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If you could restructure PC's forums, what would you do?

  • 10,674
    • Seen May 19, 2024
    PC's categories and forums are often a hotly debated topic in both the staff forums and in the public ones. Whether it's feedback on a name, suggestion to merge multiple sections or even create a new one for anode specific purpose; we've all had thoughts on what should change.

    So if you were to organise PC's sections differently, what would you do? Alternatively do you think it's perfect the way it is? If so, what makes it so useable to you?
    - delete the vip forum tbh
    - split general entertainment into more focused categories (at least film/music/television and see how that goes) and hopefully once and for all end any confusion about what to do in that area. well, the area will gone, so. what to do with useless stuff like sport (*smiles into camera*) is a bit of a bother but the primary interests in GE are film/music/television and they take precedence over things that get maybe one thread about them every months from what I can tell. the remnants from fanclubs can be sorted into their varying categories. i'd delete the homestuck thread as well, but... that's just personal preference.
    - place treehouse on top of mall bc it's been bugging me. maybe place mall below round table.
    - delete pokémon trivia. i see little point in the place.
    - make underground a sub-forum of playground. to this day don't know why it got a forum of its own, sorry.
    I'm pretty content with them how they are now.

    BUT. I would add a feature so that you can favourite a category which allows it appear above all of the rest just for you. I think that'd be a very useful feature. 8)
    Just subscribe to your favorite sections, like I do. They appear neatly on your Dashboard under your subscribed threads with new replies.
    Time to see my obsessive need to minimize and organize at work. I believe that less is more, and I prefer to remove all unnecessary clutter if necessary. This is disregarding any secret staff forums I don't know about.

    So here we are:

    Community Square

    This is fine as is. I see no issues here. One of the better organized sections.


    AKA VIP Forum. Remove as Harley Quinn said. From what I've seen, not much happens in there that doesn't happen in the rest of the forums anyway.

    Main Series Pokemon Gaming

    This is extremely cluttered. I don't believe it is necessary to have a section to discuss each generation. We can keep Sun & Moon, ORAS, and XY. Everything else should just be consolidated into Previous Generations, as most generations don't seem to have much discussion if they're not the latest anyway.

    Pokemon Gaming

    Gaming Central and Pokemon General have very similar topics in my opinion, and are difficult to distinguish. So Gaming Central just becomes combined into General. The Spin-off Central is separated from it, and Pokken Tournament is placed as a sub-forum.

    The Wide World of Pokemon + Rom Hacking + Create & Discover

    Yeah, these are good.

    Entertainment & Hobbies

    These are kind of... eh. I'm not really sure if it's necessary to have an entire section dedicated to this. But whatever, they each have a broad enough purpose and from what I see, seem to have decent activity. So they're okay.

    Off-Topic Discussions

    Ha, this is one of my more disliked opinions, it seems. Let's start off easy; Underground becomes sub-forum of Playground as Harley Quinn said. The Mall becomes General Discussion because honestly, in its current form, it is far too specific in my opinion to encourage much activity. This is where the Everything Else happens. Treehouse becomes wacky joke forum where people post gifs and about dinosaur butts. Another forum I was on called it the Forum Lounge. I think that name is pretty appropriate since it's just a place where you chill out and relax, and actual discussion can happen in General.

    I'm sure if I thought more about it, I could consolidate further. But I don't think that's necessary. If my calculations are correct, seven forums would be removed. A little less clutter goes a long way.
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    No one wants to navigate to the dashboard to see your forums every time when you can just see them on the index, though! Having your favourite forums at the top of the index would save a lot of time. I've never bothered subscribing to many forums because it's just inconvenient to go to my dashboard to see a forum I could have seen on the index anyways. The dashboard doesn't have much else of interest to me, at least not enough to warrant going there just to see something I could have seen on the index page anyways. :(
    Haha that is such a different way to use the forums from how I do it. I autosubscribe to every thread and revisit them from the dashboard until they aren't interesting anymore and then I unsub. Dashboard is my starting page, because there's what I'm interested in while the index has so much I don't need. So I'm just suggesting trying to use what exists for the purpose you seem to want, instead of changing the page that is meant to have everything (;

    Off-Topic Discussions

    Ha, this is one of my more disliked opinions, it seems. Let's start off easy; Underground becomes sub-forum of Playground as Harley Quinn said. The Mall becomes General Discussion because honestly, in its current form, it is far too specific in my opinion to encourage much activity. This is where the Everything Else happens. Treehouse becomes wacky joke forum where people post gifs and about dinosaur butts. Another forum I was on called it the Forum Lounge. I think that name is pretty appropriate since it's just a place where you chill out and relax, and actual discussion can happen in General.

    I'm sure if I thought more about it, I could consolidate further. But I don't think that's necessary. If my calculations are correct, seven forums would be removed. A little less clutter goes a long way.
    Interesting view. BAck in the day, a wacko joke forum was what Other Trivia (Forum Games) was. But now it's shifted?

    I too think we should close VIP Lounge and put whatever's there now in Treehouse. Quote thread can be stickied, even (: Might need to figure out some other special place/way for supporters to post though.
    Interesting view. BAck in the day, a wacko joke forum was what Other Trivia (Forum Games) was. But now it's shifted?

    I too think we should close VIP Lounge and put whatever's there now in Treehouse. Quote thread can be stickied, even (: Might need to figure out some other special place/way for supporters to post though.
    I've always thought of the wacko joke forum and Forum Games being distinct. Forum games are for more structured threads, for games that have rules, however loose they may be. Whilst... I suppose what I'm proposing is more like just threads were people chat about nonsense and silly things with no real structure. Like posting gifs and such, which isn't really a game so much as just ridiculousness. But if there was a section that existed like that before, I'd totally be for bringing it back.

    And maybe you could do some kind of special supporter chat room if you ever decided to remove it? I think that'd better suit the feel.
    i'd change a lot of the names

    I'd move general entertainment in with the off topic discussions and put the treehouse at the top of that group since i think the treehouse really is the center for off topic discussions.

    my personal preference would be to eliminate the playground and pokemon trivia as i think they're pointless, but i guess there are people who like them??? tbh i still dont even know what the underground is, but it seems like it should be incorporated with the playground

    i would move the celebrations subforum back to off topic discussions as ever since it moved i forgot about its existence. i see the community square section as a place where only two types of members go: the super involved and newbies. sometimes i wonder if a forum called blogs was added to the off topic discussions section would it do better than members having their own blogs? basically it would just be a forum where you create threads and continuously blog and of course other members can join in and comment. i feel like it would attract more attention, but idk.

    also i'd maybe just join pokemon general and pokemon gaming central as just your total forum for anything pokemon gaming or off topic bar the anime, tgc, etc. i've seen many similar topics in both before.

    uhh thats all i can think of right now
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    I'm genuinely surprised that almost everyone thinks that the Underground needs to be the subforum of The Playground again. I mean like it is probably the most successful forum in recent times. In just almost 1 year, it has produced more posts than most forums who lived a lot longer, and it has a huge community there. Hell, it is the only forum which utilized the groups feature that was thought obsolete.

    Anyways, back to the topic, I'd probably put The Mall, if it ever becomes a full fledged forum, with the GE, C&T, A&M forums. I agree with Audy that the Game forums should be segregated by region, and that PGC could probably merge with PokeGen? idk
    RPT should be a subforum to FFW, it's basically just writing stories together with others.

    Oh wait it's not April 1st yet?
    I'm genuinely surprised that almost everyone thinks that the Underground needs to be the subforum of The Playground again. I mean like it is probably the most successful forum in recent times. In just almost 1 year, it has produced more posts than most forums who lived a lot longer, and it has a huge community there. Hell, it is the only forum which utilized the groups feature that was thought obsolete.

    given the frantic and group-oriented nature of the place, of course it's going to produce a shitload of posts, lol
    Off-Topic Discussions

    Ha, this is one of my more disliked opinions, it seems. Let's start off easy; Underground becomes sub-forum of Playground as Harley Quinn said. The Mall becomes General Discussion because honestly, in its current form, it is far too specific in my opinion to encourage much activity. This is where the Everything Else happens. Treehouse becomes wacky joke forum where people post gifs and about dinosaur butts. Another forum I was on called it the Forum Lounge. I think that name is pretty appropriate since it's just a place where you chill out and relax, and actual discussion can happen in General.

    no. no. no. no. and no. absolutely not, completely 100% against, just so everyone with a bold name knows.

    here's my brilliant change idea, ready?

    - Delete the Mall forum
    no. no. no. no. and no. absolutely not, completely 100% against, just so everyone with a bold name knows.

    here's my brilliant change idea, ready?

    - Delete the Mall forum
    Yes, I am painfully aware that a lot of people are against this. I have no power over these forums, so I really don't understand your need to be so vehement towards my opinion. This topic exists to express a theoretical "if I could do what I wanted" view. I don't really understand why everyone is against this other than some odd sentimentality towards the Treehouse that I am not capable of understanding due to being too new to this place. I see a "Serious" tag has been added to the Treehouse, so that is a step in the direction I like. I also wouldn't mind the Mall being deleted.
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    Yes, I am painfully aware that a lot of people are against this. I have no power over these forums, so I really don't understand your need to be so vehement towards my opinion. You are a moderator and I am not. This topic exists to express a theoretical "if I could do what I wanted" view. I don't really understand why everyone is against this other than some odd sentimentality towards the Treehouse that I am not capable of understanding due to being too new to this place. I see a "Serious" tag has been added to the Treehouse, so that is a step in the direction I like. I also wouldn't mind the Mall being deleted.

    my response is more for the inside group, so i can see why it doesn't make sense. but i'm not trying to insult you or anything, i just don't like the idea at all and others on staff have pushed for similar things recently. you think your idea is unpopular but it actually isn't really, which is why i felt the need to reply.

    sorry again.
    Issues with The Mall non-withstanding, the only area I think that needs a serious look at is the relationship between PGC and PGen, an I feel like we've talked about merging or changing them for the better part of three years now, haha.
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