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3rd Gen Regis

  • 41,842
    Did you obtain all the Regis in RSE? If so, did you figure out how to access them on your own, use a guide, ask a friend, etc?

    I remember not knowing the Regis even existed until I got a Ruby and Sapphire guidebook, which walked me through how to get it. It felt so cool to get to them and hear that awesome battle music play. I then used Regice on my team for a while because it was so stupidly broken lol.
    I did, though I needed to look things up on how to get them. Didn't realize at the time that the game's instruction manual had braille translations in it.

    Still really don't get why they decided to go with braille, though it'd be nice if all legendaries went back to being something you go on a little sidequest or dungeon to get
    edit: though now I remember that there has been a few legendaries since they "stopped" doing it, but still
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    They're still one of the most unique legendaries out there just because of how complex and interesting the process of finding them was. I still hear people talk about the whole braille puzzle thing. I think the first time I found them it was because my brother had told me all about their puzzles and how to get them and everything, but it's not until later when I started really appreciating how interesting they were.
    I wish the new Regis we got in Gen VIII were more akin to what we had with Gen III, both in terms of how they look and the process of how to catch them. My memory of the Crown Tundra isn't great but from what I remember it felt like they really wanted to redo the process of how they were found and discovered, and it was disappointing to see what made the Regis original in Gen III had kinda been removed. I wish we got to see more in-depth hunts for Pokemon with these clues and complicated processes because the closest I can think of in recent generation is the Treasures of Ruin. Now that we aren't restricted by needing HM users in our party I think there's a bunch of ways to make them more exciting and less cumbersome.
    Caught them all in Sapphire. Almost certainly used a guide. Never would have looked at the instruction manual for a braille guide. (Wonders if it had it. Read that not every manual did. Does not feel like trying to dig it up, though.)
    I believe I used the guidebook as well - without that I'd probably not known they existed haha
    I actually figured out the puzzle by myself back then in Sapphire. I stumbled upon the underwater cave by sheer accident and then proceeded to not realize that they printed the entire alphabet on the rocks in front of the first puzzle and just brute forced the puzzle taking me probably half an hour, maybe even longer. I also didn't check the manual. So I didn't know they wrote the code in there, too. ^^"

    But yeah, I also did the same approach with the three caves that lead to the three golems. The funniest was still the Regice one: you had to wait a while and it would automatically unlock after a minute or so. I was so stuck in translating the puzzle that it just got solved right in the middle of my translation attempt which also made the message disappear. That confused me quite a bit. xD
    I had to use a guide to get them. I also remember I talked with some other Pokémon fans during that time and they didn't believe me, when i told them about this side quest to get them. They thought I'm just making it all up.
    Always have been a fan of Regirock, so I pretty much zoned in on getting him through every gen EXCEPT Hoenn, as I have unfortunately never have played a Hoenn game (i probably should, though).
    I only obtained the regis after I saw a video on it way back by an OP named Liloone18, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I never knew they existed until I encountered Regigigas in Diamond post game and someone from school told me I needed to fight the regis in Emerald. It was like encountering a secret back in the day, and trust me, getting all 3 regis felt like a childhood scavenger hunt. A dream come true. My favorite has always been Registeel and I seriously wish Game Freak would attempt something like this again. Finding all 3 Regis in ORAS was a nice call back.
    "Defiant statement: There is nothing you can do to me. Do. Your worst."

    I did use a guide to catch them, and honestly the puzzle was the easier part. These punks would not stay in their balls while they wreck your face with Curse + Superpower. Other than that, they existed as the supposed-to-be immovable objects of Gen 3. As for their supposed trio master... if you somehow managed to fetch all the Regis and transfer them to Gen 4, your reward was... disappointing in terms of gameplay, badass in terms of concept.

    I never really had that much of an attachment to these guys, and I haven't played the Switch era of games so I can't say much about the Dragon hand boi & the Smogon's Gen 8 Nightmare. That being said, I will not only seek to shiny hunt these in the future, but I may have made concept art for a "fakemon" that would serve as an homage to the Regis.
    I caught them all in all of the RSE games. One of my games had a braille guide included in the little booklet that was inside the case. I manually translated the puzzles back then and solved it myself after a while. I've always played thoroughly so I found the spot where you unlock them myself and that's where I saw the braille stuff I'd seen in the booklet and then the puzzling started.
    It's funny; I think the Regis in gen 3 are almost the weakest of the legendary sub-trios (where the Lake Trio are the worst due to all sharing a type).
    But they hands-down have the coolest quest. Nowadays I'd probably be annoyed because why a Relicanth and a Wailord? A Pokémon that doesn't evolve, a Pokémon that does.. what's the connection?
    Why do they have to be in the specific positions in your party? It's never explained to my knowledge, and their significance is certainly not apparent.

    But you find the Dive patch on a very maze-like route, if you're lucky. Then you have to fish out the Braille chart. Then you have to hope you have something with Dig. Then you need the aforementioned 'mon in your party.
    Then you have to go find the individual chambers. And then you have to have the appropriate HM to solve their individual puzzles!

    Even if the 'mon themselves are a little lackluster (just IMO), the puzzle to find them made it totally worthwhile.

    In SV we had to find the stakes for each of the Ruinous Quartet... I mean, okay, it's a quest to unlock a sealed chamber, which just sounds cool. But it erred too much on the side of tedium, rather than intriguing.
    I remember not knowing the Regis even existed until I got a Ruby and Sapphire guidebook, which walked me through how to get it.
    So that's how you found out.. I had found the rock monuments and I knew about the Regis but had no idea on how to crack the doors open.. the brail also confused me endlessly