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Sorry to hear that Alex and Starlight. I hope things get better soon! I want to say more, but I guess my own entry here is annoyance because aspects of my disability can make it hard to think, and I can't do any critical thinking right now. I haven't been around the website much lately because my head has been "foggy", but I'm forcing myself right now because I don't want the people I've met to think I don't care about the site and just left. (I can still overthink, apparently :P )
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Stressed might be an understatement. There's just a lot of school assignments I have to worry about... I have 2 that were due at midnight (currently 30+ minutes late at this point) and I fell asleep trying to work on one of them. We're supposed to read a story in French and answer questions on it, but I can't understand a lot of what it's saying. I just don't want to work on it anymore (especially now that the deadline has passed). I haven't been able to focus very well all day. I was getting so frustrated and overthinking way too much that I started angry-crying. (I had to play some good-old-fashioned Kirby Mass Attack to calm myself down) This week has just been a train wreck.
Sorry to hear that Alex and Starlight. I hope things get better soon! I want to say more, but I guess my own entry here is annoyance because aspects of my disability can make it hard to think, and I can't do any critical thinking right now. I haven't been around the website much lately because my head has been "foggy", but I'm forcing myself right now because I don't want the people I've met to think I don't care about the site and just left. (I can still overthink, apparently :P )

You have my best wishes for you to feel better as soon as possible, Zaronji. Don't worry about the forums and take care of yourself. Your health comes first!

Stressed might be an understatement. There's just a lot of school assignments I have to worry about... I have 2 that were due at midnight (currently 30+ minutes late at this point) and I fell asleep trying to work on one of them. We're supposed to read a story in French and answer questions on it, but I can't understand a lot of what it's saying. I just don't want to work on it anymore (especially now that the deadline has passed). I haven't been able to focus very well all day. I was getting so frustrated and overthinking way too much that I started angry-crying. (I had to play some good-old-fashioned Kirby Mass Attack to calm myself down) This week has just been a train wreck.

I am sorry to hear that, RadEmpoleon. You are doing your best and that is what matters. Best wishes for you to feel better soon, and for your next weeks to go better and easier for you!

Someone very recently did something very nice for me. The person was anonymous, so I don't know how to thank the person, but I hope the person knows I'm thankful, and the gift is much appreciated :).
Miffed... sweatdrops of all kinds in artwork bother the heck out of me. Stop wasting your talent on crass body fluid humour if that's your type of thing!

Actually, no, I don't even need a spoiler to tell you what happened in my country today. My only consolation is that I voted with a clean conscience.
Relieved. Had to get stuff done at the hospital and thankfully they found nothing bad in the process.

At the beginning, they tell me :
"You get 2 days off."
Later :
"Wait, you get 3 days off."
At the end :
"Oh no, you get 4!"
That was the first time.

A week ago :
"You get 2 days and a half."
Today :
"Oh no, just 1 day and a half!"

Also, have enough chairs so we all can sit down ? Nonsense!
And heaters in cold November ? What for ?