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Hi, my name is Angie and I am a transgender girl, who is not in transition yet. It's a complicated matter, because it concerns family, health, ecc. I am just not up to talk about that and honestly, I don't want haters around me, so if this disturbs you, please just block me.
I am physically not really appealing and I am really tall. Let's not talk about that too...
I mean, so far this biography sounds like a dating app profile description lol. Let's just move on.

I was born in the 2000 and I played my first Pokémon game in 2007 and it was Pokémon Diamond. That's where I met my Piplup, who was my first Pokémon. Empoleon helped me through the whole adventure. Since my first Pokémon game I couldn't stop playing and exploring new regions, enjoying new stories and catching more Pokémon, even tho I actually stopped playing for a while lol. It was mainly in 2013/2014 after having played with Pokémon X. Indeed I have never played Sun/Moon. I bought later Pokémon Ultramoon which was quite deluding and I didn't enjoy it. It's probably the game I liked the less in the whole series. In the meanwhile I got way more interested in the competitive part of Pokémon and I'd like to get better at it! But guess what? I don't have the time to actually play lol. Rip my life T-T

Other things to know about me? huh, well, I am an only child and a psychology student. My other hobbies are swimming, watching tv series and listening to music, but i have terrible taste lol.
I also love languages, indeed I am trying to learn Japanese and one day I'd like to improve my French as well and maybe learning even other languages!
I also like writing and I wrote for a bit some articles for an Italian website that mainly talks about Nintendo and Pokémon stuff. It was a really nice experience but it was also quite stressful. It also took much time, so now I can focus on something else.

So, you may wonder (even though nobody will read this whole description till this point and yes, I am aware I am just wasting time) why I used the adjective "confused" in my username. I mean, my description sounds pretty plain. I am actually quite funny and ironic, and yes I am precise and serious but I am also quite creative and sometimes moody. I am pretty much in my own world enjoying my fantasies, so I often seem confused lol. Indeed people keep telling me to stay more on Earth hehe...
I think it's pretty much everything I have to say, if you read til this point, I am giving you some love <3

Quick recap: I like swimming, listening to music (some hip hop but mainly classical) and writing. I love languages, traveling and I like some anime and TV series. I also like many other games even tho I have never truly had much free time in my life, so I am quite still exploring the whole video games scenario lol. I also like playing the violin and I hope I'll have enough time for taking lessons again!
Quick Self-Introduction
I don't know if I am an interesting person or not, but I don't care lol. I am kind and nice, so I'd love to make more friends here : )
Female ♀
Also Known As
Favorite Pokémon
In-Game Name
GO Team
Do not display
Discord Nickname
gimmie urs, mine's too long

