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AMA Ask the Rad!

  • 3,281
    Hi, ask away! I might not respond immediately though.
    Do you think Infernape and Torterra are rad too?
    who are you? what're you about? what do you do with your time?
    I'm "Chris" (just a screen name) and I'm 17 years old. I'm a long time Pokémon fan (it's been almost 10 years for me), and I've been in my school's marching band (specifically color guard) since my freshman year. I like digital drawing, writing, dubstep, memes, animated shows, Kirby and Smash Bros games, and too many other things.

    what is it like being the empress of randomness?
    Ahaha, well it's interesting. I have a lot of diverse interests (some of which are above) and specialize in being random, hence the title. I think it's cool and kinda funny to say that I like both Skrillex and doll customizing, for example.

    Do you think Infernape and Torterra are rad too?
    Yeah, they're aight. I don't have anything against them. Empoleon was my first starter, so I'm biased to it.
    As a fellow Empoleon and Kirby fan, first I have to applaud your great taste haha. For my question, what got you into the Pokemon franchise?

    Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well, haha. My older brother got me started on Pokémon Diamond, and I fell in love with it.
    what got you into making art? (since i felt you wanted a QnA thread revival lol)
    what got you into making art? (since i felt you wanted a QnA thread revival lol)
    I guess I've always been a creative person. I drew a little bit in middle school and early in high school, but just a quick doodle here and there. I stopped after a while because I got lazy. I got back into art earlier this year (before quarantine happened lol). I saw a lot of fan art on Pinterest and I wanted to try to draw some fan art. That's when all the Piers drawings happened (I was hardcore simping)... they aren't very good looking back, but I have improved since then, which is important.

    Welp that was a bit longer than I was anticipating.
    Do you like penguins in general or is the love all for Empoleon?

    As an animal lover I was wondering if you enjoy content such as March of the Penguins for instance.

    Yes, I love penguins too, not just Empoleon! But I will say they aren't my favorite Antarctic animal (that would be the humble and lovable seal).
    damn you reminded me of my phase in elementary-high school where i was drawing almost everyday. making comic books, filling up the back of my notebooks, and getting my mom to buy reams of cheap copy paper just to fulfill my artistic needs. i never really nurtured it past senior year because of how hectic life was starting to get and nobody really encouraging me to keep going with it. who knows where i'd be right now if i trained for digital art sooner...
    What separates a 'rad' empoleon from a regular empoleon?
    What separates a 'rad' empoleon from a regular empoleon?

    I'm glad you asked! An Empoleon becomes "rad" when it is exposed to memes!

    least favorite pokemon starter?

    Blaziken, was never really a fan of the Torchic line, and I find its design the most unappealing of the starters. Incineroar would be in this spot with the same reasoning if it didn't get added into Smash Bros.
    What's your music taste like?

    Do you watch much anime?
    what's your Top 6 Pokemon that you'd use as your dream team?

    Top 6 Pokémon team? I'd have Empoleon obviously, Volcarona, Ampharos, Tsareena, Absol, and Nihilego. Seems like a fairly well-rounded team, but I'd have to decide who to have as my mega evo.
    What's your music taste like?

    Do you watch much anime?

    I may or may not have played one too many rhythm games recently, and I love many of the tracks that are in the games. So that had a big influence on my taste. I like electronic music (and all the sub-genres) to put it simply.

    And I don't watch that much anime. I've seen a few and heard of a lot more, but I'm not the kind of person who can sit and binge an entire season of a show in one sitting.