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Your Pockets

Anyone who keeps their phone in the left pocket can't be trusted.

[PokeCommunity.com] Your Pockets

This is kinda like a jobs board for Pickpockets =p

[PokeCommunity.com] Your Pockets

Phone is in neither pocket because I normally don't carry my phone around. ;D

Kind of off-topic but whaaa you don't carry your phone around with you? How do you survive?!

Phone on left pocket

My phone's always in my left pocket

I'm glad I'm not the only one who keeps their phone in their left pocket! I don't really know why I do; I'm right-handed so I guess it would make sense to carry around my phone in my right-hand pocket but I've always carried it in my left *shrugs*

I also keep my wallet in my back pocket and generally my iPod nano and earphones in my right pocket because I can't fit any music on my phone. If I'm not carrying around a backpack, I'll keep my keys in one of my pockets too, and tissues in my jacket pocket.
I keep my ipod, headphones, and keys in my left pocket, phone, pencil, and small key in my right pocket, my notepad in my back left pocket, and my wallet in my back right.

I've gotten so used to it that I often don't realize I have stuff in my pockets. I like being organized too, so they're always in those spots.
When I'm at work, I've always got to have my keys in my left pocket, and a box cutter and my phone in my right one.

And it just dawned on me that when I go out somewhere, my keys are in my left pocket, and my phone and wallet are in my right one. I think I've just been doing it that way subconciously for so long, that it would be weird to do it differently depending on where I am.
Right pocket: a small coin purse where I keep my loose change and the keys, wallet with a few notes and my cards. Left pocket: my phone.
Left pocket: wallet, sometimes handkerchiefs, keys.
Right pocket: Phone
Back pockets: Mostly spare plastic bag if I'm going shopping.
It's usually my phone in my right back jean pocket. I always have it when I'm at work because I feel unsafe putting my phone in my storage cubby.
Phone and keys go in back right and left pockets of I have them, otherwise I carey a big ol' purse around.
When I wear jeans or something similar:

Phone - Left front pocket
Keyring - Right front pocket
Wallet - Left back pocket

I always do this.
if anything at all, tissues in the right, loose change in the left, and once in a blue moon, my pocketwatch in whichever pocket the minipocket is on.

if I've got a jacket on, then I might keep my phone and/or wallet in there somewhere.. otherwise, those are in my purse!
Have you forgotten the times we live in? Lord knows the last time I've actually had a pocket on my clothing

Front left: Nothing
Front right: Whatever
Front right watch pocket: Swipe card for work if I'm at work.
Back left: iPhone.
Back right: Wallet, or just a single credit card if I'm not carrying my wallet.

And then I attach my keys to the belt loop on the right closest to my crotch.