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FireRed hack: Pokémon Vega (and Altair/Sirius) - English Version

Hey guys been playing Pokémon Vega for a while and I have a question. Is the egg moves for pokémon not working properly? Because I was trying to get a Nidoran with hone claws from a male Weavile and when it hatched it could not get the egg move. Is it bugged or something?
HI, I dunno if this is the place to ask, but is there any sort of guide for the current beta of Procyon and Deneb?
So is there ever going to be a fix for the title screen crash and any other crashes? The last release was quite a while ago and I still cant play this game on mGBA, and considering its the best emulator for GBA right now its a bit concerning.
But strangely enough , it worked fine on older model emulator like VBA. ( regular , not M ) I cannot be sure though.
I'm playing through Vega Minus right now and wanted to get a Basille from the safari zone, so I used walk through walls to get to the spot it shows up in. After many failed attempts at trying to get one, I finally got it, but for some reason, when I'm leveling it up, and it starts evolving, it stops. I was not touching the keyboard either. Do I have to wait until after the League to level it up more so it can evolve properly, or is it just bugged?
I'm playing through Vega Minus right now and wanted to get a Basille from the safari zone, so I used walk through walls to get to the spot it shows up in. After many failed attempts at trying to get one, I finally got it, but for some reason, when I'm leveling it up, and it starts evolving, it stops. I was not touching the keyboard either. Do I have to wait until after the League to level it up more so it can evolve properly, or is it just bugged?

You need the national dex for that, which you get after beating the league
I'm playing through Vega Minus right now and wanted to get a Basille from the safari zone, so I used walk through walls to get to the spot it shows up in. After many failed attempts at trying to get one, I finally got it, but for some reason, when I'm leveling it up, and it starts evolving, it stops. I was not touching the keyboard either. Do I have to wait until after the League to level it up more so it can evolve properly, or is it just bugged?

Try to turn on the NatDex code , and evolve the mon. Tried it once , worked but immediately turn the code off after you get what you want.
Hey! I'm really interested in trying out Pokemon Vega Minus, but I heard that the plot is a direct continuation of Altair/Sirius. As far as I'm aware, Vega has a minus version, but Altair/Sirius is as hard as it was in the JP version. I know I could skip ahead and just play Vega, but I really want to play them sequentially. I just can't stand the endless grind of the harder Pokemon rom hacks. This is my very long way of asking, is there any chance we could see a Pokemon Altair and Sirius Minus, too? If you guys did this, I'd be a very, very happy guy!

Also, I know I need to take things one step at a time, but when Procyon/Deneb is finished and translated, could we please have a Minus version for that as well? Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
Hey! I'm really interested in trying out Pokemon Vega Minus, but I heard that the plot is a direct continuation of Altair/Sirius. As far as I'm aware, Vega has a minus version, but Altair/Sirius is as hard as it was in the JP version. I know I could skip ahead and just play Vega, but I really want to play them sequentially. I just can't stand the endless grind of the harder Pokemon rom hacks. This is my very long way of asking, is there any chance we could see a Pokemon Altair and Sirius Minus, too? If you guys did this, I'd be a very, very happy guy!

Also, I know I need to take things one step at a time, but when Procyon/Deneb is finished and translated, could we please have a Minus version for that as well? Any answers would be greatly appreciated!

You should probably ask the people whp made Vega minus, not this thread
Dr. Akimbo made the latest update for Vega Minus so I think it's better asking him

So he did make the last update. I'm new to the whole Pokemon Rom Hacking community, and I was pretty sure Dr. Akimbo made the last patch, but when I was told to ask the people who made Vega Minus instead of this thread, I assumed I had my information all wrong, haha.

Pokemon Altair/Sirius Minus and the promise of a Pokemon Procyon/Deneb Minus (once development of the JP version and the English translation is finished) are probably the two things I want the most out of the Pokemon Rom hacking community right now. Dr. Akimbo, if you did that, I'd be simply ecstatic.
Hello everyone, I managed to find the Procyon/Deneb's development team's leader. And not only that, but another sneak peek, this time in video form!


It also appears that there won't be anymore demos, the next patch will be the full game (It could be a mistranslation from my part though, so take this with a grain of salt).

Still no release date, but the development seems to be going smoothly because of new members joining the team.

Also, please avoid asking the devs for release dates or similar things. Majority of the dev team locked their twitter accounts because of people annoying them, so please refrain from doing that.

You are an absolute god, thank you for this.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Vega (and Altair/Sirius) - English Version

Also what the heckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk is this?!
Hey I got a problem to encounter Asphere; when I tried to put the Vega in an indentation, it says "a mysterious force pushes it right back out". Please help me.
IMO the only game that really needed a minus was Vega -- because MAN, some of those fights are just too much. The difficulty curves made me want to pull my hair out.

Also all of the good stuff is locked behind postgame, but at least Minus made it less of a grind to get there.
Oh yeah, for those of you interested in Procyon/Deneb stuff, I made a wiki. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it here or not, though...
Iunno, some forums and such don't like for you to link to external websites, so I was unsure.
Did you try patching it with the other FR version as well? That's why I always have multiple base rom versions on me. Works 70% of the time.

I recently tried afresh with both revisions of Fire Red, and here were my results:

Rev 0 (1.0)

Black screen when I press Start during the Game Freak logo or cutscene or after the cutscene runs; here's the output of mGBA's debugger:

Hit illegal opcode at 0x081E3B38: 0x0000EFFF
r0: 081E3B39 r1: 03007D98 r2: 00000001 r3: 0000FFFE
r4: 02004520 r5: 0203AB68 r6: 02000000 r7: 03007DC0
r8: 00000000 r9: 00000000 r10: 00000000 r11: 00000000
r12: 00000400 r13: 03007DC0 r14: 081E3B0F r15: 081E3B3C
cpsr: 0000003F [------T]
081E3B3A: E007 b $081E3B4C

Rev A (1.1)

mGBA stops execution after the BIOS screen with the following popup:

The game has crashed with the following error:

Jumped to invalid address: 01DFC438

Higan freezes on a white screen after the BIOS screen.