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I'm so sick. What a bad night. I swear man, each time I get a vaccine I get so badly ill. >.>

While otherwise I almost never experience sickness.

Best wishes for you to feel better soon, Corrin.

I'm so sick. What a bad night. I swear man, each time I get a vaccine I get so badly ill. >.>

While otherwise I almost never experience sickness.

Best wishes for you to get better soon, ZeoStar. I can relate with bad nights due to being sick... I have had my fair share of these.

I had some major deaths in the family recently

My deepest condolences Sweet Serenity. I hope you're somewhow able to find some peace and comfort during this dark time. You are in our thoughts ❤️

I'm so sick. What a bad night. I swear man, each time I get a vaccine I get so badly ill. >.>

While otherwise I almost never experience sickness.

Just the absolute biggest virtual hugs for all of you 🤗
Very tired...

I don't know what is causing you pain, but I do know that someone as kind and caring as you deserves to be happy. Like our dear Gardevoir said, we are here for you. I hope you feel better ASAP Alex 🤗

Today: struggling with restraint