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Do you organize your PC boxes?

  • 41,842
    Do your PC boxes have any type of organization?

    I keep shinies together in the same boxes, but otherwise most things just go into whatever box as I catch them. Recently I've been trying to organize my legendaries in SV by putting them with others from their generation and in order, but I'm still a little unhappy with the results. Are you doing any organizing?
    Only if I catch a considerable amount of Pokémon and need to keep them somewhat organized. But just very basic, usually I have a temp box for recently caught and potential future party members (or party members temporarily boxed if I have more than six active Pokémon), then the other boxes for all regular Pokémon I catch. I also divide them by "region" if there is more than one, like in SV I made separate boxes for Pokémon caught in Paldea, Kitakami, and Blueberry.
    Not too much. Designates a box(es) for party members, level 100s, and future training projects. May clear out a box as a landing zone for eggs or PokeJobs too. Becomes an unsorted mess of wild Pokemon outside of that.

    Only one box is enough for my playstyle which revolves around battles and strategies, and neither I am completionist who keeps dwelling here and there to complete the Dex entries or find Shiny Pokemon.
    So, either the very first or last box is called "On Deck". It's where any party 'mon in rotation reside when I have more than 6 I like to use.

    In the case of SV, I used different teams of 6 for the main story, the Teal Mask and the Indigo Disk. So it was handy to have a box where I wouldn't lose track of past party members.

    Then, once I beat the main story, I name boxes for Physical-oriented competitive 'mon, my Special-oriented 'mon, and finally one for Support 'mon. Occasionally each of these categories will span multiple boxes, depending on how many I raise in a generation.

    I may also make a box for Legendaries; in games like HGSS, B2W2, USUM where many Legendaries from previous titles are available. But I haven't bothered catching the past Legendaries in SV yet, nor did I do it in SwSh's DLC. So the native legendaries introduced in those games tend to go straight to my Living Dex in Home.
    I used to organize them by regional dex number once, but I've moved on to just grouping them by type, and within each type they'd still be by regional dex number.
    Dual types get to be in whichever of the two types' boxes still has room to accommodate them =P
    Unless of course it starts out like Hatenna as a pure type and then gains the dual typing later on, in which case the entire line goes into the original base stage's type box.

    This is for my normal Living Dex boxes though. My HA/Aprimon storage is another matter entirely as those get sorted alphabetically, barring a few exceptions due to lack of space =P
    I organize in specific generations in which I think the box has a visual appeal. Gen 3 and Gen 4 for example.
    In Nuzlocke, I have a special box for fainted Pokémon. I usually put a beach or sky background on it.

    On my main saves, I usually have few different boxes. Few for hatching, where I put Ditto and bunch of eggs I'm hatching, then at least one box for my competitive Pokémon. I also usually group them in teams I want to use. And I also have few boxes for event or rare Pokémon. I still have boxes full of Pokémon distributed for the 20th anniversary.
    Yes, I often do organize my PC boxes. I typically use my first box to contain my main playthough Pokémon that I alternate between. I also use a box that contain all my Pokémon that I use competitively. In Pokémon Violet, my competitive box is currently Box 22. I also have a box that contain all my Shiny Pokémon, and another that contain all my legendaries and mythicals that I captured or collected over the years.
    I have a method of organizing my Pokemon which involves separating those that I still need to evolve/breed/trade for the Pokedex from ones that I have their entire evolutionary line and can pretty much leave alone. I also have separate boxes for shiny/event Pokemon, those I've gotten in online trades, and those that I use frequently (i.e., party Pokemon.)
    I organize it with their types so that it would be easy for me if I am searching for a Pokemon in my box
    I love sorting my boxes my National Dex number since I'll be filling out every game's Pokedex and it helps to keep everything in order to visualize what I do and don't have. It also helps me go straight to a certain generation if I'm looking for something so I can find it easily.

    The exception is if I have any Pokemon for breeding and their eggs, any members for my team throughout the game, anything I'm keeping separate to trade to friends, and any shinies. Those get their own separate boxes and are usually just sorted in the order I get them because they're usually a small enough group to not need to be sorted.
    Yes, as a common rule I have a box for the Pokémon to evolve, one for the ones to trade, one for Ditto with different IVs and Natures, one for legendaries and one for eggs.
    I do at times, in older games, organize boxes by typing. It's fun to do. But I don't always do that.
    I like to sort my boxed Pokémon by fitting box font : Water types in Sea font or River font, Flying types in Sky font, Rock and Ground type in Mountain or Cave font, Psychic types in City font, ... ^^
    I used to not care about organizing boxes for a long time... until I started to run into what I'd call the Breeder's Conundrum in my Moon save file where suddenly I did have to start organizing the boxes in order to keep track of "breeding pairs", specify boxes for breedjects to be sent to random lucky or unlucky wonder traders, separate the desired results into their own separate boxes as well as organize the rest of the pokemon I wanted to keep (shinies, legendaries & former team members).

    At one point I even used Bank to keep tabs on all the breeding pairs I've obtained plus the Therian Forms I happened to snatch just before 3DS online services were shutdown. Suffice to say, I may have learned something valuable about UI design in the process, as in what NOT to do with your menu design.