    Catherine Carlisle
    18 | Female | From Wyndon
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Indra (Male, Swift Swim) - Rain Dance, Hypnosis, Bubblebeam, Double Slap, Mud Shot, Refresh
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Stampede (Male, Swift Swim) - Water Gun, Smokescreen, Twister, Focus Energy, Dragon Breath, Icy Wind
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Holo (Female, Lightning Rod) - Tackle, Thunder Wave, Spark, Howl, Flame Burst

    WARNING: I guess these are going to become a semi-common thing in Spear because this post ended up becoming a lot heavier than I originally thought it'd be. Self-loathing and panic attacks ahead. Yay.


    Catherine continued wandering through the mine, entirely alone. She had returned her team to their balls. She couldn't deal with them right then. She couldn't face them. Just looking at them made her stomach knot and her chest ache.

    I'd never hurt them. So why can't I look at them?

    It hurt. But what hurt? Catherine couldn't really identify a source to the intense pain she felt, yet she could tell it was there. That could only mean it was in her head, emotional pain. But that didn't make sense either, she didn't care about Raphael's opinion. He meant nothing to her. He was just an obstacle to avoid. Another predator lurking in the tall grass. For that matter, she didn't care about Haleigh, Melody, Simon or Ruben either.

    So why are they in my fucking head?! I can't stop hearing them.

    She stopped and took a deep breath, taking in her surroundings. Naturally, she had no idea where she was. She had intentionally taken the most obtuse route she could find through the mines to minimise the chances of running into Raphael, or anyone else, again. Thankfully, the method had proved effective. Less thankfully, she was pretty sure it was evening at that point. It had been a while since she'd checked her phone, she'd been too lost in her own head.

    Your world doesn't need to be trash, but if it is, it's because of you.

    "It's not my fault if other people are assholes," Catherine said, answering the voice in her head.

    She kept walking, not even sure if she was going in the right direction, not sure she even cared if she was. Every step she took took more effort than it should have. She could feel her frustration, anger and that nameless emotion she was struggling to identify. All of them felt like they were physically weighing them down. It was like her gravity was multiplied. It was unbearable.

    Her breathing got harder the further she walked. She knew she wasn't exactly in the best shape of the graduates, but it seemed like a bit much. Her heart hammered in her chest like it was trying to escape from her body. Her hands were clammy and her body felt shaky.

    "What the hell is wrong with me?"

    As if punishing her for asking that question, she felt each and every one of those symptoms suddenly leap up an order of magnitude.

    "So what makes you so much better than us? You're levitating above the rest of us because what?

    "Well I don't bloody see you trying to stop them"

    "Tch, big words coming from you, mate.

    "Well maybe that's why nobody hangs out with you then. You've got nothing to give- probably not even a challenge."

    "You're not the solution to your problem, you're the cause."

    "SHUT UP!" Catherine screamed into the cave, her voice echoing through the darkness. Anything else she might have said died before it left her lips. She realised she was panting, sweat dripping down her forehead and her heart now thundering at an absurd pace. She tried to take a deep breath and calm herself, but felt like she barely got any air. It felt like her throat was seizing up, constricting around her airway. She couldn't breathe right.

    You deserve it. You're just as bad as them.

    She sunk to her knees, feeling tears welling in her eyes. That voice didn't belong to one of her classmates. That was hers, her own thoughts betraying her. It wasn't anything she didn't already know, but hearing it was the last straw. She felt her throat grow tighter, her breaths growing more ragged. What was happening? Was she going to die there? Would that be so bad…

    "Help…" she whimpered, knowing that nobody could hear her.

    Without even realising what she was doing, she was reaching for the balls at her hip. She gripped the one at the front, expanding it to its full size and letting it drop from her shaking hand to the ground.

    With a flash, Indra appeared by Catherine's side. She watched as his typically blank and confused expression quickly morphed, bypassing concern and quickie reaching wide-eyed alarm.


    "H-" It was so hard to choke out the words. "Help me."

    "Poli?!?!" Indra looked around frantically, but found nobody who could come to their aid. He moved closer to Catherine, looking up at her with desperate eyes, wanting to help but not knowing what was wrong or how he could.

    Catherine lunged forward, moving purely out of instinct, eliciting a shocked squeak from Indra as she manically dived for him. She grabbed the Poliwag and pulled him in, hugging him tightly to her chest. After a moment, she felt him nestle into her as she rested her head on top of him.

    It was soothing. She was safe.

    Catherine stayed there for several moments, breathing deeply. She felt the faint warmth of Indra's body pressed into her. That was right. She didn't have to care about the world outside of the little bubble she occupied with her Pokemon. She didn't have to care about her classmates, her parents or anyone else. It didn't matter that the world was cruel. It didn't matter if it all burned to the ground. They were all that mattered. She shut eyes and felt herself start to slowly unclench and relax.

    You're the one sinking lower, every step of the way, so unless you shape up and rise above what you claim to hate, then you'll continue to fall, dragging everyone around you, including the pokémon by your side, down with you."

    "NO!" Catherie's eyes shot open, just like that she was suffocating again. She dropped Indra and scrabbled away from him through the dirt as he cried out with shock and worry. At that moment, she'd been using him. She'd latched onto him for comfort without a second of thought given to what he may have wanted. She'd just taken what she needed with no regard for anyone other than herself.

    It was just as she had always known. She wasn't an exception to the rule. Each and every person on the Earth was selfish, they thought only of what they could gain. She was no better than anyone else. She was just as terrible. She couldn't allow herself to be though. Her Pokemon were the only good she had come to know. She couldn't do to Indra what people did to her, what she did to other people.


    Indra's quiet voice reached her and she looked up. His alarm earlier had changed. He sounded truly afraid to her now.

    "Sorry…" Catherine said, "I shouldn't have dragged you out for this. You deserve better."

    She moved to all fours. Not sure she had the strength to stand on her shaking legs, she crawled towards Indra's pokeball where it still sat on the ground. Then she felt an impact and she was on her back in the dirt, staring up at the ceiling of the mine.

    A glance down at the weight on top of her was enough to tell her what had just happened. Indra was laying on top of her. As she'd crawled forward, he'd tackled her to the ground so she couldn't return him to his ball.

    "Poli!" the little Water type said firmly, determined.

    She couldn't translate it to her own tongue of course, but it was clear to even Catherine what it meant. He was not going to be stashed away at that moment. Despite herself, Catherine found herself smiling.

    Idiot. You just did it again. You were so afraid of being like everyone else that you didn't even think about Indra's thoughts. You just didn't want to feel like one of them. You are one of them though. You know it. The one thing that asshole is right about is that you have to be better than this.

    She sat up, taking several slow deep breaths again. She hugged Indra to herself again, gentler this time. She let his presence slowly erode the weight from her shoulders. Eventually the panic subsided.

    "I love you Indra, you know that?" Catherine said, exhaling deeply as the last of the anxiety faded away. At that moment, all she felt was gratitude and exhaustion. "Want to watch something? I've got some good stuff saved on my phone."

    Spoiler: Inventory
    - ATC
    - Expensive PokeGear
    - Pokedex
    - 800 Poke (On ATC)
    - TM Icy Wind
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    ba-dum tssss. [icon]coffee-pot[/icon]
  • 992

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Nona Rodriguez
    ◇ Route 3

    Beldum was battered against the freezing, stinging ground. Around it Kirlia twirled as sparks and static cracked in the surrounding air.

    Moises' second Kirlia observed from next to him. "Thunderbolt!"

    "Ohmygosh- it knows thunderbolt?!" Nona squeaked, hand over her panicked frown as guilt for agreeing to the terms of her brother's practice regimen surfaced. "W-wait, stop! I lost! It's okay I-" she begged, but by then electricity engulfed Kirlia, who flinched at the twinge of pain that came with it. With a sharp, downwards whip of her arm the collected electricity jolted and struck Beldum's bruised and scratched form, blinding Nona but for a moment.

    Nona panicked. "Azúl?! Azúl! Are you okay? Azúl?" She sprinted to the groaning pokémon's aid. Moises sighed, straightened position catching Kirlia's attention.

    "Hey, don't do that!"

    "But I'm worried and you know that!" Nona challenged, scooping her Beldum from the snow. "Azúl is hurt!"

    Impatience got the best of the brother, briefly leaning down with palms stuck together in an effort to quell his frustrations. "Nona, nobody cares if your pokémon are hurt or not, you're in a Pokémon Battle, they're going to get hurt."

    The young woman exhaled momentarily as she steadily rubbed Beldum's spine. "I know, it's just… you know… um, I feel bad," she insisted, disappointed in herself. "Like… I don't think I'm ready-"

    "Well, yeah, you need to let Beldum fight," he replied and returned his Kirlia into the Pokéball, of whom took a bow prior to being transformed into a red beam. "Beldum is very weak with you."

    "I know-"

    Moises raised three fingers for emphasis and interjected, "my Kirlia won all three rounds. Oh, and you healed Beldum in all three when I didn't."

    She held on tighter to her companion, who did not mind the frequent source of affection. "I know, I know I need more practice and… well, yeah." Moises crossed his arms and scanned his surroundings while Nona wiped Beldum's surface with a wet wipe, careful as to not let her fingers slip and screech against the surface like nails on a chalkboard.

    With a deep sigh Moises slung his backpack over his shoulder. "Whatever. It's..." He grimaced as he closed his eyes and tilted his head to face the jet black sky. Now hushed, Moises took it upon himself to wind down, unable to bring himself to further insist to his older sister of her shortcomings.

    "Sorry, I know you want to be ahead of everyone too-"

    "Nah, it's okay, Nona. I'll help you again next time. Even if you still suck."

    With a sunnier disposition, Nona began to take her leave, marching past her brother and towards the Pokémon Center ten minutes away. "Awwww it's okay, you really don't have to help little best brother EVER," she sang her response, throwing pointer fingers his way as a show of affection.

    "You're so dumb."

    Chapter 4

    The crunching of snow was a delightful addition to the senses alongside the amalgamation of idle conversations, children horseplaying, and holiday music blaring just a tad bit above the surrounding noise level. Various stalls sat next to one another, groups huddled before each one. A makeshift Christmas Lodge stole the show as it towered over the stalls, housing guests and pokémon alike.

    Beldum floated in front of Nona, pressing itself against her chest out of habit; her paranoia caused Nona to develop a habit of hugging Beldum in crowds of any size. All nighters from reading into crime articles and listening to podcasts instilled in her a skittish personality overtime. Albeit she is not one to scream, Beldum worried that her constant freezing and timid behavior would get her hurt.

    Christmas spirit oozed from the very thick, blissful atmosphere as the crowd participated in christmas caroling, donned festive colors, and tore down their walls to be more open with one another. Nona admired it all, yet could not muster the courage to socialize with a single soul. On the contrary, she avoided high-traffic areas and would sneak to settle inbetween stalls. Amidst the baking, shooting, fishing, coin tossing, and ball throwing, one such stall caught her eye the most; face painting and hair dying. The individual happily humming inside herself sported neon green locks that had been sloppily put into a large bun, strands cascading down and bending over her thick-rimmed glasses.

    Nona's lengthy stay prompted the stall owner to approach her, off-putting cherishe grin a nightmare to Beldum, of whom wiggled to draw Nona back to earth.

    "Heee~eelloooo and happy holidays!" began the pale woman, arms extended towards her wall of cheap products. "Can't help but notice that you've been giving a dirty eye to my dyes and paint over 'ere. Wanna have some face paint of hair dyed~?"

    "Oh no no, I'm so sorry, I really am!" Nona apologized and shaked her head, blushing from having been caught staring into god-knows-what. "Just wanted to um-uh, look and stuff. Kinda too afraid to paint my hair anyway, so-"

    "Now now, this hair dye isn't permanent! Do you think I'm a mad woman?" the owner corrected, hoping to ease Nona's qualms and squeeze money out of another customer. "It'll only last 72 hours! Or plenty of nice, long, steeee~eeaamy showers. Whichever you prefer!"

    Despite the new fact, Nona desired no temporary change. In fact, she wanted a permanent one, but for the life of her she could never decide what color to go with. For millenia she had been indecisive and terrified over the consequences of picking a color she may not love down the road.

    Determined to go another millenia waiting, Nona shook her head once more. "I'm so sorry, but maybe another time? You'll definitely see me with a new hair color within the year!"

    "Alrighty then! You best keep that promise now!"

    ♤ ♡ ◇ ♧​

    The festivities faded into the background as Nona found a rather solitary, soft boulder in which to rest her bum on alongside a thick blanket tossed over her shoulders to cocoon herself with. Poking from the hole around her neck were her forearms that held a pokepedia of sorts. It helped drag her mind away from the commotion and into serenity. But only for a moment.

    In reality the woman felt a twinge of jealousy for everyone else; she hadn't bothered to make friends during her trip. Scratch that, she hadn't made any good bonds. Her brother wasn't one to celebrate holidays or family festivities, much less this one. Her father was miles upon miles from here, more than likely binge watching an asian drama to feel alive again, or so he claims. One would think that having attended a class to pursue such a career such as this came with the possibilities of friendships and relationships - especially relationships - but nothing came of it. For she did not originally pay any mind to the thought of it. Furthermore, her nose had been so stuck in her studies that she can't seem to recall the names of any of her classmates.

    "Hey, Azúl, I don't annoy you, do I?" Nona inquired, eyes glazed over as her fingers rhythmically tapped the pages. Per usual, Beldum nudged her cheek gently, therefor sending Nona into a small fit of giggles. "Haha, staaaahp, you're too much! I love you too, Zuzu. But uh, uh, you know how I get. I just, um… yeah. But!" she explained herself before placing an emphasis on the last word, leaping into a standing position. "But we can try the stalls. Maaaaybe we'll meet someone? Or maybe find something we like?"

    The metallic rod hums in agreement.

    - - - - -​

    If a child were to be given freedom in an arcade then Nona would be a good example of how that would look like: she loses a water gun speed contest, breaks a bottle with hoop tossing, close-yet-not-on-the-white-section dart throwing, and failing to aim at basketball hoops. Upon falling on the carnival rope ladder four times, Nona took the time to research before attempting once more; she earned a fuzzy pikachu headband from it.

    One hour later and Nona grew weary, head thrown back and feet swaying in the air as she leaned back on a wooden bench. Beldum happily hovered above her, enjoying the slight sway of the pikachu ears that Nona twisted around their head.

    It was midnight and she whizzed through the majority of stalls faster than she expected.

    "It was all okay," Nona muttered, eyes closed as she focused on the gentle breeze on her soft skin. "But I sorta wished I talked to people at school. Then I'd have some friends to hang out with." She sat up, fingers untying and combing through it. "But maybe it's for a reason. You know? What if I did make friends, but then it wouldn't work out? I'm not picky with people, just uh… guess, well, actually- yeah, I'm just weird not gonna lie, hahaha," she giggles alongside a blissful Beldum, who acknowledged every word with a hum or sway of their pikachu ears.

    The moonlit landscape brought with it a tranquil atmosphere, chill wind gracing her features. Loose hair blew with the wind, strands stuck over her eyes and lips as she glanced up, grinning at the moon.

    "Hey. I remember when I used to sneak out and see my boyfriend every saturday at midnight just down the street. Do you remember that? At the time I thought that if I didn't that he'd break up with me. I mean, yeah, he's an asshole, but… uh… I guess I just like assholes- I-I shouldn't though! I really shouldn't!" she noted to her companion, who gave Nona their full attention, lowering themselves to her lap. Her hands began to stroke their chin, eliciting a blissful hum that acted as a lullaby of sorts. "But, as stupid as it sounds, whenever they're not assholes, it sorta… feels more, uh… genuine? Special? Like, oh my god, whenever a man smiles that normally doesn't, it just… it takes my breath away, you know? Oh, gosh, you've heard me talk about guys so many times already, haha… but I hope you don't mind. I can't talk to my dad about it. Can't talk to my bro about it, he thinks it's weird, and then well… don't have friends to talk about crushes and stuff with. And, oh gosh, the rumors and things I've heard while eavesdropping in the academy, a lot of people have had rough lives growing up. I mean, taking everything into consideration, I got very lucky with my life. My dad is like my bff, sorta, and I guess it helps that I wasn't old enough to remember my mom, just know from what other people said about her."

    Silence engulfed her vicinity as the weight of her last few words began to settle, crickets and howls from the distance filling the void. The lack of another human voice chiseled away at her optimism.

    "Ooooo if only I had someone to talk to. Somebody who can withstand hours of me talking. Or hey, maaaaybe just somebody who, uh, calls me to say hai!." Beldum rolled and pressed against her stomach, rolled away, and proceeded to repeat the maneuver several times at varying speeds, which elicited a giggle off Nona.

    "You know, you're right -actually sorry I'm talking to myself ah- I shouldn't be wishing for these things. I'm healthy. I'm okay. I can walk. I wasn't hurt. I never got bullied. I never had a terrible heartbreak, all things considered, got an amazing pa who acted like our mom too, and well, I'm… decent? Not beautiful, obviously, but I'm not too bad either. I think. I guess. Oh well, beauty is to the eye of the beholder, right?"

    Nona did not stop. She did not waver. Her lips continued to spill out the contents of her mind, of which were more of a lullaby than complaining to the beldum.

    But it was not Nona who was making wishes. It was Beldum. A single wish: To be stronger for her. To be her rock. To be her guardian.

    Beldum lifted itself above Nona's shoulders all the while she gave her emotions free reign to express themselves. But from the darkness amidst the trees behind them, a small source of light blips into view. Beldum stayed put, pupil never straying far from it. In due time the bright speck grew into a pumpkin-sized bright blur that would hop from tree to tree, like a curious child.

    "-think that maybe I need some time to draw better. Kinda like how it took me a bit to memorize a lot of the berries and their effects? Remember? And how some got it just like that, but it took me days of repeating my flashcard deck to recite it from heart? Like that, but-"

    From the twinkling, approaching ball of light two yellow streamers extended themselves. A bewildered Beldum refused to look away, humming at the appropriate time as it remained cautious. Upon the floating sphere dimming, a small, white, adorable humanoid donning a yellow-like helmet on its skull revealed itself.

    Albeit meters away, the mysterious creature danced and waved at the Beldum, unwilling to leave the safety of the trees and out into the clearing they were in. Its hands covered its mouth, streamers gracefully dancing behind the endearing creature. But the sighting did not last.

    The wishing pokémon winked at Beldum and somersaulted back into the tree canopy it had emerged from. Nona was none the wiser, her emotions unrelenting and refusing to be shut off to acknowledge the mythical pokémon in her proximity.

    From her back pocket the pokedex beeped to life, much to the surprise of Nona. Unfortunately the noise distracted the Beldum, long enough for it to lose sight of the mythical pokémon.

    It was gone.


    [font=special elite][color=#FF3399]Toxic Terror[/c
  • 910

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Name: Clovis Solanine
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Current Party
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Chapter 5-1: Reluctant Relinquishment
    Chapter 5-2: Macro Match


    Chapter 5-1

    ♪ "I've done everything that you can think of
    To me a night out means day I'm not workin,
    To you that means chasing girls links ups
    I used to spend my nights dreamin of the things I'm on the brink of,
    Of course I chased money but above that, I saved time.
    Most precious of commodities, I was working in the break line
    That's what they appreciate
    You could never take big man out his drive, you can't GTA
    I'm always getting better,
    My greatest hits are stuff I could recreate,
    People love to see the hard work, that's the only way I can be a great"♪

    As the lyrics played through the headphones, passing travellers applauded the sweaty hooded Ruben Sancho as he ran across the rocky terrain around Galar mine's entrance. With each step, he winced, his ankle begging him to stop but he fought through the pain. Along with the passersby, a multitude of wild pokemon watched him from behind rocks, from their burrows and from the treetops.

    Meanwhile, further back on the trail, Clovis continued the way forward with his newly acquainted Tranquill. While doing so, Clovis was carefully grooming the Wild Pigeon as it sat on his right arm. "Such a smart Pokemon should be better taken care of… I still can't believe why they haven't seen your splendor." Clovis continued to mutter and groom, while Tranquill lavished in the attention it was receiving. Part of Tranquill never wanted to see Ruben again, but it was necessary to be released. Even so, Tranquill enjoyed being in the open air again. It didn't want to be back in a Pokeball for a while.

    But, just as Tranquill turned it's neck so that Clovis could focus on the mane of plumage, Tranquill spotted a familiar figure jogging back and forth a short ways away. A twitch of the eyes, focusing vision, looking harder. It was indeed, Ruben.

    "Crr-aw! Craw!" The Wild Pigeon cawed aggressively, stopping Clovis and catching his attention. "What's wrong? What… ahh, I see," he observed, the sporty individual jogging near the Galar Mine entrance. Looking at Tranquill, he could see the agitation in it's eyes. "Would you… like to say hello?" Clovis said with a hint of mischief in his voice. Tranquill heard this, and nodded swiftly. Reaching out his right arm, Clovis pointed at the jogger. Without hesitation, Tranquill took off, and flew up into the air before dive bombing at Ruben. With talons at the ready, Tranquill began his barrage, mostly at his face but also to get the strange devices out of his ears.

    Ruben barely dodged the attack, tucking under and spinning to face his assailant in one swift motion. His brows furrowed as he looked the bird up and down.

    "Pidgey?" He mumbled in disbelief. Frankly, he half expected to never see the pokemon again. It had been immortalised alongside his image in the gym challenge, but he realistically he thought he'd never see it again. "Well if you're back, let's get moving. We've got a game."

    Tranquill, before swiping at him once more for calling him the wrong name again, landed on the ground before him. He only glared, and stood his ground, waiting.

    Before long, Clovis walked up and stroked Tranquill's head. "I'd really hope I didn't just hear you confuse a Tranquill with a Pidgey. No wonder this Tranquill abandoned you." Clovis looked on, recognizing the jogger as Ruben Sancho. He smirked condescendingly, realizing that this Tranquill was merely given to this dullard, without any forethought of how incompatible Ruben would be. "All athletics, no brain, as clearly demonstrated," Clovis mocked, as he continued to pet the Tranquill.

    "Wait what…" Ruben blinked, with a scowl. "Who are you?" The celebrity lowered his headphones, giving a gentle wave to some passing fans gawking at him. "Mate, you've stole my pokemon, he seems to like you, sure. Go ahead."

    Clovis sighed, and rubbed his temple with a free right hand. Typical athletic types. Composing himself, Clovis snapped, "The name is Clovis Solanine, and I will correct you. Far from it, I will educate you, something you've clearly been lacking. You don't really seem to understand the situation here. Not only from Tranquill's actions, but how unkempt this poor Pokemon has been before it met me." Raising his left arm, Tranquill leapt onto it with a flap of it's wings, and continued to glare at the unaware young man.

    "What's happened is that you mistreated this Pokemon, and that it abandoned you. Luckily, I was around at the time to save this poor, intelligent creature. Didn't I?" Clovis lamented, stroking the now well groomed plumage around it's neck. The Wild Pigeon cooed happily, again, relishing the attention. But shortly, glared at Ruben. "To put it plainly, and for you to easily understand, Tranquill wants you to release it so that he will be in much more capable hands," Clovis continued to jeer with nothing held back. "I'm simply doing my part as a concerned Pokemon trainer. Clearly, whoever gave this Tranquill to you didn't know better."

    "Much more capable hands?" Ruben repeated in disbelief. It took a few moments for him to really gather his thoughts on the situation. Completely done. He was honestly completely done. "Know what...here. Take the pokeball. You'll be glad to know, I'm not gonna be doing the gym challenge much longer anyway." He spat as he angrily rummaged through his things. He pulled out the Corviknight plushie, the picnic blanket, his football boots and a whole other assortment of miscellaneous items. Once he found the pokeball, he dragged it out to emphasise his frustration at the whole situation. "Here, take the damn thing. Now fuck off." He grunted as he held the ball out for Clovis to take.

    Clovis smirked, and took the ball. "I'm glad you finally understand. Maybe there's hope for you yet," he said with condescension in his tone, as he held the ball in his hand. Raising it a bit, he saw the reflection of him and Tranquill in it. As he did, an idea sparked in his eyes. An idea, and a flood of memories. Especially streaks of orange stripes. These athletic types… they're all alike. They should be taught a lesson. With a rising bile in his throat, Clovis continued with his verbal assault. Reducing the size of the ball and tucking it away, he spoke, "Yes, many people and Pokemon will be better off if you drop out of the standings. I'm sure you'd hate to disappoint even more people than you already have. You're doing a great service, indeed." And with that, Clovis proudly walked past Ruben, about to head into the Galar Mine. Still, he struggled with his sickening conscience.

    "You know what bro, fu-" Ruben behan before noticing the altercation had drawn a crowd. He checked his language on account of the kids that made up a large portion of that crowd. Ruben sighed instead. "Fine. How about this? You and Tranpill vs me and Lesca. You win, I drop out of the league challenge. Sound fair?" There was an audible gasp from the crowd as the sweaty jogger made his proposition. The boy, one pokemon down now, held his hands up in a symbol of fair play. His cards were on the table.

    "Hahahaha, how charming. A small, Grass-type versus an evolved Flying-type. What a metaphor for our scale in expertise," Clovis laughed. Tranquill remained to lock eyes with his former trainer, cawing proudly after Clovis' statement. "I happily accept your challenge, though I have to warn you, this will be quite the one-sided battle. Go, Archimedes!" "Crr-aww!" Tranquill hopped off of his arm, and landed just before him. "Crr-AW!" Tranquill cawed again, and stood tall, a defiant stand and a prideful stance, ready to trounce Ruben and the small, pink Pokemon.

    Lesca bounced from her ball with a flourish. The little Bounsweet hopped from side to side, though quickly lost her gusto as she really looked at the opponent she'd been given. Her eyes widened and she looked to Ruben. The little pokemon was kicking and screaming and despite the fight Ruben put up, Lesca put her foot down. The Corviknight plushie beside them stood tall.

    "Lesca, you win this one, we'll be under the lights for real. Hundreds of people chanting for you. How's that sound?" Ruben explained but to no avail.

    In the blink of an eye, the Corviknight plushie lay on the floor. It was replaced by a determined Rookidee that dutifully between Lesca and the Tranquil. Ruben raised a brow, looking at the little bird with uncertainty. "Hold that thought," he said, planting a hand on the Bounsweet's head. He walked over to the Rookidee and knelt down next to it.

    "Deee!" The little bird called, looking between the pink grass type and the huge bird that was staring her down.

    "Huh…" Ruben uttered, tilting his head. "Well...how's that for levelling the playing field?" He smirked as he took his position behind the new arrival.


    Both Clovis and Tranquill stared blankly. With a stutter, Clovis retorted, "What is this? Did you have bait in your bag, and in desperation, hoped some other Pokemon would fight for you? Just as a reminder, your own stipulation was my Tranquill against your Bounsweet. How sad, that even your starter Pokemon disobeys you," Clovis spat. "But, out of the boundless generosity of my heart, and pure pity, I'll allow this cowardly, shameful changing of the rules. If… you can control that Rookidee." He scoffed, and chuckled, at Ruben. "You'll need all the help you can get."

    Ruben gritted his teeth at that. He was admittedly still a little shaken at the sudden arrival, but glad for the reinforcements nonetheless. Ruben had to think hard. Unlike Tranquill, Rookidee was a pokemon he was very familiar with being native to Galar. He and Ainsley often fantasised about what they would do if they became pokemon trainers, and Corviknight was always a staple of both teams.

    "Chrome." Ruben muttered to himself, remembering the nickname he used to give his. Movesets were always going to be a bitch to recall, so Ruben was going to have to rely on what he could remember. "Alright Rookidee, if you're gonna help out you can start with Power Trip!" Ruben ordered.

    The pokemon followed the order, summoning a sweeping black aura to lash out at the Tranquill.

    "W-What? How is that wild Rookidee following your commands immediately? You must be cheating! Doesn't matter, it's still clearly weaker than my Tranquill! Fly, my newly dubbed Archimedes, and use Air Cutter!" As Archimedes took off, the Dark-type attack struck, but it wasn't strong by itself.

    Archimedes still flew swiftly, before stopping several feet off the ground, and began to whip up blades out of gusts. Flapping his wings with gusto, determination and even joy, the Wild Pigeon began to barrage the Rookidee with a barrage of Air Cutter attacks.

    The Rookidee swiveled around the blades of wind.


    Again the Rookidee followed Ruben's instruction, charging up at the larger bird with his beak ready to pierce whatever it touched.

    "Hold your position, Archimedes!" Sure enough, Archimedes flapped, holding it's position in the air. "Wait for the opportunity! Then-" Rookidee's Peck attack connected, striking it's opponent in the chest. But, it didn't shake Tranquill much either.

    "Now, Quick Attack! Knock it out of the air!" In an instant, Archimedes seemed to vanish. After zipping in and out of view a couple of times, Archimedes appeared above Rookidee in the form of a dive bomb, beak first.

    The newly dubbed 'Chrome', plummeted to the ground. The cloud of dust barely managed to separate before the little bird was shooting at its target again. Its beak was glowing white again as it shot at the Tranquill like a spear.

    "Archimedes, match the Rookidee with a Quick Attack!" And so, both Chrome and Archimedes flew headfirst into each other, a clash of forces caused a small explosion in the sky.

    Clovis, however, smiled smugly, knowing full well that Archimedes simply outclassed the Rookidee. Confidence was emanating from the young man as he adjusted his glasses. The result was a forgone conclusion. However… both of them fell, hitting the ground. Both, sprawled out and dirt covered after falling.

    Weakly… Chrome and Archimedes rose, struggling to maintain balance. The Tranquill scowled at the Rookidee, while the smaller bird's complete focus was on maintaining its balance. Archimedes wobbled, but it was Chrome who fell. The Tranquil spread his wings and cawed proudly one last time.

    Ruben's back straightened. He lurched forward. The shock twisted him like a wrench to a bolt. Demure, and with his fire knocked out of him, Ruben walked over to the Rookidee and picked it up. The little Bounsweet watched from behind him with a raised brow. The footballer pulled out a pokeball and watched the bird in his hands for a moment.

    "You win," he said coldly without looking at Clovis, "Lesson learned. League challenge saved." As Ruben walked past his opponent, he put a pokeball in his hand. "That's my last one." With those words said, he disappeared into Route 3, the last Clovis could hear of him was his idiotic fans begging him not to quit and offering to heal his pokemon.

    "Well, well, well, what a good sport. A graceful exit, indeed. Wouldn't you say, Archimedes," Clovis asked his new partner. Chirping in joyful agreement, Archimedes nuzzled his new trainer's hand as he stroked the soft, luxurious plumage.

    Shortly afterwards, Clovis took a short recess with his current Pokemon, just outside the cavern entrance. Cortex and Pariet appeared from their Pokeballs, and saw the familiar Tranquill. "Welcome to the team, you two, our newest ace! This is Archimedes, quite a capable and intelligent Pokemon!" Cortex, as usual, just stared with it's bright blue eyes. While Clovis polished the shell, Cortex seemed to scan over the Wild Pigeon. But, gave a small nod of approval. Archimedes, seeing this and how close they seem to be, returned the nod of approval.

    Looking over to the right, Archimedes was already familiar with Pariet, the Shellder. "Shell-der! Shell-der!" It hopped in place, happily greeting the Tranquill that gave it a solid thrashing, and helped with it's tummy troubles. "Crr.. aw." It mostly disregarded the Bivalve, but still recognized it was quite capable, itself.

    "See? Excellent addition, we're going to make a great team! Now… about the matter of the mine," Clovis said with a hush, looking on in concern. "Archimedes, you've been trapped in your ball for most of your time with the rube. So, I'd like to have you accompany me. Pariet, Cortex, I'll need you two in your Pokeballs unless the conditions change… I'm sorry," he said sadly, patting the both of them. Cortex remained mostly unresponsive, just staring up at him. But-



    Clovis was met with a "kiss" that seemed to consume his entire hand. Shellder's tongue lovingly lapped up his skin and right sleeve of his shirt. "Get OFF!" Quickly, Clovis returned Pariet. Cortex, after his shell was polished, was returned. "Well, Archimedes… shall we get going?" Both Clovis (after rolling up his sleeves and wiping off the saliva on his right arm) and Archimedes, sitting on his left shoulder, began their trek into the Galar Mine.


    Clovis finally caught a Tranquill!
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Ruben caught(?) a Rookidee!
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]


    Chapter 5-2

    Inside, the Galar Mine was lit beautifully. The lanterns that hung along the walls glowed warmly, giving the mine a… strangely welcoming feeling to Clovis. However, he tried to avoid as many Pokemon as possible. Archimedes scowled and cawed, scaring off anything that came close.

    "Ugh… this mine is nice and quiet, but… too populated. It would be a nice place to just stop and relax. However… we have a trek to continue." Clovis muttered to himself, Archimedes keeping a lookout. Occasionally, it would hop off and scare off any would be attackers. Any Diglett that popped up, any Zubat that flew by, Clovis made his efforts to avoid. Well, until he heard a harsh, womanly voice call out.

    "Stop right there, young man."

    "Ahh… who's there?!" Clovis jumped, and immediately startled Archimedes as well, squawking in surprise.

    "Pardon me," she spoke again, her voice echoing off the walls of the mine. Looking around, Clovis spun until he saw… her. A woman, tall and slender. Long, flowing, blonde hair. Eyes of emeralds, so sharp that they could pierce the most solid of demeanors. Lips that shame the red, red rose. Skin, fair and flawless. She wore a white lab coat, a scarlet, flowing top and a black mini skirt accompanied with black stockings heels. Around her neck, seemed to be a choker with a single diamond studded in it. She stopped as she could see Clovis saw her approach. Archimedes merely observed, wary of her.

    "Oh… yo-you're… uhh, yes? How can I help you," Clovis stuttered, taken in by her sheer beauty, but also recognizing such a prominent figure. "I am Oleana, owner of Macro Cosmos. You may be familiar with Macro Cosmos, but that's not important. I am issuing a challenge to you to battle. Do you accept?" She coldly explained, holding two Pokeballs in a single hand. Clovis, however… struggled. "The rules are simple; Double battle, no substitutions. Whoever downs the other's Pokemon wins."

    "I… yes, I accept your challenge!" "Well then. In that case… choose your Pokemon."

    "Now, Trubbish, Snorunt, I choose you!"

    "Cortex, Archimedes, I choose you!"

    The Pokemon have made their places on the field. A Trubbish and a Snorunt is what Oleana had presented. Cortex sat before the opposers, and Archimedes cawed proudly. "Interesting, indeed," she muttered aloud. Unbeknownst to Clovis, Oleana swiftly activated a sort of tablet device on her person. "As I issued the challenge, I will give you the first attack," she calmly explained. "I thank you. Cortex, use Reflect! Archimedes, use Leer!"

    A barrier of geometric form appeared on both Cortex and Archimedes, while the Wild Pigeon leered sharply at both Trubbish and Snorunt, making them both shudder in place. "Snorunt, Light Screen. Trubbish, Autotomize." Walls of light on every side, above and below, appeared on both of Oleana's Pokemon. Trubbish, however, seemed to shake off bits and pieces of metallic trash, making it look lighter on it's feet. "I see… a similar strategy. Very interesting, but very dangerous. Cortex, you also use Light Screen! Archimedes, you begin your attack with a Quick Attack on Trubbish!"

    On top of the geometric barrier, walls of light appeared on all sides of Clovis' team. Archimedes zipped and flew through the open air, and flew for the Trubbish.

    "Trr- UHH- bbish!" Archimedes struck hard, but to both the surprise of Clovis and Archimedes… Trubbish hung on, and swung onto the Wild Pigeon's back. "Trubbish, Sludge! Snorunt, Ice Shard!" "Augh, Archimedes, shake it off! Cortex, Confusion on the Trubbish!"

    Archimedes was sprayed with the awful sludge, coated with it. Not only that, but Ice Shard struck hard, albeit the defensive barriers halved the damage. Fortunately, Confusion aided Archimedes in throwing off the Trubbish, slamming it into the ground. "Excellent, you two!" "Don't celebrate yet, young man. Snorunt, Double Team! Trubbish, Clear Smog!"

    In the white smog that blew from Trubbish, Snorunt begun to seemingly multiply within. Not to mention, Archimedes was struck by the Clear Smog, causing it to cough. "Urrghh… fine, this means war! Archimedes, Air Cutter! Cortex, Struggle Bug!" Into the air, Archimedes flew, and began to whip up blades from short gusts. At the same time, Cortex's radiating blue lights began to glow green, and streams of the same color short forward. Struggle Bug struck both Trubbish and Snorunt, but the wild Air Cutter attack had managed to hit Trubbish, and blow away the Clear Smog.

    "Trubbish, Poison Gas. Snorunt, Protect." Trubbish spewed a purple smog, blowing towards both Cortex and Archimedes, poisoning the both of them. They both struggled, and groaned, in pain. Archimedes, a little bit worse off, but managed to continue flying proudly. "Archimedes… I need you to use Quick Attack once more! Cortex, Confusion on Trubbish!"

    As Snorunt bided with Protect, Trubbish took the heft of the attacks. Confusion seemed to weigh heavily, a force crushing it somewhat and keeping it to the ground as Archimedes flew forward, and struck Trubbish once more. "Good work, Trubbish," Oleana called out, readying her attention to Snorunt. For a moment, Clovis was confused by her disregard for the Trubbish. Until it clicked. "Wha… ARCHIMEDES, LOOK OUT!"

    But, a small explosion came from the Trubbish, the force of the Aftermath took a chunk of damage out of Archimedes. Weakly, it flew, but it remained determined. Until… "Crr… Crawww…." Archimedes fell before Clovis, the poison taking it's final toll. Cortex also suffered, but was well off. "Your Pokemon training is commendable, young man. But, this ends here." She watched, as both Reflect and Light Screen dissipated from both Pokemon.

    "Snorunt, Light Screen!"
    "Cortex, Light Screen!"

    Both Pokemon were protected with walls of brilliant light, once more. "Cortex, use Recover!" "Oh? Recover, on a Dottler? Interesting… Snorunt, Ice Shard!" As Cortex's condition seemed to improve, four shards of ice struck the Dottler, without the protection of Reflect. "A bit short sighted. Reflet would've been the better choice. However, I respect your battle strategies," she called out, with the monotone compliment. A small blush, rushing across Clovis' face, caused him to shake his head and smack his cheek. "I appreciate the compliment, but I'm going to take this victory! Cortex, Reflect!" The geometric barrier reformed. Now, Cortex was fully protected. "I don't normally run into trainers with your sort of ideas… good to know. Snorunt, Double Team!"

    Swiftly, Snorunt multiplied again. A dozen Snorunt appeared before Oleana, all of them standing still. All of their images, ready for the attack. "Cortex, Struggle Bug!" Brilliant streaks, once more, filled the mine with green light. However, they missed their target. The images faded, leaving four left. "Snorunt, use Astonish!" In an instant, they all vanished. However, they reappeared on all side around Cortex, making the Radome jump a little bit. "Cortex, now's the time! Use Confusion!" Around Cortex, the lights began to glow purple, and the same heavy force crushed down upon the Snorunts. However, only one remained. "Now, toss it!"

    Rising in the air, Snorunt floated. But instantly, the force tossed Snorunt down to Oleana's feet. A hush fell upon both trainers. "... Well. You and your Dottler win," she said, with her same calm demeanor. "Snorunt, Trubbish, please return." "Cortex, Archimedes, you too."

    -do, do, doodoodoo!-

    Clovis and Oleana stood apart, the latter seemed to scan the young man with calculating eyes. "I will look forward to the next time we meet. Continue your training, and please, consider the Gym Challenge." She extended an open hand, and Clovis… slowly accepted. Wow… did I actually win? She seems very tough, but… wow. He shook her hand, shaking off his bewilderment, and thanked her. "Now, if you want to get out of this mine quickly, take the path ahead. You'll be out in no time once you cross the wooden bridge. If you'll excuse me," she swiftly made her exit, slipping into a different passage.

    Leaving Clovis, he excitedly shook for a moment, before he quickly continued on his way. And just as Oleana had said, he made his way to a wooden bridge. Quickly, he made his exit, looking forward to be out in the open air again.

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
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    lover of milotics
  • 11,151
    Sidequest Start!
    Dig, Dug, Dugtrio!

    Players: Valerie Amity & Ruben Sancho

    Press START to begin!

    A little Diglett, with a tuft of blonde hair on his head, watched as a trainer strolled leisurely through the hellacious rocky terrain of Galar Mine alongside a little pink pokemon and a dutiful little bird that seemed to be watching over her. What would usually be a smooth rocky cave floor was riddled with Diglett sized holes in the ground. The little Diglett sighed. Unlike most of the trainers, who had been alert enough to step around the potholes, this trainer seemed to be completely oblivious to them.

    Diglett quickly tucked under ground and popped back up in place of the hole the trainer was about to bury their foot into. Diglett popped up, expecting to be showered with praise and appreciation but the trainer and the pink pokemon continued to walk on, only focused on the little device in its hand.

    "Sorry, the signal's terrible in here. Someone should really sort that out." Ruben sighed as he held his phone in the air. Lesca hopped alongside him, noseying to the conversation he was having. She could tell who it was. The soft voice he was putting on gave that much away, but Lesca had invested herself in this girl. The idea of her and Ruben as a power couple only made Lesca look more impressive. That did mean she'd have to deal with that idiotic Pichu, but once she whipped her, and the Swablu, into shape they'd really have something going.

    It was Chrome, Ruben's newly caught Rookidee who stopped as he noticed the little Diglett pop out from underneath the trainer's feet. He perched on the ground and stood between the invader and his two new companions.

    "I'll call you to confirm tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be busy, sorry. I told Ainsley to call me today aswell if he…" The voice of the trainer trailed off as the two pokemon eyed each other up and down. The Diglett quickly popped away before popping up in the next closest hole, still staring at the Rookidee. He hustled after him, intent on making sure the little brown pokemon couldn't lay a nub on Lesca but the pokemon kept disappearing and reappearing as he arrived at the next spot. In the instance Chrome looked up though...his trainer and Lesca were gone.

    A fierce groan of pain roared through the cave from below. Both pokemon darted forward, to see a huge ditch in the cave. A blind pokemon could have noticed the hole. Despite that, Chrome peered down to see his trainer and the Bounsweet he aimed to protect near tears as his trainer crumpled into a heap, clutching his ankle.

    Meanwhile, a cheerful voice echoed through the cave. "Awww yeah, you see that, loves?" it was Valerie, chatting away on her XTransiever. She was streaming her way through the cavern, allowing her viewers to take in the sights.

    Tskany: hype
    jigglywigglybudd: been there like three times
    sunnydayform_4: are those real crystals??
    Rapidash76: inb4 hole puns

    "No, no, Rapidash76, I will not make hole-jokes! Promise! Like I'd get banned yesterday, ahaha! For realsies though, look at all those holes, like a pokemon must have made 'em'! It stretches on for nine… hole yards! Haaaaah, pranked, I made a hole joke after all!"

    Valerie and Flame were carefully eyeing each hole, and Valerie was recording footage for her stream. Soon a Diglett appeared, popping up from one of them. It carefully watched Valerie and Flame, but just as quickly buried itself down again, only to pop up from another nearby hole. "Ohhhhh, look how cute it is, chat!' Valerie said, glancing over to the Diglett, then back to her stream. "Anyone know what it's called?"

    und_cyclone: mew
    Kinglerpinsir: mew, fam
    Meowskitty: diglett
    Hugmecynthia: transformed mew ftw

    "… Aha, oh Arceus, I wiiiiish it was Mew, chat. Mew's pink and has a tail, and ah, one of you said this is called a Diglett? Or maybe it really did transform? Does it have the power to transform?!" Valerie turned back to Diglett. "Yo, chat? Press 'one' in the chat if you guys think I should catch it!"

    Tskany: 1
    Rapidash76: 1
    Hungryhungryhippopotas: 1
    Drillkor: 1
    Meowskitty: 1
    Beeisquen: 2
    Hugmecynthia: 1
    we_stanpryce: 1

    "And they just keep on coming!" Valerie cheered on. She pointed her Xtransiever towards the Diglett. "Welp, YOLO! Alright! Sidequest now launched: following preparations are a-go! We're riding this Valentine's Day train, fam!"

    "Waaaaait!" there was then another shout, coming from nearby. It was a boy - who looked like a teen. He sprinted his way from a tunnel in the cave, towards Valerie's and the Diglett's location. The Diglett buried itself in the hole again, just as the boy was getting more and more closer to it. He stopped, holding on to his knees trying to catch his breath. "Ha, ha… Damn! Ha… Daaaaaaamn…. Ha…"

    "Hey, you alright there, buddy?" Valerie asked the boy. Then her Morepeko popped out from her bag. She from overhead, handed Valerie a small bottle - it was a plastic bottle of water Valerie kept around. "Nice one, sis! Ah, and here you go, pal!" Valerie gave the boy the bottle, as he then downed it in a brief instant. Relieved, he gave a final exhale for catching his breath. He then finally looked up at Valerie.

    "Thanks…" he thanked her. He gave a closer inspection to Valerie. "Wait, you're… Valentine?"

    "Yuppers! You must watch the stream too then, huh? No… waaaaait a sec," Valerie gave the boy a closer look as well. "Magcargo_dood? Daaaaaamn, is that YOU?" The boy gave her a nod. Magcargo_dood was another streamer from Struggle - almost as popular as Valerie with over 4k subscribers. He sometimes streams himself playing games like Pokemon Kart, or Halo-lisk 3, with his infectious, excitable streamer persona being a selling point for his fans. "Small world, bro! Never thought you were in Galar too!" He's also originally from Johto, until he recently moved to Galar to become a participant in the Galar League.

    "Yeah, small world…" he then said. Outside his stream, he's a pretty chill guy who sometimes has struggles of anxiety, but still trucks on with his life. "Listen, I'm looking for a--" The Diglett popped itself up again, from a hole that's a little further off from the one it was at. "Ah! Sorry Valentine, I gotta catch up with that thing!"

    Valerie shot him with a puzzled look. "Hm? What's up?" But no response as the boy streamer tagged Magcargo_dood chased after the Diglett once more, with the Diglett popping in and out to distance itself away. Valerie turned to her stream. "Looks like we're on the chase after all, Valuables! Hopefully the stream will be steady, but bear with me! Oh and yeah, that's totally Magcargo_dood; wonder what's up?" She followed the boy, and Diglett in turn, deeper inside the mine.

    The Diglett stopped as it reconveined with with the Rookidee who valiantly guarded the large hole. It waited for the two Struggle streamers to catch up before popping in and out of the same hole with a worried expression on its face.

    "Kiii!" Chrome called out, pointing his blue wings for the two streamers to peer down the hole.

    "Chat, that's a Rockidee, right?" Valerie asked, but then her Cyndaquil hopped from her shoulder, to peer down the hole it was pointing at. The two streamers followed suit, squatting down to look downwards, only to see a familiar face. "Heeeey, that's--"

    "Hoooooly ****," the boy gasped. His facial expression was all too familiar. The face of one who was starstrucked. "Ruben. ****ing. Sancho?!"

    "Yeah that's totally Ruby! See him, chat? That's Ruby!" replied Valerie.

    Drillkor: oooooh shit
    Hungryhungryhippopotas: Ruben ****ing SANDWHICH
    Exuexu: omfggg
    Butterdrill123: OMG
    Dagon: washed up
    rainbow4U: LETS GO
    gogogal17: OMFG

    "Heeeeey! Rubyyyyy! Up here, mate!"

    Ruben peered up, immediately recognizing at least one of the faces that called down to him.

    "Val?" He murmured, the persistent nickname she'd dubbed him with provoking a sigh of resignation before anything else. The duo had paired together countless times back at the academy and she would spend a good portion of that time creating puns on his name. Ruby was one that really seemed to stick though. He let the pain take him for a moment, before realising the girl could help. "Val! Do you have any rope or anything?" He asked, wasting no time in getting to the point as he jumped to his feet. Of course the ankle was still shooting with pain, but his escape was far more urgent a matter.

    "I do," the boy replied, already searching his own belongings from his bag. He got out a long, sturdy rope that was winded up. He unwinds it, and holds it with both hands. "Valentine, help me out, okay? Just hold on one end of the rope, and I'll throw the other end to him.

    "You're the man with the plan!" Valerie agreed, complying. She stood up her XTransiever against a sturdy rock, having the stream recording the rescue attempt. The boy threw the other end of the rope to Ruben. "We got cha' covered, Ruby!"

    "Ruby…" Ruben could only sigh under his breath as he grabbed the rope. Each step was an exercise in endurance as the ankle ached whether it was the standing or the stepping foot. Lesca had already been recalled into her ball and she was all the luckier for it, at least in Ruben's eyes. Despite the pain, the climb wasn't much of a task. If Ruben's vanity had ever saved him it was today as the core he'd reinforced to develop his six pack now made the vertical climb a feat in familiarity. Finally pulling himself to the top, he let out a deep sigh as though all the pain he'd been ignoring released in a single breath. "Thanks guys." He held out a fist to fistbump Val.

    "No probs!" Valerie lightly bopped Ruben's fist with her own. Fist bump complete. "You alright there, mate?"

    "I've been better." Ruben grunted in response, realising this wasn't exactly his best look. "How's the hundred friend quest coming along." He was desperate to distract from the state he was in, and what better way to distract Val than...friendship, he guessed.

    "Yeahyaaaaaz Val's hype train of friendship ftw'!" Valerie explained, proudly. "OMW to 20! Oh yeah, and Ruby, this guy here is--"

    "R-Ruben Sancho!" The streamer boy, flustered, greeted Ruben the best he could without stumbling on his own words. "Ah, wait no-no, YOU'RE Ruben Sancho. I'm Ken! Big fan of yours, man, like, y-you're the best! You're the greatest! O-oh and um, like Valentine I also stream, but I also really like football, so, haha… Oh, um, c-can you sign my breas--I mean BOOK… Augh, damn it..."

    "Huh…" A stunned Ruben could bring himself to say no more than that. He was internally asking himself where Val had found this one. The far reaches of whatever dark corners existed in her streaming site. Ruben sighed. He was being harsh and he knew it. The poor guy was just a fan and he had saved his life. Still though, he had to question Val's vetting process. Ruben took the book before looking to Valerie. "So what exactly qualifies someone to get on the list? Like if I score a goal, you know the ball's hit my body and gone over the line. What's the clicker that goes off for a plus one friend?" He inquired before returning his attention to Ken. "You got a pen or something? Sorry if I'm being rude, I'm just a little flustered...fell down a hole, found out my date's been upended, found out I was se-it's been a long couple of days."

    "Eh? Goals? Qualifies? Clicker...?" Valerie tried to process Ruben's question as Ken eagerly ruffled his belongings, making a mess of things trying to find his notepad and pen. "Ohhhh, what kinds of people make it to Val's friend list!"

    Valerie stretched her arms. "Idk. It's like, you just gotta feeeeel it, right? But I don't gotta qualify anyone, cause Val's got enough love in her tank for everybody!"

    Ruben stopped writing for a moment to let that one sink in. A cocktail of guilt and envy hit his gut as he thought back to the fact he still hadn't called his Nan and sister. All these fans, 'friends' and of course his family. He sighed and kept signing away at the book.

    "Well it's still 'Day ones only' for me," he began, shaking off the thought of Pia's words. 'You really need some new friends'. Him and Ainsley had been through it together and nothing could change that. "Not saying there's anything wrong with it...I just don't get it." Though he made the statement as though that was the end of it, somehow Ruben just couldn't let go. "You never feel like they're just using you?" He asked, shooting a quick glance toward Ken.

    "Nope!" Valerie unhesitantly replied, giving Ruben a sincere grin.

    Again, Ruben was left to little more response than his signature 'huh…' and head tilt. His thoughts drifted to Pia. He'd kept the girl at arms length until now. Part of him wondered how Val would've handled things in his situation.

    As he shook the thought, the ground beneath him shook with it. The ground beneath all of them began to shake. The tremors were nearly enough to knock the three trainers off their feet; until suddenly, a Dugtrio, head topped with a luxurious wig of flowing blonde hair emerged, flanked by what seemed an army of Kantonian Digletts.

    Ruben watched, on high alert, unsure what this meant. He looked at Val. She seemed as lost as he was, albeit far more awestruck. Then he looked to Chrome. He gave the Rookidee a nod, ensuring it was ready for anything that might happen next. Then he looked to the Dugtrio. The focus of the blonde haired pokemon seemed to all be on Ken. Ruben's gaze drifted toward the streamer.

    "Dugtrio." The pokemon growled in no uncertain terms.

    "P-partner!" Ken yelled, his gaze fixed on the flowing haired Dugtrio. "I finally found you!"

    "Eh? Partner?" Valerie asked. "That's your friend?" The Dugtrio and Ken exchanged gazes, but the Dugtrio was less pleased.

    "Wait...this kid's got an evolved pokemon?" Ruben scoffed in disbelief. Despite the trainer's arrogance, it was the little Diglett who popped up between the trainers to standup to the ground type army. In a flash, they all disappeared and had them surrounded. Chrome snatched up Lesca, preparing for the worst.

    Two Digletts placed themselves under Ken's feet, lifting and carrying the streamer toward Dugtrio. Meanwhile, the rest of them set a blockade between the duo and the other two trainers.

    "Kid, what's goin on?" Ruben outright asked, an elixir of fear and frustration in his expression as he tried to nudge away a particularly aggressive Diglett with his foot.

    "This… this is my partner Duggy," Ken explained, resting on his hands and knees in front of his apparent pokemon. "And, we're a team, or at least… was. One day, Duggy just… vanished. Like, dig itself underground while we were training and it never popped back up since. Then I saw him again, right here in this mine, but… I guess he doesn't think I'm a good enough trainer for it anymore, I dunno…"

    Valerie looked at Ken with a straight face. "Is that right?"

    Ken looked back at Valerie, then back at his Dugtrio. "What do I have to do to get you back, pal?"

    "Trio!" The Dugtrio shouted, whipping up a stream of sand that formed from the ground, giving Ken a stern, fierce expression.

    Valerie smiled. "You're a trainer, right?" she asked with a giggle. "Looks like Duggy wants to battle you, to see how strong you are!"

    "But…" Ken glanced back at Valerie. "Why?"

    "Maybe it wants to see how strong you could be without it mate," Valerie suggested. "If you want your friend back, I'd say go for it!"

    Ken looked down at the ground. "I used to rely on Duggy all the time while we battled," Ken started. "And… I dunno, ever since he left, nothing has been the same." Ken then sat back up. "Valentine, I stream 7 days a week. And through all that time, everyone only liked me through my streamer persona. No one really liked or saw the real me before I met Duggy… Duggy was the first true friend I had who saw me for me. But, the real me is just a nervous wreck, stumbling on his own words, always being anxious... Like, I even got to see Ruben Sancho, but I made myself look like a dumbass! Eh… I guess it's no wonder Duggy left, huh?"

    Valerie stepped forward as much as she could before being blocked by the Diglett that swarmed in. "Hey… Magcargo_dood?" she said softly. "I really like your streams. You seem soooo chill, fun, and pretty easy to talk to… and, I think Ken is too. So, put more faith in yourself. I think that's what Duggy is looking for in you, and… that's how you can make and keep really super-special awesome friends who will stand by you. The real you!"

    Valerie finally gave him a wide grin. "Cuz' that's why Valentine's… that is, Val's buddies are amazing!"

    Ruben's eyes fell to the ground. He pulled out his phone he'd just been using to speak to his future date. Before the Diglett army's hole snatched the words from him, Ruben was within seconds of cancelling his date with her because he was embarrassed about having to play coach to a bunch of kids. He stuffed the phone away in his pocket. Like Val before him, Ruben tried to step forward but found his path blockaded by the banding Diglett.

    "Listen...Magcargo do...Magcargo dood, really?" Ruben repeated in disbelief, even having to check with Val to make sure he hadn't heard that wrong. With a sigh, he continued. "Magcargo dood...I think what Val is trying to say, is that you can't get by putting up walls. If you want people to like the real you, you gotta let them see the real you...actually wait no, that's sounded kinda preachy lemme redo it. Basically j-"

    "Swee!" Lesca cried as she was knocked back by one of the Digletts. Chrome had begun to grow fatigued hovering with her weight beneath him and the little bird lowered the grass type just beyond the wall of ground type pokemon. Of course, that meant they were going to attack.

    Seeing it attack Lesca, Chrome wasted no time charging for the guilty Diglett. The rabble caused a fuss among the army.

    "Lesca!" Ruben called out, running to her defense. His outburst led to a complete upheaval. The Diglett that weren't already occupied with Lesca and Chrome went after him, with only a few standing guard of Val.

    "Ahh, hold on, fam!" Valerie directed herself to the stream. "Looks like we gotta take care of things here! Get em', Flamey!" Her Cyndaquil stood between Valerie and the Diglett horde. Valerie held the XTransiever with one hand, and another pokeball with another. "You too, Ayra!" She threw the pokeball, releasing another one of her pokemon, her Meowth. Her Meowth entered the field on all fours, growling heavily at the mess. "By the way Valuables, your gal has an epic battle-ready line!" Valerie announced. Her two pokemon were on standby, waiting for her orders, carefully watching each Diglett.

    "Iiiiiit's whoop-ass time!" Her Cyndaquil's flame ignited, and her Meowth had her claws honed and ready. A couple of Diglett started to head their way - with Flame answering with a quick Ember attack, and Ayra keeping another at bay with a few scratches to them from her claws.

    Meanwhile, Ken slowly stood up and sighed. "To be confident in myself, huh…" he mumbled to himself. His Dugtrio eyed him, still battle-ready. Eventually, he got out a lone pokeball from his belt, and threw it. A Sandshrew popped from it, landing on the area to meet the pokemon with a confident glare. Ken's teeth clattered, and his hands shook. The sight and smell of dust filled the area at glimpses, from the infighting with the Diglett that served under it.

    "Alright… I hope this works… Sandy, I want you to scratch him!" Along with Ken's order, his Sandscrew raced up towards the Dugtrio. Duggy didn't dodge, and merely took on the attack with little effort. "If it's a battle you want Duggy, then alright."

    Ruben tried to stamp on the head of the Diglett that was attacking Lesca, but only found his sole crashing into the floor as the brown pokemon disappeared beneath the surface. He looked over to Chrome, who was fighting off a trio of Diglett with a flurry of Peck attacks.

    "Lesca, I'm sorry about the ceremony. If it were my call you would've definitely been m…" his train of thought trailed off as he noticed the confused expression on the little pokemon's face. "Never mind." He hopped to his feet with the pokemon in hand and turned to face yet another platoon of angry Diglett.

    Dugtrio looked down on the Sandshrew as he attacked him again and again and again. The powerful evolved pokemon barely flinched, his gaze rising up to his former trainer in a bid to drive the point home. He was weak with him. He wasn't now. With all it's might the Sandshrew tried to dent the steel type pokemon but to no avail.

    Fed up, the Dugtrio clattered into its former ground type, sanding it crashing into the opposing wall.

    "Are you alright?!" Ken called after it. His Sandshrew collapsed on the floor, but struggling and slowly managed to push itself up through his injury. The Dugtrio showed no mercy. It glared at the weak pokemon that chose to stand after its attack. Readied itself for another attack. Charged at the Sandshrew...but it never hit.

    The only Diglett that hadn't been busy battling stood between Dugtrio and Ken's Sandshrew. Its tuft of blonde hair standing on end.

    "What the..." Ken stared at the Diglett blankly. It was a random Diglett, who for some reason or another, seemed to have saved him. "Another Diglett?"

    The attack from Dugtrio had already knocked the wind out of Diglett but it stood its ground regardless. Dugtrio stared Diglett down, but he wouldn't budge. The evolved of the two lowered his stance, looking across the divide where Ruben and his pokemon were still battling against his gang. Alolan Diglett gave a nod before disappearing and reappearing between the footballer and his fellow Diglett.

    Ruben stumbled back, calling off Chrome and Lesca.

    "Did we win?" Ruben asked. A good portion of the Diglett had been fainted in the battle, but the sight of the Dugtrio glaring over at him made it clear even if the team he started on won, he probably wouldn't be part of that team if he kept fighting. He raised his arms in surrender.

    "Duggy!" Ken called out to him, but in turn of a reply, the Dugtrio simply glanced back at him. He then made a cry, and on cue, all the Diglett started burrowing.

    "Whoa!" Valerie gasped, as one after another burrowed. Eventually, Dugtrio was left with Ken.

    "Duggy…" With another call out for his Dugtrio, Duggy gave Ken a small, subtle nod, before burrowing itself too, leaving Ken with the sole Diglett that defended him. Ken slumped down to his hands and knees. "...Why?" The Diglett made its way to Ken. Ken glanced towards it. "What exactly do you want from me?"

    Valerie approached him. "I think it wants to be your friend!" she said happily, turning to her stream. "Hey, chat? Press 'one' in the chat if Ken should be friends with Diglett!"

    Ken shook his head. "What about Duggy?" he shrieked. "After all we've gone through… it's over? Just like that? What am I supposed to do now?"

    "Maybe it's telling you to be confident and move on," Valerie said sincerely. Ken turned towards her. "Y'know, I've been there, bro. Saying goodbye to friends can hurt, and your heart will feel like you've eaten some bad sushi. But, even if you're knocked down, you'll be able to stand up again. And when you do, even if you say goodbye to one friend, you'll still meet many more amazing friends, just waiting for you to open up to them! So, open your Ken-heart, and it will be filled in no time!"

    Watching Val make her case, Ruben couldn't help but feel stupid. She made it look so damn easy, he thought to himself with a smirk. He fiddled with the phone in his hands, texting Pia confirm the date was still happening. As he stuffed the phone away, he felt the pen still lingering in his pocket. The kid's book…

    Ken turned back towards the Diglett, who met his gaze. He sighed in submission, giving it a small, genuine smile. "I guess I should try. Well? Wanna come with me, little guy?" The happy nod from Diglett was its response. With a nod in turn, Ken brought an empty pokeball, and tapped it against the Diglett, sucking it inside. Three shakes later, the Diglett was securely obtained. "Maybe I'll call you… Diggy?"

    "Hey, ki-Ken." Ruben called out as he joined the two streamers again. "Don't forget your book mate." Ruben gave a sigh of resignation before letting a smile break through. As Ken took the book, Ruben's hand lingered and curled into a fist, held out for a fistbump from Ken.

    "R-Ruben…" Ken needed a moment to take in the situation. He looked down at the book. 'To my friend…my friend. His idol…was now calling him a friend. Ruben ****ing Sacho called him his friend, AND wants to give him a fist bump. He quickly gave a starry-eyed, yet excitable grin on his face. Soon, he bumped his fist against Ruben's. Fist-bump complete.

    Meanwhile, Valerie gave her signature big smile, as she turned back to her stream. "Hope you Val-uables enjoyed the stream! I'll post on Chatter the next time I'm streaming!" she announced. "Till next time, my lovely Val-uables and to everyone else passing through, like, subscribe, stay safe, and remember! No matter who you are or where you're from, Val-entines Day love is for everybody! See you later!!"

    "By the way, Valentine, are you going to Struggle Con in Galar this year?"

    "Wait, it's in Galar?!"

    Party gains 51 exp!
    Valerie lvl up! Ruben lvl up!
    Received the Dig TM!

    Last edited:


  • 2,791

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]Simon Pearburgh
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Spewpa ♀ Harden | Tackle | Stun Spore | String Shot | Poison Powder Friend Guard
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Caterpie ♂ Tackle | String Shot | Bug Bite Shield Dust
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Burmy ♂ Protect | Hidden Power (water) Shed Skin
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Snom ♀ Powder Snow | Mirror Coat | Struggle Bug Ice Scales
    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Blackspear License
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokéball x2
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Net Ball x1
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Mysterious egg
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Strange Rock
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Potion x3
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Venoshock TR
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Bug Catcher Net
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Slightly less cinnamon buns
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Camping Supplies
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0

    West Galar Mountains

    After a long day of walking through deep snow and icy paths, along what felt like a horizontal line of mountains, Simon had begun to realize that going 'around' the Galar Mine wasn't going to be an option; the map he used had clearly understated the width of the cliffs and rocks separating route 3 and route 4, which seemed to stretch infinitely in the distance. He'd decided to call it a day and set up camp along the rocky wall, in a spot that had less snow than the rest of the area, then gone to sleep early in the hopes of not lagging too far behind the other league challengers.

    The remains of his campfire smoked lightly as the clock struck 1 AM. The bug catcher and his team were sleeping soundly in their tent, the sound of the trainer's loud snoring leaking through a small opening in the tent's entrance. Discreetly, Burmy had peeked head out of the hole, crawled out, and latched on to the cliff hanging over the camp. The rocky formation curved up into a sort of overhang that shielded the clearing from most of the snow, and allowed the bug to swing from the ceiling. Also hanging beside him was the small, spiky figure of Snom, camouflaging herself as an icicle as her species often did. The bagworm Pokemon stared off into the distance, entertaining himself every once in a while by tossing a few water attacks at the sleeping Snom to see if she'd wake up. Being the only nocturnal Pokemon on the team did get a little lonely sometimes, but he appreciated the company regardless. Part of him wondered how Spewpa and Caterpie got any sleep at all with how loud Simon's snoring was.

    Suddenly, the sound of something landing in the snow cut through the noise. Burmy looked around, confused- any Pokemon walking in the snow would've left footprints, and he couldn't see any. He continued to peer through the darkness, when he suddenly saw something reflect off the light of the campfire, right in front of the tent. It looked small and rectangular, like that device he'd seen Simon scan wild Pokemon with, but black instead of red. Then, the device started... moving? He watched as the object began quickly dragging along the snow away from the campsite, as if it had a mind of its own.

    Determined to follow this mystery through, Burmy swung himself off of the wall and landed onto the Snow below. The sudden noise seemed to startle the device, as it stopped suddenly and even let out a panicked squeak. In its panic the device shifted sideways, activating some sort of light on the screen, revealing a… Pokemon underneath?! Burmy squinted at the intruder as he approached, and watched as it attempted to hoist the tablet on its back again. The creature in question was a tiny yellow Pokemon, even smaller than he was, with four purple eyes staring at him fearfully as it fretted with the tablet.

    Burmy let out a loud growl, warning the fellow bug Pokemon to leave his trainer's belongings alone. The intruder stayed quiet for a second, before ignoring the call and slowly backing away with the device in hand. Irritated, Burmy stepped forward and growled again, standing his hind legs to appear taller. In response, the thieving Pokemon reared back, and blasted what looked like a large, glowing net at him, crackling with electricity. The net wrapped around his body as he squeaked in protest, before pinning him to the floor. The yellow Pokemon snickered, and did what he could only imagine was the equivalent of sticking her tongue out, before quickly running off into the night.


    Out of nowhere, Simon's large net came crashing down onto the intruder and stolen device. "No Pokemon sneaks up on me and gets away with it!" the bug catcher exclaimed, holding his capture up triumphantly. He quickly ran over to Burmy to detangle him from the Electroweb, wincing as the sparks singed his fingers. Once his Pokemon was free, he allowed Burmy to climb on his arm- and quickly realized he was still in his tank top and shorts as the freezing wind blew through him. "L-let's go back in the tent." he said, scrambling back to the camp and making sure his catch couldn't get away.

    Once safely inside, Simon sat down and turned over his net to shake out the contents. It took a few tries, but the Pokemon eventually fell and landed onto his sleeping bag. It let out a terrified squeal and dropped the tablet before backing up into a corner of the tent. "Hey, no need to be afraid!" he said, trying to comfort the creature, glad he could finally take a good look at it. Dimly lit by his phone's flashlight and the dex scanner, he recognized it as a Joltik, though this one looked different from the pictures he saw on the Pokedex. All four of its purple eyes were fixed on him as it trembled in the corner.

    "I'm not gonna hurt you, tiny." Simon raised his hands up to show peace. "I just wanna know why you nicked my tablet and attacked my friend." Burmy let out an annoyed snarl beside him.

    Hesitating at first, the Joltik looked into Simon's eyes and let out a few chirps. Simon raised an eyebrow. "Hungry? I don't think you can- oh!" He stopped, realizing it didn't mean it was hungry for food, but for energy - Joltik couldn't produce electricity on their own, so they had to extract it from external sources. "Well, I'm sorry, but this little mcguffin is pretty important, so I can't have you draining the battery." he said, tapping the Blackspear tablet.

    The Pokemon seemed to panic as his response, as it began a series of squeaks that he could only interpret as desperately begging for it back. "Whoa, whoa, slow down… You won't be able to defend yourself? I'm pretty sure whatever's out there won't give you much harder of a time than Burmy did." Simon said. "Besides, don't you have a swarm to get back to? Pretty unusual for a lad like you to be on his own out at night."

    The Joltik squeaked angrily.

    "Lass, sorry. Hard to tell sometimes."

    Now a little more at ease, the Joltik continued to squeak at the two of them as she explained her situation. It was a little hazy to him, but Simon understood that she was indeed part of a larger swarm family, but had gotten lost when she was attacked by another Joltik - something about a red energy - and she was worried she wouldn't be able to make it back home without being attacked. The device was the only source of energy she could use to defend herself.

    "Uh-huh…" Simon mused, trying to piece together what he understood of the Pokemon's story. After a moment, he came up with a solution. "If you're so worried about danger, then… Why don't me and Burmy help escort you back to your family?" Burmy opened his mouth to protest, but Simon quickly continued, "I doubt those that attacked you would wanna go against a big human. Does that sound like a good idea?"

    The Joltik squeaked gleefully in agreement, hopping up and climbing onto Simon's arm. The boy laughed as he placed her on his head, "Alright, then lemme get dressed and let's get you home, tiny!"


    Guided by the Joltik's directions and Simon's phone light, the bug catcher and his two friends continued along the mountain wall. After a few minutes, Joltik squeaked and motioned for Simon to turn towards the mountain. Simon peered into the darkness for a moment, before realizing she was pointing towards a large, blocked-off cavern entrance. He furrowed his brow; this cave certainly hadn't been charted on his map either. Was it some sort of abandoned mining project? As he got closer, he caught glimpses of old, rusted signs with the Macro Cosmos logo, bearing words such 'Do Not Enter' and 'Private Property', some looking much older than just a couple years. Once the ground had shifted from snow to rock and gravel, Joltik hopped off of his hat and scurried towards the entrance, crawling under the boards that sealed it off.

    "Hey, wait up!" Simon called out, jumping over the planks and following behind the Pokemon.

    The bug led him through a long path of cold, winding tunnels. He could hear the wailing of wind rushing through the caverns, mixed in with the dripping sound of melting icicles above, but otherwise the place felt entirely dead. Even the luminous jewels the Galar Mine was known for were absent from the walls, replaced instead with abandoned equipment and rusty tools embedded in the rock. Simon felt Burmy dig himself deeper into his coat pocket in fear, as the trainer looked around frantically for Joltik. "Where'd you run off to, lass?"

    His call was met with a series of echoes, and the distant sound of something snarling in response. Simon gulped as he slowed down, but was quickly alerted by the Joltik squeaking from the wall beside him. Breathing a sigh of relief, he continued to follow her through the tunnels. After some time, the tunnel finally opened up into a large chamber. Simon raised his phone up to look around, but as he did so, the light immediately turned off.

    "Wait, what?" Simon squinted at the device as he tried to turn its flashlight back on, but was shocked to see the battery quickly depleting- until it reached a zero, leaving him in complete darkness. "What's happening?!"

    Suddenly, a deafening, high-pitched cry resounded through the cavern, followed by a blinding yellow light, forcing Simon to cover his ears and eyes. Once he reopened them, the chamber was brightly lit… revealing hundreds upon hundreds of Joltiks on the walls. Simon stumbled backwards as he looked around- this part of the caves looked like a veritable hive. Hundreds of holes had been dug out into the walls, filled with food, eggs, and Joltiks... that were all staring right at him.

    He gulped, careful not to make any sudden movements. "H-hey everyone…" he meagerly raised a hand to the swarm of bug-types. He was met with another deafening screech, but not from any of the Pokemon he could see.

    With a thundering stomp, from the largest hole in the cavern, an enormous, lumbering Galvantula stepped out in front of the boy. The scars on its body and sharpness of its pincers told Simon all he needed to know about it. The Pokemon was almost twice his size, towering over him as he laid on the floor, and it slowly approached him.

    Simon raised his arms defensively as he expected the worst. But instead, nothing happened. He opened one eye, and caught a glimpse of purple- it was the Joltik he'd been following! She was now sitting atop the massive Galvantula, squeaking happily as she hugged the beast.

    "Oh! This- this is your mother?" Simon asked, shakily getting up.

    The Joltik nodded. The Queen Galvantula looked Simon in the eyes - a strange feeling as the bug was at eye-level with him - and grunted out what sounded like a reluctant show of thanks. She then raised one of her pincers and grabbed the little Joltik, placing her on the ground before her. This was followed by what Simon could only describe as a stern-bug-talking-to, as the massive spider-mom scolded her daughter loudly for daring to venture off into the darkness without alerting anyone, and putting herself and the entire swarm at risk. Any attempts by the purple-eyed Joltik to explain herself were promptly silenced, and Simon found himself feeling rather awkward at watching the whole ordeal - but too terrified to leave without proper notice.

    As the Galvantula's scolding continued, Simon looked upwards towards the ceiling. He squinted, and noticed a few pairs of crackling red eyes glowing in the darkness… were these Joltiks also part of the swarm? He realized they were the only eyes that weren't fixated on him, but instead on the large Pokemon in front of him.

    Suddenly, one of the creatures leaped down from the ceiling. Fangs glowing white, it aimed its straight at… the Galvantula queen?!

    "Burmy, Hidden Power!" Simon exclaimed, as his Pokemon launched a water orb at the assailant. The attack blew the red Pokemon away before it could land on the Galvantula, throwing it across the chamber and against the wall. This immediately stirred all of the other Joltiks in the cave, as they swarmed around both Simon and the intruding red Pokemon. Startled, the queen glared at Simon. A loud thunderbolt crashed down inches from his face.

    "Wait! I was helping!" the boy pleaded as he felt the anger of the swarm turn to him. "There's more up there- watch out!"

    More of the crackling red Joltiks suddenly leaped down from the ceiling. Not needing another command, Burmy launched another barrage of Hidden Power orbs, hitting a few of them but missing the others. Chaos ensued as the room was engulfed in a sea of battling yellow and red - the yellow outnumbering them by far, but the red Pokemon somehow holding their own despite the uneven odds. Simon dodged to the side as he avoided multiple flying Electrowebs, finding himself right next to the purple-eyed Joltik and her mother. The Galvantula was covered in the red assailants, and was attempting to swat them away with her arms as they repeatedly bit into her fur.

    "We've got to help her! Burmy, try to get them away with Hidden Power!" Simon commanded. He looked at the terrified Joltik beside him, "Can you fight?" he asked, to which the Pokemon hesitantly nodded. "Alright, then don't be afraid! Work together with Burmy to save your mum!"

    As the Joltik nodded, she leaped towards the first red Joltik she saw and began slashing furiously at it. Simon grinned and pulled out his net, ready to join in. He spotted a Joltik that Burmy had just blasted with an attack, and was beginning to lose its grip. He brought his net down on it and pulled it off the Galvantula, before tossing it towards the wall. Yet when it collided… the Pokemon turned into a red puff of smoke.

    More and more puffs of smoke began to appear as the Joltiks defeated more red assailants, leaving them just as confused as Simon was. It was then that another loud screech sounded, not unlike the one he'd heard earlier. From the entrance of the cavern, another Galvantula emerged. It wasn't as large as the Queen, but still dwarfed the other bug-types in the room. As he stepped backwards, Simon noticed sparks of crackling red energy and smoke emanating from it. Before any of them could react, the enemy Galvantula lunged forward at the larger one, bringing its pincers down on her body.

    The purple-eyed Joltik squeaked in terror as it watched her mother fight off the assailant, the red Joltiks beginning to overwhelm the massive bug-type. The allied Joltiks attempted to ensnare the attacker, but were left unable to even conjure up any electric webs. As more and more scratches came down onto the queen's body from the enemy Galvantula, Simon rushed to get the smaller ones off with his net- he knew she wouldn't be able to last for long.

    "Burmy, use Protect against the big red one!" Simon commanded. Burmy squeaked as he threw himself between the two Galvantulas and activated his ability, pushing both the Pokemon away from each other.

    Wasting no time, Simon ran and put his weight on the Galvantula's legs."We've got to pin it down somehow!" he called out.

    Suddenly, Burmy squeaked out a warning for him to get away. Simon looked behind him as the Pokemon charged up an attack… but it was yellow? He quickly moved off of the red Pokemon, giving Burmy a clear shot, and watched as he blasted a yellow orb towards the Galvantula- which turned into a large, electrified net.

    "Hell yeah!" Simon cheered, amazed at his Pokemon's new move. "Quick, now finish it off while it's pinned down!"

    Aided by the distraction, the allied Joltiks swarmed around the red Galvantula, biting at it repeatedly as it squirmed in the net. A few moments later, the bug had been defeated- but just as the others, it then dissipated into a cloud of red smoke, leaving nothing behind.

    Glad he could finally catch his breath, Simon sat on the floor. So much for a good night's sleep, he thought. As he pet Burmy's head for a job well done, the towering queen Galvantula approached him once again, injured but safe. She stared at him, and let out another cry- much softer this time.

    "Heh, it's nothing. Just did what I could to help." Simoned grinned, still slightly intimidated by the enormous bug-type.

    The Queen responded with a series of cries and growls that surprised Simon. These red attackers were… one of their own? This made no sense to the boy, but frankly, very little about this situation did. It had been happening for a long time now, and this attack had only been the worst of many before it- following an attempt to kill the future-queen-to-be, which he had brought back safely.

    Simon looked at the little purple-eyed Joltik, which was still a little shaken by the attack. It was then that he heard a command from the Galvantula queen.

    "You want me to… stay with her?"

    The Queen nodded slowly. She squeaked softly, explaining it was not safe for her only female offspring to stay here anymore. The little Joltik looked at her mother with tears in her eyes, then looked back at Simon. This wasn't how she'd wanted things to end up. She attempted to squeak something in protest, but the Galvantula silenced her once more. The Queen had made a decision.

    Simon extended his hand for Joltik to climb on. "I'm not going to make you. If you want to join our family, then you'd be more than welcome." he said, smiling.

    The Joltik hesitated and looked at her mother, who nodded back in silence. Slowly, she crawled onto Simon's palm. The boy looked at the queen. "I promise to keep her safe and happy for as long as I breathe!" he pledged. "And one day, I'll help her start a colony of her very own, and make you proud!"

    The Galvantula seemed pleased by this. She motioned towards his wait, where his empty pokeballs were attached.

    "Oh! Formalities, yes." Simon said, glancing at his belt. His hand hovered over a regular Pokeball, but instead, he went for the blue Net Ball. "Royalty deserves a bit better than the bog-standard... princess." he chuckled, and held the device out to Joltik. The Pokemon gave her mother one last look before tapping the device with one leg, and was encapsulated in the light.

    New Capture!
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Princess the Joltik ♀
    Electroweb - Spider Web - Fury Cutter - Beat Up

    The Galvantula stared at Simon's Pokeball, gently placing a pincer on it and closing her eyes as a single tear dripped down the side of her face. She then looked at Simon, and motioned for the Joltik horde to swarm around him. If she was going to let her offspring leave, it wasn't going to be without an escort.

    Last edited:


    ba-dum tssss. [icon]coffee-pot[/icon]
  • 992

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Nona Rodriguez
    ◇ Galar Mine

    Slithering between the strands of darkness and bliss was a pulsating headache that aroused Nona from her slumber. Heavy eyelids steadily opened themselves, blurry vision adjusting itself to the vivid, brilliant surrounding; for a moment Nona had forgotten she had slept absurdly late, thus the groggy wake-up call.

    It was whooping ten in the morning, hours past her usual time. Had it not been for last night's events Nona would have prepped and been more than ready for the day ahead, but alas she dismissed the need for an alarm.

    Nona sat up, arms and legs stretched whichever which way and back twisted until it had painfully popped.

    "AH F-"

    Chapter 5.1

    Before the mouth of the Galar Mine's mouth stood Nona, who had stepped to the side to allow foot traffic to run smoothly. Her eyes inspected the gorgeous rusty red archway, distracting her growing trepidations.

    Simply put, she was jittery.

    Caves and mines were a hotspot for disaster. But when mixed with the darkness that they contained? Nona became petrified, a plethora of scenarios blinking through her mind like a reel on steroids. Rocks and the area above one's head could collapse onto itself, crushing every living soul beneath it. Lights could flicker to death, encasing its inhabitants into a pitch black void that would forever trap them in a never-ending maze until starvation struck. Wild cave pokémon could corner a poor trainer and pellet them until they are no more. The ground beneath one's feet could give in- no- quicksand could take hold and swallow a human whole. And what if a lamp or light source tipped over and smacked someone unconscious? Would they break into a blazing inferno with shards of glass nestled in their broken skin?

    The horrors were endless. As was Nona's imagination, doing nothing other than having sent the woman into a panic-stricken state of mind. To remedy this, she resorted to embracing her one and only companion, of whom welcomed the gesture with open arms and a metallic hum of bliss.

    Together as one Nona took her first, albeit hesitant, steps. She followed a small group inside, finding some comfort in the knowledge that the constant foot traffic earned the mine its proof of safety. Gradually Nona mustered the courage to lessen her pace and step to the side, which then allowed others to continue on. The mineral crystals lit the mine's contents, the various shades and hues offering a beautiful display for those who paused to take in the scenery.

    For a brief moment Nona had forgotten she was in a mine to begin with, eyes flickering from crystal to crystal. And although the empty abyss that is her guts remained in place to remind her of her anxiety of the situation she had placed herself in, the rather gorgeous lighting and musty, earthy, yet moldy scent comforted and soothed the young woman to a better disposition.

    With a better grip of her body she let out a long exhale and re-entered the main path alongside the minecart tracks, never straying. Several pathways veering off the aforementioned pathway presented themselves to Nona, but she easily shook her head at each one, unwilling to explore and worsen her state of mind.

    Ten minutes into the trek and Nona made some progress. Boxes and traffic cones speckled the mine, the occasional worker making a wild appearance with their recognizable reflective vests.

    "Do do do… it's okay so far, thank god, Azúl, but at least it smells amazing here. Actually, do you think I could find a way to seal the smell in a bottle? It's addictive, like I'm in a high of some sort. Kinda like… well, you know. It's just so dang amazing," Nona expressed, constantly giving the cave whiffs here and there to calm her nerves. "Aaaa oh my god, yes, I need to buy a bottle. Oh! I can get those super cute ones that are clear and look like they hold a cookie recipe in them! Do you know which ones I'm talking about?" The Beldum, seeing as how Nona no longer required his comfort, slipped away from her arms and hovered before her, making a brief aerial bounce in agreement to her question.

    A sudden flutter of wings startled Nona, which lead to her hands immediately gripping her bag straps and eyes jolting from Beldum and to the ceiling, like a deer in headlights. But the cause of such a noise was none other than a woobat. Its shaggy, sky blue fur bristled against Nona's chestnut locks, which in turn caused her to freeze in spot.

    As the goosebumps formed she noticed one out of the plethora of pathways that strayed from her destination, one of which carried the peculiar sound of clashing boulders, metal, and a faint nursery rhyme.

    "...and bingo was his name-o. Sing it, Gunther!" What followed was a mess of thuds, grunts, and instruments that pierced through Nona's thoughts. Beldum placed itself between his trainer and the strayed path, ready for a possible surprise encounter.

    Nona disputed against herself, curious yet not quite brave enough to march on in. Instead she opted for a meek approach; she inched closer to the pathway's entrance, fingers gingerly running down the rectangular archway's wooden frame. Beldum remained one step ahead, refusing Nona the honor of being the first to encounter what may lie inside.

    "...-U-I-N-AND-S AND RUINS IS WHAT WE DO, YEH!" The merrily melody continued without a hitch, giving the hope of no wild Pokémon to Nona if such a cute act can go on for so long. Or rather, that they have pokémon of their own to fend themselves with.

    She left the confines of the main path and detached herself, taking a leap of faith for the sake of indulging her curiosity. Nobody other than the expected Beldum followed as she stayed to her right, one hand never severing from the cavern wall that consisted of wooden beams, wires, rough rocks, and mesmerizing crystals.

    It was smooth sailing, not an issue had arisen, until…

    From the ceiling a grey and green blob blurred its way down to the earth and briefly engulfed Nona's vision, inches from her pupils. She sprung and yelped seconds too late, just as the pokémon impacted next to her stiff feet.

    "POP GOES THE- Wait. Gunther. Do you hear that? Is that… ? MATILDA?!" the male voice began. He erupted into a sudden sprint and fit of laughter. A frightened Nona bounced in place, frustrated and confused about her next course of action whereas Beldum placed himself in front of Nona, ready to engage the human entity.

    Quickened footsteps echoed within the pathway's walls. It heightened with every second and deafened the trio at its mouth. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" she apologized to the ferroseed upon registering its species prior to snatching her Beldum off the air.


    She jumped out of fright and almost tripped over pebbles. "Oh dear oh god oh dear oh- Azúuuul!" Her legs darted out the pathway and into the main track. She then blurted out an apology upon nearly crashing on to its foot traffic. "Ah I'm so so so sorry!" She did not hesitate to sprint back to the mine's opening. And it was this clumsy gait that caused her hands to be nicked upon thwacking against the rough walls, losing yet regaining balance when dodging passerby, and hollering out apologies -even to the walls- after such display.

    - - - - -​

    The pathway's opening stood tall, menacing and daunting. An ecstatic, older gentleman's voice was buffered upon reaching the main road through the mine, the amalgamated voices and shuffling successfully keeping Nona in a rather relaxed state; she had felt irresponsible and childish for having run away from a possible individual in need of help. In fact, she entertained the idea of their possible loneliness and odd behavior having been shaped as a result of actions like her own. Afterall, it couldn't be a ghost or dangerous individual when so close to the main path of a popular destination, right?

    She gulped. Beldum hovered next to Nona, escorting the skittish trainer into the tunnel with a cautious state of mind.


    Me but more fabulous
  • 359

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Haleigh and Melody
    Ignorance is Your New Best Friend​

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    The darkness of the mine was a pretty extreme contrast to the winter-wonderland the challengers had been wandering in these last sixteen or so days, and while the snow had served to absorb a great deal of sound, this cave seems to amplify everything. Lyric's pitter-pattering paws zigging and zagging across the dark floor likely give their presence away long before they actually appear.

    Melody considers putting on her earbuds to drown out the numerous sounds when one in particular gives her pause: A soft, high-pitched, distressed cry that causes a certain Doom Noodle to float a bit behind his trainer's head.

    "... Hello?" Melody calls out. There's no response, but there is a soft flickering of light that comes from just behind a minecart up ahead. Curiosity gets the better of Melody (as it often does) and she quickens her pace towards the source of the light.

    Behind the cart is a very small and very frightened Pumkaboo. Upon seeing the human, the small lights on its chest immediately stop flashing and it frantically looks for a new place to hide.

    "Woah-- hey, don't run--" Melody calls towards the small ghost, though it doesn't seem to be listening.

    Nightshot then floats from Melody's shoulder and zips over to block off the ghost-pumpkin's escape. The two exchange different variations of their names for a good minute before the ghostly dragon flies back to his trainer. He points with his nubbed arms to the Pumpkaboo and then makes several other points around it.

    "More Pumkaboo?" Melody asks.

    "Py!" Nightshot cheers before putting one arm over his eyes and spinning in a slow circle, as if trying to find something.

    "Pumpkaboo's looking for other Pumkaboo?"

    "Py py!" Nightshot smiles and nods.

    "I don't think you'll find them in here, li'l--" Melody glances to her partner Pokemon who taps her on the shoulder, "Dudette… don't you guys live on the other side of the mine?"

    Pumpkaboo looks down sadly.

    Melody puts on a small smile. "Why don't you come with us? You're awful small to travel alone." Despite the fact that she seems to have gotten plenty far on her own.

    Pumpkaboo looks uncertain, though after a few seconds of consideration, she begins to float towards Nightshot. The ghostly dragon lowers his head and scoops the tiny pumpkin onto it before looking to Melody with a proud smile.

    Melody can't help but chuckle. "That suits you. C'mon." With that, the group resumes their quest towards the cave's exit.

    After meeting up with Valerie, Haleigh's continued trekking onwards towards the cave's exit. Despite the odd Pokemon here and there, the Mine was pretty safe and pedestrian. Too safe for Haleigh's liking, but hey, it was what it was.

    Walking alongside Haleigh were Corey and Orion, the latter of whom was curious about all of the caves. Despite his whining, Haleigh insisted on holding him over her shoulder, since the baby Pokemon could get into a lot of trouble all alone in a cave with much stronger Pokemon that could attack him.

    The purple haired trainer spotted a familiar face up ahead, one that she was quite glad to see after having not seen her for so long. She picked up the pace, Corey also recognizing the other girl.

    She called out to Melody, her voice echoing off of the cave walls, "Melody, it's been too long! What's up?"

    Melody stops short when she hears that familiar voice. The punk teen quickly looks over her shoulder and flashes a small grin. "Haleigh!" She replies. Nightshot turns towards the sound of the voice and raises his hand in greeting. The little ghost on his head gives the new human a curious gaze as Melody jogs back towards her best friend. "Not much. This cave's pretty quiet-- have you seen any lost Pumpkaboo around?"

    Haleigh looked to the Pumpkaboo sitting perched on Nightshot's head. She gasped and started gushing over the small ghost Pokemon, "Arceus this is just too cute! They're so small!"

    To answer Melody's question, Haleigh shook her head and said, "But nah, haven't seen other Pumpkaboo except for this adorable little fella~."

    The Pumpkaboo gives a bashful smile. It's hard to tell in the dimly lit cave, but Melody is pretty sure their new little friend is blushing. "Oh! I have something for you." Melody tugs open her satchel and rifles through her things. She then tugs free a plush Marill doll and holds it out to her best friend. "Happy holidays, Haleigh."

    The other girl's eyes lit up as she took a moment to admire the cute plushie that Melody had gotten for her. Her voice was alight with joy as she said, "Oh Arceus, this is sooooooo cuuuuuuute! Are you trying to kill me with cuteness or something, mate? Thank you so much!" Haleigh giggled as she gave her friend a big hug.

    Oomf. Melody snickers before wrapping her arms around Haleigh and giving her a light pat on the back. "You're welcome, mate. Figured you could use somethin' to keep ya warm at night. It has heat-retaining beads in it." It's a practical thing to have while trekking across the country in the winter… and it's cute. That part can stay between them. No one must ever know of Haleigh's love of cute things.

    "Let's keep goin', yeah? You can tell me what you've been doin' since we got off the train."

    Haleigh took the Marill plushie and gave it a squeeze, pleasantly surprised as the pressure radiated a bit of heat. "Hell yeah! Man, I've been up to a whole lot since we parted ways."

    The purple haired girl started walking, keeping pace with Melody. "Well, I guess we can start with the Wild Area. You remember that Kalosian guy from school, Achille?"

    "Yeah. The one that pointed a sword at Leon." Melody nods. She never paid the guy any mind during school. The opening ceremony was the first time he did something that caught her eye. She has to admit, a guy challenging the champion by pointing a living weapon at him was probably a lot less dull than she gave him credit for.

    As the two walk, Lyric resumes his habit of weaving between their legs. By now, Melody is used to it, though she does shoo the rambunctious dark type away from her friend's feet. "What about him?"

    "I bumped into him off of the train, said there was a 'Mon that might be causing all this mad thick fog. He got me all hyped up to check it out, so we did and…" Haleigh's expression shifted to a more solemn one as she continued, "It didn't go so well. It was this wicked strong Froslass, obliterated Corey and Coraline like nothing, Achille's Pokemon weren't doing much better."

    Haleigh took a deep breath, clenching one of her fists. "Luckily, a Ranger bailed us out. If she hadn't…" She shook her head, not even wanting to say what could have happened in that godforsaken watchtower.

    A thick fog? Oh, she knows exactly what Haleigh's talking about. There must be something around that tower that makes ghost type Pokemon homicidal. Which reminds her… she never did find that Duskull. Hope it's okay… Melody's curious expression turns to an uncertain frown. "You're okay now though, yeah?"

    Looking at Melody's concerned expression, Haleigh quickly wiped the forlorn look on her face and nodded her head. "Y-yeah, I'm good now though. We made it through, I'm here alive and kickin'!" Her trademark grin returned and gave Melody a thumbs up.

    "I don't get to tell ya to be more careful, do I?" Melody questions. It would be pretty hypocritical, especially after everything that went down in Motostoke: Tracking down a cult in the sewers, charging into a burning building. She's almost disappointed nothing life-threatening happened while trekking across route 3. The punk teen takes a step closer and gives her best friend a gentle nudge. "But ya know I'm a call away if ya get into too much trouble."

    Haleigh laughs at Melody's response. "Yeah, you're just as much a troublemaker as I am, mate. What sort of shit have you gotten into so far?"

    "Not much. Not in route 3, anyway. I entered this race-thing with that really prissy girl from school. Pia? This ass-hat tried to sabotage the whole thing and then sicked a Beedrill on us when we caught him. Oh, and me and Bubbles met this old lady that sent us on a spirit-quest. That's where I caught this dude." She says as she motions to Zigzagoon that's sniffing around the ground between them.

    Haleigh raised an eyebrow, an amused expression on her face. From what little she knew about Pia, Haleigh couldn't have imagined her and Melody got on well, least of all well enough to take down the asshole who'd cheat at a cutesy race in a holiday market.

    "I had a more...eventful time on Route 3. I met this little guy at the market." Haleigh took out Orion's Pokeball, tapping the button and letting him materialize into her arms. The Alolan Vulpix looked at his trainer, before looking over to the other girl nervously and whining.

    She started petting him, trying to soothe the shy Pokemon. "This is my best mate, Melody. No need to be nervous, she's a sweet girl for cute little Pokemon like you~."

    "Hey, li'l fella." Melody greets. Nightshot flies a little closer to the timid Pokemon to offer a little wave. With the Doom Noodle being as meek as he is, he's hardly intimidating, so it should be okay for him to get a little closer. Melody, on the other hand, keeps her distance and keeps her eyes forward lest she spook the adorable fox. "He's super cute. Got a name for him?

    "His name's Orion." After looking at Doom Noodle for a few seconds, he returns the wave with a declarative cry of "Vul!", seemingly satisfied that neither the ghost dragon nor his trainer posed a threat. "He ran away from this Pokemon smuggler that set up shop at the very end of the market. They were all pet 'Mon like Skitty and Meowth and…" Haleigh sighed. "They were all in pretty sad shape."

    She looked down, a glowering expression on her face. "I couldn't let that shit go. Me and Achille swooped in and took that bastard down. He distracted 'im, and I tackled his sorry arse to the ground and punched him so hard I dislocated his jaw." Despite the note of pride in her voice about her own contribution to the takedown, it was clear from her straining voice that she was still torn up about it.

    "You were with Achille again? Somethin' you're not tellin' me?" Melody asks with a small raise of her eyebrow and a playful smirk. Nightshot floats a bit closer to the timid Vulpix and begins to chatter, the small pumpkin on his head tossing in an occasional pumpkaboo!

    Haleigh was once again snapped out of her brooding by the joke that Melody threw her way. A small blush graces her cheeks.

    "W-What, no! Stop that. He's a nice guy and all, but I don't think of him that way. We just so happened to bump into each other at the market, that's all."

    "Mhhhhm." Melody teases. When she saw that Haleigh was getting upset by the conversation at hand, her first instinct was to change the subject to something light-hearted. Maybe bringing up a guy was low-hanging fruit, but judging by the change in expression (and the tiny blush) it was working. "I guess I can believe that, but if you 'bump into him' again, make sure he knows that I have a very strict screening process for your potential suitors."

    The purple haired girl groans and buries her face in her hands. "Urgghh...stop it, I'm gonna die of embarrassment here! Why do I hang out with you?"

    Melody laughs before giving yet another affectionate bump against Haleigh's shoulder. "'Cause it's pretty slim pickins for friends in Spikemuth." Melody glances over her shoulder when she notices that Nightshot has slowed. The ghostly dragon's nose wrinkles as if he's come upon something unpleasant.

    "What's up, li'l dude?" Melody questions. The ghostly dragon points straight ahead. In the distance, far enough away that Melody has to squint to see it, is a tall woman-- and beside her, a Trubbish. Oh, that's it.

    Haleigh looked over to where the ghost dragon's attention was directed and saw the woman with the Trubbish. She looked familiar to Haleigh, but couldn't place why. Was she a famous person she had seen on TV?

    "Hey Mel, wanna check and see who that is? I feel like I've seen her before…"

    Melody looks around the mine. It doesn't look like there's any good way to avoid her (as much as it seems Nightshot wants to.) She gives a casual shrug. "Sure. Can't hurt."

    Haleigh started walking towards the woman with Melody next to her, the lights of the gemstones starting to illuminate the woman's features: long blonde hair, red blouse, black pencil skirt and leggings and piercing green eyes casting a serious, appraising gaze towards her surroundings. Haleigh narrowed her eyes as she instantly recognized the figure.


    By that point, the two girls were close enough to be within the other woman's sight. As Oleana turned to acknowledge the two, Haleigh was the one to act first and spat at the woman, "Oi, what's your sorry arse doing here?"

    Oleana looked at Haleigh with a look that was part puzzled and part amused. "Eager, aren't we?" She looked at the two punk trainers, her appraising gaze still cool and collected. "I recognize you two. Haleigh and Melody, isn't it?"

    "What's it to you?" Haleigh was glaring at the other woman, her gaze steeled over and standing closer to the other woman.

    The blonde woman didn't flinch at the shorter girl's attempt to intimidate, giving her own cold stare in response. "Nothing, not particularly."

    Woah. What's someone like her doing here? Shouldn't she be in prison? Is she doing community service? No, they put her in charge of the company-- after everything she helped do. Melody glances between her best friend and the older woman. Oelana was pretty much living inside Rose' ass when he decided to revive an ancient god to sick on the region. Melody can't say she's a fan of hers, but… she's not interested in ripping her head off either. Haleigh looks like she's ready to sail across the mine and pumble her into the dirt.

    "You know our names? Didn't think you still cared about the challenge." As she speaks, she watches Nightshot slink behind her. Maybe it wasn't the Trubbish that was making the dragon uneasy after all…

    "I may be preoccupied with my duties as the new head of Macro Cosmos, but I can spare a moment to read the news."

    The woman offers the slightest of smiles as she gestures to Haleigh. "Speaking of, your friend here looks a bit...agitated with me. Perhaps she'd like a battle with me to cool down?"

    Haleigh shouted and pointed at her, "You're fuckin' on!"

    Turning to Melody, she asked, "What d'you say Melody, fancy a two on one battle with her, show her what's what?"

    Melody's eyes light up a bit at the mention of a battle. She hadn't gotten into one since fighting off that douche canoe with the Linoone. A small, eager smirk makes its way to her face as she steps closer to her best friend. "Oh, hell yeah!"

    The purple haired trainer's face lit up at the affirmative response. "Awesome! This is going to be one hell of a time!" In her moment of jubilation, Haleigh's anger towards the Macro Cosmos head was temporarily forgotten, instead being channeled into the hype of the battle.

    Oleana's smile widens into her own self-confident smirk. "So it's settled. Since the two of you are pairing up, I'll be doing the battle with double rules, one Pokemon each for you too."

    Haleigh fished through her coat pocket, coming up with Cornelius' Pokeball. She tosses the ball and lets the psychic Pokemon out, looking amped up and ready for war as much as his trainer was.

    Melody glances to her partner Pokemon. Asking him to go out and battle would mean abandoning their little pumpkin friend, something the small ghost does not look the least bit thrilled about. Before Melody can go over her other options, she feels a gentle tugging on her pant leg. She looks down to meet Lyric's eager eyes. The Zigzagoon hops onto his back feet and lets out a soft yet determined growl followed by a swish of his tail.

    "You ready to go?"


    "Alright. Let's show 'em what we're made of, Lyric!"

    The excited tanuki Pokemon bounds over to Cornelius and offers an excited wiggle in greeting. In response, the Ralts gave Lyric a nod of solidarity and focused his eyes forward again.

    Oleana sends out her own Pokemon - a Snorunt and a Trubbish - out and states to the two trainers, "I'll let you two go first."

    Haleigh wastes no time in getting headfirst into the battle. "Alright Cornelius, sic the Trubbish with a Confusion attack!"

    Melody can't help the sense of relief that bubbles up from not sending her dragon Pokemon into battle with an ice type. A memory of the pair's last battle flashes within Melody's mind and gives her an idea. "Lyric, use Snarl!"

    The monochrome Pokemon hops onto his back legs and releases a black sound wave. The farther the waves get from Lyric, the larger they grow. By the time they reach the other side of the makeshift battle field, they are plenty large enough to strike both Pokemon.

    The speed and ferocity of the Snarl meant that the two Pokemon took the attacks head on, the Snorunt and Trubbish reeling from the harsh, discordant noise just long enough that Cornelius - who was not speediest of Pokemon - could make his first decisive blow against the trash bag Pokemon as the Ralts held his head in concentration and unleashed the psychic move on it. When it landed, the Trubbish looked winded from the super effective hit.

    Despite that, Oleana kept her cool and commanded, "Trubbish, use Autotomize and try to keep astray of the Ralts. Snorunt, use Ice Shard on the Ralts."

    Before Haleigh or Melody could prep their next attacks, Trubbish started spewing trash out of his body, becoming more light and nimble while the Snorunt stepped forward to lob her Ice type move on Cornelius.

    "Lyric, use Pin Missle on the Ice Shards!"

    Lyric releases an excited cry as his fur begins to stand on end and seemingly grow much sharper. Small, precise needles shoot from the dark type's back and collide with the shards of ice, causing some to shatter while others are knocked away from their target.

    As the Ice Shard disintegrated into harmless pieces around Cornelius, Haleigh started telling Cornelius his next orders. "Let's switch it up and get the Snorunt. Melody, get Lyric to use another Snarl." An eager grin spreads across her face as she adds, "I want Cornelius to use a Disarming Voice attack and combine it with the Snarl, show 'em a hardcore vocal duet!"

    Lyric doesn't wait for the instruction to come from his own trainer. Upon hearing the combination of Lyric and Snarl the dark type hops back onto his back legs and releases another low cry that resonates through the cave.

    Melody gives a small shake of her head towards her newest companion, making a mental note to work on his patience once they get out of here. For now, her own focus needs to remain on the fight in front of them-- and hope the sound waves work together rather than cancel each other out.

    Cornelius released his own Disarming Voice attack after the Zigzagoon did, the two sound waves seeming to amplify each other - albeit in an unstable manner that seemed to be on the verge of dissipating. The harsh, discordant noise the attack made was enough to make every human cover their ears at the discordant noise, with the opposing Pokemon not doing much better, both of them taking the combined attack head on and for great damage.

    Haleigh winced and uncovered her ears as she told Melody, "Sorry mate, I forgot we're in a cave."

    "No problem!" Melody calls-- louder than probably necessary… her ears are ringing ever so slightly. "Lyric!" She calls out, snapping her focus back to the fight ahead. The Trubbish used an attack to speed itself up, so it's time to slow it back down! "Use Lick on Trubbish!"

    Lyric cries excitedly as he hops into the air. He pounces atop the disoriented Trubbish and glides his long tongue across its face. Upon tucking his tongue back into his mouth, he shudders unpleasantly.

    "-- Sorry!" Melody cries, realizing she just told her Pokemon to lick literal garbage.

    Oleana looked over at the results of battle, an eyebrow slightly raised at the outcome of the battle. Though her Pokemon were still in it, their barrage of attacks managed to significantly damage them - especially Cornelius with the Trubbish. If she could help it, however, that would soon be changing.

    "Trubbish, get up some Poison Gas on that Ralts and Snorunt, get up a Light Screen behind him."

    The Snorunt cast a field of energy around herself and the Trubbish, the Light Screen fading to a transparent shimmering forcefield. The Trubbish - now lighter and nimbler- quickly made its way towards the unfortunate Ralts. Haleigh started to shout for him to get out of the way, but it was too late. The gas spread over the battlefield and struck him directly. Cornelius visibly shudders at the noxious brew of gas thrown his way, looking as if he had eaten a bad berry.

    "Damn it, he's been poisoned!" Haleigh let out a deep breath as she shouted to her Ralts. "C'mon buddy, just a bit longer!"

    Shit. Lick didn't paralyze. Her fault for banking on something that happens roughly thirty percent of the time.

    Light Screen - A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks. The description of the move repeats within Melody's mind. Special moves, huh? Not much of a problem for Lyric-- big problem for Ralts though. "Lyric, use Sand Attack on Trubbish!"

    The Zigzagoon turns around and kicks his feet into the air, stirring up a cloud of dust that collides with the speedy garbage's face and forces it to squeeze its eyes shut. After that, the energetic Pokemon rushes over to its partner and places a pink berry in his hands. A Pecha berry? When did he find that?!

    The Ralts took the Pecha berry from Lyric, gratefully eating it up and standing up straight again. Cornelius thanked the Zigzagoon with a cry of "Ralts!" and turned back to the battle at hand.

    With a confident smirk back on her face, she said, "We're back in it. Alright Cornelius, get another Confusion attack on the Trubbish."

    Even with the screen, that's a powerful hit against a poison type. Cornelius should be able to handle the turbo-Trubbish, especially now that it's going to have one hell of a time hitting Cornelius back. "Lyric! Headbutt Snorunt!"

    A powerful cry leaves the dark type as he charges headfirst into his opponent.

    Though the Ralt's move connected, some of the energy in the Confusion attack got reflected back, just enough to prevent an outright knockout blow.

    The Snorunt, however, was not so lucky as the significantly faster Zigzagoon gave the small ice Pokemon little chance to dodge in time. The Snorunt stumbled backwards and fell unconscious, forcing the blonde woman to recall her Pokemon.

    "Hell yeah! Alright Melody, let's tag team that bag of rubbish!" The Trubbish glared at the purple haired trainer that was insulting him.

    "Hell yeah! Lyric, Headbutt one more time!"

    The excited Zigzagoon barrels straight for the garbage pile. His head bows and he smashes directly into the poison type from behind, sending him flying straight towards Cornelius.

    With no possible escape for the Trubbish, Haleigh didn't even have to utter another command before getting the gist of what had to be done. Amped up like her trainer, Cornelius let out a Disarming Voice upon the other Pokemon and as soon as the sound waves hit the Trubbish, he collapsed in a heap.

    "Yes!" Haleigh jumped up and gave Melody a high five. "We fuckin' did it!

    Oleana, however, still managed to look stoic and unimpressed. "Indeed. Very interesting strategies…"

    Melody holds her hands up for a double-high-five with her best friend. With a victorious cry, Lyric sprints over to the pair to run a figure-eight between their feet. Realizing Madam Should-be-in-Prison is speaking to them, Melody looks over her shoulder to the older woman. "Thanks for the… experience?" Melody's coming to realize that Double Battles are such a different beast than your typical 1v1. It's hard for her to split her focus between her Pokemon, her partner's Pokemon, and two opponents… that's something she's going to have to get better at if she makes it to Raihan.

    For Haleigh's part, the victory was more...personal. Maybe she couldn't ever face them ever again, but it was the next best thing. She turned to face the other girl and said, "I'm glad you decided to battle with me. But...one of these days we gotta battle each other. And we both know I'd come out on top." She gave the other girl an exaggeratedly smug grin, her words lighthearted and teasing.

    "Yeah, probably." Melody says with a small grin and a light-hearted shrug. It's Lyric that stands up on his trainer's feet and bristles his fur towards the purple haired girl, letting out an eager cry as if to accept her challenge.

    Haleigh giggles. "Looks like Lyric isn't quite ready to throw in the towel yet. Don't count yourself out."

    She gestures towards the main path of the mine. "But that can wait another time. Let's get on with the rest of our journey, yeah?"

    "Let me tell you a little secret, Li'l man: Haleigh herself is a half fairy type. Think you can beat her?" Melody asks with a playful grin. Lyric looks up to his trainer and releases a soft, confused growl while tilting his head.

    "... Never mind." Melody chuckles. Looks like the joke went right over his fuzzy little head. She looks back to Haleigh and gives an encouraging nod. "Next stop, Turfield, yeah?"

    "Yeah!" The two trainers start walking off together, enjoying each other's company and going about their merry way out of the mine with their Pokemon in tow.

    The blonde woman that they had left behind watched them leave, adopting a thoughtful gaze as she watched them leave. There was a nagging feeling that she had seen one of them before they had ever graduated, but couldn't really place where or why. She let the fleeting thought pass as she returned to the things that were most relevant to her: the assessment of all the Academy graduates - and how they might fit into her plans.

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    Don't let me disappear
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      Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Ft. Haleigh Windsor

    Breath in. Close your eyes. Visualize your objective. Breathe out - let your anxiety just blow away.

    "Just do it."

    Rosa clenched her fist, remembering the weapon that she'd taken from Melody and finally tossed out. Now, here she stood, just feet away. After meeting up with the miners, she'd happened upon the girl and had been following her for a short while, wondering how she should approach her now. Even if she wanted to blame Mel for what had happened at the end of her stay in Motostoke, she couldn't. She'd been involved with the family before she ever brought the pipe back to her room; but sure, if she hadn't been in the process of actively avoiding Melody then she would have gone out of her room and remembered at some point to toss it out… that being said-

    "Just. Do it." she whispered to herself, shaking her head and giving herself a gentle slap on the cheek. "Hey Melody, how's it going? See? Just say it, it's easy. Just. Do. It." she whispered angrily at herself, her legs not wanting to move. She sat there, watching Melody as she walked through the barely illuminated mines. "Why can't I... why…" she shook her head, lightly punching her legs.

    Rosa looked up, pursing her lips as another girl ran up to Melody, so easily striking up a conversation. She fell to her knees, and then sat back on her heels before leaning her head against the cold stone wall. She lightly tapped her forehead against the stone, creating a soft thunk as she dug around in her pocket with a defeated slowness.

    "Why…" she whispered, opening the book to Melody's page. She read through again, wondering if there was anything that could help her force her way out there. But… nothing. A short list of connections, one of which seemed to be described by her in a way that matched the girl that had run up to Melody, stealing the moment from her. "Haleigh, huh?" She quickly flipped to the girl's page, illuminating it as best she could with the soft light of the pokedex.

    She slowly rose to her feet, closing the notebook and putting it back in her sweater. She watched from a safe distance, wondering what they were talking about. But, perhaps… perhaps it was better to just move on. It wasn't a big deal - she just didn't have much else to do before her due date in Turrfield. She glanced down at the pokedex, checking the date and time before shrugging.

    "Let's see what happens, I guess."

    - - - - -​

    Rosa chewed on the tip of her nail as she waited at the exit of the mines. She'd not exactly hoped to meet up with Melody any time soon, but still, after seeing her again and reading back through the notes she'd taken from before, she thought she was prepared and ready to catch up. She opened the notebook as she took a seat in the grass, flipping through to see just what she'd had on Haleigh - which wasn't much. She was one of several classmates she hadn't run into since graduation outside of the gathering in Motostoke, and even then it wasn't as if she'd actually sought the girl out.

    "I know they're friends, but what else?" She whispered to herself as she waited, shaking her head as she looked out at the fields that were being cleared.

    The mines weren't exactly the largest, so if she just took her time and waited then one or both should be coming this way after not too much longer. Especially after what had happened with the haunted mansion, she wasn't exactly excited about getting stuck in large groups, but if Melody ran into her and just so happened to bring Haleigh along then that would make figuring out their relationship that much easier. She just hoped that Haleigh wouldn't end up being Pia number two.

    Rosa sat and stared silently at the city in the distance. It had been a while since she'd been able to just sit and zone out for hours. If she'd had any artistic ability, this would have been the perfect place to paint a picture. She'd released Wyatt and Yzma, allowing the two to join the Budew as they watched the sun make its descent. The Pokemon slowly became just as engrossed in the scenery as she was, calming down quickly as they all found themselves comfortably snuggled up in the excess fabric of her sweater.

    A short ways down the path ahead, battles had been going on for the greater part of the day in the freshly prepared fields. The farmers had worked for a few hours to get them looking like a sanctioned battle area, and were apparently handing out gifts to any trainers that could put on a good show for the locals that were hanging from the fences and watching. Every now and then, a loud explosion or cheers of excitement would break her concentration, drawing her attention to the battlefield where she got to witness a number of different trainers she'd never seen before compete against each other.

    She felt her heartbeat begin to pick up, considering with each set of cheers that she might want to actually go and join in. It's not like waiting for the girl was doing her any favors, especially now that it'd been so long since she'd seen either of them. She could use the practice, especially since her first gym challenge was just around the corner. She could also use this wait to practice her dance in preparation for the contest that was set to occur around the same time.

    "Fuck it," she whispered, nodding her head. "Let's do it." She said as she slowly got up, letting the Pokemon that had leaned themselves up against her in their slumber to tumble over. "We're going to fight."

    Haleigh was excitedly eyeing the exit to the mines, glad to see a bit of sunshine after being in the dank caverns that made up the Galar Mine. Walking alongside her trainer were Corey and Cornelius, with the fire bunny easily the more excitable of the two as he bound ahead of his trainer

    The punk trainer giggled, "Corey, wait up mate, the sun ain't goin' anywhere."

    She picked up the pace to match that of her frantic Scorbunny while Cornelius shook his head at the energetic pair before reluctantly moving as fast as his nubby little legs would let him so he wouldn't be left behind. Once they all emerged out of the mine, the sight that greeted them was one that fired her and her team up. All of the now dead, snow covered fields that dotted the route were being converted into battling fields for all of the nearby trainers. Haleigh and her team were in great spirits after her and Melody's victory against Oleana, and another battle to show off Haleigh's self proclaimed prowess made her feel all the better.

    As she continued walking down the route and watched some of the battles from afar, Haleigh saw a girl with blonde hair come up towards her. As she came up closer, Haleigh started looking at her. She looked very familiar, but for some reason could not place a name to her face. It was more than likely someone from the academy based on the fact she got the face right.

    Blonde hair done up with two buns, very short stature, had a Whismur...Aha! It was Rosa Valdes, the Johtonian girl with the traditional dance outfit.

    She gave the other girl a cheery wave and a big smile. "Hello! How's it goin'?

    Rosa smiled and returned the wave. She'd seen the girl from a short distance, having caught sight of the Scorbunny as it left the cave. She was in the process of running through all the information she'd refreshed herself on hours prior, having waited entirely too long to catch her on the exit. Already, the tension was building up in her mind, wondering how she should approach her for essentially the first time. How much did Haleigh know about her, had she heard anything from other people in the past months, had she read the papers in Motostoke?

    "Hey," she replied softly, coming back up to the path just outside the mine's exit. "I'm good. Just relaxing and catching some battles out here before I head into town. How about you?" Yeah, just play it casual. Build it up nice and slow; there's no need to rush things with this girl yet.

    Haleigh replied, "I'm doing great now that I know there's a place for us to battle. I just got done doing one with Melody, but me and my team are raring to go all the time, ain't that right Corey, Cornelius?"

    The Ralts gave a salute in affirmation while Corey did a thumbs up, nodding his head vigorously.

    "That's what I love to hear!"

    This girl was as battle hungry as that bug catcher always seemed. Rosa gave a little nod and smiled wider, "Yeah, for sure. So, is that a challenge?" She supposed they could always talk later, after she'd worn her Pokemon out.

    "You bet your arse it's a challenge! I haven't seen much of my classmates battling outside of the mock ones from the academy, and I wanna see what you're capable of." She laughed cheerfully, adding, "Besides, the best way to get to know someone is through a battle, yeah?"

    Hmm, Simon had used a similar tactic when they'd met up before. Maybe she just wasn't trying hard enough to understand the whole idea of feeling through battling, or whatever it was. She nodded her head and pulled out a pokeball from her pocket. "Yeah, let's do it. One of the fields should be just about to open up, so it's perfect timing."

    "Awesome! Be prepared mate, me and my team are gonna rock you away!" Haleigh's tone of voice was cheery and playful, not seeming to take the battling too seriously as to be a stick in the mud about it. That'd be the last thing Haleigh would want Rosa to think of her as.

    The pair turned and walked up towards one of the vacating fields, the trainers who had previously occupied it giving each other a nod of approval and a handshake as they left.

    Rosa looked over at the girl as the two parted ways, wondering what kind of Pokemon she had on her. Obviously, they both knew at least one of the other's party. Luckily, she didn't know that Wyatt had just recently evolved, which should give her a small advantage since she was still running around with a Scorbunny. The only question left, was who else to bring along? She felt the balls in her pocket, wondering whether she should bring out Yzma or Ezra. Ultimately, it depended on who she led off with first.

    As the two got to their starting positions, Rosa motioned towards Haleigh with a short curtsy as she pulled Wyatt's ball from her pocket. "I'll let you go first."

    Unfortunately, apart from the Whismur, Haleigh had no idea of who Rosa was going to pick. She surely had at least a few different ones to choose from apart from her starter. On her end, Orion was out of the question as he was still a baby with no battling experience under his belt, leaving only Cornelius or Coraline. It was all up to chance whether her choice would be the right one.

    "Alright, Cornelius, you're up first!" As he was already out of his ball following Corey and Haleigh, he simply walked forward and adopted a battling stance, looking calm but anticipating who Rosa was going to bring out.

    Rosa nodded, acknowledging the choice. It was unfortunate that she hadn't chosen to bring out Scorbunny here. She figured it would have been the obvious choice to lead with - sort of like holding out a sign that read 'hey, look how strong we've gotten since we graduated'. But, nevertheless, Rosa's mind was already made up before the choice was made. It would have looked bad on her anyways to drop the pre-selected ball back into her pocket and pull out something else anyways.

    "Come on out, Wyatt!" The girl tossed the ball out, releasing the recently evolved Loudred from within.

    The Pokemon exploded onto the battlefield, rubbing its arms across its face as it smirked. "Lou." It cooed softly as it positioned itself closer to the ground, propping itself up on all fours as it awaited the start of battle.

    Rosa smiled as she glanced at her pokedex, reading the Loudred's new moves before deciding on how to attack. "Wyatt, power up with a Howl and then hit it with an Echoed Voice!"

    Haleigh's eyes widened as the small Whismur that she had associated with the blonde had now evolved into a Loudred. She wasn't expecting her opponent to have anything beyond base level Pokemon, not when her own Pokemon were yet to evolve.

    However, Haleigh cast the surprise aside and gave a confident smirk to her opponent. It was an advantage, but nothing she couldn't overcome if she made the right moves.

    "Cornelius, counter with a Disarming Voice. We'll see whose voice is the loudest!" Haleigh pointed towards the opposing Loudred.

    Rosa smirked as Haleigh called out her attack. Even as a Whismur, Wyatt had nearly deafened her several times. Looking at the tiny Ralts that was going to try and outscream him now that he'd evolved was just laughable at best. "I believe in you, Wyatt. Let your voice be heard."

    The Pokemon nodded, breathing in deep, cutting off his own attack as the Ralts went to start theirs. "Louuuuuuuuu!" The Pokemon screamed out, causing a concussive force to blow through the makeshift arena, quickly overpowering the Ralts.

    The small Pokemon was blown back by the impact of the blow, dealing a fair bit of damage from the powered up Echoed Voice attack. It wasn't looking that good for the Pokemon, but he wasn't out yet.

    Haleigh cried out to her Pokemon, "Cornelius, you got this, I believe in you! Hit him with a Confusion attack." The Ralts concentrated for a moment and held up his arms to his head before pointing towards the Loudred and releasing waves of pinkish-purple energy, heading straight for him.

    "Wyatt, do-" Rosa started to call out, hoping to break the Loudred from its attack that continued even as the Pokemon turned its head.

    But it was too late, as the sound of its screaming was too loud for her to be heard over it. Before he knew it, Wyatt was struck with the Confusion and stumbled forward, trying to find his footing as the world around him began to spin. "L-Lou?" The Pokemon called out, reaching lazily towards its trainer.

    Rosa shook her head. "Turn around! Bite! Don't let the Ralts get away!"

    "Lou!" Wyatt cried out, turning towards what he thought was the Ralts before lunging towards the Pokemon, crashing into the dirt and wincing from the impact.

    Haleigh let out a triumphant cheer. "Woo! Now's our chance! Give 'im hell with another Disarming Voice!" The screeching attack - although not nearly as powerful as the previous Echoed Voice from the Loudred- was enough to go towards him uncontested in his state of confusion.

    However, as the attack struck the disoriented Pokemon, the sound of the scream drew him back into a state of alertness. Wyatt slowly pushed himself off the ground as the attack echoed in his massive ears, causing the Pokemon to wince in pain. But despite the pain, the objective was now in plain sight. The Ralts was only a few feet away, and with his new, more powerful legs beneath him, the Pokemon lunged towards Cornelius with mouth agape, ready to strike with another Bite.

    The purple haired teen shouted to Cornelius, "Get out of the way, you don't want that Bite to hit you!"

    Cornelius didn't need to be told twice. Despite his relatively slow speed, the Ralts jumped out of the way, his momentum pushing him tumbling towards the ground below. The Loudred whizzed by with a few inches to spare.

    Haleigh then shouted, "Get up, try and get another Confusion in."

    The Loudred turned slowly, facing the Ralts head on again as it grimaced and chomped as hard as it could, creating an audible clicking of its teeth. The Pokemon wasn't graceful by any means, in fact, it was only a small amount faster than the Ralts now that it had evolved - but that was all that it needed. Wyatt took advantage of that small gap, and pounced on the Ralts, Biting it once, just to make sure it stayed in place as the confusion struck it head on.

    "Lou," the Pokemon smiled as it breathed in deep.

    "Echoed Voice, Wyatt!" Rosa called out, watching as the Pokemon reeled its head back, holding down the Ralts with one of his feet.

    There was no way Cornelius could dodge that attack point blank, especially not with a stronger Pokemon pinning him down like that. Haleigh could only watch helplessly as the Loudred screamed and unleashed the attack. Satisfied that the Ralts was defeated, the Loudred stepped away.

    "R-ral…" Cornelius gave Haleigh a final salute before the Pokemon lost consciousness.

    The punk trainer sighed, lamenting the defeat of her Pokemon. "You did the best you could." She pulled out Cornelius' Pokeball, recalling him.

    She gave her opponent a nod of approval, a smile still managing to grace her lips. "Looks like I'm not dealing with any ol' chump then. Let's see if Corey can finish what Cornelius started!"

    The Scorbunny excitedly dashed onto the field, hopping in place and looking at her Pokemon expectedly.

    "Alright Corey, I'm gonna need you to be fast and nimble. Use Agility and try to stay out of his way!" He nodded, running in place and charging up his speed before dashing ahead towards the Loudred.

    Rosa watched as the Scorbunny quickly picked up speed. She knew that as time went on, it would become harder and harder for any of her own to keep up with the Pokemon. She also didn't really know how much Wyatt had left in the tank, so it was best to make use of him while she could. "Wyatt, use Stomp to tear up the field!"

    "Loud!" The Pokemon roared, pushing its feet into the ground as hard as it could, quickly making small indentations in the earth all around where it was stamping as it turned slowly in a circle.

    The shockwaves the Stomps made were powerful enough to knock Corey off balance and take a little bit of damage as he tripped and stumbled. However, unlike Cornelius, he was back on his feet immediately after being hit and stood up at attention, ready for his next set of orders.

    "Let's get up close and personal! Corey, Double Kick 'im!"

    The Scorbunny came barrelling down towards the Loudred, running until he was close enough for the Pokemon to jump up and strike him with two solid kicks to the face. The first kick brought the Loudred to his knee, and the second forced him to fall onto his back. He slowly leaned forward, wincing as the pain of the first battle finally set in.

    "Wyatt!" Rosa called out, not sure of what to do. It was probably best to just recall him now, since he probably wouldn't be able to land another attack now that the Scorbunny was so fast. But, she had to make as much use out of him as she could. "Disarming Voice!"

    "L-Lou!" The Pokemon cried out weakly from its spot on the ground as it took in a deep breath and let out a massive cry.
    The cry was enough to knock Corey back, but it scarcely bought Wyatt enough time to prevent another attack.

    "He's almost done, Corey. Hit him with a flurry of Embers, and we got this!" Corey nodded, taking a deep breath before unleashing a barrage of Embers towards the Pokemon, with almost no opportunity to dodge them in his weakened state.

    The Loudred fell back, letting the elbow that was propping him up off the ground fall from beneath him. The Pokemon hit the ground with a thud, now clearly well beyond its capacity for battle. "Lou," the Pokemon whispered weakly as it sighed, waiting for Rosa to recall it.

    "You did well, Wyatt." Rosa nodded solemnly, pressing the center of the ball in her hand and recalling the Pokemon.

    "Bud!" Zorro cried out angrily, waddling slowly towards the battlefield to avenge his fallen friend.

    "No, no, no." Rosa whispered, rushing out to grab the Pokemon and pull it back onto the sidelines. "You're still too young for that little guy. Give it a few more weeks."

    "Bud!" The Pokemon cried out, gently whacking the girl with the vines on its head as tiny tears fell from its eyes. "Bud Bud Budew!" Zorro cried, pointing at the Scorbunny that had done Wyatt in.

    "Sorry about that," Rosa called out as she dug around in her pocket for the next Pokemon. Ezra probably stood the best chance here, but she also had the most battling experience out of any of her Pokemon. Besides, with a grass gym coming up in the next few days, she'd probably be using her to complete it. It was best to get her some experience in an actual battle before her big moment came along. "Come on out, Yzma!" The girl yelled out, tossing the ball into the center of the field of tiny craters that had formed from the Loudred's Stomping death throes.

    The Pokemon burst free with an icy wind, shivering as the frost came off the peak of its head. "Snor!"

    Rosa nodded, ready to head straight into battle. Letting that Scorbunny get in even a single attack could be deadly for the Snorunt… that being so, "Yzma, use Double Team until you can't anymore!"

    Haleigh could see what the strategy was here: dodge and pray that one of Corey's moves didn't hit the Snorunt. It was going to be all down to who could dodge the best and the most.

    "Alright Corey, you're gonna have to channel your inner football player and be hot and fast. Try and blitz 'im with some Embers, otherwise try and find an opening for a Double Kick!"

    The Scorbunny nodded resolutely as he prepared another set of Embers to lob at the Snorunt while also charging towards it.

    The Scorbunny crashed through the illusionary Snorunt, hopping to its next kick as it bounced between each copy and spewed out the Embers. Yzma continued building up copies of itself as the attacks continued, eventually building up a large crowd that it could easily blend in to. The numerous Yzma snickered as they watched the Scorbunny fail, time and time again.

    "Icy Wind, Yzma"

    The Pokemon nodded, as each copy of itself shook vigorously, causing a massive cold front to appear behind it and envelop the energetic Corey.

    The Icy Wind made its mark, knocking the Scorbunny off of his stride and encasing him in some ice. It didn't hurt much considering the attacks typing, but it was enough to get under his skin as he squinted at the clone Snorunts that taunted his failure. He growled, getting frustrated nothing was landing.

    "Ease it Corey, I got an idea. Use a Flame Charge, get pumped up, knock out some of the imposters. Be on your feet for the real one!"

    Corey gave his trainer a determined nod, encasing his entire body in flames and casting a sweeping arc against some of the fake Snorunts, wheeling around and reorienting himself to attack the remaining few Snorunts.

    As the copious doubles of Yzma continued to gradually disappear, a look of worry began to creep onto both the Pokemon and trainer's faces. Boosting themselves could only get them so far now. In the face of an unfortunate matchup, they'd need their attacks to do as much as they could. "Yzma, use Leer! Then blend in with the copies and hit it with an Astonish whenever you think you can get away with it!"

    The Pokemon nodded, its copies following suit as they stared down the opposing Pokemon with a powerful and dominant gaze. Hopefully, this would force it to lower its defense in uncertainty due to the perceived confidence of the Snorunt. As the Scorbunny continued to rush through the impostors, Yzma snuck in quick Astonishes that chipped away at the Pokemon's energy, until there were only two Snorunt left.

    Haleigh looked at Corey, to whom Yzma had managed to do more damage than she expected. He looked a bit winded from the barrage of Astonish attacks and the Leer, but still fired up and in the game. It'd come down to sheer speed and quick wits to see who'd be the victor.

    She shouts to the Scorbunny with ample enthusiasm in her tone, "Only two left mate, c'mon, you can do it! Let's finish the two of them off with another Flame Charge, show me your burning spirit!"

    The rabbit Pokemon once again encased himself in flames, rushing over to the two Snorunts at lightning speed and jumping in the air to give himself a good vantage point for the attack.

    Yzma stared up at the Pokemon which had made itself a floating target by taking its attack to the sky. It was quick on the ground, but the air would definitely slow it down just long enough. Even if her attacks were weak, this was her chance to prove herself, to avenge Wyatt just like he had in the mine before. The two Snorunt began to shake, forming a number of ice crystals in their mouths before firing them up at the looming Pokemon before it could land.

    Though Corey took the attack directly, the flames on his body were too bright and hot to be quenched by the ice and after being knocked back by the impact, he stepped forward again and went for a blow on the Snorunt to Corey's left. The attack connected and hit the real Snorunt, dealing a devastating amount of damage to the ice type.

    Yzma tumbled backwards, not having the time to throw up a final protect before the attack connected. The Pokemon rolled several feet away from the impact of the attack, and struggled a few times to push itself back up before finally falling with a weak cry. "Sno…" Her eyes closed slowly, the damage from the attack simply having been too much for her to handle.

    Rosa rushed out onto the field and knelt down by the Pokemon, cradling Yzma in her arms as she rubbed the Snorunt's peak. "There, there. You did great. Wyatt would be so proud if he had the strength to be out here now."

    Corey came back and though tired, was exuberant in the victory. He hopped up and gave his trainer a high five.

    Haleigh was beaming at the Scorbunny, her grin stretching from ear to ear. She exclaimed, "Way to go Corey! We did it!" Between the battle with Oleana and her newest victory versus Rosa, the tribulations of Route 3 seemed like a distant memory.

    "Come on mate, let's go and talk to Rosa real quick." The purple haired trainer and her Scorbunny walked over to their opponent, their movements energetic and spirited.

    Haleigh held out a hand for Rosa, stating, "That was one hell of a good battle, Rosa. You may not have won, but you did one hell of a job keeping me on my toes. Cheers to your victory in that regard!"

    Rosa pressed the pokemon's ball gently against her peak before looking up at Haleigh. She stared at the girl's hand for a second and then ultimately took it, pulling herself up off the ground. She was right. She wasn't ready for the gym challenge. It had been her plan to use Yzma's typing to her advantage, but seeing how easily she got beat down - two battles in a row, at that - her confidence was quickly waning.

    "Thanks!" She said, a smile spreading across her face as she looked at the faces of the excited townspeople that'd stuck around to watch their battle. The tiny girl waved back at a few kids that were screaming and waving at her with every fiber in their being. They weren't actually that much shorter than herself, so perhaps they were excited at how well she did because they thought she was a kid herself. She slowly turned back to face Haleigh, looking at the Scorbunny that was still beside her. "You two did great too. That battle was a lot closer than I thought it would be with your type advantage."

    "I thought the same honestly. Just goes to show you can't coast on type advantage - or count yourself out if you're facing it." Haleigh gave the girl a small airy laugh. "That's what I love about battling. The different styles of people and their Pokemon, their techniques, their passion. It gets pretty easy to just lose yourself in it all. Feels like you're projecting a part of yourself in there, all the emotions and stuff."

    Rosa's eyes twitched as Haleigh finished speaking. Was she projecting onto her Pokemon? When she used to get into fights with Simon, he'd call her out and say she was projecting on him. Maybe there was something similar going on there? "Hmm." she mused, placing her hand on her chin and pursing her lips, as she began to lose herself in thought. "If we really do project a part of ourself, then that means…" she scooted her boot back, beginning to walk away when she looked back up at Haleigh. "Oh, sorry. Just -" she paused, scratching at the back of her head as she searched for an excuse that she could use without being so blunt about the reality of it. "Something you said got me thinking about something else… but I'll figure it out later. For now, I think I'd like to chat with you, if you've got the time. That is, after we pick up our prizes." She gestured towards the referee who was standing with a couple of Revival Herbs.

    Haleigh had wondered what Rosa was mumbling about, but paid it no mind as she had forgotten that there was a secondary reward involved apart from the victory itself. "Ah I forgot about the reward. Yeah, I can chat for a little bit, we're making good time for Turffield anyways."

    Rosa nodded in turn, taking the prize from the man as the two girls began off towards the city lights. This was the second time she'd had this same kind of herb - a fact which when combined with the current temperatures outside Turrfield, reminded her of her stint in the Wild Area. She glanced down at the pokeball containing Yzma, and then remembered the stone which was still in her bag. If the stone really was related to Yzma's evolution, then it made sense that she was so infatuated with it when they first met. Instead of daydreaming, she should have tried to figure out how to make use of the item - maybe then she wouldn't have lost, maybe then her Pokemon wouldn't have been forced to take so much damage.

    The girl sighed, having kept a short distance between herself and Haleigh as they walked to a short hill that overlooked Turrfield so as to avoid a conversation she couldn't dedicate herself to. The sun was setting slowly, firing off a wide array of colors which streaked through the sky and illuminated the many sights of the rustic Galarian city. The stadium was lit up, and the soft rumbling which was the distant roaring of seats filled with cheering fans could still be felt in the wind. Rosa took in the sights, letting the reality sink in. She was almost in Turrfield now - almost at the door of her first challenge, and slowly making her way into the clutches of some unseen darkness.

    As Haleigh looked over to the other girl she had defeated. She could see that the other girl's gaze was focused on the city that lay ahead of them. From what little she had seen of her, Rosa seemed to be a lot more of the quiet, contemplative type. She smiled a bit to herself. The punk trainer could only guess what was going through her head, but it was hard not to imagine that it had something to do with her journey. Turffield was within reach now. The first "real" step.

    The blonde girl sat on the ground, pulling her bag down in front of her. Zorro was fast asleep, and didn't wake, despite her nudging him over to check the contents around him. Both packages she was meant to deliver were still there, and had held their shape surprisingly well despite everything she'd been through the past weeks. As Haleigh took a seat next to her, she pulled the strings and closed the top, flipping over the flap that covered the opening.

    Rosa glanced over at the girl, illuminated by the sun's glow. She paused for a second, wondering how she should maneuver to the topic she really wanted to bring up. The info she'd had on Haleigh wasn't as detailed as any of her other classmates. Not to mention, since she'd been dragged into - what were for most, her first interactions - these situations with her classmates, the very validity of what she'd accumulated over the past two years was constantly being brought into question. Even if she'd dedicated several pages to someone, what good would it do her if they'd had some kind of dramatic, life-altering or vantage-altering experience that nullified everything she knew about the persons they used to be?

    Rosa smiled, pursing her lips as she tensed her shoulders. She wanted to shrug, but it would most definitely let Haleigh in on the fact that she was having a whole inner monologue at this point. She still wasn't sure if this girl was one of those classmates that she should be worried about breaking through her facade or not, so she just did what she felt was best. "Hey." She said nonchalantly, placing her hand flat against the grass behind her as she turned to her side, leaning over in the direction of Haleigh.

    "What's up? I...it's been a while since I've slowed down and talked with someone who wasn't Melody. All this time it's been through a battle, talking about school work..." The smile on the other girl's face took on a different quality than the wide, cheerful one she was known for. It didn't quite reach the girl's eyes. "...Or putting yourself out there."

    Rosa nodded her head slowly, turning to look back out at the city, panning the horizon as Haleigh spoke. "I understand, totally," she replied softly. The smile on her face grew more genuine as Haleigh immediately brought up the topic of conversation she'd wanted to get to. It would be easier to call back to it now in conversation later, but for the moment, she should play a little more into the latter half of the girl's statement.

    "It doesn't feel real, to be honest. All through school I never really talked to anyone besides Simon, and now… I've already made so many more memories than I ever did before. It doesn't... " she paused for a second, shaking her head with a small laugh before looking back at Haleigh. Being genuine wasn't her strong suit, but Haleigh seemed to already be loosening up. Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was because the two barely knew each other. Whatever the case, maybe for just this moment it would be in her interest to be a little more genuine herself. "It doesn't really feel like me, y'know?"

    Haleigh nodded. "I get how it feels, honestly. I've been through so much shit these last three months. I'm meeting up with all of you throughout the journey and despite being there at school for two bloody years I still feel I'm getting to know people. I…" She pauses, the conversation threatening to go down the spiraling rabbit hole that had been opened up in Route 3. She takes a deep breath to keep the feelings at bay, looking towards Rosa and the bucolic surroundings to anchor herself.

    "Sorry, I've just been doing a lot of thinking this last month. Holidays can be a bit hard for me."

    Rosa nods her head, hanging on to the girl's every word. This was juicy content for her profile on the girl. As Haleigh spoke, she wondered if she should try and dig a little deeper, or just leave things on the surface level that she was willing to reveal for the moment. She clearly wanted to say more, but… she felt a small twang in her heart as a scene quickly unfolded in her mind where their roles were reversed. The thought of revealing anything of her past to someone she'd essentially truly just met for the first time, and then having them dig deeper and deeper until she broke down… her hands turned Clamperly as she wetted her lips and nodded again, pretending the mental image never presented itself. Maybe she'd just take it easy this time and see where things went naturally.

    "It's totally understandable." She started, clearing her throat as she leaned back towards the girl. "It's been months since we've seen some of our closest friends. We've travelled a small part of the region relatively on our own, relying only on our Pokemon and whatever bonds we could scrounge up from the people we went to school with…" maybe that was too revealing to her own hidden personality, but it had already came out of her mouth without thinking. She bit the inside of her cheek, nodding her head solemnly as the roar of the stadium suddenly grew a small bit louder. She wanted to say something else, to lead Haleigh down a certain path with the conversation, but… it was taking too long to recover.

    Wow. Put that way, it would be challenging for most anyone. Haleigh had no earthly idea what the other girl had been through and given her own tendencies to keep that sort of stuff close to her chest, she probably wouldn't have been in a position to ask. However, in that moment, Haleigh could sense a real sense of connection there. It was...a bit like speaking to Melody, but distinctly different given the blonde's drastically different personality.

    The purple haired girl let out a chuckle as she said to Rosa, "Mate, you a mind reader or something? That's pretty much how it's been for me. I'm not much for money and well...I'll just say my family isn't very supportive of my dreams."

    Rosa nodded and laughed uneasily. It seemed that what she'd said hadn't backfired completely. At the least, Haleigh wasn't jumping down her throat and trying to dig her out from beneath the layers she'd put on. Family… she quickly put two and two together, remembering that Haleigh had said the holiday's were hard for her, and the look on her face when she spoke those words. She felt that familiar sinking feeling in her chest as she sat up a little bit, trying to push it back down. She was… similar, to herself. She searched for a joke, anything to bring the conversation back to a lighter side before they delved any deeper into the darkness of either one's memories. But nothing came… nobody came. They were alone, accompanied only by the quiet roar of the stadium and the howl of the wind.

    She laughed a little bit, breaking up the tension in her own chest as she sighed and fell back. "There's so many people out there that are so much more well off than us. All these rich kids and celebrities were made for stuff like this. They've got the backing to do whatever they want without having to worry about failing. But for the average people… for people like us…" she motioned towards the sky, holding out her arms towards the encroaching darkness of the night before letting them fall beside her. The heaviness in her chest wasn't moving, and before she realized it, she'd taken a step further in the opposite direction. This… this was becoming too much about her and how she felt. But without just getting up and running away, it felt like there would be no way to get off this train now.

    Haleigh could see that the other girl was struggling not to open her own pit of darkness for a stranger to bear. It was evident from the increasing bitterness in her words and her faltering expression, a very familiar bitterness that she knew came from a place of sadness with the world and their circumstances. Maybe she should start changing the way she saw Rosa as a stranger and instead…

    "That's enough, mate. Here." She offered the other girl a hand, seeming to motion for Rosa to sit up.

    Rosa looked up at Haleigh, then down at the extended hand. What… what did she want with that? She put her hands underneath her and pressed herself up off the ground with her own strength, scooting up to be a little more on eye level with the girl. "What do you-"

    Haleigh held her arms out and enveloped the girl in a firm hug. "I...I'm still learning this myself, but we don't have to be so alone out there. You're right, this journey is tough. Friends make it easier."

    Rosa felt the heaviness in her chest make it up into her throat, causing her to choke on the words that she was trying to get out as the arms wrapped themselves around her. She held her own arms out, unsure of what to do with them in that moment. Her body shook as she tried to speak, feeling her cheeks flush as her eyes started to feel puffy. "I… I d-" she leaned in to the hug unconsciously, wrapping her arms slowly around Haleigh as she returned the embrace.

    It was hard talking to other girls her age. All she'd ever had were bad experiences, but yet… Melody, Val, Aeliana, and Haleigh… There were people like Pia too, but she felt more like the girls she'd known back home than the others. There were new experiences to be had in Galar all around, and she'd kept herself closed off for so long… Rosa rested her chin on Haleigh's shoulder, closing her eyes as she steadied her breathing.

    But there was a reason that she kept to herself for so long. Opening up was a death sentence. She felt the heaviness make its way back to her chest before the red on her cheeks and the puffiness of her eyes faded. The girl slowly began to rub Haleigh's back, wondering why she'd hugged her in the first place. She'd been so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn't even noticed what her eyes looked like as she embraced her.

    "Thank you," Rosa whispered into Haleigh's ear as their faces were nearly flush together.

    Haleigh closed her eyes, holding the smaller girl and allowing Rosa to comfort her as much as Haleigh was comforting her. It was...nice. She wasn't going to be hounding Haleigh about her life, judging it, trying to shred it into pieces. Just a nice, warm gesture of solidarity to someone.

    How much longer was this going to last? Rosa continued to rub the girl's back, beginning to get uncomfortable from the length of the embrace. She really should have looked at Haleigh's face before she got attacked, seeing as how it would probably give her a good idea of the girl's motives since it did follow something that felt somewhat revealing between the both of them. It did give her time to think, but she couldn't help but wonder what was going through the other girl's head at the same time.

    She waited for Haleigh to speak up following the mutual embrace. But, the longer that they sat in silence, the more awkward that it became for Rosa. "So," she started, letting her arms fall away from Haleigh, being the first to pull back felt like it might come back to bite her, but it was getting dark, and she'd have to find someplace to stay. "What kind of plans do you have in Turrfield? Besides the gym challenge, obviously."

    The other girl shrugged. "I don't know. I'm kinda all in it for the gym challenge. I reckon I'll have an easy time against Milo though." A confident grin returned to Haleigh's face, grateful for the subject change. "There's Corey, and I also got an Alolan Vulpix as well. He's still a baby, but it might be good to get him experience on some of the gym trainers or something."

    Rosa nodded and smiled. Of course she had an advantage over Milo, she had two different types that were effective against his specialty. It was almost a given at this point that she'd get a win in over him. But... this was a good way to bring up Melody more naturally in the conversation. "I'm putting most of my hopes on Yzma… but I'm also looking at joining in on the contests. To be honest, I tried talking Melody into joining in with me when we were in Motostoke, but she didn't seem too keen on the idea." She laughed lightly, waiting patiently to gauge the girl's reaction. They hadn't spent much time together in Motostoke, but what they went through definitely wasn't normal, so it might be a good story to share for any other person.

    She giggles, adding, "Yeah, that sounds like Mel. She isn't one for the pageantry and all that. You said you met her in Motostoke?"

    Rosa smiled and shrugged. "Yeah." Was she just being coy, or had Melody also been trying to hide their encounter with the cult? She should just let the blunt answer hang and see what comes of it.

    "How'd you meet her? Knowing her, you probably got into some pretty interesting shit. She and I have a knack for finding trouble." She laughs as she says the last part, a mischievous grin on Haleigh's face.

    That definitely made sense. She'd obviously gotten into her own fair share, but Melody's mannerisms and the way that she acted definitely struck her as someone that got themselves into way more than she needed to. "Yeah, some lonely kids were playing pretend with their Pokemon and kept getting other people involved in the middle of the night. We ran into each other at the Inn and went to play detectives ourselves."

    "Huh. What was the whole mystery you all were trying to uncover?"

    Rosa shook her head. Maybe it wasn't as big a deal to Melody as she thought it would have been. They had made an agreement to meet back up if things hadn't been settled by the time they both came back, so maybe… "I'm not sure, actually. I think we might have only really scratched the surface of what was really going on." She pressed her finger to her lips and winked. "Gotta keep the details secret for now, y'know. Never really know who could be listening."

    Haleigh replied, looking disappointed, "Ah man, I was looking forward to hearing about that. You or Mel better fill me in on that when you find out more, y'hear me?"

    Rosa smiled and nodded. "Once we make sure we actually solved it, I'm sure you'll be the first to hear about it." She could use this as an opportunity to make another chance to meet up with Melody, she just had to play it right. She hadn't made much headway on the topic herself when they were together, but Haleigh seemed to be more than a stranger to her, so maybe… "Backtracking a little though, were you interested in doing any contests? I think it'd be great if we could get us all there together, since it's harder to miss each other than it is for a gym challenge."

    The purple haired girl started looking up, pondering over the answer. "Honestly, I didn't even realize there'd be a contest up ahead. I've kinda been all in for the gym challenge. But...if it's to meet up with you two again, I'd love to do one!"

    Rosa's smile widened, finally becoming genuine once again. Haleigh had stolen Melody out from under her, and now she was going to be the means to bring her back. All-in-all, not a bad deal when all things were considered. She'd not really played with the thought of 'befriending' Haleigh before, but the girl might have her uses. It didn't really matter to her if Melody - or Haleigh for that matter - participated in the end, just that the idea was passed along. If Melody knew where to find her, then the likelihood of them actually running into each other would be much higher, regardless of the kind of crowd that attacked them following the contest. That being said, it would be interesting to see what the two girls would do for the Pokemon collabs.

    "I'm looking forward to it, then," she said softly as she rose to her feet and looked out towards the city. She held out her hand, putting down all her fingers except for her pinky. "We can grab some drinks after to celebrate regardless."

    At the upheld pinky, Haleigh couldn't help but laugh. "You got it mate."

    She held out her own pinky and interlocked it with Rosa's. Compared to the other swear she had made back on Route 3 to Ruben, she was glad that this one was under happier circumstances. Haleigh really needed to do stuff like this more often.
    Rosa's Party

    Rosa's Journal

    Simon Dansen
    My childhood friend. Absolute idiot. Can't ever get a read on him anymore. Buttface. Always there when I need him. Always there when I least expect him. JERK. Showed me up in battle and evolved his Pokemon before me.​

    An ex-classmate. He took my bait and threw me for a loop when we were fighting a group of Munchlax together. Not as bad a guy as I thought. Because of him, I have to re-evaluate my notes on everyone else just in case. I'm interested in trying a different approach with him when next we meet.

    Helped out a wrongfully arrested girl. Really smart. Observant. Kind, but doesn't like to show it. Isn't a terrible cook.​

    Charles the Biker
    An eccentric, but strong man. Indulges in bad puns. Love for bikes. We left on good terms.​

    Nat the Ranger
    A doting older brother to several sisters. A strong trainer who follows their duty. Only spent a day with them. Not sure if I want to meet again or not since I stole a broken styler from his scene of investigation. We left on good terms, I think? Unless he notices that something's missing.​

    Budew Girl
    Never got her name. Apparently she's a challenger like the rest of my classmates. Comes from a family of Budew fanatics. They breed Budew in their hometown and journey around with all three forms of it. She seems endearing. It might be interesting to meet her again in the future. As long as she's not being accused of theft, that is.​

    Achille Béringer
    Rich kid. Pays his debts. Is keen on rich kid things. Doesn't seem much different from how he was in school, but still need to reevaluate.​

    Melody Argent
    Cute and kind. She keeps to herself kind of like I do. Loves music. Feels similar to Simon. Still need to reevaluate because of interactions with Jasper. Kind of maybe, possibly, a small amount of a badass. Finger guns - super corny. Don't harp on the idea of being in contests. If that culty stuff doesn't get figured out by the time we come back to Motostoke, I'll have to remember to find her around town. She's much more attuned to pop culture than I am.​

    The Family // Damien(?)
    Not the family himself, I don't think. I still haven't got his name or what role he really plays in all this. He's a shady motherfucker - pardon my Kalos. I still don't know how much of the stuff I've gone through in Motostoke has been orchestrated by him, but for the moment I'm not planning to try anything. I still don't know enough about him to make any real guesses. The longer that I stay around this town, the further behind the veil that I see. I'm scared even to go to sleep at night so long as I'm here. They have eyes... everywhere.​

    Buggy Simon

    Some kind of freak of nature. I guess he understands Pokemon in some way that I can't; like, he understands what they're actually trying to say when they speak? Kind of cool, but also weird. Him and Simon used to hang out every once in a while at school. He knows about my "secret styler".​


    An absolute ray of sunshine and happiness. She's also a streamer, and earns enough money from it to show it off. Not put off by literal ghosts. Has some kind of dream of meeting Mew.​


    Alolan dance girl. She's supposed to teach me sometime. Pretty much just how I remembered her in school. I didn't get to spend much time with her when we all hung out. Didn't seem too bothered by the ghosts.​


    Pia... definitely is afraid of literal ghosts. I had a few choice words for her, but... after we saw Jirachi, it just felt like the time had passed, so I gave up. She's seen me without my mask, so next time we meet up is probably going to be awkward.​


    Spoiler: Here be a number of large images
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]


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    [font=Brawler][color=#91a8d4][i]Here comes the boi
  • 904
    Raphael Allard &
    Arrietty Maverick

    > Route 3
    > Past and Presents - Part 2

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
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    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
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    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    So it was the pair set off towards the ruined mining facility. Trudging through the snow laden paths off the beaten trail of Route 3 and leaving the Winter Market as a distant light across the horizon. Raphael scratched his nose a little awkwardly as they meandered. It was… a longer walk than he had realized and now he was alone with this girl. That made him nervous.

    Wait, why did it make him nervous?

    He let out a small sigh to himself. This sort of superficial childish reaction to being alone with a girl, considering he was used to turning down admirers at school, this really shouldn't have been a problem for him. It was the silence that was throwing him off, he just had to fill that gap, stop letting his thoughts wander away from him. "So…" He begins, without any real idea of what direction to take from there. "How have you been holding up? Since Route 2 I mean, I've not seen you since then right?" It was an easy enough point to jump from, they did have some history together, he should use that. This was going to be a fair amount of effort, but it was less effort than contending with an awkward silence.

    "Uh…" It took Arrietty a second to pull herself from her thoughts and register what Raph had asked her. "Um, fine, I suppose," she answered, loathe to dwell on herself a second longer than necessary. She almost came to regret not speaking up earlier to drive the conversation away of her own accord, but then, she didn't mind the silence. Though, making the other person uncomfortable wasn't scoring her any points either.

    "Er, how about you? At least a... new addition to the team, it seems like?"

    She seemed flustered. Raph rose a single eyebrow at the revelation. Arrietty was a strange one, she seemed shy and not the type to converse openly about, well, most things. That was the vibe he got from her. It made things easier on him, he supposed, but recent events had made him think that maybe it was at least 'not so bad' to take a passing interest in his classmates. Not to mention, for some reason, right now, the silence was killing him. "Yeah, just the one since we last met." He mumbled, not sure if that was a good or a bad thing. "You remember Vito and Carmen, I take it, then there's this little guy."

    Raph slowly globs Lumi off his shoulder and holds him a little awkwardly in his open hand, the pokémons body melting a little around his fingers to hold itself in place. The purple flamed pokémon turned curious eyes to Arrietty, then a single waxy bead of sweat trickled down its brow. "W-wicku..?" It said with a small and awkward wave of its stubby hand. The girl responded with a sheepish smile and a little wave of her own. Huh, now that Raph thought about it, Lumi and Arrietty had a few qualities in common.

    "I caught him during the Gym Mission in Motostoke." Raph continued, but almost immediately bit his tongue and frowned, his gaze drifting to the floor. "I um, well, I tried to fight Kabu. Didn't pan out so well in the end."

    Arrietty's eyes widened at that. Raph had already challenged Kabu? She hadn't even considered that a possibility. The fact he didn't win was barely any consolation either. Was she this far behind everyone else already?

    "Oh, that's… too bad. With all that experience under your belt, I'm sure you'll get him next time, though!" She tried her best to sound encouraging, which caused enough of a stir in him to get get him to look up at her again. "It was… a stupid thing to do." He looked a little bit ahead of the pair to where Vito was excitedly rolling around in the snow, the little pokémon was really enjoying the Winter weather as usual. "I put my partner at risk when he wasn't ready. I should have been smarter about it." He paused, before turning back to look at the girl beside him.

    "I guess maybe I'm too eager to get things done, to the point where I'm not getting anything done at all." He catches himself at the end of that sentence and his cheeks go a little redder than the cold alone should have caused. "Ah..! Um, that is, sorry to ramble about it at you…" He scratches his nose again awkwardly and frowns, before giving a small half-hearted smile. "Sorry if I got a bit carried away. You're pretty easy to talk to, I think, Arrietty." He said it a bit awkwardly but he meant it. She was a little surprised. That was certainly not a compliment she'd received before. "Hardly," she responded, quietly enough that she wasn't even sure he heard.

    Raph was used to sighing and sitting back around the extreme personalities of those around him. Arrietty was different, she had a calmer, more relaxed vibe around her. She was shy, sure, but there was something welcoming about her company. Raph felt encouraged to talk by her presence, rather than the urge to zip it and let the other person rant away.

    It suddenly dawned on him that he'd been staring at her, so he turned his head away quickly, back to Vito.

    "You don't talk much huh?" He mentions, his thoughts still fresh in his mind. He shrugged a little, but smiled as he continued to walk forward. "Sorry, don't mean it in a bad way mate. I'm used to people talking my ear off in situations like this. It's refreshing to have someone who thinks before they speak around."

    Arrietty turned her head away, towards the scenery on the side of the path. It felt like he appreciated her staying quiet, which was comforting in a way. She didn't have to strain to try and keep conversation up, she supposed, but that also kind of made it hard for her to start speaking anymore now.

    As the two trainers moved down the road, silence now filling the void between them, Raph began to wonder if that wasn't the right thing to say. Before he could think too deeply on it however, he found himself faced with what looked to be an old wooden gate, mottled and in disrepair due to the weather and lack of use. Beyond it in a now slightly overgrown clearing, dusted with a spread of white, stood an old building with rusted smoke stacks and an eerie presence. An abandoned factory, just like Arrietty had said… and most likely the location their present thief was hiding.

    "Looks like you weren't kidding, this place looks huge…" Raph mumbles, half to himself, half to the girl behind him. He places a hand on the snow covered wood and brushes the white away, pushing the gate forwards, it creaks open without much resistance. "Well then, shall we?" Arrietty nodded, and followed close behind.

    The two arrived at the large, open entrance to the building. As they walked, Raph had run a quick background check on the place. It had only been abandoned for two years, one of the many abandoned Macro Cosmos facilities after the Darkest Day incident. Still this place looked worse for wear. Realistically, the environment on Route 3 was not very pleasant. He supposed leaving a place like this unattended for that long in a rocky clearing like this one was bound to result in long term damage.

    They approached what looked to be a broken down garage door, leading onto the factory main floor. Presumably this was where trucks would arrive to carry rocks and ore away that had been processed at the plant. Beyond the entryway there were a plethora of ruined machines, broken down furnaces and rusted tools scattered across the floor. A hole in the roof sent light streaming in. A staircase trawling along the wall to the far left, formed of slightly rusted metal, lead to a small cubicle built into the wall. The windows were hazy and damaged, but Raph was fairly certain that beyond them was some sort of an office.

    He shivered a little and rubbed his arms. This place gave bad vibes to be sure. Still, he'd come this far, not to mention he had Arrietty with him. He wondered how she felt about all this. For once he had been the one dragging someone else into a crazy scheme, so he felt obligated to stay confident and try to keep her safe. "Right… that office cubicle up there, it's probably the warmest place left in this dump. The stairs look like a pain, not gonna lie, but if I was a cold pokémon looking to stash a stolen gift, I'd probably head there."

    Arrietty simply nodded again, and followed behind Raph to head up the stairs. It was cold, to be sure, but she was dressed for it. Her fingers wrapped around the railing. It was freezing to the touch, and the staircase creaked and groaned with their every step. Everything about this building screamed 'dilapidated'. Arrietty could only hope the structure wouldn't give way while they were in it.

    As they drew closer to the frosted windows, another layer of dread crept up on her back. The children hadn't been exactly clear about what kind of Pokémon snatched their gift away. Even now, not a sound could be heard. The building seemed to block sounds from outside as well, adding to the sense of isolation, but the pair of trainers going in hadn't exactly been quiet enough to mask their own presence.

    Raph had picked up Vito as they were traversing the stairs. Happy go lucky as he was, no amount of optimism could make it easier for the small ball pokémon to climb stairs. Tugging gently at his collar, the older trainer couldn't deny he was a little nervous as well, but he had sworn to himself now that he'd take the lead, just this once. He felt responsible, so with a heavy heart he gave Arrietty a small nod of affirmation, then pushed open the crusty door and entered the musty, long abandoned office.

    Worn red carpet floors were spread, losing their luster to time. A total of four desks sat in the room before them, but all but one was cleared out and empty. The only sign that anybody had worked here at all was a picture frame laying face down on the desk furthest from the door. With a few careful, if creaky steps, Raph wandered inside, looking back to make sure Arrietty was following him. "Well… I'm not seeing any pokémon yet." He states the obvious, before curiosity gets the better of him and he sheepishly reaches for the fallen photo frame on the desk.

    As he lifts it upwards, he coughs a little as a small pile of dust is disturbed, fragments of which he brushes off the cracked glass frame now held in his hands. "Huh, look at that…" He mumbled idly, taking a few steps back towards the girl he was travelling with. "Looks like this was taken a few years ago at least." As he presents the object to her, Arrietty can see the picture within. The factory they now stood in was featured prominently in the background. Standing proudly in front of the gate they had passed through but a few minutes earlier was a group of men, among whom the now infamous Chairman Rose. Perched by them on that same gate was a Pokémon, a bird with black and blue plumage. Any Galarian would recognize it as a Corvisquire.

    "Makes you wonder how things got so bad really…" Raph ponders, still looking at the picture himself. "Everyone thought Rose was doing so much good for the country but then…" He pauses, remembering the day over two years ago when the sky went black, before he had met Arrietty or anyone at the trainer school in Wedgehurst. "...then he goes and does something like that."

    "Yeah, tell me about it," she responded pensively, before taking a look over the rest of the office. "My parents almost didn't let me come to Galar after that. What if someone else came along to finish what he started, and all." She looked through the shelves, in which yellowed files were lined up. Most had dates on them, likely inventory records, but the top shelf's files were bound in leather rather than plastic. Arrietty's interest was piqued. This room didn't seem to hold the present they were looking for, but she immediately fantasized: what if there were undiscovered links to Rose's plan here?

    Rolling over a desk chair, Arrietty started to climb the tall bookshelf. The lower shelves were stashed with files, but they left enough of a foothold to step on. Thankfully, the wood didn't seem to budge either. Standing on her tiptoes she managed to reach the top shelf, and busily tried to peel one of the sturdy files out from between the others. Raph raised a curious eyebrow at her behaviour, taking a few steps forward he watched her climb, keeping an eye on the chair in case it slipped from beneath her.

    However, just as her fingers got a hold, she realised something was moving. Her foothold was fine, but with all her weight on the front of the bookshelf, it started to lean over.

    "- Arrietty!" A slightly delayed cry out as Raph rushed forward, the bookcase toppling over the girl still leaning onto it. With little grace, he grabbed the girl and yanked her from the chair, knocking the air out of her lungs. He hopped back a pace or two and dragged her with him, almost tumbling backwards on his heels himself, as the files started falling out and the bookshelf came down on the floor with a deafening crash.

    Raph staggered back to a standing position with a cautious sigh, still clutching the girl in his arms. "Geez… that was, close…" He mumbled quietly, before realizing his position and releasing the girl quickly, turning away and scratching his nose. "Um, right, well, anyway… should be careful, this place is falling apart right?"

    Arrietty was similarly embarrassed. She fumbled the bound file in her hands, a flush spreading across her cheeks when Raph so quickly made to get away again. "S-sorry, you're right… I didn't mean to make this even more dangerous."

    Before the two could speak any further there was a sudden screech from above that caused the both trainers to jump.

    Upon the roof where neither had looked, the rafters were visible and settled amidst them was a large nest formed of twigs and fragments of wood. The screen was announced by a familiar looking blue and black pokémon, its feathers flapping and flailing in surprise at the noise. Upon closer inspection there was no doubt, it was the same kind of Pokémon as the one from the desk's picture frame, a staple of the Galar region, Corvisquire.

    "Corviii!" It cried again, dashing down and flying dangerously close to the heads of the humans present as they guarded themselves from potential attack. As Arrietty ducked in fear, Raph turned to look at the flying fiends tail feathers he saw his reason for coming here in the first place. Clutched in the pokémons left talon was a white box wrapped with a red ribbon, a little crumpled, but far newer looking than everything else in this dilapidated dump.

    "The twins' present!" Raph exclaimed incredulously. He hadn't honestly expected to find it here in the end, yet there it was plain as day, it had to be. Ensuring that Lumi is still stuck tightly to his shoulder, Raph nods to Vito who is already waiting for a command then places a hand on Arrietty's shoulder briefly before darting after the fleeing fowl, who had already zipped through the door to the office and back to the factories main floor. "C'mon, we've got to follow it!"

    The girl jolted at the sudden touch, but hastened after him, beckoning Wren in the same motion. The trainers rushed down the staircase as quickly as their legs could carry them, eyes fixated on the Corvisquire ahead of them. Their legs upon the rickety metal, less careful this time, created louder creaking than before. Just for a moment, Arrietty could have sworn she heard a similar metallic sound from above, but when she looked, there was nothing to be seen.

    Corvisquire flapped its wings, hovering defiantly in the air in the center of the factory hall.

    "Alright birdy… time to teach you not to steal! Vito, Powder Snow!" Raph cries out stepping back onto the main floor of the factory. In response the Spheal rolled quickly down the railing behind his trainer and bounced up from the metal and into the air, before crying out with little paws outstretched, calling a hail of snow down from the icy sky above. The attack hits clean and the Corvisquire staggered, dropping slightly from its elevated position and crying out in rage, before charging back down towards the battlefield. It was surprisingly confident for its current situation, a type disadvantage and outnumbered greatly. Still, Raph knew that when cornered, wild pokémon lashed out.

    He held back, letting the Corvisquire get close, waiting to create an opening for Arrietty who followed behind him. She circled around the bird partway, Wren by her side, and apparently spoke to him quietly, because he chirped in affirmation and sped up. He jumped onto the center floor, darting between, under and over leftover barrels and crates, improving his nimbleness and agility. Satisfied, Arrietty stopped at the side of the hall, and stretched her arm out towards him. "Hail of Embers!"

    The theatrical name seemed silly, perhaps, but Wren knew just what to do. Using his agility and the terrain to his advantage, he pelted the Corviknight with several volleys of cinders, each from a different angle, trying his best to direct its flight path towards where Raphael was waiting with his other active pokémon. Quickly taking him from his shoulder in both hands, he let Lumi slip from his grip and land firmly on the ground. "Respond in kind Lumi!"

    From his position, the small Litwick did his best to move quickly, shifting position across the ground from below, he started shooting ember after ember upwards towards the Corvisquire who was already struggling to dodge. The purple shards of flame raced towards the orange, intermingling in a cage of flame that trapped the Corvisquire, who could no longer stand the barrage. It tried to break free to strike back, but would only find fire to meet its attempts.

    With a pair of flaming shots striking its wings it fell to the ground, squawking out a final cry as it teetered at the edge of consciousness. Raphael slowly reached towards his bag, where an empty pokéball was waiting. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to add a fast, furious new member to his entourage. With a quick nod to Arrietty, he pulled back for the throw.

    But was cut short by a sudden strike from above.

    A glimmering, shining beam that shone like polished steel scorched the ground before him and Raph barely managed to grab Lumi before being sent flying through the air by the impact on the ground beside him. A loud clattering noise echoed across the room as he smashed hard into one of the ruined machines. The hard metal struck hard against his back, sure to leave a bruise as he cried in surprise and pain, still clutching Lumi to his chest as he fell to the ground.

    "Sphee!!" Vito cried in shock and quickly turned his trajectory, attempting to roll to his trainers side, but an ear piercing screech cut him off. A massive metallic, avian form soared down from a hole in the ceiling above, spreading its wings swiftly as it hovered just above the ground with enough force to send waves of wind echoing from its position. With tarnished metal covering its body, laden with small scars and knicks, red eyes pierced from beneath a cowl of metal. An extremely intimidating and larger than average pokémon had landed and the trainers could recognize it easily as one of the symbols of the Galar region itself.


  • 944
    • UK
    • Seen Apr 5, 2024

    Ruben Sancho
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    18 | Male | Footballer

    Chapter 5- 3 | Caller ID: Ruben Sancho?

    Galar Mine
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    "Are you...and I say this with the utmost politeness...out of your ****ing mind?"

    Ruben winced. The venomous words of the club's PR manager pierced through the phone like a bolt from a crossbow. As he walked through the mine, alone, Ruben felt a twinge of guilt in remembering Val's advice to Ken. Pia was the only person he'd met since starting his journey that he bothered to keep in touch with. On the back of Tranquill's betrayal he could see exactly what the consequences of the neglect he'd shown his 'friends' was.

    "Tell me why you're asking and I'll make the call." He winced again as the smartass response left his mouth. The woman's words were cutting. He'd be a fool to give her a reason to use anymore of them than she already was. He resigned himself to his fate, dropping Lesca's pokeball as if to call on reinforcements before his scolding.

    "Putting my Foot Down: Footballer Ruben Sancho Forfeits League Challenge Before Turffield Tussle. Wedgehurst Town centre-forward, eighteen, has made an unofficial forfeit of the league challenge as seen in the photo above wagering his CONTRACTED OBLIGATIONS on a battle with fellow league challenger. NEED I READ MORE?"

    "Something tells me 'contractual obligations' wasn't written in the article," was the only response the deflated football star could muster. Even his pokemon could see it was starting to get to him. The little Bounsweet tried to rub against his leg but found herself being shoved away with a dismissive "not now Lesca". She huffed and turned herself away from him instead.

    "Ruben, I need you to pull your finger out. If you don't follow through on this, it's only gonna get worse. There are already fans calling for your head. Thing is, if you do follow through on it, the club is well within it's rights to terminate your contract with no payout. It's your call, help me fix it or start figuring out how you can get an early pension claim."

    In no uncertain terms, the beep of the phone made it very clear what Ruben had to do.

    The late morning sun was shining brightly over Simon's camp as the bug catcher packed up his supplies. Around him was an absolute swarm of Joltiks, scurrying along his campsite and aiding him with all the packing and cleaning. Some had even gone off to forage for some food, and were just now returning with a large stash of snow-covered berries.

    "You sure know how to enjoy a royal lifestyle, huh." he said, looking up at the newest member of his team, his own Joltik, sitting on his head. The rest of Simon's Pokemon were all warily clinging to his coat, especially Spewpa and Caterpie who had woken up to find their tent swarming with fuzzy electric spiders. The clean-up crew had been another favour from the queen, in addition to helping guide him through the mines.

    As he reached down to pick up a berry offered to him, he heard his phone buzz in his pocket. As soon as he pulled it out every Joltik around him stopped and looked at the device.

    Realizing what they were thinking, Simon quickly snapped, "No. I just charged this thing, I'm not having you lads drain it again." He looked at the name on the device, and raised his eyebrows as the caller ID showed 'Ruben Sancho ⚽'. Excitedly, he picked up.

    "Yo, Ruben!! What's up, mate?"

    "Simo! How's it going man? I know I left kinda abrupt after the whole glasses girl situation. Everything okay?"

    "Don't worry about it. God, I wish you coulda been here to see what I've been through, had one hell of a night yesterday- oi, I said back!" he lightly swatted one of the electricity-hungry Joltiks off of his arm.

    "Haha, that's great man, love to hear that you're enjoying yourself." Ruben let that sit for a moment before continuing. "Say, you know what day you're taking on the gym in Turffield? I'd love to come and watch."

    "Well, uh, map says Turffield's like, a week from here? Hopefully the mines won't take too long." He checked the app on his phone. "And then you bet your arse I'm beelining straight to Milo- but I can wait for you to get there first if you want! Wouldn't want you to miss my first champ moment."

    "That sounds dope, let's make it happen. Never know, I might even beat you there. Hey, actually, you haven't heard from Raph at all have you?"

    Strike one, strike two, strike three.

    Raph watched as Vito struck the three wild pokémon in front of him in a swift line. Lumi had served as the distraction, Vito knocked down the pins. Easy as pie. He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced at the unconscious line of Geodude. The wild pokémon didn't know much about tactics, but these three working as a pack were doing a good enough job to keep him interested. Shame they were all very susceptible to Ice.

    Regardless, he'd need at least this much training to make sure he was ready for Kabu, when the time of their rematch came.

    Though that could wait a moment as he felt an irritating, repeating buzz from his pocket. Arceus, but he hated phone calls. He pulls his device from his pocket quickly and looks at the caller ID.

    'Rube' is calling.

    Raph smirked, it was listed that way because he had been in a rush and 'n' was a letter he just didn't have time for in that moment. Though, he had to laugh at the result, amusingly fitting. Still, the first thing he wondered was why Ruben Sancho of all people was calling him, well okay not quite the first thing, he first wondered how he was even getting service down here in Galar mine, but so be it.

    There was a very slight chance that this was an emergency, wasn't he with Simon as well? Ugh, he supposed he didn't have much of a choice with those things factored in.

    "Mhm?" He held the phone up and spoke as he hit the button to answer the call.

    "Hey, Raph how's it going man. I uhh, I heard about the gym battle. How you holdin up?"

    The voice of Ruben echoed through the phone and Raph furrowed his brow. Had he really called, just for that? He considered hanging up the phone then and there, but he relented. Tactless as he was, he understood Ruben probably meant well. He couldn't see any ulterior motive for the football star of fame and fortune to fake concern. Besides, Raph wasn't Catherine, he had already proven that today. He'd give Ruben the benefit of the doubt.

    "I'm alive." A curt response, to be expected. "Currently training, Milo won't be so lucky. Was that all you called for?" It might have seemed dismissive, but Raph's tone implied it as a genuine question.

    "Well…" Ruben began, the clearing of his throat clearly audible through the phone. "...you free to meet up sometime in Turffield?"

    He sounded uncertain as all hell, at least that's what Raph thought. Ruben had a weird vibe about him, he seemed to try really hard at everything he did, at least around Raph, but he rarely approached anything with real confidence. It was always 'well, maybe this will work' with him, never 'this is definitely what I should do'. Were Raph not already exhausted from dealing with one disillusioned classmate, he might have said it out loud. It really didn't seem worth it to him at that moment though, unfortunately.

    "Hmm." He contemplated audibly, looking down at Vito, who looked up at him with great curiosity. "Sure. If you want, I'll be at the gym first day upon arriving, but I'll be free after that. Did you have something in mind?"

    There was a long silence before Ruben answered again.

    "I'm racing Simon to the gym by the sounds of things. Maybe we'll bump into each other there?"

    Another moment of silence, as Raph silently shakes his head to himself, his own thoughts immediately validated. "I'm sure we will. Don't overthink it too much, I'll be impressed if either of you manage to beat me. Á plus, Ruben." Before the younger man could reply, Raph had already hung up the phone.

    With a sigh, he hunkers down and gently pats his partner pokémon's head. "Quite the 'Rube' indeed, eh Vito?" To which the Spheal glances at Raph confused, before giving a massive, goofy grin anyway.

    On the side of one of the main paths, with the various gemstones providing natural light and acting as a facsimile of stars in the night sky was one Haleigh Windsor, deciding to have a little bit of fun with her faithful Scorbunny partner.

    "You think you're getting a win over me mate?" Haleigh was kicking a medium sized rock around, trying to keep it away from Corey in a facsimile of a game of football. The rock was certainly inferior to an actual football, but worked well enough for a makeshift game between a human and a small bunny Pokemon in a cave.

    The Scorbunny adopted a smug expression, nodding his head and replying with an affirmative "Scor!" He waited as Haleigh (attempted) to try and do fancy footwork with her middling at best skills and the less than ideal "football" before deciding to go for an opening, steal the rock away from her and kick it in between her legs.

    She adopts an impression of an excitable football announcer. "And Corey scores a goall! 0-1 for the Scorbunny, but will it stay that way?! Not if Haleigh Windsor can help it!"

    As the purple haired girl attempts to steal back the rock, a sudden blast of a guitar riff and vibrations alerts Haleigh that someone was calling her. She stops trying to kick the ball and fishes her phone out of her jean pocket, to the annoyance of the Scorbunny who seemed to be relishing the headstart he had in their game.

    Her eyebrows shoot up as the caller ID shows "The Boltund Blitz!". She presses the little green button to accept the call and holds it up to hear as she chirps a greeting at the football player.

    "Hey mate, what's up?" She waits enraptured for the response, curious as to what he was calling her for.

    "Hal- Hey--sinc--lishin--house?"

    Haleigh scrunched her face as she struggled to hear the bits of Ruben's voice coming in, each incomplete word interrupted with an abrupt skip. "Hey, erm, you're breaking up, I can't hear a bloody thing."

    "Halei--can y--ar me?"

    "Kinda, you're still breaking up but at least I understood you that time."

    "Awe--h--you been?"

    "I've been pretty good. Just playing football with Corey." Though Ruben obviously couldn't see her, Haleigh still gestured to the Scorbunny out of habit. "He scored the first goal."

    "Huh? Ha--rekai--up--some--"

    "Damn it, didn't understand a word you said. I said, I've been pretty good!" She spoke louder, hoping that something would get through with the abysmal signal.


    "Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?!" Haleigh sighed as she heard no response, checking her phone as the screen showed a message of "Call Ended".

    She was a little disappointed that she couldn't get anything out of the call, but it occurred to her that making a cell phone call in a cave was probably why the signal sounded like someone putting a phone up to a Magnemite.

    To no one in particular, she says, "Well, I suppose there's always next time." She puts her phone away, a grin returning to the Scorbunny as his trainer continued on with their little match.

    Sweat dripping from her brow, Aeliana paused as the song came to an end. At her feet, Tampa and Fiesta were breathing heavily, with Clara panting on her back. The Ralts stared up at the sky overhead, desperately attempting to catch her breath.

    "Not too shabby that time, guys…" Aeliana complimented.

    The pinkette made her way over towards her bag, pulling out a purple water bottle before squirting some of the water into her mouth. She held the bottle up, motioning for the three Pokémon to come get some as well. Fiesta wasted no time in running towards the girl, while Tampa took the time to offer Clara a hand to pick herself up off the ground. The Ralts blushed profusely at the sentiment, however Tampa seemed to be completely unaware as she was already focused on leading Clara towards their trainer so they could get a drink as well.

    "Just need to work on timing a bit. Tampa, you came in a little late on that last chorus. Fiesta, you need a bit more pep in your step. Other than that though, I'd say you're all doing pretty good!"

    "Tyy…. Rogue!"

    Jet's sudden cry disturbed the pink-haired trainer from her discussion with the Pokémon. She turned to see her Tyrogue busying himself with attempting to break down a rather sizable rock.His breath was heavy as he was in the midst of assaulting the boulder with a Rolling Kick. All the while, Mahina the Clefairy watches him in silent awe.

    "You know, you're welcome to join us right?" Aeliana questioned the small Fighting-type. "A little break from all that kicking and hitting might be a good idea, yeah?"

    Jet huffed in response, sending another Rolling Kick into the rock. His face lit up for just a moment as a pebble suddenly broke off the rock, tumbling down its rigid side before landing at his foot. The Tyrogue pumped his arm in celebration, before taking a deep breath and resuming his training.

    "Have it your way, I guess…" Aeliana sighed.

    Before she has the chance to resume her discussion with her three would-be dancers, a familiar beat enters the pinkette's ears. She picks her phone off the nearby tree stump, where it had been resting beside her trainer's bag, eyes lighting up as she read the name "Ballguy 2.0" on the screen.

    "Ruben...?" Aeliana questions, before swiping the phone to the right to answer. "Alola, Ruben! What up?"

    "Aeliana, long time. How've you been since ummm...wild area?"

    "Not too bad… A few bumps in the road here or there, but nothing to really complain about," she answered. She offers her Ralts, Lombre, and Totodile a smile and wave, letting the three know to go take a small break for the time being. "How about you? Haven't really gotten a chance to see you outside of your entrance at the opening ceremony."

    "Yeah well, that's how it goes I suppose. You haven't ummm...bumped into...y'know…"

    "Oh…" Aeliana replied, her eyes widening as she immediately knew who Ruben spoke of. "No, haven't seen her since then… Wait, why? You've not run into her have you?"

    "N-no, no! I just...well I've been looking at the egg a bit recently. It made me think. I don't feel like you got anything out of all that, I wanted to sort of, make up for that I guess?"

    "I mean… some would argue that just staying alive is getting something out of it."

    "Lil Boober," Ruben scoffed through the phone, recognising the song lyric. "You listen to Lil Boober?"

    "Of course!" Aeliana exclaims, her voice picking up an octave as she spoke. "Did you hear the beats of 'Alola Vibes'? That single just begs to be danced to, you know?"

    "Huh...fancy that. Well what if...please don't hold me to this...you know he's touring in Galar right now?"

    Aeliana nearly dropped her phone. "What…? No way, for real?" She knew that with traveling out in the wild like this from town to town, even with their phones, it was totally possible for them to miss out on critical information such as this. "Tapu Lele, you've gotta be pullin' one on me."

    "I might be able to get tickets…but don't hold me to it."he repeated in a whisper. He'd pretty much set himself up for failure here. "Let me make a few phone calls, I'll see what I can do."

    Ruben stared at the phone. Pressing the call button had never been so hard. He didn't know Lil Boober. He met the guy once and he refused to help him because he thought he was a fraud. He did give him a number though and that couldn't be for nothing. Leaving it all to instinct, he tapped his phone against the screen. It rang...and rang...and rang.

    Why did you promise Lil Boober tickets? Idiot.

    "So why do they call you Light Work E?"

    "I don't even like that one there you know. It's just Edd now. E Double-D. Effort, Drive, Determination. Let's just say I used to be handy with that letter and leave it there. It's only rap now." A plain looking man stood in front of the mic. The headphones he'd been given were about as big as his head. He was dark skinned and long in his frame. Despite the youth evident in his face, he spoke with the aura of someone who had lived his lifetime four times over. The music began to play as he spoke. "Young Gogoat. Get over it, Greatest of All Time. There's no 'I' in team, so we don't need it in the acronym. Lemme rap."

    "Gayest **** I've ever heard." SK the Artist scowled, watching E Double-D on a screen along with his entourage. As he looked around the room, he found himself alone in his disapproval.

    ♪"I'm a seed of the tree that I come from
    So when I branch out, it's only natural I reap the fruit of what my mum's done
    The grass ain't always greener, the roots spoil when it turns to paper
    That's why my biggest fear is seeing what my son does
    I'm a baller now, I keep my feet planted I'm managing the fame
    My team stemmed from a boss ***** who wants my last name
    You'll never see E owe a ring, my girl solidified her place
    But I'm conceited. That why I feel my girl's got the top company, you can call me Jackson Crane
    Tha analogy fits right?
    Cause you green eyed shades stayed behind me while I chased the light.
    While I chased the shine.
    While I chased the life I dreamed of, while my mommy shed tears at night.
    So don't ever tell me stop, I don't know what the word meant-"♪

    The screen cut off. The reflection of SK the Artist was the only thing left. His phone buzzed. Caller ID: Ruben ****ing Sancho.

    "Ayo, what you telling me big man? Actually, before you answer that, what you think of that E Double-D brudda?"

    "Yeah, he's cold. I was listening to him on a run the other day. Delivery's nuts."

    "**** that wasteman blud!"

    "What you sayin though? I might need to get a hold of Lil Boober. Trynna call in a favour."

    "I don't have his number fam. I don't even know him like that. He's just on a peacemakin' ting. There more he rubs shoulders with bruddas like me, the more legit he looks on road. Can't even go on man's tour either. Gotta stay low key after the stabbings."


    "Yeah someone in my team turned Rattata. We thought it was you at first. Thought was was gonna have to chef you. It's peak cause you're a good kid but if you pillow talk with Spoinks, you can get rolled in a blanket, no bacon. Yo write that down, that was hard." SK the Artist gawked, tapping a member of his entourage to grab a pen and notepad. "We found the Rattata in the end and he got chef'd instead of you. Got tipped off by Big Mike. Same guy that set you up actually."

    "Wait what? Big Mike?"

    "Yeah blud. I been trynna call you. You ain't pick up, so I thought you knew...yo? Yo?"

    "Pick up the ****ing phone." Ruben grunted, his teeth grit. He found himself checking over his shoulder as though even the gemstones in the walls could be after him.

    "I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach," the robotic voice stopped to project the voice of the person Ruben was really trying to speak to; "Big Man Ainsley". Before it could explain any more, Ruben already hung up. Again his menu of missed calls opened and he looked at the main number he was still yet to call.

    If not now, then when?, he thought to himself with a sigh.

    Daija hung up the phone, her expression cold. One might have even been able to see death behind them. She peered into the kitchen where her nan was slinging all sorts of harsh words. The fact the elderly woman wasn't putting on a posh voice told Daija exactly who was on the other end.

    "Nan, can I?" She asked, taking the phone and watching her nan storm off, near tears.

    "Look, Nan, I don't think I've done anything wrong. I lost my card, what do you want me to-"


    "Yo, Daij...what happened to Nan?" Daija peered into the other room to find the answer to Ruben's question.

    "Ruben listen, I need to tell you something…"

    "Nah, Daija, if Nan's not in the room I need you to do me a favour. I--my card. --ing a new ATC is a ball ache, --ully I'm gonna get the club to-- for me. Until then I'm gonna be using the house account...so, I need you to cut Nan off from bank statements. Sort of-- accounts for a while. She trusts you with money more than me, so--""

    "Because you lost four hundred thousand poke gambling Ruben."


    "Yes Ruben, I'll launder your money for you."

    "Yo--- the best D." At that, Daija took a deep breath. If she held it in any longer, she'd hold it in forever. How often would she be able to get Ruben Sancho to actually listen to her. It was now or never.

    "Ruben, I'm pregnant." She blurted, regretting it the moments the words left her mouth. She braced herself.




    "Did you hear what I said?"

    "Listen, Daij, I'm probably gonna have to go. I'm getting another call. I swear, you're the best though. All the bull**** I put myself through when I was your age and you're there managing finances. Crazy." Daija winced at every word as her big brother spoke. She managed to break a smile.

    "Alright bye bro, love you."

    "I'm serious. Say no more though, I'll let you go."

    With that, the phone beeped. Daija held the phone to chest as a tear rolled down her cheek. Never.

    Ainsley heaved a suitcase into a very cluttered hallway. Umbrella, shoes, toys a bean bag and plenty of other miscellaneous items were kicked aside to facilitate Ainsley's entry.

    "Mum?" He bellowed through the house. "What's for dinner?" His callout was met only with gleeful giggles. A little girl, no older than five or six sprung to the top of the stairs. "Where's mum?"

    "She went out. She said we can have pizza." Ainsley's younger sister beamed. "She said since you're out all the time with your little girls and don't want to work-"

    "Is she taking the piss? So she's trynna leave me with you lot?" He stopped as an aggressive drill song thudded through his phone. He pulled it from his pocket. Caller ID: Day #1.

    "Yes big Boltund, what you got for me?"

    "Boy, this weekends been a lot, you know? Whole load of phone calls."

    "What baby mum's finally found your number?" Both boys laughed at that, though Ruben's was more of a resigned 'Yes, I expected that' kind of laugh.

    "I ain't tell you before, but I got setup in Motostoke."

    "Rahhh, and you fought them off like a badman?"

    "I got robbed bro. Like butt ass naked in bed with a girl, they're wearing balaclavas and have knives. That's why I had to use the blocked card at the restaurant."

    Ainsley's brows furrowed as he listened to the story. What was he supposed to say to that? It took him a moment before he found the appropriate response. Unapologetically, Ainsley burst out into a fit of laughter.

    "Say no more! Man got jacked with his dangles out! Yooo, we gotta talk about this later. Lemme go feed this kids, I'll shout man in a quickz."

    "Ainsley wa-"

    Ainsley had already hung up. He looked up the little girl who had now been joined by a pre-teen and an even younger child than her.

    "Meat Feast. I don't wanna hear no complaints. The beef ain't that spicy."

    Pia planted her behind on a rock in the tunnels of Galar mine. She had been walking around for hours but still felt like she was still somewhat near the entrance, as if she had walked around in circles for hours. She leaned backwards and faced the ceiling, a deep sigh left her mouth. This was a necessary path towards Turrfield, she'd get to the exit somehow, it was just taking a lot longer than she expected and she… still had to go a long way.

    Her line of thoughts were disrupted by Milla. The Pichu touched a hanging spike and it suddenly broke off and jabbed the ground below it. Shortly after, her phone started ringing too. She grumbled but as soon as she saw the caller ID, she seemed pleasantly surprised.

    "Milla, be careful. Please." She pleaded the Pichu, then picked up her phone. "Hey Ruben~"

    "Hey Pia, just calling to make sure you're good for Thursday...something came up. I'm still good to meet up, but it might not be your conventional kind of date."

    "Hmm? What do you mean? And yeah I'm still good." Pia answered, adding a "If I ever get out of this cave that is…" quietly and away from the phone right after. The sound of Ruben through the phone prompted Milla to run over and jump on Pia's lap, hoping to hear Ruben as well.

    "I'd say bring something to keep you busy. Maybe something to sit on too." He laughed, hoping she'd see the funny side of his vagueness.

    "Well. I can't say that I'm not curious now. I always have a book on me so it's no issue." Pia wondered what he was going on about. "Honestly, when you were calling me the other day I thought you were going to cancel the date. The way you sounded and all. Is everything okay?"

    "Yeah. Everything's good. Listen I gotta go, but I'm looking forward to Thursday. I'll see you soon. And Pia, thanks for being you."

    And with that, Ruben hung up. Pia stared at her old phone for a little more. "Thanks for… being me…?" She repeated his words, slightly confused but also blushing at the thought. She felt energized to keep going again and got up, holding Milla in her arms.

    "Let's go, Milla! We have to find the exit!" The triumphant Pia started walking with and excited Pichu to keep her company! Except… that she walked into a tunnel she had already walked in before. "Maybe not this one. Let's take the other one." She eventually came back and took the right path this time.​

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  • 2,791
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]Raphael Allard
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Vito ♂ Rollout | Defense Curl | Powder Snow | Ice Ball | Water Gun | Aqua Ring Oblivious
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Carmen ♀ Splash | Tackle Swift Swim
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Lumi ♂ Astonish | Smog | Ember | Minimize | Confuse Ray Flash Fire

    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Holocaster Smartphone
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokéball x4
    Black Parka x 1
    Black Wool Hat x 1
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pia McGuire
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Milla ♀️ Static Thunder shock, Charm, Tail Whip, Thunder Punch
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Prim ♀️ Natural Cure Peck, Sing, Fury Attack, Disarming Voice, Mist
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Soma ♂ Infiltrator Fairy Wind, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Razor Leaf

    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    4x Pokéball
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Galarian Pokédex
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Broken Flashlight
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    King's Rock
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Simon Pearburgh
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Spewpa ♀ Tackle | Stun Spore | String Shot | Harden | Poison Powder Friend Guard
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Caterpie ♂ Tackle | String Shot | Bug Bite Shield Dust
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Burmy ♂ Protect | Hidden Power (water) | Electroweb Shed Skin
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Snom ♀ Powder Snow | Mirror Coat | Struggle Bug Ice Scales
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Princess ♀ Electroweb | Spider Web | Fury Cutter | Beat Up Swarm
    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Blackspear License
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokéball x2
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Mysterious egg
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Strange Rock
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Potion x3
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Venoshock TR
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Army of Joltik
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Bug Catcher Net
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Slightly less cinnamon buns
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Camping Supplies
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0

    Galar Mine #1

    Raphael felt heavier now as he pushed himself through the latter sections of the crystal inlaid caverns that made up the Galar mine. This whole place was dank and dreary, swimming with old stagnant oxygen. He was desperate for some fresh air. Though really, he couldn't say that the lack of clean air was what was weighing on him. Instead it was his encounter just a short while earlier. His meeting with Catherine in the mines. He furrows his brow at the thought of it. Had he been too harsh with her, he wondered?

    It was a difficult thing to place. The type of person she was, in a way it was true that she needed the response that Raph pushed upon her. Still, with the way she had responded… was it really his place to call her out on her place in the world?

    He sighed. This was all so much effort. The whole ordeal was Simon's fault anyway, if that dumb kid hadn't thrown himself into conflict with her, Raph wouldn't have even had a reason to care about her or how she acted. He furrowed his brow a little as he remembered Ruben's presence too, something told him that his interactions with Simon and Catherine's meeting had been more than just mere coincidence.

    Finally Raph broke out into a chamber where he felt like he could breathe easier. A crack in the roof broke into a long pothole above where the sunlight was able to lightly illuminate the room he now stood in. The light danced over a small pool of water, deep enough to swim in, but not quite an underground lake, then bounced into the various flawed crystals in the wall to create a prismatic sheen. The room was beautiful, there was no doubt. With a small smile he decided he could relax here a while.

    With a light toss he released Carmen, his Magikarp, into the water as he sat on a nearby rock, stretching his back and legs a little. The small fish pokémon flicked its tail in the water, creating a small ripple in his direction as a sign of acknowledgment and gratitude, before she swam deeper into the pool to explore and stretch her fins. It was a nice, momentary peace, though realistically he supposed it was inevitable that it would be interrupted.

    As footsteps neared closer, someone else entered the same chamber he had just resided in. A deep breath could be heard from the direction. Undoubtedly this person had slight trouble breathing in the rest of the cave as well.

    "It feels a lot nicer here." A familiar voice spoke, although not directed towards Raphael. The voice belonged to Pia, and she was speaking to none other than her Pichu companion who jumped around and seemed happy to finally be in a less claustrophobic place. "That took a lot longer than expected. I can't wait to be outside ag-."

    Pia stopped, probably having noticed Raphael's presence now. "I... " the girl fidgeted. She felt uneasy just looking at his lazy expression. Remembering the train thing made her want to flee. So embarrassing… It was inevitable that they'd meet again on their journey though, seeing as they were from the same class. She'd have to learn to live with that shame. "I apologize, I didn't realize this space was already occupied. I'll take my leave then." She turned around, ready to walk off.

    This wasn't the person Raphael had expected to see. He had noticed just about all of his classmates around since that day, here and there, in this place and that. He'd witnessed them milling about but never approached them… since then however, he had not seen Pia. Judging by her expression, that wasn't an accident, even that alone let him understand her better. Had his words really left that much of an impact on her?

    He sighed a little, quiet enough that only he could hear it. This sort of childish interaction… if this continued, it would be more trouble than it was worth. He rubbed the back of his neck, as if building himself up to bother, before relenting. "...I don't own the cave or anything." He called after her, just loud enough for her to hear. "Pull up a rock or whatever strikes your fancy, if you're tired. This place is closer to the exit anyway so going a different way would be pretty inconvenient. Don't go doing that on my account."

    Pia gritted her teeth. He had mocked her before so why was he like this now? All that effort to avoid both him and Aeliana and it was all for naught. Thankfully she had Rosa and Valerie around at that time to distract her from the subject but she was alone with Raphael now. It bothered her but he was right in a sense. Going in a different way would be inconvenient and she was already on a tight schedule because the mines took longer than she had intended. She was supposed to meet Ruben at the end of Route 4… How annoying.

    Milla didn't give Pia the time to think even further and immediately perked her ears at Raphael's invite. She ran over towards the boy and his Pokémon in an attempt to play with them. It gave Pia little room to change her mind.

    "... I guess it would be pretty inconvenient." Was as she could muster to say as she hesitantly walked over and planted her behind on a rock nearby. Taking the furthest rock away would outrightly tell the boy that she wasn't interested in conversing and that would be rude, that would mean digging her grave even further. What if Ruben caught light of this? Pia had taken a rock a bit nearer, although it made her a bit uncomfortable. Not that any of this could be seen of course, she tried to remain dignified. Her pride had already taken a dent once. She wasn't about to let this guy mock her again.

    Raph looked down towards the small Pichu as it ran towards him and settled by the pond where Carmen prowled. The Magikarp was busy and less than interested, but the trainer remembered the small electric type as a friendly pokemon. He reached down and softly pat the yellow mouse's head. "You look stronger." He stated plainly with a small smile, before allowing his expression to return to neutral as he returned his gaze to Milla's trainer.

    She was tense and awkward. It was strange, but he could almost feel those emotions on her. Ever since his encounter with that pokemon on Route 3, he had been feeling like he could better understand the people around him. He closed his eyes, not wanting her to feel too awkward under his stare, before speaking up.

    "You seem uneasy." He didn't dance around the issue at all, addressing it directly despite whatever feelings were present on Pia's part. "We didn't exactly part in a pleasant way last time, guessing that's why yeah?"

    Pia flinched at the sudden direction of this conversation. She was sure that she had hid it all away well enough, how did he....?

    "I won't deny that." She simply stated, trying to calm down as much as possible. She started realizing slowly… perhaps the confrontation wasn't what bothered her, it was her inability to say anything against it. When it came to Arrietty, Rosa or anyone else really she could establish her "dominance" much better but around Raphael and Aeliana she somehow felt like she was insignificant. Like they could see right through her…

    Like she was just a tiny mouse crawling beneath their feet.

    She felt her anger built up. Anger that was directed towards her and her inability to act accordingly but just as quickly as it built up, it faded almost instantly when she felt her phone buzz. She knew it was a message from either Ruben or Arrietty but… she couldn't find it in herself to reply right now. It was time to speak up.

    "I admit I might have overreacted by immediately heading off. However, you must consider how your words affect others."

    A silence ganged in the air for a moment, the quiet was telling, but Raph didn't hesitate with his response. "You were too cautious. That's what I thought back then." The words sounded tired, but they were clearly genuine. "I'm sorry if the way I phrased it at the time upset you. However… I don't regret telling you, nor do I take it back."

    "Oh, I wasn't expecting you to take it bac-" Pia almost immediately replied back. She sighed… at least he… apologized? Wait. He apologized? The realization struck her as a lightning rod struck by thunder. Somehow she wasn't expecting that. The silence returned until broken by one of the voices once again. "Apology accepted. Just… please be considerate of your words next time…" she mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "What if you had said those words to Arrietty?" She whispered to herself. She'd have to give him a proper beat up if that were the case.

    "I get where you're coming from, but…" He smiled a little down at the small Pichu, before moving that gaze to Pia. "Sometimes, life is too short to dance around what's important. It can take someone saying something harsh to make us realize the things we haven't considered."

    He paused for a moment, before opening his mouth to continue speaking. Yet before he could he heard another voice echoing towards the chamber… and it wasn't Pia's.

    "YOOO!! PEOPLE!" the distinctive voice of a young man called out from behind them. As the two turned to look at who the newcomer was, they saw Simon emerge from a large, blocked-off crack in the wall, ducking under the planks to enter the chamber. Preceding him was a procession of what looked like dozens of Joltik, crawling along the floor and walls beside him and on his jacket, stopping momentarily when they noticed the two trainers already there. One of them, resting atop Simon's hat, let out a shrill, aggressive cry, causing the others to quickly form up around and in front of him in a V-shape.

    "Whoa, whoa, chill, lads!" The boy tried to calm down the swarm. "They're not any danger- oh, hey Raph!" Jumping over the Joltik on the floor, he ran up to the pair, waving eagerly.

    Raph grimaced slightly at the sound of the voice echoing through the cave, towards their location. He was immediately of two minds, he had wanted to approach Simon again in his own time, especially after his interaction with Catherine earlier that very day, yet he couldn't deny the overly-excitable bug type trainer was Arceus sent for his current predicament. The full on energy of Simon was more than enough to defuse the tension hanging between Raph and Pia with their current line of conversation. He'd be foolish not to capitalize on the positives here.

    "Hi Si." Quick, to the point and lacking any unnecessary fuss. It was a very Raphael greeting. If he was at all surprised by the small army of Joltik, he didn't show it whatsoever. "Pia, Simon, etcetera. Pretty sure you should each know who the other is?"

    Pia, who seemed a lot more surprised by the sudden arrival of the bug boy and what seemed like a battalion of Joltik, nodded. Of course she knew the bug enthusiast but never had she seen a sight so ridiculous. It was almost funny.

    "Do… do I want to know why these Joltik are following you as if you are their king?" Pia asked. Milla was a lot more happy with the sudden arrival of so many new friends! She got up and ran over towards the electric spiders to run around them and play tag. Pia just let her be.

    Simon sat down on the floor beside them, glad he could finally take a break after what had felt like an eternity of walking. A few of the Joltik followed to make a small defensive circle around him, while the others cautiously allowed Milla to approach. "It's… a long story. But I'm not the one they're following, it's this princess up here." He said, pointing at the slightly different-coloured Pokemon on his head, her eyes a distinct purple instead of blue. "Hope you guys don't mind if I chill with you for a bit, right? These lads have been leading me through more caverns than I even thought could exist, and I'm completely spent."

    Simon's Spewpa hopped off his shoulder, giving Raph a friendly nod before looking around as if asking where Vito was. Simon took this opportunity to shed some of the bug-weight he was carrying, gently shaking off the Pokemon in his coat, both wild and his own. "So what have you guys been up to?" he asked, looking at both Pia and Raph. "I didn't know you two knew each other! I don't think we ever talked much in school, Pia."

    That last sentence hit her like a rock. It wasn't just Simon she hadn't talked a lot to. There was hardly anyone in class she ever talked to. There was a good reason for that but now that they had graduated, the reason was no longer there to keep her in check. She couldn't even spend time with Ruben without having to feel the anxiety and fear of her secret coming out.

    "We met on the train to the wild area." Pia explained briefly, mostly interested in all the bug Pokémon that were suddenly crawling out and from Simon's coat. Was he…. Walking around with them constantly like that?

    As Spewpa approached, Raphael reacted much the same as he had to Milla, reaching down and patting the bug type gently on the head. "You look a bit tougher too, good to see Simon's not been slacking." He mumbled, barely paying attention to the conversation between the two humans present alongside him. "Huh…? Oh yeah, we met on the train, well we spoke more on the train, we met at school. Probably. It's hard to remember." He wasn't lying this time, Raph was fairly certain he'd never spoken to Pia before the train ride, even briefly.

    Raph's eyes were drawn to this supposed queen and even he couldn't stop them from widening slightly. "It's… shiny." He blurted out surprised. "You found a shiny Joltik?" The intrigue in his voice was showing, but his sensibilities quickly reached up to claw it back down. "...neat."

    "Shiny?" Simon picked the Pokemon up gently and looked at her. Princess gave a little wave. "No idea what you're on about, mate." the trainer said, looking back at Raph.

    Carmen finally returned to the surface and looked around from atop the water. Her eye twitched a little uncomfortable as she found the once empty cave bar her trainer was now flooded with people and pokémon. Why was it that Raphael always seemed to attract stragglers? They had their own things to focus on without these heathens taking up their time… and why did so many of these fools have to be electric types? She shot her trainer a quick glare of discontent, causing him to sigh and shrug a small apology before quickly returning her to her pokéball and standing up from the rock he was seated upon.

    "Exit's not far from here. Gonna head out, Turfield's waiting." Abrupt and to the point, he took a few steps away, before pausing. He really wasn't finished talking with Pia… and considering what happened with Catherine didn't he owe Simon an explanation as well? He furrowed his brow and let out another small sigh. Why couldn't this be easy? This is what he got for involving himself with these people.

    "...that is to say, are you two coming?" He forced out eventually, after a moment of standing still in silence. "This place could still be dangerous, better to move together. 'Sides, we've gotta talk about a few things still." He tried to keep a straight face but looked miserable, before turning to another cavern branching off the clearing and starting to walk down the rugged pathway, expecting the rest to follow.

    Pia shrugged. Raphael was showing a bit discontent with the situation; she had seen the face of discontent before. He showed it every time girls went up to him back in school. Thinking back on that now, no wonder he was so displeased with Pia back in the train. She must've seemed like another one of those predators...

    With a tired sigh, Simon got up and stretched a little, motioning for his Pokemon to climb back on. He considered making a quip about how this was the first time Raph didn't want to relax, but thought against it. "I guess it is safer if we're grouped together, yeah."

    "Reminds me, Si." Raph began speaking again. "You said Ruben said hello on Dizcord, I expected you two were still travelling together but I guess not? Where is he?"

    "Wait, you two know Ruben?" Pia blurted out surprised.

    "Yeah!" Simon responded to Pia, puffing his chest slightly at the famous name drop. If this was an opportunity to impress the new person, he'd take it. "And I dunno, Raph. We were together for a bit after the battle, but then he peaced out. Said he had to go 'help someone' with something. I'm racing him to Turffield though!" He leaned in towards Pia and whispered, "Me and Ruben are pretty tight."

    "...I see." Raph paused for a moment to consider Pia's reaction to Simon claiming Ruben had to help 'someone'. It was a long shot, but it was one worth taking. If only for more information on the people around him. "You know him too then, Pia?" He addressed it directly, no tact as usual. "Maybe you were even the one he was 'helping' at the festival?"

    Pia flinched. They "knew each other" was putting it lightly… There was no way in talking her out of this anymore though since she didn't keep her reactions in check like she usually did. She could even feel her cheeks starting to glow. Milla also wasn't helping with the smug face she put on.

    "I guess you could say we know each other…" Pia began, scratching her nose and looking away from the boys with a rosy glow spreading on her cheeks. "We're uh… d-dating." She then admitted.

    "What?!" Simon exclaimed, startling the mini battalion assembled around him, "You're dating Ruben freaking Sancho?!" Suddenly that girl advice the footballer had given him seemed much more credible. He was a bit surprised Ruben hadn't told him about it, but didn't think too much of it- it was normal for celebrities like him to keep their romances pretty private, after all. "How long have you two been a thing? Was it from the academy? Are you gonna meet up later??"

    "U-Uhhh… Not too long. Since the festival on Route 3…? Unless we count Motostoke too…" Pia mumbled to herself, feeling herself become flustered from all the questions. "We're supposed to meet at the end of route 4… but enough about this." Pia answered the last question but also dropped the line. She felt like she should be more happy to answer these but all she found was being lost for words.

    "...huh." Raph mumbled, looking over at Pia once more as the trio walked, his eyes examining her briefly, as if under a new light. He couldn't deny that the thought made things easier for him, it was easier to know how to behave around Pia with the knowledge that she was accounted for. It meant the odds of her acting as she did on the train were slim to none. At least, they probably were. He didn't know what type of girl Pia was, but probably not that one. "Well, that's neat." He smirked. "I'm interested to hear what Ruben has to say when I bring that up. Should be mildly amusing." It was a little out of character for him to have such a mischievous streak, but the idea of rich and famous Ruben getting embarrassed over a girl was an entertaining prospect.

    It made him wonder about himself, which was frustrating. Romance was not something he could let himself consider, not even for a second. The mere idea was selfish beyond compare. Still, as a hypothetical, who would even interest him that way? The girls he was used to would jump at the chance, though that rendered them unappealing to him by default. With that in mind, there were very few candidates, but immediately he started to go over them in his mind. "Huh… I wonder how Arrietty is doing right now." He mumbled to himself, but he realized it was probably a bit more audible than he expected.

    "Wait. You know Arrietty too?" Pia blurted out once again. Surprised once again. A lot of thoughts immediately raised through her brain. As if it couldn't comprehend the information. She should have known that their classmates would know each other but Raphael wondering about a girl? And Arrietty of all people? She was happy, of course, but Arrietty hadn't said anything? Not that she… answered the phone a whole lot.

    "Raph, you're dating someone too?!" Simon looked at him incredulously, now even more surprised that he was out of the loop. Perhaps his two mentors from the wild area had more wisdom to them than he thought... He heard Snom in his coat let out a disgusted, unpleasant squeak, as if pretending to belch at hearing the topic of romance.

    "No." Quick and curt, like a hot knife through butter, Raph shot Simon a terrible glare that sent shivers down the boy's spine. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he exhaled. "Arrietty is just a friend who I've worked with on the way, same as you." His gaze once again settled on Pia. "You know Arrietty as well? Seems we've been operating in the same circles without even realizing it." His gaze turned to the path ahead once more and he tucked his hands in his pockets. Focused, determined, trying not to let his ears turn red. How infuriating.

    Pia had been quiet for a little, as if she had dozed off to a whole different world only to be woken up by the question directed towards her.

    "Uh… yeah I guess. I know Arrietty too." Pia said without much of an explanation. Raphael was right, apparently they had been interacting with the same people. It was a strange thought nonetheless and one that made her realize she should still be careful even outside of school. "How did you meet? I'm pretty sure I've never seen you two interact at school before." The girl was hoping that Arrietty had learned to be more sociable after all. Maybe the double date in Motostoke had still helped!

    "We ended up working together back on Route 2 initially." Raph explained briefly, with a flick of his wrist he tosses the pokéball in his hand up and catches it again. "We got caught up in a fishing contest together, with an old rod being the prize. I managed to catch Carmen, my Magikarp, thanks to her help. So I kept the fish while she kept the prize." Raph remembered the day fondly, thinking back to bursting up from the water with the capture in hand and laughing with Arrietty looking on. He hadn't had that much fun in a while.

    "Then just at the Christmas market, we worked together to get some kids their presents back. An old pokémon made off with it but together we managed to sort it out." He raises an eyebrow towards Simon. "Kind of reminds me of our mess with Dusknoir, similar vibes." Raph realized he was talking a little bit more than was usual for him. His adventures at a trainer really grabbed him it seemed, but thoughts of his nightmare just a few nights prior reeled him back in. "But, yeah, I mean… we all used to be classmates. It makes sense we'd interact." Those words in particular started dragging a memory to the surface.

    "Reminds me… Simon. I met Catherine."

    The usual fire in Simon's eyes seemingly dulled a little as he heard the name. He shot a quick glance at Pia, unwilling to reveal too much of his embarrassment to the new acquaintance, "Oh, yeah, that girl. You never said what you meant by 'deal with it', by the way."

    "Oh no. That couldn't have gone well. I remember Catherine as the girl that was just scowling at everyone in class…" Pia said. She quickly glanced over to what Milla was doing, finding it suspicious that she had been so quiet and behaved for so long, only to find her almost covered in Joltik smothering her cheeks. Milla gave her a panicked thumb's up. It seemed worrisome but… harmless? Pia held out her Pokédex to the Joltik.



    "Hm." Pia hummed looking at the entry. So they were sucking up Milla's electricity? That was actually a good thing since Milla naturally couldn't store her own electricity very well. Maybe that would stop her from electrifying herself once in a while.

    The excitable electric types, if nothing else, added a layer of diffusion to the situation. Raph had immediately heard the drop in Simon's voice. He could feel what that meant, even now. What was this burden inside of him… that he could immediately sense where Simon's feelings were coming from. Had they gotten so close already? Or was it something else?

    Raph wasn't an idiot either way, he knew Simon looked up to him. The thought of that caused him more pain than he cared to admit, but… he'd be lying if he said it didn't make him feel at least a little bit protective over the mildly irritating, hyper-active bug boy as well. Hell, maybe what Catherine said had a little merit; she was mostly entirely wrong, like laughably so, pitiably so, but maybe Raph had acted with just a little bit of personal vitriol and self-serving interest.

    What Catherine didn't understand was that that was okay. At least Raph thought so.

    "Meant I'd deal with it. I talked to her." He turned his head back to Simon and for a brief moment, smiled at him properly. The first time he'd ever done such a thing to him. "I think she'll come around, so just give her some space. The way things played out? Wouldn't be surprised if she's a bit different next time you meet her." Just as soon as it had arrived, the smile dissipated back to apathy and turned to the road ahead, content to keep walking until fresh air arrived to greet him.

    "Y-you think so?" Simon asked, his spirits raised again. He knew Raph wasn't one to show his emotions externally all the time… but having him smile for once was a reassuring sight. He actually cared, despite the apathetic exterior. It didn't matter what Catherine thought or said- Simon knew someone had his back. Now eager to get on the road again, he waved over his new Joltik friends and looked at the two trainers. "C'mon, these little guys know the ins and outs of the cavern, so they'll get us through the quickest and safest route!"

    Pia didn't pay their conversation much mind. It was something between them and Catherine after all. That didn't mean she was taking in their behaviours and examining them. Who knew Raphael could be decent sometimes?

    Joint post of Jay, Sapphire Rose & Foxrally
    Last edited:
  • 25,595
    Catherine Carlisle
    18 | Female | From Wyndon
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Indra (Male, Swift Swim) - Rain Dance, Hypnosis, Bubblebeam, Double Slap, Mud Shot, Refresh
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Stampede (Male, Swift Swim) - Water Gun, Smokescreen, Twister, Focus Energy, Dragon Breath, Icy Wind
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Holo (Female, Lightning Rod) - Tackle, Thunder Wave, Spark, Howl, Flame Burst

    Search and Rescue

    The entire cavern shuddered and rocked, rubble tumbled from the ceiling and a thundering, cacophonous noise rang out through the mine. Catherine's eyes flew open. She found herself leaning against the wall of the mine, phone still in hand. Indra was on her lap, Holo and Stampede at her sides. All of them were on high alert.

    Catherine didn't even have time to consider that she couldn't remember at what point she'd let her other team members back out, that sleeping sitting up against a cave wall had left her neck and back quite sure or that she'd somehow fallen asleep in a mine to begin with. The cave began to shake again and once again she heard the ear-splitting slamming sound.

    A cave in?


    Catherine looked down at Stampede, he was looking at her with a determined and steely gaze. It wasn't exactly hard to figure out what he wanted to do. Still, her immediate instinct was to just make a B-line for the exit. She had no desire to get caught in such a dangerous system herself. Besides, with nobody around to look bad for, anyone who happened to be stuck at that moment would have left her without a second thought if their situations were reversed. She'd promised herself that she was going to be better than other people though.

    She cautiously got up, careful to be sure that the severe shaking in her legs had faded. When she found that it had, she breathed a sigh of relief.

    Okay. Let's get this over with.

    "Come on then, let's go investigate."

    Catherine walked anxiously through a half demolished tunnel. Indra walked ahead of her with Holo, under strict instructions not to let the young Electric type run too far ahead. Stampede was in her arms, he could move quick enough on land for a while, but Catherine figured it probably took him a lot of effort as a water-dwelling creature.

    It had taken a while to find the part of the mine she was looking for, having a maze of tunnels and caverns to traverse with only the general direction the sound came from as a guide. It didn't help that she hadn't heard anything else since, but that was probably a good thing. The fact that she had to squeeze past jagged boulders that had formerly been a part of the ceiling in places was a reminder of that.

    What am I doing? I'm risking my life. I don't want to be here. I don't want to do this.

    Thoughts like that had been a consistent part of her venture deeper into the mine, especially as the signs of damage had become clearer and clearer. She didn't turn back though, continuing to press forward despite her reluctance. After all, that was the point. To be better than everyone else, to be an example of what a good person actually was, she had to. She had to do things that were objectively good, that she got no joy from and expected nothing in return from.

    As Catherine and her team continued onwards, slipping through what now amounted to little more than a crack between two enormous slabs of dirt and stone, the path ahead widened once more into a chamber of some sort. Old railroad tracks met in the centre before moving through different passageways, but all had been blocked by stone and rubble.

    In fact, most of the cavern had received the same treatment, with over half of it being full of fallen dirt and debris. It seemed likely that, if not the cavern itself, the source of the cave-in had been nearby. At least, that's what Catherine, who was decidedly not an expert on mine collapses, figured anyway. One thing was sure though, the cavern was as far as they were going in that direction. The only exit was back the way they came.

    "Okay," Catherine said, setting Stampede down, "Look around, but be quick and touch as little as possible. We don't know how stable it is in here and I'd prefer not to die. Holo, you stay with me."

    The team spread out, Stampede and Indra moving to separate ends of the chamber as Catherine found her own spot to investigate, a grumpy Electrike at her heels. That was too bad though, she wasn't letting the disaster baby wander off on her own in the middle of a caved-in mineshaft.

    It didn't take long for something to catch Catherine's eyes as she peered between the rocks, using her phone like a torch. Something shiny was glinting in the faint light. She stretched between the rocks, her fingers finding something smooth and somewhat metallic. With a bit more effort, she had freed what turned out to be slightly dusty, but surprisingly intact Technical Machine disk. "I just hope I don't find what's left of its old owner in here. What the hell would I do then?"

    A bark at her heels attracted her attention to Holo. The Electrike was, as much as she could anyway, pouting and looking disapprovingly at her.

    "Do as I say, not as I do." Catherine remarked. A cry from Indra distracted her from the debate with the Electric type though. It seemed her Poliwag had found something. "We'll finish this discussion later."

    She walked over to where Indra was kicking up a fuss and peered between another pile of boulders. To her surprise, she found something looking back at her. An orange insectoid Pokemon with a blank stare and two small mushrooms growing on its back: a Paras.

    "Well, it's not a disembodied arm at least," Catherine said, "What do I do with you though."

    It was a miracle that the little Bug hadn't been crushed, there was no way it would fit through the narrow gap in the stones. Neither Catherine or her team could safely move the rubble aside either. That left only one real option.

    "Welcome aboard, I guess." Catherine reached in through the gap and tapped a Pokeball to the Paras, drawing it inside. She felt the ball wiggle a little in her hand and then heard the distinctive click. She pulled her arm, and the ball, back out from the hole and looked at her assembled Pokemon. "Four becomes five, I suppose. We'll call them Vessel. They remind me of the vessel in Parasect Knight."

    Vessel (Female, Dry Skin) - Fury Cutter, Scratch, Absorb, Poison Powder, Spore

    Spoiler: Inventory
    - ATC
    - Expensive PokeGear
    - Pokedex
    - 800 Poke (On ATC)
    - TM Icy Wind
    - TM Flash
  • 865
    • Age 38
    • Seen Feb 24, 2024
    Aeliana Kekoa
    Galar Mines
    Chapter 5-1 | Rory

    Aeliana's Current Party:
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

    The sun is high in the sky as Aeliana makes her way towards the mines. The pink-haired trainer is in a rather pleasant mood despite the events with Simone from the previous night, mainly on account of the great night sleep that she has managed to pull in. By the time Aeliana and her team wakes up to greet the day, it is nearly noon. While Aeliana normally doesn't care for sleeping so late, the pinkette finds it just a bit difficult to complain today.

    "If we continue this pace, we should make it to Turffield by this evening… tonight at the latest," Aeliana muses as she checks the map on her phone. Tampa and Mahina both glance up at their trainer curiously, the Totodile's tail slapping against the ground in delight. "The mines shouldn't take too long to get through as long as we stay on the main path."

    As if on cue, the map on Aeliana's phone screen disappears, a samba-like tone playing out from the device in her hand. Tampa gurgles in delight, the blue gator hopping from one foot to the other as she shakes her tiny rump to the beat. The sight makes Aeliana reluctant to answer, but she finds herself curious at the sight of the unfamiliar number. She sighs before swiping her finger across the green button to answer the phone.

    "... Alola?" Aeliana greets.

    "Kekoa? Glad I was finally able to reach ya," The voice on the other side answers. It sounds vaguely familiar, a bit gruff and direct. That said, she is unable to place it with a face or a name. "It's Boris Wells, I'm the one who hired you and that kid… Simmons? Whatever, I'm with Blackspear Industries."

    Aeliana raises an eyebrow. "You mean Simon?"

    "Not important, Kekoa. I've got a job for ya, if you're interested. There's a mine on Route 3. If you're headin' for Turffield, then you're gonna have to pass through it. I know you're probably in a hurry, but I think I can make it worth your time."

    "I'm listening."

    "Some of the fellas in our minin' outfit have been trying to start diggin' in a new shaft in the mine. Problem is some wild Pokémon have taken up residence and overrun the shaft. It's makin' it impossible for the blokes to actually do the work. We need ya to do some relocatin'. Battle 'em and get 'em to leave. Do this and I'll put 10,000 on your ATC. What do ya say?"

    A moment of silence. The pinkette racks her brain as she tries to determine just how to respond. While she is eager to reach Turffield as soon as possible, there is no denying that she is still strapped for cash. Having the extra pocket change definitely would not be a bad thing. Aeliana glances down, her eyes locking with Tampa and Mahina's.

    "Yeah… Yeah, I'll do it," she finally answers.

    A gruff grunt is heard on the other side of the phone. "Good choice, Kekoa. Head down to the mines as soon as you can. You'll meet another kid there, a fellow Blackspear new hire who's gonna be lending you a hand. Report back at this number when you finish!"

    An audible click is heard as Mr. Wells hangs up the phone. The trainer sighs, placing her phone back into her bag before looking to her Totodile and Clefairy.

    "Let's get moving," she says with a small nod and a smile.

    A little over a half hour later, Aeliana and company would find themselves approaching the entrance to the Galar Mines. Just as Boris had told her, someone is indeed waiting for her just outside of the mine entrance. The sight of just who it is however, is enough to make the Alolan's stomach start doing flips.

    "Aeliana Kekoa?" a familiar boy's voice calls out. He huffs, running a hand through his messy, golden blond hair. He stands up from the rock he had been sitting on, taking a moment to fix his blue, fur-lined coat. "It took you long enough. I was told you'd be here about fifteen minutes ago…"

    Aeliana's lips feel dry as she replies. "Yeah… sorry about the hold up. I was just… making sure I was ready! I uh… heard we were gonna be dealing with a lot of wild Pokémon. Can't ever be too prepared, you know?"

    The boy scoffs, a sarcastic chuckle slipping from his mouth as he shrugs. "This will be child's play at best. After all, I am in line to become the next champion. I assure you, my Pokémon are all of the top percentage."

    Aeliana laughs weakly. It seems that the boy doesn't recognize her, but the pink-haired trainer knows that she isn't mistaken. The boy is the one from the previous night, the one who had abandoned and abused Jet. Lavender eyes glance down to her bag. For just a brief moment, Aeliana can swear she feels the ball holding her Tyrogue wiggle ever so slightly.

    "Are these your Pokémon?" the boy asks, snapping Aeliana back to reality. His gaze narrows, the boy examining both the pink-haired trainer's Totodile and Clefairy. Mahina shrinks into Aeliana's grasp, trying her best to try and bury her face into the trainer's chest. Tampa merely waves at him, offering the boy a delighted wave. "The Totodile doesn't seem to be too weak, anyway."

    Is that supposed to be his way of a compliment? Aeliana doesn't think too much of it, but her Totodile seems to perk up more at this. A goofy grin splatters across Tampa's face, one that Aeliana returns with a small grin of her own as she reaches down to pat the blue gator on the top of her head.

    "We've wasted enough time, let's get this job moving," the boy says, cutting to chase as he starts to lead the way into the mine.

    Aeliana and Tampa begin to follow behind him. "So… What's your name, anyway? Mr. Wells left that tiny bit out when he told me about this job."

    The boy rolls his eyes at this bit of news. "As expected. He's direct and to the point enough, but not one for making important information known…" He glances over his shoulder at the pinkette, a proud smirk gracing his lips that just exudes confidence. It's as if he's telling Aeliana that she needs to be in awe that she's even being blessed to breathe the same air as him. "Rory Correl, remember that name."

    The walk through the mine is filled with an uncomfortable silence. Aeliana tries to make small talk with Rory, but he is blunt and to the point. Most starts of conversation are met with either an annoyed scoff or a grunt. It's clear that Rory isn't much interested in Aeliana as well. The terrain of the path the duo take to reach the particular shaft of the mine that Boris mentioned isn't well maintained. While there are winding tracks leading down to their destination, it is poorly lit. The two trainers are forced to rely on using their phones as makeshift flashlights. Whenever Aeliana has to slow her pace in an attempt to make sure that she doesn't lose her footing, Rory pipes up about how it is taking the pinkette too long or how she's slowing them down when she takes the time to assist Tampa over a rather high step or steep dip in the ground. She makes sure to put a smile on her face, answering the boy with an apologetic giggle or something of the sort. However for every moment that passes by, Aeliana finds herself yearning to just quit this job and leave the boy to his own devices.

    After what feels like hours, the duo seem to finally reach their destination. The air in the shaft is stagnant, ambiance being provided by the damp, dripping echoes that stretch on further into the cave. A faint wind howls through the mine, occasionally followed by the screeching of what Aeliana recognizes as Zubats.

    "I believe we have found our infestation," Rory informs Aeliana, as if she's just blindly following him at this point. "Wild Zubat… to think that this is what is giving those miners such trouble…"

    "Even Pokémon that are known for being weak can prove a threat if they group together," Aeliana replies.

    Rory glares over his shoulder, his eyes dripping with disbelief. "Don't be stupid… There is no value in something pathetic and weak. They're a handicap. A crutch. Nothing more, nothing less."

    Aeliana winces at the blond's words. "Just because something is weak to begin with doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way. With hard work, anythin-"

    "Would you just shut your mouth?!" Rory snaps. His frustration is growing by the moment. It's something made obvious by the way he turns to face Aeliana properly "I didn't come down here to have some philosophical gabfest with you! Let's just get to work and the-"

    Suddenly, the faint sounds of the Zubat screeches come to an abrupt stop. Rory raises his hand, eyes narrowing as he scans the darkness for any signs of movement. Aeliana stands on her toes as she tries to gaze over the boy's shoulders.

    "Just our imagination?" she questions.

    Rory rolls his eyes and prepares to respond, but a loud and angry series screeches echoes out into the mineshaft, mixing in with a barrage of flapping wings. Before the pink-haired girl can comment, she soon finds herself being shoved to the ground. Rory all but tackles her down, the boy making sure that they're able to avoid the oncoming onslaught of wild Zubat. No less than ten of the bat Pokémon come flapping out of the darkness, circling overhead as if they were a flock of Mandibuzz preparing to feast on the carcass of dead Camerupt.

    "Overconfident scum…" Rory mutters, grabbing a poké ball from his belt. "The number makes no difference, however. Weak is still weak! Let's go, Storm!"

    Rory scrambles to his feet and tosses the poké ball forward. The ball snaps open in the air as a blinding white light flashes out from the spherical capsule to reveal an Elekid. The Elekid lets out an eager cry before pounding his yellow fists together with glee.

    "Tampa, you better help them ou-"

    "Don't bother!" the boy scoffs. "Storm is more than enough to take out this trash."

    As if on cue, one of the wild Zubat swoops down, fangs shimmering in the dim mineshaft as it prepares to take a chomp out of Rory's Elekid with a Bite attack. A surging spark begins to glow around Storm's fist as Rory orders him to counter with a Thunder Punch. Storm charges towards the wild Zubat, delivering a sharp jab into the bat Pokémon that shocks it to it's very core. As the wild Zubat tumbles to the ground, two more screech in anger and dive towards the Electric-type.

    "Pathetic… Storm, Thunder Shock with a Quick Attack!" Rory calls out.

    "Kid!" Elekid replies in delight.

    Storm turns to face the first of the two Zubat, an electrifying jolt shooting out from his plug-like horns. The Zubat lets out a pain-filled cry that seems to startle its partner. Storm takes advantage of this, suddenly appearing behind the wild Zubat and slamming his body into it with a blinding speed.

    "This is what was giving them so much trouble? I would've thought that Blackspear Industries had more capable employees," Rory mutters with a huff.

    A sudden screeching wail echoes out through the shaft from right behind the boy. His eyes widen as he spins on his heel to face a descending Zubat, wing raising to slam into his face. Before the Wing Attack can land however, a blast of cold water sprays into the wild Zubat, sending the bat spinning to the ground. Rory looks around, his eyes coming to rest upon Aeliana and her Totodile.

    "What…? I had everything under control!" the male trainer snaps.

    "...You're welcome," Aeliana replies bluntly. The nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach is starting to fizzle out, being replaced with one of annoyance. It's becoming more and more clear that something with this boy isn't pleasant. He's downright unlikable. "That Zubat was about to smack your face with its wing. Was your intention to shoot electricity out of your own head…?"

    Rory grits his teeth. A sharp glare is sent in the direction of the pinkette. The boy takes a step forward, mouth opening to retort, when a quiet, somewhat frightened cry reaches the ears of both trainers and their Pokémon. Fluttering nervously and alone was the last of the wild Zubat. However, there was something vastly different about this one.

    "...Is that Zubat green…?" Aeliana questions, her eyes narrowing in the darkness to try and make out the wild Pokémon better.

    "...It is. It is! It's a shiny Zubat!" Rory exclaims. The boy scrambles to grab an empty poké ball from his belt, quickly pressing the button in the center to expand it to full size. "There's no way I'm letting this thing get away!"

    Aeliana looks over her shoulder, lavender eyes glancing over the fainted Zubat on the mineshaft floor. "Now you want a Zubat…? What was wrong with all the others?"

    "Are you stupid or something? Surely you've heard of Jackson Crane!" Rory exclaims. Aeliana raises an eyebrow, glancing down at the Totodile at her side as if Tampa would know. The name sounds familiar, but the trainer can't quite place it. "Forget it… He's the champion of Sinnoh, and he had one of those! A shiny Zubat! It's a Crobat now, but… You get the idea! Those things are stronger than almost any Pokémon! There's no way I'm not going to catch it!"

    Aeliana blinks slowly, looking back at the timid, green Zubat. "I mean… It's pretty, but I don't think that that's what makes it strong…" Her gaze moves towards her bag, eyes coming to rest upon her Tyrogue's poké ball. "It's not just about appearance, but what they've got on the inside… the bond you forge, you know?"

    "What are you? An after school special?" Rory sneers. The green Zubat takes the momentary distraction to make an attempted escape, but the attempt did not go unnoticed. "Storm, Thundershock!"

    Electricity once more lights up the cave as the attack makes contact with the helpless bat, who lets out a shriek in response. If Rory were not so caught up in his attempt to ground the shiny Pokémon, he would likely hear the sound of powerful wings flapping in the darkness of the cave, growing louder with every flap…

    Aeliana's eyes widen. She looks around, feeling the shift in her arms as Mahina tries to hide into her embrace. Tampa's tail stops wagging. A feral growl starts to emanate from the Totodile which starts off soft, only to grow louder with each flap that is heard. The pink-haired trainer takes a step forward. Maybe it's time for the two trainers to call it a done job and just leave.

    "Hey…" she calls out. "Do you hear that…?"

    "Your Totodile choking on a rock? Yeah." Rory snarls as the poor Zubat hits the ground. He readies his Pokeball and throws it into the darkness-- only for it to be shot back at him. From the darkness, responding to its child's terrified cry for help, shoots a large Crobat, eyes gleaming with fury and teeth bared, ready to rip these two trainers to ces. pieces.

    "Damn it… I told you I heard something," Aeliana curses under her breath. She glances down at her Totodile. An eager expression stretches across Tampa's face as the blue gator prepares herself for battle. "Since you like fighting strong opponents, maybe you'll lend me a hand with this one? I don't think we can just walk away now."

    Rather than look annoyed or the least bit frightened, it's an eager, almost devilish grin that forms on the blond's face as he locks eyes with the furious Crobat. "Now we're talkin'! Storm, show it your Thunder Punch!"

    The Elekid leaps into the fray without hesitation. Electricity sparks from his arm as he aims for the Crobat, who dodges the move with such ease one would think Storm was moving in slow-motion. Crobat then glides around the baby Pokémon's back and crosses its wings into an X shape. As the wings begin to glow, Crobat smashes them into the unsuspecting Elekid.

    "Tampa, Water Gun!" Aeliana cries out. The Totodile charges forward, mouth snapping open as a blast of water fires out from her toothy jaws. The Crobat merely flaps its massive wings in response, flying up and over the water as it sprays right into Rory's Elekid.

    "Who's side are you on?!" Rory shouts as Storm shakes the water from his body. "Fine! You wanna go fast? We'll go fast. Storm, Quick Attack!"

    The baby Pokemon shoots an annoyed glance at Tampa before quickly leaping into the air and colliding with the Crobat. This move does make contact, but Storm is given a powerful Poison Fang to the head for his troubles.

    "That's what we want! Now Thundershock!"

    Storm squeezes his eyes shut in pain as he sends electricity straight into the mouth of the large bat clamped down on his head.

    "W-What are you doing?!" Aeliana questions in shock.

    Did he really just let his own Pokémon take prolonged damage just to get that attack out? Everyone knows that Crobat's venom is some of the most toxic in the world, especially from its fangs. It was one of the few anatomy lessons she remembered from one of Professor Sonia's lectures. She watches as the Crobat drops Storm to the ground, the Elekid landing on the rocky ground of the mineshaft in a heap.

    "Tampa, Aqua Jet into a Bite!" Aeliana orders.

    The Totodile gurgles in acknowledgement. A burst of water propels Tampa forward, the blue gator sailing straight into the Crobat where she slams into the bat Pokémon with as much strength as she can muster. The wild Crobat is taken back by the assault, but before it can properly counter a loud screech of anger and pain echoes out. Tampa has sunk her razor sharp fangs into the Poison-type's rear wing, essentially dangling from the air as it attempts to shake her off.

    "Doing what it takes to win!" Rory snaps. "Now tell your Totodile she has three seconds to let go before she gets zapped too!" As he speaks, Storm struggles to his feet. After a couple of uneven steps, he steadies himself and pounds his fists together, electricity crackling from the top of his head.

    Tampa doesn't need to be told twice. The Totodile releases her toothy grasp on the Crobat, tumbling to the ground below. Aeliana is quick to place Mahina on the ground as she runs towards the falling gator, just narrowly managing to catch her before she would have hit the ground. Tampa gurgles in delight at her trainer's catch, quickly embracing the pinkette in a hug as repayment.

    Rory watches the little scene play out from the corner of his eye, rolling his eyes at their little display. "Storm! Shockwave!"

    The Elekid waves its arms around in a circular motion to create a current as the electricity sparking from the top of his head is shot free. The electrical move strikes in several places all at once, making it impossible for Crobat to dodge.

    "Are you going to quit babying her and let her fight or am I finishing this on my own?" The blond trainer sneers to the pinkette.

    Tampa visibly scowls, a look in her eyes as if asking her trainer if she should bite the boy. For a moment, Aeliana considers it. There are more pressing matters at, however.

    "Tampa, Dragon Dance!" Aeliana commands.

    The Totodile hops down. A look of determination takes to Tampa's face as she starts hopping back forth, her body moving in fluid, rhythmic motion. Aeliana smiles, almost hearing the music in her head as Tampa grooves.

    An aggravated groan can be heard from the back of Rory's throat as the blue gator begins to dance. Really? Now? She could have made herself useful and powered up her Pokémon before. Is she slow or something? Probably. No, absolutely. "Storm, Quick Attack again!"

    While Crobat is still recovering from the electricity coursing through its body, Storm blazes into the air and crashes into it, forcing it into the nearest wall.

    "Now, Tampa! Finish it off with another Aqua Jet!" Aeliana commands.

    Tampa's shuffling comes to an end. Another burst of water pushes her forward, sending the Totodile flying at the bat as if she was a torpedo being shot out of a submarine. Tampa slams into the Crobat, essentially pressing it into the wall while knocking the wind out of it. The Crobat lets out one final, pained screech, before its body slumps forward and faints upon hitting the floor.

    "Pathetic." Rory scolds the fallen Crobat while walking deeper into the cave. He walks past Storm and gives him a subtle nod of approval before searching through the darkness of the cave for the green Zubat. The timid little thing had managed to crawl a couple of feet since the battle began, but nowhere near far enough to get away. Rory takes out another poké ball and tosses it lazily at the small Pokémon. "And that's that."

    "Nice work, Tampa!" Aeliana exclaims, kneeling down to give her Totodile a high five. "You and Storm really showed it who was boss!"

    Once the ball stops shaking, Rory picks it up and straps it onto his belt with the rest of his poké balls. He then shoves his hands into his pockets and makes his way back towards the obnoxiously cheery girl. "What were you thinking? If you had a move like Dragon Dance, why didn't you use it at the beginning?"

    "It didn't seem that important at the time…" Aeliana answers. "It only seemed necessary when you let your poor Elekid get bit like that! You haven't even gone to check on him!"

    "Because unlike your Pokémon, he's not waiting for me to rescue him. He's a Pokémon. They fight. They get hurt. It's what they were born to do. If I caught him every time he fell or panicked every time he got a scratch on him, he'd become just as pathetic as these Zubats. Right, Storm?" Rory looks to his side to his Elekid, which responds by folding its arms over its chest and giving a powerful nod.

    Aeliana sighs, glancing down at her Totodile. She felt a small tug on her pants leg, Mahina staring up at her while making hands as if asking to be picked up. The pinkette picks the Clefairy up into her arms before muttering. "Otherwise they end up like Jet, right?"

    "Who?" Rory asks. It still doesn't seem to dawn on him that this is the girl that was working with that small punk girl on the previous route, and even if he knew that she had taken in his abandoned Tyrogue, he has all but forgotten it as well.

    "...Tyrogue," Aeliana answers bluntly. She can feel the nervous knots in her stomach starting to form. Her hand shakes ever so slightly as she speaks, but whether or not Rory sees it is unknown to her. "You… I saw what you did with him. I was there for all of it. The way you hit him and kicked him… Because he didn't meet your expectations…?"

    As if it had been rehearsed, Jet's poké ball begins to rustle violently from within the trainer's bag. A blinding, bright light exudes forth from within shooting out into the air and illuminating the shaft for a brief moment. Rory, Aeliana, and their Pokémon all wince from the unexpected flash of light, the darkness making it as if someone turned on an overhead light immediately after rousing someone from their sleep. As the light fades, Rory's expression shifts through a gambit of emotion. First, one of confusion, which is followed by one of shock, which is then replaced by one of either annoyance or unbridled anger. The pink-haired trainer honestly isn't quite sure how to describe it.

    Jet has released himself from his poké ball, and he is now staring silently at his former trainer. It all sinks in as Rory looks from Jet, to Aeliana, and then back again.

    "You…" the blond snarls. "You were the one from the other night! The one with that punk bitch!"

    "Her name is Melody," Aeliana quickly interjects.

    "It doesn't matter," Rory retorts. He sends a sharp glare at Jet, the Tyrogue visibly flinching from the hate in his eyes. Rory grabs a ball of his belt, clenching it tightly as it expands to full size. "As far as I'm concerned you're both trash. Anyone who would associate themselves with that garbage is. And I'm going to put that trash in its place!"

    Aeliana stares in disbelief at the boy. She feels the urge to accept this challenge, and she sees a look in Jet's eyes. It's a look that mirrors Rory's own. It's a look she doesn't like in the slightest bit.

    "No. We're leaving," she says bluntly. Jet's eyes go wide. They're just going to leave? Surely this is a joke, right? He watches as Tampa, Aeliana, and Mahina start to leave, the trainer only pausing as she turns to look back at Jet. "Come on, he's not worth the effort." Jet hesitates for a moment. The Tyrogue looks over at Rory one final time, kicking a nearby pebble in frustration, before he turns and runs to catch up to his current trainer.

    Rory is now left alone with Storm, a look of complete and utter contempt on his face. No one has ever walked away from one of his challenges. This girl comes out, preaching at him like he's done some great wrong, and then walks away without even attempting to show how she's superior? He clenches his shiny Zubat's poké ball, gritting his teeth as fury runs through his body.

    "This isn't over… I'm going to make it a point to crush you and show you I'm right."

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    That Dream...Make it Come True!
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    Melody had been out of the mine and trekking through route 4 for the better part of a day, and yet there was still no sign of Pumpkaboo's (whom Melody had decided to call Piper in order to stop referring to her as 'this Pumpkaboo') friends. It's easy to see the unease and discouragement on the tiny ghost's face growing the longer they walk.

    "Hey, c'mon, don't give me that look. We've got way more places to look." Melody's best attempt at encouragement seems to fall on deaf ears, leading her to sigh as she studies the surrounding area. She takes note of a sign that reads Rolling Hills Ranch. 1 Mile. Trainers Welcome! Maybe there's someone there that's seen some Pumpkaboo, or can at least tell her where they usually hide out. "C'mon, I've got an idea."

    As Melody walks, a low rumbling sound can be heard. The closer they get, the louder it becomes. Is it thunder? Is a storm rolling in? There's not a cloud in the sky. Still, the punk teen breaks into a slow jog. If a storm is coming, they might need to hide out in a barn for a while.

    Melody walks around the side of the barn and sees a Rancher standing beside the fence line, talking to a young girl. He takes notice of her quickly and raises his arm in greeting.

    "Howdy! Welcome to Rollin' Hills Ranch!" His call is enthusiastic, and even behind a large mustache, Melody can tell he's grinning from ear to ear.

    "-- Thanks." Melody almost takes a step back. Overly friendly people continue to make her uneasy. "Have… either of you seen any Pumpkaboo around?"

    "'Course Ah have! Big'uns, small'uns, extr-y large'uns. None smokin' though, if that's what ye'er lookin' for."

    "... Smoking?" Melody repeats.

    "See? Ah told ya none around these parts'd seen no smokin' Pokens." The Rancher addresses the young girl standing in front of him.

    The girl is an inch or so taller than Melody, which is infuriating as, judging by her face, she can't be any more than fifteen… though her outfit seems more fitting for a college student or a lawyer. Her hair is vibrantly white and her eyes are such a pale blue that Melody has to think they're contacts. She too looks over to the punk teen and chooses to elaborate.

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    "There have been reports of Pokemon surrounded by black and red smoke appearing in the area. Have you seen any?" She asks with an accent that Melody can't quite place.

    "No--" Melody's mind abruptly flashes back to that night in Motostoke. The Chandelure that Piers battled… it was surrounded by black and red smoke. At the time she thought it was nothing more than a shiny Chandelure. Looking it up later; however, she realized she was way off the mark. "-- Not around here anyway."

    "But you have seen them? Were they on a rampage?" The girl asks. A Snivy that had been obscured from sight by standing behind the girl peeks out to mirror her curious gaze.

    "You could say th--" A loud cracking sound overpowers Melody's last words. The three turn towards the sound and spot a quickly rolling pink sphere making its way into the sunset. In its wake is a very large and now very broken tree. Numerous Cutiefly that were taking refuge in said tree begin to take flight.

    "Aww shucks. There goes another one." The Rancher says with a sigh. "Never should'a let ol' Betsy watch Miss Whtiney's Miltank on the Roto-TV. Gal's been rollin' ever since. Used ta be a lot more trees around these parts before she started rollin' like this."

    As the man speaks, another sound fills the air: An angry buzzing. Slowly, a large Vespiqun flies from the leaves of the trees. She shakes her head as if shaking the sleep away before releasing a horrific, angered cry. She takes to the sky and quickly strikes at the poor, innocent Cutiefly before setting her sights on a flock of the Rancher's unsuspecting Wooloo. Her arms glow a vibrant purple as she descends upon the poor sheep.

    "What're ye doin'?!" The Rancher cries out.

    "She's disoriented. She probably hit her head." The white haired girl says before-- in an instant, leaping clear over the fence and rushing towards the rampaging queen bee.

    "Hey! Don't--" Melody shouts. Is that girl going to face down this giant flying-bug with a Snivy?! Melody groans in frustration before climbing over the fence and giving chase.

    "Whooooooooa-alert, what is THAT?" Valerie meanwhile was in the area, in awe of the giant yellow and black pokemon that was buzzing all about. Also -- friend-dar alert -- she also spots a familiar face, giving chase to it. "...Mel-Mel?"

    "Val!" Melody cries back. ****. ****. This girl has a real habit for showing up in front of dangerous situations it seems. Wait-- this might actually be a good thing. She has a Cyndaquil. That will fair far better than-- that girl's Snivy. The punk teen makes an abrupt turn to dart towards the pink-clad trainer. "That Vespiquen's on a rampage! It's trying to murder everything it sees!"'

    "Vesp...iquen?" Valerie repeated, looking up at the large pokemon. "Dunno what's going on here, but, Valerie's got your back, 1000% Val-isfaction! Let's go, Flame!" Her Cyndaquil nodded, hopping off her shoulder. "Alrighty…. Iiiiiiiit's whoop-ass time!" Her Cyndaquil's back ignited.

    I'm not sure what she just said but it sounds like she's on board. Cool. Melody gives a small smirk and a nod before reaching for her belt. "Let's do it, Bishop!"

    The Corvisquire flies from his Pokeball with a powerful cry. Melody sets her sights on the white haired girl-- who had become the giant bug's new target-- and calls out, "We're coming! Hang on!"

    "Give em' a Ember!" Valerie called out, having Flame release his swarms of flames towards the Vespiquen, only for them to be repelled by a slight flick of the large pokemon's arm. Flame tried again and again, but each attempt was unsuccessful as the next.

    ****, ****, ****! This thing is strong. Crazy strong. All that Ember did was take Vespiquen's interest away from the white-haired girl and onto them. "Bishop! Use Pluck!"

    The bird Pokemon eagerly soars into the Vespiquen's line of sight with a glowing beak. He flies in close only to be shoved to the side by a powerful swipe by the queen bee's glowing arm. Bishop sails back several feet before regaining his balance and steadying himself.

    Melody grits her teeth as her eyes frantically flash between the flying Bishop and Valerie. "Got a plan B?"

    "If one friend can't do it, then a whole lot of them will!" Valerie suggested. On cue, her Morpeko seeped out of her bag. "Good timing, sis! Don't worry about the egg for now; help a gal out? Loads of treats for ya later!" Her Morpeko eagerly agreed, leaping out from Valerie's bag to the field. She steadily conducted electricity from her cheeks, as Flame kept up a steady flame on his back. "Let's add a little bit of Ayra and Flora!"

    Valerie threw two more pokeballs, each belonging to her Meowth and Cherubi respectively. When she did, she couldn't help but be in a starry-eyed trance. "Maaaaan, friends fighting side by side?! Due I loooooove being a trainer!" she quirked, with her Pokémon positioned at the ready. "Iiiiiits whoop-ass time!" Ayra had her claws honed, and Flora got into a small battle stance.

    It's not a bad idea… even if the way Valerie announced it caused Melody to do a double take. She turns to look at her partner Pokemon and flashes a small grin. "Tagging you in, partner. We'll look after Piper."

    The tiny Pumpkaboo atop the Doom Noodle's head puffs her cheeks and shakes her head before floating away from the dragon. "Pum pum! Pumkaboo!"

    "You wanna fight too?" Melody asks. This is the tiny ghost's home after all, it makes sense that she'd want to protect it. "Alright!"

    As Nighthot and Piper float over to take their places alongside Valerie's Pokemon, Melody reaches for two more Pokeballs, calling out her Mimikyu and Zigzagoon. The large group of Pokemon standing together create enough of a heat signal to tear the raging Vespiquen away from Bishop and send her back towards them.

    "Incoming!" Melody cries to the (admittedly) rather impressive team of Pokemon.

    "Flame - get em' with Ember! Peko - Thundershock! Ayra - Pay Day! Flora - Lea***e!" shouted Valerie, ordering her pokemon to perform each of their commanded moves one after another towards the giant pokemon. The sounds of each pokemon cry echoed throughout the field, followed up with the loud sanding 'BANG' that erupted once they came in contact with their target. The Vespiquen was hit, holding back their respective attacks as they continued.

    "Nightshot, use Hex! Lyric, Snarl! Annabelle, Fairy Wind!" Melody calls out. The Pokemon send out their attacks along with the Pumpkaboo joining in with a Bullet Seed. The attacks were making contact, but it felt like going after a tire with a small hammer. eventually it would do something, but odds are the one swinging the hammer would give out long before the tire. They need a power boost of some kind… "Bishop! Hone Claws!"

    The red gem on Vespiquen's head begins to glow as she conjures several large clumps of earth and stone from the ground and sends them hurtling towards the group.

    "Mei-Rin! Mimi! Use Helping Hand!" The voice of the white haired trainer calls out. Two Pokemon-- an Eevee and a Minccino respectively, begin to shout cries of encouragement while hopping back and forth. This might just give them the boost they need to blow the rocks back.

    "Niiiiice!" Valerie cheers on. The Pokemon gathered a brilliant multi-colored energizing aura around them. "Push onnnnnnnn!" Her Pokemon's attack grew more powerful. Slowly but surely, the attacks were pushing up against the opposing attack.

    "Bishop, Pluck!" Melody cries out again. The flying type's beak begins to glow as he flies towards the Vespiquen, delivering a Hone-Claws-Helping-Hand-combo beak-stab to the Vespiquen's back. For the first time, the queen bee looked to be taking something besides chip-damage.

    It looks like they might just be able to pull this out of the fire after all-- when Vespiquen seems to catch on. If they're going to attack with numbers, so will she. The large Pokemon raises her arms and lets out a devastatingly loud shriek that echoes through the fields. Suddenly there are Combee flying from every tree within eye-sight. Vespiquen points to the group of Pokemon and releases another cry, sicking her minions on the group.

    "Ack! Guess it has buddies of her own!" Valerie shrieked. The Combee swarmed her Pokemon; they tried valiantly using their attacks to fend them off. Though as one was defeated, another took its place. Eventually they mixed in some of their own attacks against Valerie's pokemon. Peko in particular, was hit with a swarm of Combee until they eventually caused her to hit the ground.

    "Hang in there, sis! …. Eh?" But in turn… also caused her to exuberate a familiar hellish aura.

    She let loose a fierce roar, with her body changing from yellow to dark purple, with deep, red eyes. She quickly grabbed one Combee, using it as a literal weapon to swat the other Combee that came in her path.

    Did… did Valerie's Morpeko just become the Incredible Hulk? "'At a girl! Kick their asses, Peko!" Melody shouts, all the while her mind is reeling. Each time it looks like they have an advantage, it gets taken from them, and as much ass as Hulkpeko is doing… it's part dark type. Eventually that Vespiquen is going to land one of her Fury Cutters on the little rodent and they'll be boned for good. If they just had more Pokemon that could hit Super Effectively…


    Signature Moves are Pokemon attacks that, for one reason or another, can only be learned by a very particular Pokemon. Pumpkaboo, for example, has an attack that can make its opponents into ghost type Pokemon. No other Pokemon can learn this move.

    Sonia's words echo in Melody's mind as she stares at the little Pumpkaboo firing a razor leaf at a nearby Combee. "-- Piper!" Melody calls out to the wild Pokemon. "Use Trick-or-Treat on Vespiquen!"

    The small ghost looks confused for a brief second, though shortly after, her eyes narrow and she gives a determined nod. Melody's smirk slowly returns as she looks to Valerie and the white haired trainer. "Can we get some coverage so Pumpkaboo and Morpeko can get to Vespiquen?"

    "You got it, sis!" Valerie agreed. "Flame! Ayra! Flora!" on cue, her three Pokemon released more of their attacks. Flame spewed more Ember flares, striking each Combee he came across. Ayra, with all her speed, scratched and clawed her opposing Combee forces. Flora kept them at bay with several barrages with leaves.

    "Let's help em' out, Peko! KABLAM! Use your Power Trip!" Peko's... demonic energy lit up. With the small muscles she was able to form, she was ready to strike with her most devastating blow. With one last rage filled, roar, she lept into action, swinging the Combee she still had in her hands wildly.

    Another barrage of leaves joined the fray as the Snivy unleashed a Leaf Tornado. With a path in-sight, Pumpkaboo floats above the fray and cries out. Ghoulish spirits float from the small ghost's body and encircle the powerful bee, ghostly hands clutching onto her own.

    "Bishop! Help Morpeko get to Vespiquen!" Melody calls out. Bishop Plucks his way past a stack of Combee to get to Morpeko. He releases a low cry of invitation for the demon-Pokemon to hop onto his back.

    "Help Morpeko out, you two!" The white haired girl cries to her Eevee and Minccino, causing them to unleash another dual Helping Hands. Still with the Combee-weapon in hand, and surrounded with the aura, Peko finally hops on Bishop's back, cruising her way towards the Vespiquen.

    She swings the Combee in her hands a few more times, swatting away the other Combee that attempted to block in her path. Soon she jumps off, soaring high and higher as she reaches above the Vespiquen. With all her strength mustered, she uses her Combee-weapon to swipe downwards towards the giant bee pokemon, striking her right on top of her head. The blow was strong enough to stagger it, stumbling it out of balance.

    "Nightshot, Use Hex! Lyric, Snarl! Annabelle, Piper, Shadow Sneak! Bishop, Power Trip!"

    The attacks hit their mark with a powerful explosion. Moves that practically bounced off of Vespiquen previously now doubling (quadrupling in Morpeko's case.) The staggering Vespiquen can't keep itself afloat while being bombarded with the multitude of attacks and falls to the ground. Melody clenches her teeth as the gem above Vespiquen's head begins to glow again.

    A familiar rolling sound is heard on the horizon. Looking over to the side, Melody spots the dynamo-Miltank rolling her way back towards them. Melody turns her head back to Valerie. "If we can hold Vespiquen down until Betsy gets here, I think we can finish her off!"

    Valerie meanwhile caught Morpeko as she was fallen. When she landed in her arms, she had reverted back to normal. Cyndaquil stomped his feet. His attacks, once again, weren't enough when others were. It was time to fight back for real. He went up to join the fray, flaring up his back once more.

    "Right on, Flame-bro! Let's show 'em' what's up!" Valerie cheered on. "Swarm em' with Ember!"

    "Annabelle, Fairy Wind!"

    The Mimikyu leaps into the air and summons the glistening pink wind alongside the flames. The wind fans the flames and causes them to grow larger, striking the Queen Bee with a rather devastating blow. The rumbling sound grows louder and louder, and just as the flames dissipate from the air, the pink sphere of death crashes powerfully into Vespiquen.

    Melody cringes at the crunch sound that overpowers the rumbling as Betsy rolls on her way as if nothing happened. "... Did we win?"

    "If we did, yoooooou know what it's time for!" Valerie goaded on to her pokemon teammates. "The ROAR of victory, gang!" However, every one of her pokemon awkwardly exchanged glances, while Flame just pants in exhaustion. "Aw, you guys…"

    Melody watches the Vespiquen for a good while before determining… it's not going to get up for awhile. Holy ****, they actually did it. "Hell yeah! *****-Bee is down!" Melody cheers while pumping her fist into the air. Her excitement causes their white-haired companion to giggle delicately into her hand.

    "So ummmm!" Valerie then turns to the stranger-girl, then back to Melody, then back the girl once again. "Thanks for the assist, sis! You two know each other?"

    "-- actually no." Melody says with a shrug while glancing over to the younger girl. "You got a name?"

    "It's Ari--"

    "YEEEEEE-HAW!" Comes the excitable cry of the rancher from before. He cheers loudly while trotting his way down the hill to the trio of trainers. "Now that was a show! You three li'l missies sure're somethin'! I ain't seen a battle that excitin' since the Championship cup'a 99!"

    "-- Thank you?" Melody asks uncertainly.

    "Yeayaaaaaz, thankies a bunch!" Valerie beamed. "Anytime you need giant bee control, just contact the Mel n' Val Bee Busters!"

    Melody laughs at the name. "We should make T-shirts. That's got a nice ring to it."

    "Ah can't thank ya young ladies enough, but why don't ya come back t' the house? I got summa' the best MooMoo Milk this side'a Hammerlocke. Free'a charge a'course."

    "I like free stuff." Melody comments with a small grin. "I'm in."

    "Same here! Can't resist some nice MooMoo Milk!" Valerie added. "Mooooo-arvelous!"

    Melody lets out another laugh before clasping her hand over her mouth. "You did not go there."

    "She totally went there." The younger trainer chimes.

    "What'd you say your name was? Didn't hear you over--" Melody cuts her eyes to the Rancher.

    "Aria." She says while reaching for two Pokeballs to call back her Mincchino and Eevee. Snivy weaves his way back to his trainer and leaps onto her shoulder. "This is Orochi."

    "Wazzap, Sis-Ari! Orochi!" Valerie said with a wide grin. "I'm Valerie, buuuut you can just call me Val. My buddies over here are my bro Flame, and there's also Ayra, Peko, and Flora, best sistah's ever ftw~!"

    "I've caught a few of your streams on Struggle." Aria says before giving a polite bow. "It's nice to meet you officially."

    "I'm Melody-- or Mel-Mel, I guess." Melody says while withholding another snicker at Valerie's… Valerie-ness. Yeah, that's a verb now. Valerie: Verb. To be bursting at the seams with so much energy and friendliness that even those with a resting ***** face crack the occasional smile. "That's Nightshot, Bishop, Annabelle, and Lyric." She motions to the group of Pokemon. "And the Pumpkaboo is Piper. She lost her friends in the mine-- have you seen any other Pumpkaboo around, Val?"

    "Well damn, losing friends ain't good,' Valerie commented with a small frown. "Sorry sis, didn't even know what a Pumpkaboo was until now, tbh."

    Piper pouts and begins to float a bit lower to the ground. Nightshot frowns and flies beneath her, scooping her back atop his head.

    "Don't worry. We haven't given up yet." Melody attempts to say in a positive tone-- though positive is hardly her forte. How does Val do it?

    "Ah've seen a few of 'em hangin' around the wheat fields up yonder." The Rancher says while unlocking the door to his home. "MooMoo milk's comin' right up."

    "Hell yeah! There's something!" Valerie said, regaining her grin, turning to the young Pumpkaboo. "No worries, Piper-sis! Mel-Mel's a queen and she'll find em' in noooo time. Val's also on the case, which is now like, 1000% Val-enteed, find em' in no time."

    "I'll help too. It's the least I can do after that save." Aria chimes in softly.

    "Kaaaa?" Piper tilts her body to the side while watching Valerie. Her enthusiasm is quickly caught by the tiny ghost and her pout transforms into a smile. "Pumpkaboo!" She cheers as she floats just an inch off of Nightshot's head to do a little spin.

    "See? We can't lose now." Melody attempts to encourage the spinning Pumpkaboo.

    "Ain't that nice? Nothin' warms this old man's heart like seein' people 'n Pokemon helpin' each other out." The Rancher grins vibrantly. "Don't cha' ever let no-one take that spunk from yer heart, li'l missy." He goes on while handing Val three bottles of MooMoo milk.

    "Thaaaaanks, mister! You're the man!" Valerie happily inquired, receiving the award. She then had Peko snatch them up, hoisting them all into Valerie's bag with her back inside to watch over the egg.

    "Anytime, li'l lady!" He replies while passing out more milk bottles to Melody and Aria. "Now, ah won't keep ya, ah know Milo's gym must be callin' yer names, but if ya ever find yerselves back 'round these parts, feel free to stop on by. Ah bet ol' Betsy'd love ta have a battle with ya."

    "If Betsy's left anything of the ranch by the time we get back." Melody half-jokes while putting the bottles into her bag beside the purple egg. She's… going to need a bigger bag soon. "Guess I'm making a pit-stop at the wheat fields before Turfield-- hey, Val?" There's a hesitant pause before Melody takes her phone from her back pocket. "If you see Piper's friends… could you call me?"

    "You got it, Mel-Mel! Wanted to ask for your digits anyway!" Valerie reached for her own pocket, getting out her own phone. After a brief exchange, the two received each other's numbers, with Valerie cutely putting Melody's own nickname upon her register. "Hype! Reg'd and Ster'd!"

    "Heh… thanks. I'll see you in Turfield, yeah? I kinda wanna see Morpeko do some more ass kicking." Melody says as she types in a name for Valerie on her phone. Well, since Valerie gave her a nickname, she'll do the same. Pinkie it is.

    "No probs!" Valerie gave her an eager nod, turning to Aria. "Hope we can see you soon too, Ria-Sis!"

    "I look forward to it, Val-sis." Aria says with a polite smile. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go with you to the wheat fields, Melody. I'd like to ask you more about that Pokemon with the black and red aura you saw."

    "Oh, yeah." Melody says with a small shrug. "Sure."

    "Ah wish ya all good luck. Maybe ol' Betsy an' me'll come down t' watch yer matches against Milo." The rancher says with a farewell wave. "I ain't a bettin' man, but if I was, I'd put a lotta money on yer victory."



  • 2,791
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Simon Pearburgh
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Spewpa ♀ Tackle | Stun Spore | String Shot | Harden | Poison Powder Friend Guard
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Caterpie ♂ Tackle | String Shot | Bug Bite Shield Dust
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Burmy ♂ Protect | Hidden Power (water) | Electroweb Shed Skin
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Snom ♀ Powder Snow | Mirror Coat | Struggle Bug Ice Scales
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Princess ♀ Electroweb | Spider Web | Fury Cutter | Beat Up Swarm
    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Blackspear License
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokéball x2
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Mysterious egg
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Strange Rock
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Potion x3
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Venoshock TR
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Army of Joltik
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Bug Catcher Net
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Slightly less cinnamon buns
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Camping Supplies
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0

    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pia McGuire
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Milla ♀️ Static Thunder shock, Charm, Tail Whip, Thunder Punch
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Prim ♀️ Natural Cure Peck, Sing, Fury Attack, Disarming Voice, Mist
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Soma ♂ Infiltrator Fairy Wind, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Razor Leaf

    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    4x Pokéball
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Galarian Pokédex
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Broken Flashlight
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    King's Rock
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]Raphael Allard
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Vito ♂ Rollout | Defense Curl | Powder Snow | Ice Ball | Water Gun | Aqua Ring Oblivious
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Carmen ♀ Splash | Tackle Swift Swim
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Lumi ♂ Astonish | Smog | Ember | Minimize | Confuse Ray Flash Fire

    Spoiler: Inventory
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Holocaster Smartphone
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Pokéball x4
    Black Parka x 1
    Black Wool Hat x 1
    Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
    Badges: 0
    Galar Mine #1

    As the group continued their journey through the mines, following the electric-type horde through the winding tunnels, they felt the breeze of fresh air get stronger and stronger signifying they were approaching the exit. After some time, they reached a branching path, one of which was blocked off with wooden planks, and the other labeled with a sign that read "Route 4: 20 minutes", lined with lanterns and markings along the ground. The sound of machinery and worker activity could be heard in the distance from that tunnel.

    As the group began to walk through the marked path, a large number of the Joltik swarmed in front of them, blocking their way. A few of them began squeaking loudly as they attempted to herd the three back towards the other exit, as the others worked on removing the boards blocking it.

    "Whoa, whoa, lads!" Simon shooed the Joltiks on the planks away. "We can't just vandalize the place!"

    He looked at Pia and Raph. "I'm sorry, they're saying there's some danger or something ahead…? Something about a fight, or a bird."

    "You can understand them?" Pia raised an eyebrow. Then again, it was a stupid question. This was bug boy after all. "Never mind. Don't answer that." She added before moving closer to the blockage blocking their path. Milla, who seemed much more content now that her excess electricity was taken care off, tried to crawl underneath the boards, with some help of the Joltik that pushed her bum so that she could squeeze herself to the other side. Within minutes she was back.

    "Chu chu! Pichu!" She tried to communicate with her trainer. To which Pia retorted. "There's indeed an ongoing battle up ahead."

    "I think you might be right." Raph interjected, he couldn't understand what the Pokemon were saying, but their intentions felt pretty clear to him. Putting two and two together, combined with a certain feeling broiling in his gut… "There's someone ahead battling as we speak, it's weird, but I swear one of the trainers is someone familiar..." He concluded, still looking down the pathway with trepidation. Whoever had been the instigator of that battle must have been someone skilled enough to contend with the pokémon in the mines rather easily, especially if these so far brash and brave Joltik were certain that the way ahead was dangerous. He wondered who such a person could be and if they'd be up to trouble. With that in mind, he couldn't really ignore the prospect. Not to mention the path ahead was the quickest way to the exit and he really didn't want to get stuck on another suffocating detour. Both in terms of present company and locale.

    "C'mon." Without really waiting for them to deliberate further, Raph started stepping down the pathway in the direction of the supposed danger. Simon glanced at Pia before both shrugged and followed him; if Raph wasn't willing to back down, he sure as hell wasn't going to either. He briefly considered what kind of trainers the Joltik would consider 'dangerous…' but thought nothing of it. A few of the bugs tried to move in front of them, but with one decisive squeak, Princess atop his head commanded them away.

    As they proceeded down the tunnel, the sound of battle in the distance was getting louder and louder by the second. Echoed fragments of human voices, the cries of pokémon, then suddenly, silence. Just like that it stopped. Had the battle they were approaching ended already? Raph furrowed his brow as he led the charge. If there was danger waiting it was better he be the one to take the brunt of it, of course, but it still made him nervous.

    Still as they continued to walk on for what felt like a short forever, they began to wonder if both trainers involved in the perceived conflict had already vacated from the trio's path.

    Though, they should have known it wouldn't be that easy.

    "More of you? And so soon?" A voice they didn't recognize cut across them; the voice of a lady with a light Wyndon accent that one might even describe as 'tasteful' if they were the high society type. From a side passage Raph hadn't even noticed that an older woman stepped into their path. She looked to be in her early thirties with a perfectly maintained appearance. Her hair was crimped and wavy; her makeup somehow immaculate in a place as dark, dank and dusty as this; her green eyes pierced through them with a cold sort of apathy that made even Raph a little uncomfortable. A red blouse paired with a black office skirt, tights and high heels marked her ensemble as someone important and official, yet it was all offset by a white lab coat with the sleeves rolled up high enough to reach her elbows.

    "Wandering around in a noisy group, in a place like this? Might attract the attention of certain predators. It's the sort of behaviour that might just get you in trouble." Her voice was slick and full of intent, like her every word was carefully planned and not a single sound was unaccounted for. It appeared her words had intimidated even their unshakeable Joltik entourage, as they swarmed backwards towards Simon and away from her. Raph cocked an eyebrow, with such a distinct appearance and tone she was certainly unique, yet why was it that she seemed so familiar?

    "Trouble finds me either way, so why show caution?" He quipped in rebuttal. This woman's cold and callous attitude almost felt like a challenge to his own. She smirked slightly, which prompted Raph to continue and bite the bullet. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're trying to get to Route 4, Miss..?"

    "Oleana will do." She returned, not missing a beat. "Chairman Oleana if you feel formal, CEO of Macro Cosmos." The words rung like a reminding bell bouncing across Raphael's mind. The former secretary of Chairman Rose - that man's presence was still felt across the region even now. Between this woman and the factory on Route 3 he felt like he was meeting the man behind the darkest days' memories with every step he took. He had heard at the time that Oleana had suddenly turned heel, outing Chairman Rose's key conspirators in a sudden about face from her usual behavior. In return not only had she dodged jail time entirely bar a few weeks of house arrest, but she had gone on to reclaim and rework Macro Cosmos into a still relevant company despite its abhorrent reputation.

    Long story short, this was a very intelligent and impressive woman with a somewhat questionable moral compass. Maybe the Joltik had had a point after all. How frustrating.

    Macro Cosmos?! Simon's eyes grew wide as he heard the name. Even he knew the reputation of the corporation that had nearly ruined Galar a few years ago. Thoughts of what this lady would want from them raced in his head; why would the CEO of an energy giant be stopping trainers on the path? Was she working for the league? Trying to find new hires? Or… His eyes glanced at the tablet in his pocket, which he'd foolishly neglected to put back in his bag. Was she looking for this…? He could feel himself starting to sweat despite the winter breeze blowing through, if this device was the reason they'd all get into trouble he wouldn't know how to explain… He tapped Raph's shoulder, "C-can we get going? I'm, uh… getting cold?"

    Pia looked similarly confused. The "more of you" and "so soon?" repeated in her head several times. Despite Raphael having said he'd like to pass now, she still stood in his way too. The girl glanced down at her Pichu who was jumping up and down as if she was trying to say something. Pia only nodded and glanced back at the boys before turning her gaze to Oleana instead.

    "Have you been battling some of the trainers here?" Pia asked her, to which Oleana shifted her attention to the young woman.

    Her cold eyes fell on Pia and assessed her nigh instantly, as if in a single moment Oleana understood all she needed to. "Indeed I am, it's nice to see an astute young woman taking on the gym challenge." Her calm expression shifted into a small smile and she pulled two pokéballs from her belt, holding each of them gently in her clasped, pale fingers.

    "I understand you're all graduates from the academy of Wedgehurst, seeking to become stronger with each and every step?" She leans on one side of her hips and crosses her arms. "Then consider this an additional test of your strength. I wish to witness the power you've accumulated, I rather insist that you humor me."

    Raph sighed and rubbed the back of his neck gently. "Crazy CEO challenging kids in the middle of a cave… I get that trainers do this kind of thing all the time but this seems kind of out of place." he lazily retorted.

    A vein popped gently on Oleana's forehead. "Crazy…? You certainly are a rude young man aren't you? I hope you're prepared to display your skills and back up that arrogance."

    Wait, she wanted him to battle? Oh no, Raph couldn't have that. This whole day was already tiring enough after his encounter with Catherine and trekking through tunnels with bug boy and Ruben's main squeeze. What was the best play here?

    It was only after thinking that, that Raphael acknowledged what Simon had said to him. "Yeah, true, cold as hell in here… only one way to get out fast though. You should take the opportunity to show me the results of your training since last time yeah?" Raph talked at a slightly quickened pace and stepped back behind Simon and Pia, retreating from the front and lightly nudging them both in the back. "Miss Oleana, two against one is one thing, but three? That's quite unfair. My friends here will prove more than enough of a match for you as is."

    "Wha-?!" Simon's eyes darted between Oleana, Raph and Pia, his thoughts racing from his desire to battle, to his fear of getting caught with the tablet, to his worry of disappointing his two travel partners- "I'm, uh- yes, but- we-"

    Pia rolled her eyes so hard they might as well have popped out. Really Raphael…? You're going to choose to be lazy now?

    Oleana raised an eyebrow at the young man now stepping back. Raphael Allard… was he intimidated by her? No, it was something else, but no matter. This encounter would still be plenty valuable, she thought, especially when McGuire had already interested her and Pearburgh was such a specialized type of trainer. "Very well then, you two. It will be a two on two battle, I expect you both to choose a pokémon each. Though keep in mind Mr. Allard, I'd like to battle all of you eventually."

    Pia turned around and stepped forward, confidence in each step. Milla darted behind her hoping to be put in battle but Pia grabbed a Pokéball from her bag instead. Something Raph made a mental note of.

    "You take a rest, okay?" Pia told her pokémon off with a smile. It's not like Milla didn't understand why she said that, but she was still a little disappointed. Raphael said he thought she had gotten stronger before. Why wouldn't Pia let her show him that…? She planted her bum near where Raph stood and the trainer cast a passing glance to the pokémon in turn. "...interesting."

    "Prim! You're up!" Pia threw a Pokéball in the air and from it emerged her Swablu.

    Simon gritted his teeth, there was no way he could back out now. Giving his own Joltik a reassuring nod, he allowed the swarm to move away from the main battle area, giving the three trainers a wide berth. He briefly considered letting Princess fight- but given their current entourage, it would probably go sour very quickly. Instead, he tapped Spewpa on the head, to which the bug eagerly nodded back and hopped off his arm.

    "Alright, Pia, let's show this big suit what Wedgehurst Ac's made of!" he said, looking at his battle partner and striking his usual thumbs-up pose.

    Oleana's eyes moved to examine the pokémon the trainers had sent out. Swablu and Spewpa - previously it was difficult to find these species in Galar but migration and new species introduced after the incident had changed things. Either way, she was already at an advantage. "Let's not waste any time then. Trubbish and Snorunt, come!" Two pokéballs were tossed and two very different pokémon emerged. They were both a little awkward, one a pile of garbage in a small plastic-like body, the other a cold, conical fellow. "I shall begin. Trubbish, use Poison Gas! Snorunt, Double Team!"

    Immediately thr tricky tactic was employed. The punderfully rubbish pokémon vomited a cloud of noxious gas with the smell of something rancid and rotten. It obscured the already dark battlefield with ease, while Snorunt got to work itself. Its body vibrated as it began moving faster and faster, yet never seemed to move; afterimages of its form eventually doubled up and started to become solid. Which pokémon was the real Snorunt quickly came into question and the smog hanging in the air only made it harder to tell.

    Raphael was impressed immediately by Oleana's tricksy tactics. She had given herself an instant advantage in twisting the battlefield to her liking. While his classmates were placed on uncertain footing, Oleana was now on familiar turf. Not to mention that exposure to this gas would leave Spewpa and Prim poisoned before too long, a side effect that Trubbish wouldn't have to worry about and that Snorunt was moving too fast to care about. Raphael's gaze returned to Simon and Pia, intrigued as to how they'd respond.

    Not wasting any time, Simon quickly employed the same strategy he'd used against Rosa. "Spewpa, Harden! Keep those spikes up!" he commanded, and his Pokemon responded by quickly bristling her fur defensively. "We're ready for whatever you send at us!"

    "We'll see about that." Oleana smirks, acting quickly before Pia could start setting up defenses as well. "Snorunt, barrage them with Ice Shards!" From its rapidly shifting doubles Snorunt launched its fragments of sharpened ice. The small pokémon moved quickly and fired mercilessly, the projectiles posed to strike the two pokémon from all angles.

    "Prim! Dodge by using Mist on both you and Spewpa!" Pia called out, unusually calm despite her flying-type Pokémon being attacked by an ice-type. Within seconds the terrain was filled with a mist coming from the blue bird, covering both Prim and Spewpa up entirely. While it was harmless to their enemies, the effect of the mist would prevent her and Spewpa's strength, stamina or speed from being weakened. "Follow up with a fury attack! Discover who the real Snorunt is, don't do it in order! Attack them at random and stay on the defensive!" Pia called out again. Prim did just as she said and attacked the fake Snorunts in no particular pattern that could be discerned. The confidence Pia was showing in her tactics was driving the cotton bird Pokémon as well. "Simon, that Snorunt needs to go."

    "Gotcha!" he nodded back. The mist had slowed down the effect of the poison smog as both moves mixed together, but reduced visibility even more for the trainers. "Spewpa, use Stun Spore! Spray every corner of that cloud!" He commanded. The little bug shivered slightly, retracting her fur for a moment before bristling it again, releasing hundreds of little square spores that dug into every mirror image of Snorunt- as well Prim's body.

    Pia's eye twitched at the sight of Simon also paralyzing her own Pokémon. She had just used a move that wouldn't lower any of their strengths AND delayed the poison gas. What was the point of that now? She sighed and facepalmed. "Can you… think about that a little more next time?" she eventually said, grumbling a little.

    "Shit, sorry!" Simon said once he realized what he'd done. "I forgot Prim was there too…" He'd be lying if he'd said his nervousness wasn't getting to him.

    "Prim… Safeguard against the poison." She grumbled. The swablu once again followed instructions and created a safe terrain around them that would protect them from the poison fog.

    Oleana had no issues with pushing the surprise advantage. The stun spore had indeed struck and paralyzed her Snorunt, but that didn't affect the strength of double team. Pia's attempts to discover the true Snorunt wouldn't be held back forever however. Time to go on the offensive. "Trubbish, Autotomize! Then strike the Swablu with pound!" While Snorunt was paralyzed, Trubbish had stayed mostly unnoticed at the edge of the now mixed cloud of smog and mist. Small pieces of steel amidst its trash body began to glow and clink together, like a ruined engine giving a burst of speed to the small trashbag pokémon. It rushed forward and struck the Swablu hard, re-entering the battle as a show of force and creating a distraction for Snorunt to retreat.

    "Help her out, Spewpa! Tackle!" Simon pointed at the Trubbish, eager to redeem himself. Spewpa quickly hopped towards the poison-type before flinging herself at it, attempting to throw it off-balance to protect its partner. Prim herself recovered from the blow and flew off to a spot where Trubbish could no longer easily hit her, watching her companion hitting the Trubbish even further off.

    "Use Sing but cover Spewpa's ears!" Pia called out to her Swablu, a little nervous by the development and if her plan would even work - but she kept her cool. Prim, although still paralyzed, flew towards Simon's Spewpa and wrapped her cottony wings around its head. She then proceeded to sing the most beautiful song that resonated through the caves around then.

    Oleana narrowed her gaze, this was an unfortunate development indeed. While shifting quickly, Snorunt managed to avoid the effects of the song, but Trubbish was a different story. Still recovering from its knocked back position, it quickly fell asleep. Now basically dead in the water, Oleana was down to one pokémon - the only way forward was to stop that singing, or the battle was as good as done.

    Snorunt froze in its movements for a moment and looked back to its trainer. Oleana in turn shot a quick glare towards Spewpa, indicating that pokémon as Snorunts new target. The small ice type quickly understood her trainer's intentions. "A full power ice shard, Snorunt! Strike that irritating Swablu at once!" Without missing a beat, Snorunt charged towards the pair of pokémon, Oleana's command implying it was aiming for Prim of course.

    "Don't you call my Pokémon irritating! Prim, dodge!" Pia called out, preoccupied with the paralyzation that was still in effect.

    Simon's eyes followed the Swablu as it flew away from the attack- but was immediately alerted as he saw the ice attack slam into Spewpa instead. "Gah, it was a trick!" he spat, gritting his teeth. "You okay, lass?" Shakily, his Pokemon got back up and nodded, but it was clear she wouldn't be able to take much more.

    Pia's eyes widened as she understood that Oleana had fooled them. What an annoying woman; it didn't help that Pia herself was at a huge type disadvantage - why did she think she could ever win this?

    "Fury attack! Again!" she called out to the blue bird. Prim flew down towards Snorunt, leaving the Trubbish for what it was right now as it wasn't waking up anytime soon. The remaining doubles were taken care of swiftly and the moment Prim found the real Snorunt, she gave it two final fury strikes with her claws, distracting it from attacking the Spewpa any further. Pia tried to think. Spewpa wasn't very strong and it had only been able to attack the Snorunt once; it seemed like it was almost done too - this battle was basically a 2 on 1 against Prim. She gritted her teeth. It wasn't Simon's fault. This lady was just really good…

    Oleana furrowed her brow and her eyes widened slightly as her Snorunt was struck. "You should learn to respect your elders, little girl. Don't forget who still holds the advantage! Snorunt, use powder snow while this 'Prim' is close!" The Pokemon caught itself on the back pedal, landing upon the ground and jumping forward with a spin, it shook a wave of white in the direction of the opposing Swablu.

    Simon panicked, knowing one more type-effective blow would certainly take out his partner. If that happened, there was no chance Spewpa could handle either of their opponents, let alone both simultaneously. Then, he had an idea. "Spewpa, stop the attack! String shot the snow!"

    His Pokemon squinted briefly at him with a confused expression, as if asking 'seriously??', before dutifully hopping between Prim and her attacker. She blasted a string shot attack at Snorunt, and pulled back slightly to create a net-like shape. Fully expecting the snow to hit her, she closed her eyes- but the attack never did. Instead, the net worked as a shield, blocking the flurry before landing weakly on top of Snorunt.

    "YES! That worked!" Simon exclaimed. This gave rise to another idea. "Alright, Pia, we don't have much time! This is gonna sound crazy, but you need to trust me!"

    "U-Uh okay?" Pia responded to Simon, wondering what he was going on about while maintaining her focus on the battlefield.

    Simon pointed at her Swablu dramatically. "Spewpa, use string shot on Prim! Cover that bird in as much of it as you can, before the others get up!"

    The little bug-type, having realized what her trainer's plan was, began blasting longer, wider threads of string shot, dancing around Prim as she draped the silk over the bird's body. Prim was momentarily confused, but before long the Swablu was entirely covered in a thin but sturdy layer of webbing. As a final touch, Spewpa hopped up and made a little cut on the face for her partner to see through, and landed back down with a twirl and a puff of pink powder.

    "I present to you… STRING SHOT ARMOR!" Simon yelled, striking his signature pose at Oleana.

    "Would you look at that…" Pia nodded. That was actually really smart. His Pokémon may not be strong but he had ideas to make up for that. Pia was a little bit more impressed by the bug boy.

    The Macro Cosmos CEO felt her eye twitch as she stared back. Her expression and demeanor were breaking down more and more in frustration as the trainers before her insisted on resisting her strategies. Even though she was fighting effectively they somehow managed to hang on. It was infuriating… and now this? Some sort of silly string surcoat to protect the spluttering young simpleton's Spewpa?! "Ooooooh you little…" She growled. Then however, she noticed something rather convenient. As Oleana looked across the battlefield she saw Trubbish, forgotten in his sleeping state, in close proximity to the rather proud looking bug type. The boy's guard dropped in his confidence, foolishness!

    "Trubbish, strike that little insect with a sludge covered pound!" Jolting fully awake, Trubbish shoved its hand inwards and covered it with poisonous goop. With its poison coated fist it rushed forward towards the unsuspecting Spewpa, rolling quickly in front of it and spinning around for a critical strike. The blow struck Spewpa hard, sending the already injured Pokémon into a daze, staggering backwards, injured within an inch of consciousness.

    "Gah, Spewpa, no!" Simon's bravado immediately crumbled as his Pokemon struggled to even stay up. He couldn't let her get even more hurt… but he also couldn't just abandon Pia - the fate of this battle depended on teamwork!

    Yet his hesitation only prompted Oleana to grin widely, before uttering yet another command. Even as Spewpa had fallen and was clearly struggling to right itself, she quickly ordered another attack. "Trubbish! Strike again in the same fashion, ensure me that that wretched little termite doesn't continue to resist!" Trubbish followed the order without even a moment of contemplation, rushing and leaping, its arm raised up ready to chop down.


    A cry echoed across the cavern as a round force impacted Trubbish square in the face. Spewpa below got a candid shot, almost seeming to move in slow motion as Trubbish's bag-like body was rearranged and its attack was cancelled entirely. It scattered across the cave floor, small articles of its trashy body slipping out across the stone.

    "V-vito?!" Simon gasped, amazed at the sheer power of the attack.

    The ball of ice that had collided the aggressor landed and thawed away, to reveal a rare sight. Vito, without a smile. The small seal pokémon was staring daggers at Trubbish and then Oleana as Simon watched, though the bug catcher was quickly pulled from the sight by the sensation of a hand on his shoulder.

    "Tag." Raph mumbled tiredly, though his eyes were awake and aware, focussed on the now seething Oleana at the other side of the arena. Her fingers curled into claws as Trubbish refused to listen to her commands, the poison type unconscious on the floor from the sudden ice ball crashing into it out of the literal blue. "I thought I said this was a two versus two!" She hissed, but Raph only smirked in response.

    "...and I thought you said you were targeting Prim."

    That comeback earned Raphael a smirk from Pia and a snicker. What a development, she liked it.

    His words did little to assuage Oleana, only causing the veins on her forehead to swell like ready to pop balloons. "Besides, you did say you wanted to fight all three of us, right? Here's your opportunity, miss CEO." At this point, he was only pushing buttons for the fun of it, but even then he couldn't resist.

    Oleana finally relented, pouting a little and taking a deep breath, before her own focused gaze fell back onto the battlefield. "Then I'll have to make quick work of you, won't I?"

    Simon looked at Raph with starry eyes as he stepped back to let the trainer battle. As he returned Spewpa to her Pokeball, he breathed a sigh of half relief, half resignation and watched to see how the two trainers would fare. His pride was a little hurt, but getting Oleana's sights off of him (and his package) was likely worth it.

    Snorunt quickly turned, facing its mistress in spite of its fallen ally and the fact that it was now faced with two opponents instead of one. "Snorunt, Ice Shard on that Swablu now! It's time to level the playing field." As the little cone rushed to fulfil the command, Raph turned and nodded cooly to Pia. "I'm just here to play support this time, the floor is yours. Show me what you can do."

    "Don't have to tell me twice…" She huffed, taking a deep breath and throwing a nod towards Prim who had been looking at her with worry. Her confident look once again empowered the bird to keep going. With it's new string shot armor, it was going to be an interesting battle.

    "Use Mist on my command! Get closer!" Pia commanded Prim. Feeling much more confident, the bird glared at the Snorunt in front of them. She watched it as if it were prey, completely ignoring the type disadvantage. She leaped towards the Snorunt and waited for Pia to call out for her to use her move.

    "Now! Follow up with Fury Attack!"

    Just before Prim got into close contact with the Snorunt, she moved her wings to create a massive cloud of mist in which the bird completely disappeared, catching Snorunt in the middle of it as well. As the Snorunt started panicking the Swablu tried to leap in but… instead of doing a Fury Attack, it felt the massive need to take in a deep breath...

    Prim breathed out all the air she had inhaled and exhaled it in the face of the Snorunt. An attack she had done never before!

    "H-Huh? That wasn't a Fury Attack…" Pia mumbled and took out her Pokédex immediately.

    "Dragon Breath! The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis."

    Pia widened her eyes. Prim learned a Dragon type move? Though Raph, seeing her confusion, spoke up. "Having Vito, I've been reading up on pokémon native to the Hoenn region. I've heard Swablu evolves into a dragon-type pokémon." He proceeded to smile in her direction, clearly enjoying himself now. "This move is a sign that Prim has been well trained. I'm impressed."

    Oleana was less impressed.

    The breath struck Snorunt hard, as it had been expecting a physical blow it wasn't ready to dodge the dragon infused breath that now overwhelmed it. With a pitiful screech it rolled backwards, causing Oleana to nearly lose herself in anger, her palms turned upwards as her claw like nails pointed to the sky. "Oooohhh that's enough! I swear you Wedgehurst kids are worse than that girl from the tower! Snorunt, strike with Ice Shard now, while they're gawking! Don't stop firing!"

    Before either trainer could react, Snorunt obeyed, shooting shards of crystalized frost outwards at Prim. The first blow struck, but the string armour absorbed most of the blow and kept the Swablu safe. Even if it only blocked the one attack, that was all the opportunity they needed. "Vito, defensive position! Rollout and Aqua Ring!"

    Without missing a beat, Vito responded, spinning quickly and rolling swiftly in between his ally and opponent. The forthcoming ice shards struck Vito instead, but the ice and water type pokémon barely took any damage at all, the sharp pieces of frozen pain shattering and bouncing off his body with nary a graze.

    As he rolled, Vito gathered the water from the melted ice and moisture from the mist around himself. In a shining ring of aquamarine blue, the water surged over Vito's body, forming a spinning ring of liquid that dressed his wounds and closed them as quickly as they appeared. Vito had become a mobile shield, eating up the ice type attacks meant for Prim, leaving Oleana to growl and cry out in pure frustration.

    "Pia, now!" Raph cried, the shield tactic would hold, but Vito couldn't completely out heal the damage.

    "Finish the Snorunt off with another Dragon's Breath!" Pia smirked. Moments ago she felt stupid for even thinking she had a chance but Simon's string armor idea realized by Spewpa and Raphael's distraction with Vito gave them the opportunity to still win.

    While Snorunt was still occupied with it's ice shard attack that Vito was tanking, Prim flew up from behind. That one ice shard caused the string shot to slowly fall off from her body but it had just been the thing that had saved her. Keeping in mind her fallen companion in battle, Prim inhaled as much as she could. Snorunt was getting ready to dodge the attack - but it was already too late by then. The Swablu exhaled all the air she had taken in and with one powerful purplish beam, she ended the Snorunt right there and then. It rolled towards Oleana's feet, fainted.

    There was a moment of silence as Oleana stared, vein twitching on her forehead, at her defeated pokémon. The three trainers opposite her were similarly caught speechless for a brief second, before Raph broke the quiet with a smirk. "Not too shabby, huh?" The exclamations of victory that followed caught him off guard and the feeling of Simon jumping forward and looping an arm around his shoulders immediately made him cringe away, but he couldn't help but smile a little too as Vito turned around and gave him an affirmative little salute with his flipper. Pia crossed her arms and flipped her hair while Prim landed on her head to turn herself into a hat.

    "You… you..!" Oleana looked like she was about to burst with the fire of a thousand suns and Raph had half a mind to return Vito and flee based on her expression.

    However then, very suddenly, she deflated, pouting a little and blowing a strand of hair from her face. "...you certainly were trained well, it seems."

    "Of course. We're from the Wedgehurst academy. We didn't graduate for nothing." Pia threw at her with a sassy tone in her voice. She knew very well she couldn't have won this if Vito hadn't come in but admitting that would mean dropping her mask. She had to keep up this confident version of herself.

    "Indeed you were, all three of you." Oleana's expression relented, returning to the original calm and collected look she had originally sported. With a sigh she returned both of her pokémon to their balls and lightly flipped her hair. "Well then, I shall take my leave." The abrupt goodbye was supported by a swift heel turn, to which Raphael bothered to speak up.

    "...that's it?" He didn't feel like extrapolating the sentence any further, but it was enough for a few words more from the CEO.

    "I've gotten all I needed from this, haven't I?" She looked over her shoulder briefly, giving a stern glare, before turning down another side passage going deeper into the mine, away from where the three trainers had been headed. It was too much effort for Raphael to question her further, though as she walked into darkness he did take note of the shining tablet screen attached to her waist.

    Simon took one aggressive step forward and opened his mouth as if to yell something out, but couldn't think of the words quickly enough before the woman had already taken her leave. After a painfully long moment, he blurted out, "...Yeah! That'll teach ya to step up to… uh… Wedgehurst Ac!" But it was too late, as she was already long gone out of earshot.

    "Well… that certainly happened." Raph huffed, running a hand to slick back his hair as he so often did. He turned with a casual eye to the other two trainers with him, in order to gauge their reactions. "I guess… shall we?"

    And so they did, with a strange encounter completed and a questionable victory under their belts, the three unlikely allies continued forth, determined to reach Route 4 and Turfield beyond.

    Joint post of Jay, Sapphire Rose & Foxrally
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