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Article: What could Scorbunny, Grookey and Sobble be based on and become?

Grookey being based on a squirrel monkey is really cute, especially since I've seen them recently. I'm especially interested to see what Sobble evolves into though -- so much potential there. <3
The think the Scorbunny might be based on the Three Hares which is a symbol of divinity and sin. It doesn't have to mean that exactly which may give it its sporting nature. But if it is based on the Three Hares, it further leads me to believe it will become Fire/Fairy.

I think Grookey is based on the Giant Sloth. All Grass started have been based on extinct mammals or dinos and a Giant Sloth is one of those. Originally I thought it was Grass/Ground, but I don't think they would do that again so it is probably Grass/Dark.

You are pretty accurate with the geecko, I think it could be Water/Ghost, originally I though Water/Fighting, but its camo could be used as Ghost.
I just saw something from 4chan that's apparently from June 2018 which looks a lot like a Scorbunny final evo. All I'll say is that is not the direction I would have expected if it is indeed the case.
bubble wasn't something I thought of when I saw Sobble's name, though that does make sense

the other thing that I thought was that it was a combination of sob and soluble, as water is sometimes referred to as the "universal solvent"
Wow some really interesting opinions in this thread. I personally am super pumped to see what they become because I feel like there's a lot of potential for each of them. I'm most worried about Grookey though - I feel like it's evolution could end up looking not-so-great, for some reason. I hope I'm wrong on that because currently Grookey is my favorite. I'd like to see it evolve into some sleek, quick, Grass/Dark type - I wouldn't like to see it become something like a brawny, buffed out Grass/Fighting. We'll see!
Grookey certainly resembles a squirrel monkey! With the idea of its evolutions taking on a musical theme, it might become my starter choice if I like the outcome! Strange how it was referred to as a chimp.

I'm just hoping Scorbunny doesn't become muscular and bulky. I'm kind of resigned to it being Fire/Fighting for various reasons, but please keep the design sleek!

I can see Sobble having a final design similar to Swampert's. This one has heaps of potential though. :D
I just saw something from 4chan that's apparently from June 2018 which looks a lot like a Scorbunny final evo. All I'll say is that is not the direction I would have expected if it is indeed the case.
I wouldn't take too much stock on 4chan claims - fake rumours are a dime a dozen.
bubble wasn't something I thought of when I saw Sobble's name, though that does make sense

the other thing that I thought was that it was a combination of sob and soluble, as water is sometimes referred to as the "universal solvent"
That also makes sense. Bubble just seems to fit better to me.
Grookey certainly resembles a squirrel monkey! With the idea of its evolutions taking on a musical theme, it might become my starter choice if I like the outcome! Strange how it was referred to as a chimp.

I'm just hoping Scorbunny doesn't become muscular and bulky. I'm kind of resigned to it being Fire/Fighting for various reasons, but please keep the design sleek!

I can see Sobble having a final design similar to Swampert's. This one has heaps of potential though. :D
Yes, no Fire/Fighting please. And Game Freak have had some odd classifications of Pokemon species before iirc.
I wouldn't take too much stock on 4chan claims - fake rumours are a dime a dozen.

I mean, I don't give much stock, it's just that it looks very much like Scorbunny, a lot more than that other 'leak' of the 3 starters. And we had actual leaks of the Alolan final stages out there months before too. Just thought it was interesting. I wouldn't be surprised either way.
Another monkey Pokémon is always welcome! As long as it isn't whatever the elemental monkeys are, at least. A proper gorilla Pokémon would be cool, too.
I hope they don't make Scorbunny's design look goofy or sexualized. Maybe an edgy bunny will do, but Lopunny and Diggersby are some really left-field choices.
Sobble looks cute, and what'd make me happier is if we got our second chameleon Pokémon. But at this rate, I'd probably be content with whatever my precious water boi becomes.
There was a theory that every starter set will have 1 female like appearance and that it changed every generation. This started in Gen 2.

Meganium was the female in Johto.
Blaziken was the female in Hoenn
Sinnoh was skipped.
Serperior was female in Unova
Delphox was female in Kalos
Primarina was female in Alola.

If they continue that trend, Grookey's final would likely be the next female design. Other than simipour, we haven't had a female monkey design. So I think this could be nice. I think it is also the reason why Grookey has the twig in it's 'hair'. It reminds me a lot of what the chinese do with their hair.
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There was a theory that every starter set will have 1 female like appearance and that it changed every generation. This started in Gen 2.

Meganium was the female in Johto.
Blaziken was the female in Hoenn
Sinnoh was skipped.
Serperior was female in Unova
Delphox was female in Kalos
Primarina was female in Alola.

If they continue that trend, Grookey's final would likely be the next female design. Other than simipour, we haven't had a female monkey design. So I think this could be nice. I think it is also the reason why Grookey has the twig in it's 'hair'. It reminds me a lot of what the chinese do with their hair.

You know, I actually really like the idea of Grookey taking on a more feminine appearance out of the three! I'm even more excited to see what Game Freak has in mind now. And with all the fan art coming out, I feel that there really is a lot of possible outcomes for these starters.
What could Scorbunny become? Why, Fire/Fighting of course.

I'm actually wondering if for any of the Scorbunny evos, or an alternate or special forme, will they throw a nod at Watership Down, since in WD the rabbits worship Frith, the Sun God, hence Fire-type. Also, a Fighting-type evo or special forme would be strong against a potential Dark-type "Rabbit of Inlé" (the Moon, also Death).
The rugby idea scares me into thinking about Scorbunny becoming Fire/Fighting-type. I'd like to think the "spark" in its Japanese name means we're getting a Fire/Electric-type. I love the idea of Sobble evolving into a Loch Ness Monster-esque Pokémon. It fits perfectly with the tendency to stay hidden.
All three of them are just amazing. I don't care too much for the bunny, but that grass starter and sobble that water thing is just too cool. I am totally going to start with sobble if his later stages are going to end up really cool too.
There was a theory that every starter set will have 1 female like appearance and that it changed every generation. This started in Gen 2.

Meganium was the female in Johto.
Blaziken was the female in Hoenn
Sinnoh was skipped.
Serperior was female in Unova
Delphox was female in Kalos
Primarina was female in Alola.

If they continue that trend, Grookey's final would likely be the next female design. Other than simipour, we haven't had a female monkey design. So I think this could be nice. I think it is also the reason why Grookey has the twig in it's 'hair'. It reminds me a lot of what the chinese do with their hair.
Outside of Primarina, there was never a really feminine design for a starter.
Based on the trailer and its appearance, I feel like scorbunny could very well become a fire/electric or fire/steel (far less likely IMO) type that's inspired by football players (due to its high speed) or something industrial or mining related, if only because of where we saw it running - though the latter is definitely pure speculation without any real basis, and I do hope they take the sport route with it.

As for grookey, given that "groo" sounds an awful lot like "groove," I agree with the idea that it could be music-themed. Since sports is a massive part of British culture, it makes sense that they'd pick another massive aspect of society - music - for another starter. Since grookey was seen with a stick and hitting things, it's likely that it could take on the appearance of a drummer (grass/rock, anybody?)

And then with sobble, I do hope that if we have music and sport, we also have a nice nod either to nature or to Britain's rich "cryptid lore" and have it evolve into a water/ghost type or something similar. It turns invisible, which could be an indicator of elusiveness, and since it's already reptile-esque, it could easily become a serpent like the Loch Ness Monster.
Scorbunny better not be half fighting after it evolves like the fire starters from all other Generations(expect the first one). Maybe have it be half fire/half poison after it evolves, for example. Or be like Charmander from Generation 1, keep it a pure fire type until its final form.