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Lots of Water

Do you drink water?

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  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
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    Water is fulfilling. Do you drink lots of water?

    For a while, it was the only thing I would drink. Along with lemonade. Lately I've opened back up to occasional soda. (Not often, but not like it'll kill me to treat myself). I still drink plenty of water.
    One 24-ounce bottle is what I drink my water out of at least once a day but I mostly drink one or two sodas a day along with it.
    I drink much of it through the weekday, though somewhat little on weekends without a job to keep me on my feet. The difference is startling so I should be drinking more water even on my downtime.
    I've been trying to drink a lot more water ever since coming out of my teens, I'll usually have a water bottle (or six, oops) next to my side of the bed and we have such a massive amount of water bottles in the house so it's not uncommon for me to go through a bunch of them over a month or so. It's never my first choice for something to drink but it's something I really wanted to improve about my life, I'd get dehydrated very often.
    water is my go to beverage after morning coffee. usually drink anywhere from 32-64 ounces of it per day (in a large water bottle)
    I do drink a lot of water as it is much of a necessity considering the climate here. For most part of the year, the average temperature is over 30 degree Celsius. Even now, at night, the current temperature is 29 degree Celsius. Hence I drink around 6 liters of water on an average.

    But on summer, the temperature crosses 45 degree Celsius, hence the quantity of water intake increases. I remember that when I was in school, I used to carry 3 liters of water in 3 separate bottles. And one of them gets finished before lunch break, the next one after sports, and last one till reaching the home !

    I don't live in desert region like Middle-East or Mediterranean, hence nights are warm too. In summers, people do die here due to heat stroke, and Meteorological Department often issues red alert or orange alert in summer, as the air is also dry here due to lack of any river in the entire city.

    So drinking water is must.
    Pretty much all I drink is water and sparkling water. I actually got told by my doctor that I'm possibly drinking a little bit too much water! o.o I do have to watch it, because I do have overactive bladder and drinking water naturally makes you have to go more, so I have to go sooo frequently. Had to get a doctor's note for my workplace IIRC. >.< Anyway, this topic isn't about that.
    As we often say in band, hydrate before you die-drate! I try to drink a lot of water. I don't drink much else aside from water. I used to love soda, but now I hardly ever drink it.