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Shiny living dex. Would you ever consider it?

  • 41,842
    This is what I assume to be one of the hardest achievements in the mainline games.

    A living dex is obtaining every single Pokémon, including each member of a family. So if you evolve your Charmander into Charmeleon, for example, you no longer have Charmander anymore and would need to obtain it again.

    Now add shinies into the mix. It would be super difficult, right? Would you ever consider working towards this in a main series game?
    Considering how much management a non living Dex takes, I would never even consider having to deal with over a thousand (and climbing) Pokemon in a regular living Dex much less a shiny one. That being said, the thought of having a complete shiny National Dex (including all different regional forms and such) would be something I'd consider doing if GF would actually allow people to get certain Mythics (shiny or otherwise lol) without needing a once or twice in a lifetime exclusive event just to get one legitimately. (if even at all)
    No. Never cared for Living Dexes as-is. Treats filling up a normal Pokedex as a bit of a chore. Typically only bothers with shiny hunting if it is easy and the shiny is good. Naturally views the combination of a Living Dex and shiny hunting as a big nope.
    I already have a living Dex... once I catch the newly added mons in the SV DLC to re-complete it anyway =P

    I'd never go for a shiny living dex for one simple reason: legendaries (especially mythicals). They're a nuisance to shiny hunt, and I rather dislike soft resetting for shinies. I'd much rather just shiny breed, which can't be done for legendaries.
    A shiny living dex? Absolutely not. Doing a living dex sounds tedious enough, let alone a shiny one. I'd rather catch Pokemon that can be useful for my playthroughs.
    No, that's too much. Living Dex is already pretty hard, but it makes sense, especially if someone has played many games of the series.
    But a shiny living Dex is really hard, especially considering you should do that for each new Pokémon in a new generation. Also, when it comes to legendaries and Mythical Pokémon, you even have to be careful about the specific events not to lose them.
    I could probably play and finish hundreds of games in the time it would take me to achieve something like that.

    Even a regular living dex sounds like a pain, unless we're doing it in a specific game that only includes a limited amount of Pokémon.
    I started on a shiny Living Dex. I have about 330 unique shinies out of the possible ~1000 Pokémon. My collection spans at least 15+ years.

    Here is the approximate breakdown of my shinies, not counting repeats (for example, I have one shiny Yveltal in Pokémon Go, one shiny Yveltal from Dynamax, and one shiny Yveltal from the 3DS Wondercard event, but I only counted the single Dynamax Yveltal. If there are competing same species shinies, I try to prioritize the Game Origin with lower/full odds hence 1/100 Dynamax):

    150 - Pokémon Go
    50 - RNG manipulation
    40 - Pokemon Violet
    30 - Pokemon Legends Arceus
    18 - Chaining
    10 - Hatching Eggs
    8 - Full Odds Random Encounter
    8 - Dynamax Adventures
    6 - Soft Reset
    3 - Ultra Wormhole
    3 - Coin Case Glitch
    2 - Horde Encounter
    Other: HGSS Red Gyarados, Wonder Card event Pichu/Xerneas, etc

    It's a lot to keep organized. Here is the living dex spreadsheet if anyone is interested: My Shinies
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    Yes, but I think it's just because I'm that kind of person? I'd view something like that as a major project that's worth my time investing in, just to say I did it and be proud enough of it. I think I'm definitely in the minority and I'd argue it definitely isn't worth your time, but I think it'd be something I'd be willing enough to do just... because? I'm not a bragger but I think it'd be a fun thing to insert into a conversation at the very least.
    I've been working on one for years. Whatever I have gotten myself plus whatever I get from wonder trades. Yes I know that's "cheating" but still hard to get.
    Probably not. I'm really only interested in hunting Shinies of my faves, Shinies I like in general, and Shinies I'm inspired to hunt for one reason or another (like finding something IRL that reminds me of a specific Pokémon).