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When are you mostly active and inactive?

I open PC whenever I have an internet connection, whoo!

...no, really. Someone help me.
I'm inactive when I'm sick like I was this week mostly at work, save for when I check in periodically. I'm mostly active in the evenings after 10pm because that's when my parents go to bed and I can post and view in peace :P
My activity patterns for the past year or so have been being super active for a day or two and then disappearing for a week or more. Lately I've been active on days when I decide to study from home (bad idea Josh) like today x_x I've been crazy busy so far this year so haven't had much of a chance to come online in general, but I used to forum late at night but that hasn't been the case this year (hopefully next semester will be a bit less hectic though).
I'm mostly inactive because I was so busy with other things after I left staff, that coming back and re-connecting to the extent that I was before feels kind of awkward, or difficult or something? I know a few people, but others have changed their usernames, and we just plain ol' have a loooot of members now that we didn't then. PC is pretty big, so really getting back in to the swing takes more time in a day then I generally have.

I kinda try whenever I can, though!
I'm active literally most of the day, sometimes at even the most awkward of hours. A few years ago however, there were certain hour brackets I was inactive in on certain days because I was either doing post-school education or work. I ended up leaving my last job in 2013 due to personal issues so these days I have had way more time to get on to PC.
Recently, I've been active during the mornings or pretty much anytime during the day when I'm bored at work. I'm always around, but may not necessarily post since I slowly drop into being completely lazy and unproductive.
Whenever I have excess free time, then I spend it at home, in my bed. So I would say that's when I'm least active. I work a lot in a fast paced environment, and when I'm not working or at home, I'm either walking around a lot with a friend, or at the gym, where I run and weight train. So I would say that I'm a very active person.
My activity is directly related to the quality of topics on the forum.
Mainly at night and even then I have little time to do much on here. Uni and tutoring have got my tied up and alongside having a party early every week time is running thin.
I open PC whenever I have an internet connection, whoo!

...no, really. Someone help me.

To clarify: internet connection means on 8 AM-3PM and 8 PM-12AM during weekdays, all day on weekends.

Although it really depends on the topics.
I'm mostly active during the early evenings now, since I work during the day. So as soon as I get home, I get on PC for a little bit.

My worst times for activity are every other weekend, when I work an early morning shift, come home to go to bed, go to work for an overnight shift, and then go straight back to sleep because I have another early morning shift. So for three days, I'm just not here because I'm a zombie.
Eh bruh, if you wanted to know when I was online, then check out the little green dot.

But really, I usually come online in the mornings and evenings. During the day, I'm either in class, at work, or chatting it up with my friends.
I'm mostly active here on weekends, mainly because of work. I work 8:00am to 5:30pm, but I'll usually check PC in the morning and I might make a post or two in the evening. Weekends though are when I'm usually checking PC like once every 10 minutes xD