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Which Pokémon ability...?

  • 47
    • Seen Aug 5, 2024
    I'm sure this has been done before but which Pokémon ability best or most closely fits your personality and why? Might be kind of strange but mine is honestly Defeatist. Reason being that I might start off strong or excited about some activity but am easily discouraged if things get tough or if I feel I'm in a losing position, much like the only Pokémon to have this ability. What about you all? I'd relish the chance to know your ability, much like I like to the ability of any new Pokémon.
    Hmm.... It should be mix Moxie, Steely Spirit, Analytic and Flash Fire.

    It's all about the confidence to me. If I am not, then I tend to underperform even in simple tasks.
    I think 3 would best describe me lol

    Unaware because I am very unaware to like 80% of things happening all the time lol.
    Friend guard because I care a ton about my friends and family and will protect them to the best of my ability
    And Wimp out because of how easily frightened I can be ^^"
    Contrary, not because I consider myself a contrarian (I don't), but rather because I feel like I respond to many situations in the opposite way I should. When things are going well I worry about when things will start going downhill. I also think I match the Spanish of the ability: respondon (someone who talks back a lot) because when I was a kid I frequently got into trouble because I talked back and argued.

    I can be highly efficient when my mind is set on something.

    Or I trudge slowly for a while when I feel down or unmotivated.