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muk grandparents say


take me ☆ take you
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    inspired by posts in this thread https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/381138

    what are some terrible things that your grandparents have said and bonus points for your response?

    one year for thanksgiving my sister and i both wore nice dresses for dinner. my sister, me, my grandpa (he is my dad's step-dad), and my mom were sitting in the living room when our dad calls me and my sister to help him with something. as we get up and leave my grandpa says to my mom "your daughters have nice legs" and, naturally, she ignores this statement because its WEIRD AF. but my grandpa does this thing where if you ignore him he'll say it again LOUDER. not sure what she said but my mom might have just run away.

    the best part about this???? he is married into the family!! he literally had 0 part in the creation of these legs.
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    hmmmMmm okay i love my grandma and she is very liberal for a grandma but also lives in a small white town sooo
    "I went to the doctor's last week and the nurse says that the doctor'll be right with me. I hear the knock on the door and in comes this big black man! It was a shock, really, they should have warned me."

    and on the crazier end of the racist spectrum, we have my friend's grandpa, upon learning he's studying Arabic:
    "Why, do you want to talk to them before you shoot them?"

    y i k e s
    'if i'm racist, well, so be it. i've had enough of these (slur) in my city... paris isn't what it used to be.'
    - matriarch pierre, every christmas
    'all protestants should burn in hell' - grandpa
    the best thing about this was that prior to him speaking up, there was no conversation going on at all, and he decided that this was the best way to break the silence.
    my gran's said a lot of bad stuff since she's your typical conservative 'n' racist grandma so there are way too many examples, i'm gonna go with something more religious she's said in the past -

    'our last priest was so wonderful! why did you stop coming to church after he left?'

    the last priest in her church was a convicted pedophile. and she was trying to tell us all about how wonderful and kind he was. i have never wanted to leave a room so badly in my life

    sorry if thats too detailed orz
    My granddad once described Muslims as "creatures", he's not a bad person just really opinionated about religion, sexuality etc as most seem to be.
    *Racial slurs follow

    My grandparents weren't very happy when my uncle married a Jewish lady. They are hardcore Catholics, and also disappointed when my family (and most of their descendants actually) become Protestants.
    Okay my grandmother passed away in March, but she was in the hospital for a week before dying and we had the news on for her and Trump was on and she just rolled her eyes and was like, "Change it. I don't want to hear the trash talk."

    ...............is she too liberal for this thread my bad
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    To prove that bigoted grandparents aren't just a white Christian thing...

    My grandfather sometimes refers to Turkish people as dogs (and he says they worship Ataturk as a god) and he thinks all non-Muslim Africans are pagans who run around in grass skirts and loincloths. He also thinks people from New Guinea are cannibals. Obviously he hasn't done any research on either place in the past 50 years. Oh well...it could be worse. Some of my other elderly relatives refer to black people as slaves. (In Arabic, black people are often derogatorily referred to as slaves.) And at least he's not that devout. My grandfather's father fought against the Turks in World War I, so that kinda explains his hatred of Turks. When I told him I had a few Turkish friends, he rolled his eyes.

    Sometimes Muslim grandparents are even worse than Christian ones. You can pretty much guarantee they'll hate gay people too, My grandfather can't grasp the idea that there's gay men who aren't effeminate. There's also a good chance they'll be anti-Semitic. Mine aren't, but they're all very much anti-Israel. My maternal grandfather (my only deceased grandparent) fought in the first Arab-Israeli War in 1948.
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    My grandparents weren't so bad, but my grandmother was like really mean to me, so one day when she made me cry my grand dad was like "You apologize or you'll get no dinner" so she did.
    "I'm voting for Brexit!"

    Okay my grandmother passed away in March, but she was in the hospital for a week before dying and we had the news on for her and Trump was on and she just rolled her eyes and was like, "Change it. I don't want to hear the trash talk."

    ...............is she too liberal for this thread my bad

    No kidding, she's rad, she's amazing for saying that!
    Well, you heard my original from my post in the thread you linked, haha.

    My grandparents are extremely conservative. I mean, the whole disgusting nine yards. Abortion is murder but leaving refugees to die is not, white supremacy doesn't exist but we don't think anyone other than white men should be in positions of power, rape culture is not a thing but if you wear a skirt outdoors and get raped its 100% on you, etc.

    I cannot tell you how many holidays have been completely ruined by something idiotic and outright hateful my grandma has said. Now, mind you, my entire family is this over-the-top conservative, so they all agree with her. Everyone knows I'm more on the liberal side, so they are used to my "are you serious right now" comments and me going off on her about how disgusting she's being, but they ALL take her side. Period. It's just how it goes.

    I think one of the worst moments of my entire life was taking my sister over to my grandmother's house to come out. (She's bisexual.) She had made a few comments about girls she found extremely attractive or, when asked about guys, she'd name a girl instead that she would rather date. They all took it as a joke, but never made a fuss about it. For some reason, we thought it was an okay idea and that she might actually understand. Wrongggg. The conversation went as follows:


    Needless to say I took my sister and got the hell out of there, giving my grandma the nastiest looks I could muster. Although she wasn't wrong. My sister's not gay. The only problem is, she didn't even give her a chance to say that she's bi.
    my grandma is okay. she's more open minded about things than she was back when she was younger. she still thinks bisexuality is being confused though. like, i told her i was bi and she was like "no you're confused" other than that though, she hasn't said anything too mean to me.
    oh shit i forgot about what my paw paw said during the sandusky trial. for those that don't know, the issue dealt with an older man sexually abusing young boys so i'll put this in a spoiler. putting it in a spoiler to be safe plus it was kind of a gross way to put this so lol.

    i'm glad I don't have grandparents.
    I grew up not knowing most of them and while I think they might have been really good people, I think there would have been a lot of issues because old people are conservative and that annoys me.