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Self Checkout

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 13,803
    • Seen today
    Do you prefer self checkout machines or physically purchasing from a cashier?

    I definitely would rather use the self checkout machines. Maybe it's a generational thing, but they've always been around for me, and I can scan my things fast enough that the difference in having a cashier isn't substantial. Also I habitually buy small snacks and drinks and this lets me avoid long lines.

    However I have no issues with paying in person either. It's down to pure personal preference. If I'm paying with cash and not a card, then sometimes it's easier to just go to a cashier. (I don't have to insert each bill one at a time).
    I'd prefer self-checkout machines because I think it's easier for me to just go through the process myself. I guess it just feels better to me to do it all myself and not have to get someone else to do it for me. It feels quicker and easier.

    Some stores don't have self-checkouts, and then it purely depends on my mood if I'm willing to go through a cashier. If I'm not in a great mood, feeling self-conscious, or buying something I don't think I want someone else to see, I'd actually rather leave the store without buying anything than go through it. I don't like attracting any attention to myself at all offline and that feeling gets worse as my mood goes down. If I am in a good mood, I'll just go through it anyways and won't think much of it. It's very much a strength of mind thing for me.
    I rarely have good experiences with self-check. I kinda hate it actually. So real people that I treat like a self-check is what I greatly prefer. (in other words, I stand there almost completely silent, with maybe a hello, pay, then grab my stuff and go lol)
    Self checkout! I prefer less human interaction, except the machines here are sometimes not so good and I've had to call an attendant multiple times lol. But still not often enough for me to go to a manned register, especially since nowadays shops mostly have 1 or 2 people working and 6-8 self checkouts. Goes faster for me to do it myself most of the time.
    Massively depends. If I'm buying a few things then I would prefer to do it myself. However if I'm doing a weekly shop or something similar give me a real person all day. By the time I'm done putting my shopping on the belt they've scanned a fair amount of things so I can go over and start packing it away as they're scanning. Definitely the best way to do it!
    Also the village I live in now doesn't have self checkouts so I don't have much choice here, even with the language barrier!
    I like self-checkout. I prefer the coziness of my own private little corner. The trouble is that I also fancy small stores like Lidl and Trader Joe's for their more affordable prices and the nicer, novelty goods I sometimes find, and because they are more intimate venues in my community, they don't have self-check out, so I don't get to use them as much I would want, but when I am at a bigger shopping center that has that option I like to take it.
    I use self checkout. Mainly because of a recent law banning the use of plastic bags, so now we have to bring our own tote bags. This means most places regardless of whatever line you use have you bag yourselves instead of having a bagger. I like using self checkout now because I have more space to myself whereas if I go to a regular line I feel rushed to fill my totes with a line behind me and the cashier rushing me along.
    @VisionofMilotic That's actually a good point you made about intimate venues.

    When buying things at a local fair or even a hallmark store, I know the employees are more likely to engage in conversation. I feel like that can alter my decision to purchase depending on my mood. I bought a mother's day gift at a local county venue event. She was asking about the gift and being very chatty.

    And that's fine. But I appreciate self checkout because I don't always feel like being placed in those situations.
    Depends on how many things I'm buying and a couple other factors. If I've got a lot of stuff, paying by cash or need cash back (debit card purchase) in specific denominations, checking out with an actual person is better, so I can tell them exactly what I need. If I'm only getting a few items and don't need cash back, I typically use the self checkout.

    I don't know if it actually is faster, but it feels faster, and that's good enough for me.
    I prefer self-checkout - most of the time when I go to the grocery store, it's in the evening and I'm not in the mood to talk with folks. Just would rather get my food and go home to save my energy for when I really need it.
    Self checking is the way, I feel the pressure more, but it can sometimes even be faster lol. More than anything, sometimes there are long queues and so self checking is just faster and more practical. Also, another thing is that I kind of always buy the same stuff, so after a while, I just learn where the barcode is and I become faster lol