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What made you smile/happy today?

Reading the final confirmation that DaveKat is 100% canon.
Ahhhhh...fangirling over korrina on this forum? :-[ <3333

I can't login and do that TOO often...being on this forum a lot can trigger meltdowns in me <////3 (cuz its so huge and overwhelming o_o;;; )
I went to the store today and all healthy food.

Organic Kale
Organic Apples
Organic Bananas
Bell Peppers
Organic Hemp Seeds

I've been taking such good care of myself and it makes me laugh and giggle when i think about myself being a king of self-attention
my parents told me that they got the house they have been wanting and trying to get the past few months!
I *just* found out someone I care for very deeply has found someone special. My heart is literally HNNNGG I'm so happy! <333