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[Other FULL] Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)


[i]Recently Revived Zombie[/i]
  • 169
    Episode 01-2: A New Adventure Awaits![/FONT]


    The sound of the elevator was what made him open his formally closed eyes. Luckily for them this was the perfect timing seeing as if they had taken any longer he might've actually fallen asleep. Being a shaman had kind of only made him lazier for the most part, while gaining powers had led to him being more active. It pretty much balanced him out per say, though he really did enjoy naps. Naps were just amazing, oh no he was zoning out again he had only roughly heard what the guy said. It was something about telling them what they were here for and a room number.

    "Floor 5, Room 507. Alright cool guess I should head up there." Getting from his chair lazily he stretched for a moment watching as the others either took the elevator up to their destination with the guy in the lab coat, Binary if he recalled the hero's name, or decided to take the stairs.

    His body wasn't too stiff, but it was stiff enough that he could tell the difference from when he meditated on solid ground. Cain guessed that this was what he got for trying to meditate in a chair, a rather comfy chair, but a chair nonetheless. Now, which way should he go? The elevator would probably be more convenient but if he was going to be honest there would probably be too many people on it, or not. He couldn't read into the future or anything so there was no real way for him to make a solid guess or anything. Well seeing as everyone had pretty much decided on their course of action the stairs were his best bet.

    Walking over towards where the stairs were he was right behind the guy who had decided to be kind of mean to the rather nice receptionist. Maybe he was having a bad day or something he thought to himself as him, mask dude, and whoever was behind him walked up the steps. He wasn't paying too much attention and was simply walking up the stairs and following the masked guy. His mind was elsewhere as usual, he was thinking about where he was going to stay if the house his parents had wasn't still here.

    Before his thoughts could go too far they had already reached their destination for the most part. His eyes picked up the forms of the last few people in the elevator coming out and going into a room. That was probably Room 507 then, or a hallways leading into that room at the least. His entrance into the room was right behind the masked guy who took a seat first and Cain plopped himself down next to him. He was getting some negative vibes from the guy; call it a sort of instinct from someone who was rather empathetic. Oh well, he had to be at least somewhat decent to be called into what was essentially a hero headquarters right?

    "You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen."

    Huh, the Champions were gone? Well, that explained why a guy like himself was called here. They obviously needed new heroes to protect the city. This entire conversation could probably be summed up as one big recruitment process to see who's willing to help out with their super powers and stuff.

    "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten its well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."

    Well…he wouldn't agree with that sentiment exactly. Cain was rather strong, and what he lacked in strength he made up in pure versatility with his range of abilities. If he really tried hard enough he could do things much more dangerous with his abilities than what he used as his standard move pool. Though, he knew there was always someone stronger, smarter, or more cunning than him out there so he knew if he tried to take things on all by himself it'd just be a matter of time before he ran out of steam.

    Meh, truly he was just a bit too lazy to begin with to shoulder the entire burden by himself. Even if he was a hero, he was a hero that knew his limits. It was impossible to get rid of villains entirely as there would always be someone that just needed the right, or wrong in this case, event to occur to them to send them on such a path. If you kill one person who's to say they don't have a family or people that care for them? Their death that may seem like a good thing as you're helping people will only foster hate in others. Being a hero really wasn't an easy thing, but someone had to do it.

    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" As Binary finished speaking Cain looked at the large screen that suddenly appeared, it was filled with info about what he assumed was everyone in the room.

    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shape shift into any object he can think of."

    That seemed like a pretty cool power Cain thought to himself as he thought about the lizard looking dude he had spotted in the lobby when he had come in. The lizard could turn into a sword if he wanted to and talking swords were really cool.

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."

    So he could make clones of himself? That was really cool actually and was pretty useful in combat if he had to be honest, though he wondered if he yelled Shadow Clone when he did it? That'd be pretty funny to see.

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."

    …Well he really didn't know what to think about that. He supposed anyone could be a hero nowadays if a goddess was one now. He really didn't know much about Greek Mythology other than some common names, so he guessed this would be the deciding factor for him to do some research. Though, Cain was a bit reassured by the fact that they had someone to manipulate water on their team. He was iffy with water at best and terrible at his worst.

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shape shifting as well."

    Meh, another water user he thought to himself. He seemed a bit more average than the other one, but maybe the limited shape shifting thing could come in handy for the guy and make him a bit stronger or something.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a chunk of radioactive space rock."

    Her outfit was blue. Blindingly blue. Well he wouldn't judge her, that wasn't the very nice thing to do but maybe she should've picked a less bright color. It kind of made you an easy target because the bad guy is most likely going to shoot the person that's wearing bright blue than the guy wearing black. On a better point she had the ability to fly and heal herself which was always useful. Though, he didn't know what exactly manipulating starlight meant…or what it could do for that matter. Well, he'd find out eventually he supposed.

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possesses the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength."

    This was the girl that getting a talking to by the Mask, his name would be Mask until he had a name to place to him, her ability sounded pretty cool. While enhanced strength was pretty common, something that even he had to a lesser extent, the ability to combine things at a molecular level just screamed awesome. If she combined two shirts together would she get an awesome shirt he wondered? Or what if she combined a sword and a gun would she get a freaking gun-blade?

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, can manipulate shadows."

    Hmm…he didn't know what to feel about that particular ability. He felt as if that power was familiar, though this was more due to the fact he was thinking about one of those online role-playing chats he used to do when he was younger and before he became a nomad and stuff. Though it did seem pretty cool, maybe she could jump through shadows and stuff then pop out of another one to get a jump on whoever she was facing.

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."

    That was the girl, or feminine energy construct apparently, that had come in with the alien shape-shifter. If that suit was a protective one did that mean she was some sort of a bomb or something? No use panicking he thought, if he teamed up with her he would just have to make sure her suit stayed fine. He didn't need a random nuke to go off, though the suit looked pretty sturdy so maybe he wouldn't need to worry too much. Hmm…now that he thought about it she was somewhat similar to the guy from that movie with the Iron armor and stuff.

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."

    So this guy could talk to animals and turn into one. He was sort of like that one green dude he had seen in a comic before, Beast something. He guessed it could be pretty useful, though he kind of wanted to talk to animals himself. As it was currently, he just kind of drew animals towards himself. Maybe they picked up on his peaceful vibes or something?

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, can telekinetically create objects from metal."

    The first thing that struck his mind was that the guy was a metal bender. That automatically made him pretty awesome in his book, though he'd have to see how good the guy was. There was metal in abundance around the city and being able to do stuff with metal would be super useful at times.

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."

    He was getting a bit sleepy if he was honest, thinking about each of the people and abilities he had seen so far was a little tiring. He wondered if this guy heard about Transformers, maybe he could search up the robot Soundwave for some tips with abilities.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, can control chi to enhance combat abilities and use echolocation."

    So this was the mask guy. Their weren't really any solid photos of him out of costume or anything and this guy looked like the type to be very careful about his identity. Hmm, maybe he might use a different alias or something he thought to himself while on the street. Then again he could just be thinking about this a bit too much. His powers seemed pretty fascinating, though he seemed sort of like an anime character or something. Cain wondered why he got that impression.

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, is a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."

    Ooh, they had stuff about him too it seemed. Well it wasn't really a surprise or anything seeing as they had info on pretty much everyone else in the room too. Thankfully though they didn't know the true extent of his powers as what they had about him was pretty vague power wise. They had a few pictures of him, but he wasn't all that worried. Pictures were pictures, he didn't go through much trouble to hide his identity and he usually roamed around a lot making it hard to track him. Though, since joining would mean he couldn't roam as much he would definitely need a place to stay. He really hoped the apartment was still owned by his parents.

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."

    What the heck was an Akansu? He had been in the hero biz for a couple of years and he didn't know what an Akansu was. Making a guess, he'd have to say it was probably another type of alien or something. She seemed okay he thought, as long as she wasn't some sort of pyromaniac bent on destruction or something they'd get along well enough.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."

    So…creating barriers, at least that's what he inferred from the description of the ability. A lot of the people here had abilities that seemed straight out of comics, maybe that was because the world liked comics? He didn't know and it was probably better if he didn't know.

    After all that was out of the way Binary was going on about some other info about call-signs and some transceiver thingy, it looked sort of like a watch. He'd already decided to join and make the commitment, despite his laziness he was after all a hero. Most importantly though it was the right thing to do, he wouldn't be a hero if he let the city just be attacked without anyone to protect them when he could've done something to help.

    "…On the other hand, if you would like to join with me in protecting Hyperia, then talk to Amanda downstairs to receive your transceiver, and I will be in contact soon. If you have any other questions…"

    Getting out of his seat on that note he stretched a bit once more before making his exit from the room a little bit after Renegade, ugh he'd probably shorten the guy's name as it was so…edgy, left out. He'd probably think more about the info he had gotten today once he got to the place he'd stay while here. Carrying his string bag behind him he walked leisurely down the steps taking his time until he finally made it to the lobby. Walking over to the receptionist he spoke.

    "Could I please have a Transceiver?" Cain stood casually and relaxed as he waited for the woman to hand him the device.

    "Yes sir, one moment please." Reaching underneath the desk towards what assumed was a box or something she came back up with one of the watch looking things that Binary had shown them. "Here you go sir." She held it out to him as he thankfully took it.

    "Have a wonderful rest of your day Amanda."

    "T-thank you sir."

    He walked out on that note; it was time for him to see if he was going to have a place to stay or if he was going to have to make himself a cabin or something to stay in for the mean time or something. If someone had told him that he was going to sign up on a hero gig today he would've probably told him that it was unlikely. He guessed that the world had a funny way of showing that the unlikely was very possible instead. Well it would be a long walk he supposed, though he could speed it up by using his silent version of "Gust Steps", it wasn't breaking the sound barrier and had a maximum speed of about the top speed of your average car if a little faster.
    His choice was really already made when the thought came into his mind, walking a few more blocks and then making sure there was no one nearby watching him by extending the full radius of his wind sensing he took off with only a sudden light breeze being any evidence of him being there in the first place.

    He had made it to the apartment and after a phone call was relieved to hear that his parents had kept the place as one of their homes to stay at when they were traveling around the world. Apparently they were in Italy currently on some business with an automobile company that wants to expand. Pulling out the old key he had kept with him he looked at the door for a moment before inserting the key into the keyhole and twisting. As the door opened he walked in, closed the door behind him and locked it, before he walked towards where he knew the couch was and collapsing on it. His laziness had finally caught up with him and he was feeling like didn't want to move from this chair ever.

    The rather small, at least compared to the ever growing sizes of TV's, plasma screen that sat on the stand was something that brought back fond memories of when he played through games for hours on end only breaking when he needed food or to use the bathroom. Grabbing the remote off the table he noticed there was a lack of dust on the table. His parents must've only left recently he thought. Turning on the TV to the news he dropped his bag on the ground as he put his hands behind his head and simply stared at the ceiling as he lay there on the couch.
    He hadn't been here in years now that he really thought about it. He guessed the nostalgia really hadn't hit him until just now. When he had left here it had been to find himself, to find what was really his purpose in life. Now that he had returned here he didn't know what to feel. Maybe this was a part of the growing up process, reflecting on his past and stuff.

    "Oh well tomorrow will be a brand new day with new and exciting things just around the corner. Though first I think a nap is in order." He let out a yawn as a small smile came across his face as he slowly fell into the peaceful nothingness that is sleep.​


    Rocking Round the Clock
  • 737

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    Πρωταθλητής Θάλασσα
    Pro̱tathli̱tí̱s Thálassa

    The time had come. After floods of odd balls came in, figures of all shapes and sizes. Some masked, some not. Some loud, some shy. These people seemed underwhelming, naïve people that do not seem to grasp the seriousness of the situation, bickering and snarking. At first, Alex was perplexed by the amount of people coming here, surely this must be a very important to summon this many people. Unless... Alex quickly shook the thought out of his head, before retorting himself. Why should I care whether or not the Champion are alive or dead? Why should I care about Hyperia? My purpose is to meditate and worship. Hyperia isn't even my home! He paused, cletching his teeth, tensing his fists. It's getting stronger. He felt the urge intesify. He noticed his rapid breathing and attempted to slow it. Calm... He continued his inner thoughts. The time spent in the lobby began to irritate him, the bright artificial light nagged at him. He was interrupted by the snapping of someones fingers. The lobby was spacious so the clicking sound was amplified. He took this oppotunity to look around the room. Not at the people, they were fairly mundane. The lobby was walled with a boring grey. A circular desk in the middle. Then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, a water fountain. Just in case... He stood up and meandered over to the water fountain, then bent over the nozzle. He pressed the button down, allowing the water to arch over and splash on to his hand, before being absorbed in to his skin. He sighed as he straightened himself.


    With the hiss of hydraulics, the elevator door slid open. Alex had heard of Binary before, but never actually saw pictures of him, most of his news was based on the radio on the way to his meditation space in his car. There was no internet near the cave so his smartphone didn't provide any news. He'd imagine him as someone dressed in a toga with a stout body. Although, that is how his mind worked.
    The group had already sat down. Binary continued to talk. He started to squint, the orange sun gleamed in his eyes.
    "You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will be suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen." He paused, assumingly looking for reaction. Alex had found that out by now. "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten it's well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."
    Alex felt the urge build. His powers were strengthening, but why? He looked around at the other people. Did the fates spin his journey towards being a hero?
    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" Binary perked Alex's ears. Finally, he would know who he is entwined with.
    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."
    A monster on our side? Sounds interesting... He thought, his thoughts turned to the Minotaur and the Labyrinth.
    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."
    Ah, Britain, I visited there a lot on Archaeology work. It is quite cold there. He looked at the images intently.
    "Nerites Ekitai,..." The name rung through his head. His pulse became rapid. The urge was near it's limit. He felt his whole body filled with adrenaline, his power supercharged. His mind throbbed.The words echoed like a voice shouting in the sea, bouncing off walls. He grimaced untill he couldn't hold it back. The words repeated. Repeating, repeating. It was finally it. The time had come. He would meet his God. Nerites Ekitai. The immortal he had devoted his entire life to worshiping. Images flashed past his mind, The images he saw when he meditated, the face he saw when he was young. His ears had drowned out all other sound. His entire body was enthralled in a chaotic fluctuation of power. His eye illuminated blue. His arms ebbed with power. His veins pulsated. His champion calling was here.
    As Binary finished, Alex's eyes came over with a blue glaze. He felt her presence. Her body eradiated a blue aurora that shined so bright. Alex stood up, his chair fell back, clashing with the floor. Alex marched directly to Nerites Ekitai. He held out his closed fist and pounded it against his chest. A salute. His mind was racing.
    He announced the words of the prophecy which had came to be. "Nerites Ekitai..." His mouth trembled. It was time to recite the prophecy
    "The dying breath of the salty sea,
    To avoid disgrace throughout eternity,
    So Neries in thousands shan't never be.
    To save the essence of thine deity,
    I ask, brave warrior, believe in me,
    And in doing so I shall set thee free,
    And with grave futures that you shall see,
    You gain the burdens of Gods,
    So a God thou shalt be".
    Alex kneeled on to the ground, in a low bow. "Nerites Ekitai, behold I am your Champion. Your protector and worshiper and unless my eyes decieve, I have met with my destiny. An auspiscous day." He didn't dare look up, it would be disrespectful to level himself with an immortal.

    Last edited:


  • 3,447
    • Seen Nov 23, 2023

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    James 'Smiley' Abney

    The League of Extraordinary People​

    James had been staring as the lobby filled up. It was mostly silent, except for the lizard storming down, and the two people fighting. At home he was enjoying dinner, and as he took the last bite of his Sunday roast, a giant monstrous lizard man came down from the stairs. James had seen monsters before, but never one like this. In his time with the Technical Everyday Anti-villain agency he had fought with molemen, mermen, and even one that seemed to be made of cheese. It didn't taste like cheese, however. Or maybe the lizard was an extra-terrestrial. He had met a couple of those too. Most of the aliens he had seen on earth were either friendly, or very confused. Only one species had ever been malicious towards him. Creatures in big tin cans on wheels, that tried to kill people with plungers, and where somehow very effective with them. He assumed that the lizard was friendly. Behind the lizard, a woman in a metal suit followed. Glowing neon stripes flowed on the sides of it. It looked incredibly high-tech, and James wondered if she was a cyborg. He remembered the first time he ever fought a cyborg, a nazi-cyborg to be exact. It was one of the first cyborgs made, and it really wasn't that hard to defeat.
    An elevator-door opened as he filled in the last parts of his taxes at home. A man stepped out, and urged everyone to get upstairs. James took the stairs. In front of him walked one of the two people that were having a fight before. He had a slow pace, but every step was thought through. It was the walk of a blind man. It was clear he had some way to notice his surroundings, but he didn't see anything that would give him that awareness. James didn't plan on asking it, as he noticed that the boy didn't give very pleasant reactions. The other figure on the stairs was a long haired boy, which had a very laidback walk. His mind seemed to be somewhere else completely. They arrived after the people in the elevator. A man started talking: "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten its well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."
    James his suspicions were confirmed. He was contacted to be a Champion. He had time. Did he have the motivation? He didn't really do that much with his time, except working, watching cricket, and reading. He felt like he had to in some way. This city had offered him a new life, after he was kicked out of TEA, and he was come to love it. He had been here longer then a lot of the people born here, so he felt like he was obligated to defend it.
    ""I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" the man continued. Behind him, pictures showed up on a big screen. It was the lizardman from earlier.
    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shape shift into any object he can think of." So it was an alien! And a shape shifting one. It seemed like it was a species never seen before, as correct name for it lacked. If he contacted the government fast enough, he might be the one to name it, he joked to himself. A picture of him appeared on screen.
    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."
    And that's why you don't trust governmental agencies to keep your identity safe. They knew his current name, and the name he used before it. They even knew his old occupation. He wondered how much Binary knew about his past at TEA. At least it was clear that the digital security had to be upgraded. Another thing he had picked out was the fact that they had given him a call sign. He liked it. It fitted with the mask he had bought, and he felt like it fitted his past.
    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water." A goddess, that was interesting. He hadn't ever seen a God, but he knew they existed. He was very curious to what the extent of her powers were.
    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shape shifting as well."
    Another water user. He wondered what limited shape shifting was supposed to mean. Was it limited to only living things, or maybe just certain species?
    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a chunk of radioactive space rock."
    It was a girl in a bright blue gladiator suit. James didn't find it proper. It was very easy to spot, and lacked any kind of subtlety. Her powers sounded interesting, however. Manipulating starlight was something he hadn't heard of. He met someone that could control light once, but never a specific kind of light. The powers from a piece of radioactive rock wasn't new for him either. London was once attacked by a man that had gained powers from radioactive rocks. He didn't have starlight related powers, however. Those still seemed very specific.
    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possesses the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength." James thought the ability sounded excellent. There was a lot of creativity to be had with such a power, and looking at the girls –ahem- creative costume, she seemed to have a knack for it. He could see that the girl wearing it was overwhelmed by this whole experience. He liked the innocence she showed. It made her seem like a pure soul.
    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, can manipulate shadows."
    Shade was charming girl, with an innocent appearance. Which made it extraordinary that she had shadow powers. He knew that most forms of shadow manipulation were not acquired in a positive fashion. He wondered what had happened to her, that she had these powers.
    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts." The woman that James assumed was a cyborg, turned out to not be one. He had never even heard of a pure energy being. He didn't know if she was alien, or human. She was an intriguing being.
    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals." Another shape shifter. There were a lot, it seemed. This one had clear limits, though.
    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, can telekinetically create objects from metal."
    A ferrokinetic. He had met a couple, and he didn't have any fond memories about any of them. This fellow had long hair, and a goatee. James thought he looked a bit uncivilized, but he knew he shouldn't judge based on appearance.
    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves." It was a kid, that was the first thing James noticed. Vibration control was a very strong power. The kid was going to need some good training to be effective with those powers, instead of destructive.
    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, who controls chi to enhance combat abilities and use echolocation." It was the blind kid. Echolocation was a good explanation for his ability to move without vision.
    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements." It was the other kid that took the stairs. James eyes scanned him. He looked like someone that would have thrived in the 60's.
    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire." A pyrokinetic alien. Again a species he hadn't heard of. Earth must have become an intergalactic highway, instead of a mere dirt road, James thought. She looked more human than the lizard, however. She could blend in with humans without trouble. He wondered what had driven her to come to this planet.
    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy." Another fairly young person. The lack of experience seemed to be a motive in the team, and James hoped it wouldn't deliver any problems. He wondered how Binary planned to change these kids into real superheroes, instead of troublemakers. Binary continued to explain the transceiver everyone should take with them. A watch-like device, with a blue-ish screen. He left the room as soon as the explanation was over, and went to the receptionist.
    "You wouldn't have a pocketwatch edition of this transceiver, would you?" He asked.


    Pkmn Trainer Butthead

    Proto (Not the *****)
  • 118
    • Seen Aug 25, 2015

    Theo "Proto" Allen

    Dr. James Phillips rushed down the brightly illuminated hallway, a seemingly never-ending row of unmarked doors and whitewashed walls. Dr. Phillips, recently assigned to Project 16022, or as it was more commonly known, Codename Proto. Codename Proto was based on a recent strange happening, a construction worker, who up to the incident had no files on him gained an ability to conduct electricity in ways never thought to be possible by humans, as if his veins, arteries and bones were made of gold or another highly conductive metal. Maybe he has a heart of gold, Dr. Phillips chuckled to himself, knowing that was a terrible joke, but no one heard it anyways.

    Dr. Phillips turned towards door number 1019, where Codename Proto was being housed. Dr. Phillips opened up the door, and entered the dimly lit room. Dr. Phillips, being of high seniority had quite a spacious lab, and this project took up a lot of space, he first had to figure out the limits of Codename Proto's abilities, then had to train him how to use these newfound abilities. Dr. Phillips had quite a large resume to date, but training "superheroes" was a new experience for him. Dr. Phillips' assistant, Dr. Jane Williams, was there at the front desk typing away on the computer.

    " It's time Doctor, they want Codename Proto at the Champions Headquarters, within the next twenty-four hours," Dr. Williams announced.

    " Alright, let the yard know I'm going to need to borrow an unmarked van, can't have the public seeing Proto," Dr. Phillips requested.

    " Ok, one van will be readied for you," Dr. Williams replied.

    Dr. Phillips walked over to the holding cell where machines were giving the inside of Proto's exoskeleton a cleaning, spraying, scrubbing and drying every corner of the burnt, scarred man that was under the fierce looking, shiny exoskeleton, Theo Allen was a regular construction worker, but Proto was a superhuman capable of changing the face of Hyperia.

    " Mr. Allen, you have been requested to meet at the Champions Headquarters, this is what we've been waiting for," Dr. Phillips said, beaming with energy seeing the fruits of two weeks of sixteen hour days working on Codename Proto.

    " Everything happens for a reason doesn't it," Proto asked Dr. Phillips.

    " Well I'd assume so, why do you ask," Dr. Phillips inquired.

    " I've obviously been blessed to be alive and here, but I just don't know if I can live up to what is expected of me now," Proto replied.

    " You'll do alright Theo, there are people like you to help you along the way, people who can teach you things that I have no comprehension of," Dr. Phillips assured Proto.

    The cleaning finished, and the machines re-fit the exoskeleton over Proto, and Proto stepped out of the holding cell, and stretched.

    " Let's get going, better to not keep them waiting," Proto stated.

    Dr. Phillips nodded, and the two exited the lab, and turned left into the hallway. They came to the end of the hallway, and entered the stairwell. The stairwell took them to the underground parking lot, where the van was parked.

    " Proto, I'd hate to do this but sit in the back of the van, we can't have you seen by the public, not yet anyways," Dr. Phillips requested.

    Proto nodded, and climbed into the back of the white, unmarked van. The van was designed for assignments like this, with tinted windows, a bulletproof frame, windows and tires, and a souped up engine in case a quick getaway was needed. Dr. Phillips climbed into the drivers seat, put his seatbelt on, and started the van up.

    " One day, we'll have the new budget and you'll get a bad-a** superhero car, but for now we got this thing," Dr. Phillips joked.

    Proto let out a short laugh, and Dr. Phillips drove the van out of the garage, and onto the streets of Hyperia.

    The Champions headquarters was in the heart of downtown, and the lab was in Bayside, so Dr.Phillips was in for quite the drive. The roads were busy, and Dr. Phillips chooses to not drive whenever he can, living only three blocks away from his workplace, and taking transit whenever he could. Couldn't exactly take Proto on the train, Dr. Phillips thought to himself. Dr. Phillips turned onto the freeway, and noticed lights and emergency vehicles ahead. The van approached the scene, and saw four mangled cars on the side of the road, with emergency vehicles surrounding the scene. Traffic had been completely stalled, leaving Dr. Phillips stuck waiting for the road to clean up.

    " Of course this happens, the one time I drive somewhere," Dr. Phillips shouted.

    " Can't you do something about this," Dr Phillips asked Proto.

    " I don't know, you trained me, you have the answer to that," Proto replied.

    Dr. Phillips sighed, and shut his vehicle off, it was clear they were going to be there for a while.
  • 1,660
    Luna Greenwood, Star Gazer
    A Not-so-brief Briefing

    Things were getting kind of crowded, and more than a little tense. With so many people in one room, personalities were sure to clash. And the only other people in costume were the old man, the robot, the lizard, and the rude man in the mask. It really made her blue armor stand out, and she feels like everyone has noticed it.

    Good. That means it's doing its job. Villains would aim for the brightly colored armor, and with her shields and healing factor, who better to be a target? And they'd soon understand that, and appreciate her abilities. After all, she's the White Mage. And nobody messes with the White Mage, they try to be friends with her.

    Star Gazer glances up as the elevator opens, snapping her out of her thoughts.  Binary steps out, calmly addressing the room: "Come this way, please. I shall explain more once we are in a more secure location."

    Star Gazer pushes off the wall, depositing her paper cup in the trash. She steps into the elevator, noticing how many are taking the stairs. The elevator is a little tight, but Star practically hums with anticipation. She was actually here, in the Champions' headquarters!

    Soon enough, they had reached the conference room. Star takes a seat, excited when she sees Binary go to his laptop. Who knew what cool gadgets he was about to use?

    It turns out to be a glorified Power Point presentation, but it was still a presentation by Binary.

    "You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will be suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen."

    Oh. Well, that certainly put a damper on her hype. But maybe the lot of them could be... Junior Champions?

    "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten it's well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."

    Yep. Nailed it. Junior Champions. Star listens intently, just waiting for her first adventure.

    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" What that, a large screen flashed on in front of the table, behind Binary, the feed connected to his computer. Images, data, and other information about the fifteen began to appear on the screen, as the man in the lab coat spoke.

    Star's thoughts on her new friends!

    The rest of the meeting is rather brief, considering Luna has already made up her mind. She's definitely going to join. If nothing else, her healing powers will be helpful to the team.

    Completing his spiel, Binary walked to the door of the conference room, and motioned for the others to follow. Luna takes a moment to do up her hair and put her helmet back on. After another brief elevator ride, they were all back in the lobby. Luna heads over to the receptionist, literally hovering an inch or so off the ground.

    "I'd like to join! I just want to help, and I'm honored to even be noticed by you all!"

    Amanda can't help but grin, cocking an eyebrow at the energetic young woman. "Of course. I'm glad to see such... enthusiasm. Here you are." She hands over the transceiver which Luna immediately secures to her wrist. The blue screen even matches her costume.


  • 2,791

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    Nerites Ekitai
    Child of The Ocean

    Nerites sat on her chair, gently humming to herself, still staring straight at the person leaning against the wall and not paying attention to anyone else.

    This human's life force... How is he emanating it in such a way? Fascinating. she thought. He did not seem very pleased though, and was muttering something to a blonde girl next to him. Golden hair... How beautiful. I wish-

    She was interrupted by someone who came up to her. Momentarily startled by the sudden appearance, Nerites flinched, and turned her head to look whoever it was. He seemed to be an average young man, with brown hair, blue eyes and a wide pair of glasses. Blue eyes, pretty.

    "Excuse me, miss, but are you waiting for Binary too?" he asked.

    Nerites nodded quietly. "Yes, the lady over there told me Mr. Binary is going to speak to all of us when he is ready." she replied.

    "I received this message-" she began, pulling out the soggy piece of paper. "-but it is too wet to read now. Telegrams must be much more practical than paper mail. Human improvement never ceases to impress me." she said dreamily. "I hope this person arrives soon, though."

    As if answering her request, Nerites heard the elevator ding as she finished her sentence. A man with a white lab coat emerged, and greeted them.

    "Come this way, please. I shall explain more once we are in a more secure location."

    Turning her head to face the young man who had addressed her, Nerites smiled and gently patted his hand, before standing up and following everyone else. Deciding to take the elevator, she squeezed in with the people inside, right next to the buttons.

    "Floor 5, room 507." the man in the lab coat said.

    Nerites stood there momentarily, oblivious to the fact that everyone in the elevator was looking at her to press the button. She quickly came to her senses and squinted at the little panel where the numbers were, putting her hand over her mouth as if solving a challenging mathematical equation.

    Hmm.... which shiny button to press... she thought, frowning.

    Finally frustrated by the long wait, Binary pushed through the people inside and pressed the '5' button on the elevator. Nerites nodded seriously in agreement, as if Binary had solved the difficult problem.


    A few moments later, the group had all reached the conference room. Nerites sat down at the nearest empty chair, right next to the blonde girl she had seen talk to the aura-person. She looked at the golden stands, extending her arm to stroke her hair.

    "So smooth... not wavy enough, but golden like that of a siren..." she murmured, fascinated, unaware of the discomfort she was causing the girl to feel.

    She glanced at the air conditioner in the room. It was blowing right towards her. "If it is cold enough, I am sure I can..." she muttered. She raised her index finger. It began shimmering in form, as the skin slowly dissipated and turned to water. After a few more seconds of concentration, the finger turned to a sharp shard of ice, shaped almost like a knife. with her other hand, she pulled out her notebook I wonder if I should ask her, though...

    She was interrupted as the man in the lab coat, Binary, began speaking. Disappointed, Nerites pouted and flicked her hand,a llowing her finger to turn back to water.

    "You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will be suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen."

    Nerites was unfazed by the comment, mainly paying attention to the people sitting in fornt of her. She could get a good view of them from here.

    "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten it's well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."

    Ah, so these humans are not ordinary after all... Nerites thought. It explained why she could feel the strong aura of the person who spoke to the siren-like girl.

    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" he continued, and images began flashing on the large screen in front of them.

    Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."

    Nerites' eyes grew wide as she saw the images of the creature. Attempting to find the lizard-man among the current audience, she pulled out her pencil. After she had spotted him, she hurriedly flicked to a blank page and wrote his name. Quickly glancing at his face again, she drew a rough sketch of it. Shapeshifting was never a good thing in the old days - it was more of a punishment than a power! Nerites thought to herself, shuddering.

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."

    The peculiar-mask man! Nerites thought to herself, looking at the man with the round hat. Hmm, I do not see many people wear these hats nowadays. maybe he could restart the trend with multiple copies? The thought entertained her. She wrote the Smiley's name on her notebook and carefully began tracing the shape on his mask.

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."

    Nerites quickly raised her head in surprise as her name was called, almost ruining her sketch of Smiley in the process. The last time she remembered anyone had called her name was in the last sacrificial ritual that was held in her honor - many, many eons ago. She knew her name carried no more power in the new world, but she still felt good hearing it nonetheless. Torrent? Hmm, I wonder who has given me this name...

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shapeshifting as well."

    Hm... he does not seem too abnormal. she thought, tilting her head. Looking at the same person sitting at the table, he was getting more and more fidgety and was even slightly trembling. She slightly shrugged, nonetheless writing his name on her notepad. I hope he is not sick or anything of the like.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a a chunk of radioactive space rock."

    Nerites almost squealed in surprise when she saw the girl's costume. Hearing her name being mentioned, the girl had taken off her helmet and placed it on the table. Immediately getting to work, Nerites wrote her name on her notebook and quickly began sketching the blue helmet. How could I not have noticed such a beautiful helm? I must have been very distracted. This might take long though, I am not sure I will be able to complete the entire costume... she thought, trying to complete the drawing as fast as she could.

    "My friends call me Luna." she heard the girl say. Nerites let out an audible sigh and quickly scribbled out the first the first name she wrote, replacing it with 'Luna'. She must be even prettier with starlight, too...

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possess the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength."

    Nerites beamed at the girl next to her. Jotting her name down, Nerites decided to leave the rest of the page empty till she had gotten the strand of hair from her. Though, I wish she was a real siren...

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, who can manipulate shadows."

    Nerites looked around for her. She was doing a rather good job of keeping herself away from attention, but her shadow seemed like a completely different person. Smiling as the latter waved at its master, Nerites wrote the girl's name and drew a small sketch of her shadow, with its arm waving. Her powers remind me very much of Nyx. She was not too nice to us Neries, though...

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."

    Nerites attempted to get a good look at Quantum. The images were not clear enough for her to see anything, and the actual person was sitting in a place which made it difficult for her to see her properly. She groaned impatiently. I will have to get to her later. Maybe draw her firing off energy blasts? Hmm... she thought.

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."

    Nerites glanced at the young man. He did not seem like anything special, but his powers were quite interesting. Maybe he can actually help me in disciplining those naughty fish among the shoals at the port. She wrote down his name and alias on her notepad, along with the note 'Take to dock later'.

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, who can telekinetically create objects from metal."

    This one's mask was pretty blank, but Nerites still found it interesting to draw. I certainly hope he does not create giant fishing nets to catch all the fish... Or maybe he could make a giant harpoon like father's! she thought eagerly.

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."

    Nerites looked around for the man in question. Where is he? she thought, frowning. She suddenly realized he was sitting right in front of her, and she had glossed over him multiple times. Oh dear... she thought, embarrassed her own inconsideration. She felt a pang of guilt and even empathy for him, though. She knew what it felt like to be unnoticed. Even in her full glory, she was one among 150, unnoticeable among the other gods. Now, the sole member of her kind, yet still unnoticed in the new world.

    Nerites frowned at the thought, and slightly shook her head. Why am I feeling this way? she thought, perplexed. Shrugging off the weird feeling, she proceeded to write down the man's name on the book.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, who controls chi to enhance combat abilities and use echolocation."

    So that explains why I could feel this person's life energy. Nerites thought, writing down his name and sketching the mask displayed on the screen. The person himself was too far for her to see properly. I have never seen anyone release their life energy outwards in such a manner. I hope to speak to him later, this ability is fascinating.

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."

    Nerites glanced at the man in person. He seemed tired, almost asleep. I have seen nomads and their way of life. Quite altruistic in their lifestyles. Nerites was curious about his attire. This shawl of his is unlike anything I've seen around here. she thought. Unsure what to draw, Nerites shrugged to herself and simply drew symbols for the four elements she could remember: earth, fire, air, and hers, water.

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."

    Nerites raised an eyebrow when she heard the name. Akansu? Is it a country I have not visited yet? It seems so... Unless it is the German name given to a foot rash, or a species of plant. I have heard similar names given to other deities, though... I am not too sure. she began pondering. The woman in person was sitting not too far from her. Suddenly, Nerites noticed the small pendant around her neck. Her eyes grew wide and the childish wonder soon began draining from her face - she could feel the magical energy pulsating from the gemstone.

    I do not like this feeling... The magical energy within this gemstone but not be meddled with... she thought to herself seriously. Even if the woman was a fire user, the gemstone was still dangerous. Nerites would have to be extremely careful with her. She began slowly tracing the gemstone around Kari's neck. Magic is dangerous. I should inform her of that.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."

    Immediately regaining her cheery mood, Nerites looked around and found the blue-eyed young man that had approached her earlier. She beamed at him, looking back and forth from the screen to him. She quickly jotted down his name, as well as a little circle next to it. She reminded herself to color it blue afterwards. I wonder if his fields are also blue. Maybe I could ask the girl in blue for some color afterwards. I mean, Luna! Yes, this is what her friends call her. I certainly hope she does not consider me an enemy, though... Nerites glanced at Star Gazer again.

    Binary paused for a moment to take a drink, and pulled out a small device which Nerites did not recognize. "This is a transceiver. This will be how I will communicate to you on the field if you choose to accept my offer. You will be out preventing crime across Hyperia, and I will remain here coordinating our efforts. Do not lose this. Now is the time to choose. Should you want nothing more to do with this offer, that is perfectly fine, but I will need to perform a quick... operation to remove all memory of the events that have just transpired. On the other hand, if you would like to join with me in protecting Hyperia, then talk to Amanda downstairs to receive your transceiver, and I will be in contact soon. If you have any other questions, you are free to ask me. You are dismissed."

    Nerites sat there for a moment, unsure whether the meeting had ended or not. She looked around as people began getting up and leaving. "Oh, are we finished?" she asked standing up, disappointed. "I would have wished to draw more people."

    Suddenly she heard a crashing sound, and the fidgety, tanned young man she has assumed to be sick marched up to her. Momentarily shocked by the sudden appearance, Nerites took a step back.

    "Sir, what are you-"

    She stopped as he began reciting. It was as if the verses were encrusted into his very being. Slowly, Nerites' face changed from surprise to confusion to realization as he continued.

    Suddenly, in a single movement, Nerites' corporeal form dissipated. Her eyes, now pupil-less, glowed white and shone with godly light. Her body, now entirely composed of water, shimmered in the dim light of the room. She even seemed to be slightly levitating.

    "You have done well, my worshipper." she began, her voice echoeing in her ears. "You have finally answered my calling, and have received the blessing of Ekitai."

    She smiled, and gestured for Alex to stand up. "As your reward, valiant sea champion, you- oh no, do not leave!"

    Instantly, Nerites dropped to the ground, back in corporeal form. Grabbing her notepad and pencil from the table, she rushed towards the elevator where Quantum was preparing to enter, and stood in front of her to stop her. She bent down, taking a closer look at the purple, pulsating circle on her abdomen. Fascinating... Human or not, these people are simply wonderful. she thought to herself, as she stood back up and continued sketching the circular pattern, unaware that she had let the man in the room hanging with no response.

    She squeezed into the elevator with the others just as it closed. The latter sighed and gently pushed her aside, pressing the button for the ground floor.

    My, it is true what they say about the champions... They only accept the most intelligent, strong and the most capable of individuals. Nerites thought, fascinated.

    Once they had reached the lobby, Nerites went straight for the front desk where the lady Binary had named 'Amanda' was giving out the small devices he has shown them earlier. She approached the secretary. The latter saw her, and raised her eyebrows as if she had been expecting her.

    "Ah, you -em- holiness, I was waiting for you to arrive. We have a special transceiver for you. Courtesy of the Champions." she said, reaching under her desk and pulling out a semi-transparent light blue bracelet. She smiled and handed it to her.

    Nerites took the watch-like gadget. "Is it a telegram?" she asked, her eyes filled with wonder as she excitedly pressed every button she saw on the transceiver.

    "No, this is a transceiver, which we will use to contact you and other heroes if we need you." Amanda replied, stifling a laugh. "This specific one is waterproof and will dissolve in water, so in case you ever turn into any non-solid water form-" she began explaining. She watched as Nerites instantly turned her forearm into water, a plopped the device inside. After a few moments, it disappeared.

    "Yes, like this." Amanda continued. "Just remember to not lose it. I don't think we have many of these, so be careful with it. Also, we haven't activated them yet, so pressing the buttons won't do anything but mess them up."

    Nerites rolled her eyes and changed her arm back to a human's. The transceiver automatically appeared on her wrist. She held up her arm, admiring it.

    How kind of the champions to give me this! she grinned. Although I would have preferred a telegram.
  • 25,587
    Giron // "Basil DeLeon"

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    Giron had been busy staring at the awesome metal flower that the guy with the equally metal mask had made somehow when the door to the lift/elevator (Giron had learned that different places on Earth called objects by different names) opened with a pinging noise and the man who had stopped Quantum from breaking his face on the roof stepped back out and called them up to a "more secure location".

    Giron was closest to the lift, so he followed the man in the lab coat in without so much as a second thought. The lift ride was short, so Giron was soon stepping through the door into the "secure location" which was apparently a fancy way of saying "conference room". When the man in the lab coat indicated for the assembled individuals to take a seat, Giron did so - crouching on the chair like a frog since he didn't feel like changing shape to accommodate his large tail.

    You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will be suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen." the lab lost-wearing man begun
    Oooooohhhhh he must be Binary! Giron thought, his mood not being dampened by the news of the Champions' disappearance. Binary continued talking as Giron looked around the room, still thinking about the awesome flower metal-faced guy made.
    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" Binary continued, snapping Giron out of his daydreams and back onto the meeting.

    Giron watched and listened as Binary introduced his fellow champion initiates. Giron seemed to be listening intently, but within the confines of his mind he was extremely excited to hear about these people. His insides were practically vibrating with excitement.

    The briefing then ended with Binary explaining that he was open for questions and how he would communicate with the group - and Giron definitely had questions. The reptilian all but leapt from his chair and hurried over to Binary, not realising that Kari the akansu was already trying to talk to the Champion.
    "Exuse me! I have questions!"

    The man in the lab coat looked up from his computer. "What is it, Giron?" he queried, somewhat amused at the alien's over-eagerness.

    "First, why do you want me? I'm just a normal person pretty much."

    "Well, maybe in your homeland you are, but here you are actually very special. Not many others that I know have the ability to shapeshift, with the exception of the ones that just left this room."

    "Ok! Where did the Champions go?"

    Binary winced at the comment. "I don't know, exactly. It appears that they were sucked into some kind of portal or dimensional gate, since I can't locate them anywhere on Earth." Regaining his former composure, he reassured Giron. "Don't worry though. We'll find them, it will just take time."

    "Oh I see, I wonder how long." Giron thought to himself for a while before jumping onto his next question "What happens to the communicator-thing when I change shape?"

    Relieved to be on to something more up his alley, Binary replied,

    "Your transceiver has underwent some modifications to allow you full use of your powers. It is designed with unstable molecular bonds, such as the ones that make up your own physical structure. That is to say, when you shapeshift, your transceiver will change with you as if it was a part of your own body."

    "Oh that's so cool! Will it still be the transceiver still be a transceiver when I'm not being me and will it still trancieve?" Giron continued bombarding the Champion with questions, not realising he was probably being a pest.

    "In theory. But I guess we'll have to find out for ourselves, won't we?"

    "I guess we will find out." Giron finally seemed to have run out of questions for Binary, which is when he realised another person was standing there, the other alien. "Oh! How did you get to Earth? Did you lose your visa too?"​



    Blade of Justice
  • 4,066
    >> Alex Smith [Axel]
    >> Not the only Champion though

    He felt much less apprehensive now that he noticed some people arriving after him. Maybe those guys didn't want them just to make experiences. Even if they did, he and those other guys could probably fend them off. Now that he mentioned the other guys, he hadn't took the time to properly observe them. But just as he was about to, a man with a lab coat, that he presumed was Binary, appeared and motioned from them to follow him. Seeing as the elevator had quickly been crowded, Axel just decided to take the stairs and enter were everyone seemed to. Once he arrived there, he just grabbed a chair next to him and sat there to listen to Binary's presentation.

    "You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will be suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen."

    That made total sense actually. With the heroes unexpectedly gone and the police being a general joke, the city needed new protectors to maintain peace. And what better pick than other superheroes? Though he certainly knew he was a superhuman, he had no clue whether he'd make a good hero or not.

    "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten it's well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."
    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?"

    Now that was certainly the most interesting part of the presentation. He'd get to learn a little bit about the other super-beings. After all, he'd have to team up with so better know what's waiting for him.

    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."
    Lizard guy. His ability sounded cool.

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."
    Perfect, a human punching ball in the team!

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."
    Oh a goddess? Now that was rather rare.

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shape shifting as well."
    Sea Champion? Who claims themselves as Champions? Pfft.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a chunk of radioactive space rock."
    Oh the one wearing a blue armor. Looked a bit weird but abilities are cool.

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possesses the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength."
    She looked rather pretty.

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, can manipulate shadows."

    Nice power and cute woman as well.

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."
    Very interesting. He'd have to befriend her at some point.

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."
    Pfft a boring description for his amount of awesomeness.

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, can telekinetically create objects from metal."
    Nice. Maybe he could have him make custom suits for him to wear.

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."
    Oh a pretty cool power! Seemed like a guy he'd get along with.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, can control chi to enhance combat abilities and use echolocation."
    The other masked guy. He didn't get a good vibe from him at all. Maybe a swarm of mosquitoes could pay him a visit in his bed at night.

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, is a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."
    Interesting. That would certainly make him a good partner.

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."
    An Akansu? Was she some sort of alien as well? Or was that supposed to be the name of an African tribe? Though she didn't look African so he just shrugged off.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."
    Burst? He thought he'd be like some sort of supersonic speed freak but that's cool too.

    With this done, he stopped paying attention to Binary and only caught important snippets about getting a transceiver from the secretary and blah blah. The rest didn't interest him at all so he just looked around and played with his thumbs until it was all over. Some people had left already so he just went down the stairs since he didn't like elevators all that much. He went at the counter and flashed a smile.
    "Hello again, I would like a transceiver please."

    She then handed him a watch thingy that he immediately put on his wrist. At least it looked cool.

    "There you go. Thanks for helping us out!"

    He nodded and waved at her, ready to go and resume his lazy day. That's when he noticed the cute Akira girl walking around all by herself. Maybe talking to her would be better than being home with pizza, however attractive pizza was. And who knows, maybe they could be great friends? So he went to her, with a nice smile once again, and gently tapped her shoulder.
    "Hey there."
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    gods & aliens

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    "Listen, runt." His voice was hollow, only filled with a cold and uncaring lack of effort and emotion that even surprised Hilda. "I'm not here to be polite. I don't need your little questioning words... nor do I want to have to look at that gaudy a** belt you have wrapped around your babies first jumpsuit up close like this."

    Hilda gasped with a half smile at that and looked down at her belt. Sure, it wasn't very tasteful but it was fun! What the hell would he even care about that for?

    The guy kept going though. "I can already tell you're like your little desk buddy, as well as pretty much everybody else in this room. You're an insect, irrelevant, not worth my time, so buzz off before I decide to test exactly what it is that makes a little smear like you worth the message that brought you here. In fact I-"


    The rant was cut off by the elevator arriving at the lobby. Instead of starting to try to reply to her antagonist's rude words, Hilda turned to look as a man with a lab coat stepped out towards them.

    "Binary... you're lucky kid, looks like I won't have the time to say more. Now then, if you'd kindly get out of my way," the guy beside her said and just shoved past her without another look.

    Hilda was speechless, again with the half smile. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head, only able to let out a little laughter. Whoever that guy was, he was ridiculous. He seemed to think that he was more important than everybody else, and had the right to talk down to her and the receptionist. And probably everybody else too. Hilda never bothered with these kind of people and made a mental note to immediately laugh off any rude rants from him in the future instead of trying to reply, as she followed Binary and the others to the meeting.

    She couldn't stop staring at the others as Binary introduced their identities and abilities. There were supposedly aliens, gods and humans in this room - and Binary expected them to believe him?

    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."

    Reptilian alien. Shapeshift. Hilda's eyes were big and round as she examined his scaly body across the table. Sure. She'd believe that when she could see it.

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."

    That man looked believable enough, except for the funny mask he wore. She liked it, and smiled in his direction when Binary talked about him. Copies of himself though? She would definitely ask him about that later, because she didn't understand how that would work.

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."

    Goddess? Now that was a bit too ridiculous. Hilda gave the young girl beside her a skeptical look. Maybe she was a bit mentally ill and thought that she was a deity. Or something like that. Mastery over water, well that wasn't too hard to believe. Considering Hilda had 'mastery over items' sort of. But the girl looked back at her with such a kind expression on her face that Hilda couldn't help softening up. Maybe she was really sweet. If she wanted to play a goddess, who was Hilda to stop her?

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shapeshifting as well."

    Hilda had to keep herself from snorting when Alex' callsign was mentioned. Sea Champion? Had he made that name up for himself? It sounded as if he had already assumed he would get a place among the Champions of Hyperia.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a a chunk of radioactive space rock.

    Now, that was cool. When she piped up with "my friends call me Luna", Hilda gave the girl in the blue suit an appreciative smile; she really loved her suit as well. Looked like a classy armor.

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possess the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength.

    She waved and smiled around the room when she heard her own name and description - it actually made her sound pretty badass - but then hesitated and frowned. "Enzyme?" she mumbled. Isn't that something in your stomach? She failed to see how that was a good name for her and reminded herself to ask this Binary fellow about it as soon as possible.

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, who can manipulate shadows."

    Freaky, but fascinating, Hilda thought as she nodded with an interested look in the woman's direction. At least there were some other humans here. When Binary started off by presenting Giron the alien lizard, Hilda had almost expected to be the only one.

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."

    And there the aliens came back again. Hilda leaned in over the table unconsciously to study Quantum's appearance better. The pink light was alluring and Hilda found herself wondering what a being made up of pure energy would be like, as a person. Another one she definitely had to approach and get to know later. Unless she was rude too, of course.

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."

    That sounded like a useful enough ability. Hilda had always wondered what it would be like to be an animal. Not that she had pondered it a lot, but she wished to know what her devious cat at home was thinking when he stared at her sometimes.

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, who can telekinetically create objects from metal."

    Create objects? That might be someone Hilda could work together with! Plus, he wasn't exactly ugly looking either...

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."

    For some reason, hearing that power made Hilda feel uncomfortable. Loud noises made her feel dizzy, and if his thing was sound waves, she might want to not get too close to him. At least not when he practiced his ability. She wouldn't shun a person before she'd gotten to know him, after all.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, who controls chi to enhance combat abilites and use echolocation."

    The awful guy in the mask. Hilda puffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she only gave him one quick look. Even his powers sounded ridiculous. Some kind of nerdy warrior? Yeah, sure. Maybe he didn't have any powers at all really, maybe he just thought he was 'special' and had the intimidating personality to make others believe it too.

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."

    The word nomad made Hilda raise an eyebrow. Someone who actually lived on the countryside, wandering around? That was what nomad was in her head, at least. But manipulating the elements sounded pretty cool. Maybe they could work together and create some fun stuff with her alchemy.

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."

    Hilda had no idea what an 'Akansu' was, but she gave the girl a friendly smile.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."

    After so many names and descriptions, Hilda felt like she was mixing them all up. Couldn't they get a list in the e-mail or something? With faces and names too, preferably. Burst's ability seemed close to Star Gazer's, Kari's was kind of like the nomad's and there was supposedly some other super strong people like herself here as well... When the meeting was over and people (and aliens and gods) started to shuffle out from the room, Hilda stayed behind and leaned back in her chair with a sigh. It was a bit much to take in all at once. First the fact that there was other people like her, not just stories, as her father had made her believe that the Champions were. And then the aliens, she added to herself as she finally stood up and backed towards the wall in order to reach the exit of the room. And that water girl, and the energy girl and-

    Her thoughts were interrupted by the sea man - sorry, Sea Champion - walked up to the Nerites girl and started reciting some weird poem for her. Hilda stayed back, not wanting to interrupt these crazy people, but then something even stranger happened. Suddenly, in a single movement, Nerites' corporeal form dissipated. Her eyes, now pupil-less, glowed white and shone with godly light. Her body, now entirely composed of water, shimmered in the dim light of the room. She even seemed to be slightly levitating. Hilda slammed her hands over her mouth to stop herself from gasping loudly as she stood completely still behind them.

    "You have done well, my worshipper," the watery Nerites began, her voice echoing through the now as good as empty meeting room. "You have finally answered my calling, and have received the blessing of Ekitai."

    She smiled, and gestured for the tanned man to stand up. "As your reward, valiant sea champion, you- oh no, do not leave!"

    It seemed like Nerites wanted to catch up to someone else who had left just then, becuase she instantly dropped to the ground, back in corporeal form. Grabbing her notepad and pencil from the table, she rushed out from the room, leaving the sea guy to stand alone.

    Hilda dropped her hands to her sides and allowed herself to breathe as normally as she could again. What she had just seen Nerites do, or become... Maybe it wasn't mental delusion? Maybe it was actually real. She rubbed her forehead with the palm of her hand and somewhat shaken walked out as well, trying to make herself as invisible as possible to Alex so that he wouldn't comment on her having witnessed it all. The elevator had gone down already so Hilda opted for the stairs.

    By the time she reached the lobby, many of the new Champions had already left the building. Hilda had straightened up somewhat and gathered her thoughts on the way down. She was still a bit cautious around Nerites and the sea guy, but remembered that she had been wanting to talk to some of the others.

    Without a doubt, she went up to the receptionist and accepted her transceiver. Of course she was going to help Binary and fight crime. Not that she really knew how, but after all she possessed super strength and could craft pretty cool items. Maybe she could create useful stuff for the other heroes?

    Glancing around the lobby, she noticed that the energy girl in the black and pink suit was still here. She seemed to be struggling with putting the transceiver onto her suit. Hilda's eyes practically glittered as she walked up to her with a wide, toothy smile.

    "Hi, Quantum was it?" she said gently, not wanting to startle this person whom she was still not sure was really a person or more akin to a creature. She was about to find out, she hoped. "Want some help with that? I think I have an idea!"

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    You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    Chris watched as the woman he had spoken to turned to face him with a start. "Yes, the lady over there told me Mr. Binary is going to speak to all of us when he is ready." she replied to him. Good, at least I'm not the only one here on special request. His companion began to tell him something, holding up a damp piece of paper and saying something about telegrams. Chuckling to himself, Chris felt a little more at ease. The lady seemed nice, but clearly had a few quirks. After all, who still used telegrams?

    Before he could respond to her, however, a 'ding' sounded across the room, near the elevator. Out walked a tall man in a lab coat, whose serious, yet knowledgeable demeanor suggested that this might be Binary. After all, no one knew what he looked like without his mask, so it wasn't like he was supposed to know what the guy looked like.

    It turns out his suspicions were correct, as the man simply asked that the room's occupants follow him to a "secure location". I can't believe it! He's taking us into the Champions base of operations! Maybe the Champions are looking for new members!

    Chris hurried over to the elevator where in which Binary was standing. A few people seemed to want to take the stairs, but the rest squeezed in with Binary and himself, and soon they were heading upwards. The man in the lab coat let the large group into what appeared to be some kind of conference room. Chris watched as the others began to seat themselves. Following their example, he picked a seat next to an older man man in a bowler hat, who also wore a goalie's mask with a smiley face drawn on it. That's a little weird.

    Binary began to speak. "You are probably wondering why I've called you here today. The answer is simple. The Champions are gone, and nobody knows where or why. When word of this spreads, Hyperia will be suffer a wave of crime like no other place or time has yet seen."

    The Champions are gone?! How could this happen? They're supposed to protect the city! Chris was shocked, not having heard the news. He wondered what happened to the heroes. Somehow, he didn't think they just decided to take a sudden vacation. A thought suddenly dawned on Chris. Wait, if the Champions are gone, and we're here..... It was all beginning to make sense now.

    The remaining Champion continued his spiel. "You all have special abilities, and the potential to use them to do great things. I am proposing a course of action that would require all of you to collaborate, using your powers to defend your city from the forces that may threaten it's well-being. None of you, no matter how powerful or skilled, could do this alone. That is why I have called you here today."

    Whoa, so all of these people have superpowers? That's awesome! Here I thought I was weird for having my.... uh.... abilities, but I guess I'm not the only one!

    "I will give you some time to make your decision afterwards. For now, let us make some introductions, shall we?" What that, a large screen flashed on in front of the table, behind Binary, the feed connected to his computer. Images, data, and other information about the fifteen began to appear on the screen, as the man in the lab coat spoke.

    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."

    An alien lizard-guy that can shapeshift? It sounds like something out of a movie, but that's so cool if it's true. Could he be something from a movie, perhaps?

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."

    Chris choked down a laugh. A British spy who works for 'tea'? That's priceless. I bet having ten bodies makes life easier though.

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."

    Wait, what? Greek gods and goddesses were just myths, right? What was Binary talking about? Looking at the pictures on the screen in front, Chris was stupefied to see the young woman he had talked to in the lobby pictured.

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shapeshifting as well."

    "Sea Champion?" That sounded a little prideful, considering he must have chosen his name knowing full well that he was copying the real Champions. Well, at least this guy sounded more believable than the Miss Goddess over there.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a a chunk of radioactive space rock.

    I don't know what the heck "manipulating starlight" means, but flying and healing sound like really cool and useful powers to have. Her costume is pretty sweet as well, rocking that retro armor feel.

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possess the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength.

    Wow, she really seems to have come prepared. Jumpsuits are a little overrated, but this girl seemed to pull it off nicely. He didn't know what "combining objects" really meant, but super strength was definitely a plus in any situation.

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, who can manipulate shadows.

    Manipulating shadows? The girl Binary had just mentioned didn't look very dangerous to him, but he knew that dark powers were nothing to trifle with.

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."

    A being made of pure energy? What does that mean, exactly? Chris had just assumed the female-looking figure in armor was a robot. Still all those abilities seemed to make this energy-girl seem pretty powerful, if not intimidating.

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."

    Another shapeshifter? Must be more common than I thought! Speaking to animals is pretty sweet though. Who wouldn't want to have a conversation with their pet, or yell at annoying squirrels in their own language?

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, who can telekinetically create objects from metal."

    So he could be like the ultimate blacksmith, really. I wonder if I could get him to help me take out some of those dents in my car?

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."

    For a guy with sound wave powers, he's pretty quiet. Honestly, he just looked like a regular guy, like himself.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, who controls chi to enhance combat abilites and use echolocation."

    The guy in black huh? Looks like he's annoyed just to be here. What's his deal, anyway?

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."

    A nomad? So he just wanders around? No job, no school, or anything? Huh. Sounds like he's got plenty of of time to train to use those "natural elements".

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."

    Akansu? What's that? She'd be a nice person to bring on camping trips though, with the whole fire thing.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."

    Hey, that's me! Wait.... Burst? Is that my superhero name? Awesome! Chris had never heard his powers described that way, but he guessed that it must be accurate, since it was Binary, after all. The guy knew everything there was to know about superpowers.

    After all the information that had been given, it was hard to keep track of everyone. Binary had no intention of slowing down his brisk pace, however, and proceeded to explain how the team would communicate with him through little watch-like devices he called "transceivers". Chris continued to absorb the man's words, simply ecstatic to be in his current position.

    All my life I've watched the Champions protect the city, but now they need my help to protect the city. Could this day get any better?

    Chris, lost in his own thoughts, realized the presentation had ended. He began to make his way for the door when he saw the guy known as "Sea Champion" kneel down in front of the goddess lady, reciting some kind of prayer out loud to her. The woman looked as embarrassed as the few observers seemed, making him wonder what in the world was going on.

    Suddenly, Miss Water Goddess transformed, much to the awe of her audience. Her eyes, now pupil-less, glowed white and shone with godly light. Her body, now entirely composed of water, shimmered in the dim light of the room. She even seemed to be slightly levitating.

    "You have done well, my worshipper." she said in an echoing voice. "You have finally answered my calling, and have received the blessing of Ekitai."

    She smiled, and gestured for the kneeling dude to stand up. "As your reward, valiant sea champion, you- oh no, do not leave!"

    With that, the water woman somehow snapped back to her normal form, and ran from the room in a hurry. She seemed to be chasing after the robot-girl....er, energy girl.

    Whoa. Chris didn't know what to think. What had just happened? Slowly though, his thoughts began to re-form.

    That. Was. Freaking. Awesome! How did she even do that? Maybe he was wrong about this mythology stuff, after all! Whatever it was, he needed to go find out. Burst walked toward the elevator, and headed back down to the lobby to find where Neri-something had went.

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    Sir Bastian

    Christina - Crossroads
  • 1,621
    Quantum and Hilda

    Ensign Nsync & Qt

    Quantum blinked, interrupted in fiddling with the transciever, which was apparently built for someone with a slightly differently-shaped wrist than the one her metal suit provided. Turning around, she noticed the blonde girl with the cool jumpsuit having approached her, glancing from her, to the transciever, which she had gestured to.

    "Oh, uhm... uh, yeah, I... guess it couldn't hurt." She paused, eyes narrowing a little as if trying to remember. "Your name was... erh, Enzyme, right? Or was that the black-haired girl?" she asked in her slightly vibrant voice while giving a quick glance around the lobby to try and jog her memory. The entire presentation upstairs had left her a bit confused.

    Hilda furrowed her brow, trying to remember too. "Oh yeah, that was me! Apparently," she said with a little laugh. And you were... Quantum? That's a cool name. Very sciency. You could just call me Hilda though, I think that'll alert me more easily than Enzomb or whatever it was."

    She took a glance at Quantum's spectacular suit, but tried to not look overly judging. This girl was difficult to read - she didn't really have a face - but from the way she spoke, she seemed a bit nervous.

    Gently, Hilda took the transceiver from the pink girl while tugging the elastic band out of her own hair, letting its blonde curls fall down over her shoulders. "Watch," she said with a grin as she held up the two items between them.

    After barely a second, with a tiny flash of blurring light, Hilda only held one item. The transceiver's screen was untouched, bar a suspicious edge of textile around it, but the band that was supposed to fit around Quantum's wrist had now become melded with Hilda's hairband and was thus elastic.

    "Try now!" she urged the energy being eagerly.

    Visibly raising her brows, Quantum reached out to take the transciever back, turning it a little and tugging at the band experimentally before easily slipping it down over her hand, having it rest on top of her wrist, without being loose enough to fall off on its own.

    "Wow, this is... that was really cool! So that's what Binary meant by you being able to fuse items together?" She turned her hand around to get a better look at the new item. "I was actually going to say, Enzyme kind of works because it's like... mixing things together inside of you, basically. But I thought something more simple like... 'Chef' or 'The Alchemist' could sound nice too."

    She paused after her semi-rant, clearing her throat quietly, which sounded somewhat like a microphone buzzing. "Uhm... sorry. This is all very new to me, so I'm a bit... uh, excited."

    "Yeah, that's me, haha," Hilda said, scratching the back of her head. "I'm actually sort of a pastry chef, or well at least I bake lots of cakes at work, so... Maybe I shouldn't get that mixed up with," she gestured around the lobby with her hands, "whatever we're gonna do here. And tell me 'bout it, this isn't just exciting - it's crazy. Did you know what I just saw?"

    She leaned in closer. "That water goddess girl? I think she might actually be a goddess or something, I just saw her turn into some blue energy and fly and-"

    Hilda stopped herself when she looked into Quantum's glowing eyes. "Oh... Sorry. Of course, you're kind of, well, I mean. I don't mean to be rude, but..." She hesitated a bit and smiled again. "I absolutely adore your outfit!"

    The concentrated, more intensely pinkish purple energy that made up Quantum's eyes had widened a little at the prospect of there -actually- being a godess among them. But as Hilda began backpeddling, Quantum couldn't help but let out a little giggle at the absurdity of the situation, quickly shaking her head to show that it was alright.

    Before she could say anything though, Hilda had called attention to her suit, which made her look down herself, and then up again, smiling behind the helmet, which might've been noticeable via her eyes lighting up somewhat.

    "Oh, you like my suit? I... do think it's kinda cool, myself. But yours is great! I've always loved jumpsuits! Did you, like, fuse two things together to make it?" She asked, gesturing up and down the suit.

    Hilda looked down at her own suit and sighed a little. "Thanks, yeah I fused a jacket and a pair of jeans, haha. Feel the weird texture," she said and held up her arm, "it's like leather but at the same time woven, right? Sometimes I create so weird things when I don't focus properly. I wasn't sure if they expected us to, I dunno, look like superheroes when we got here."

    "I can't really, uhm... feel anything while I'm in this suit. Metal fingers and all, heh." She lifted her hand and tapped two of her fingers together, creating a light metallic sound. "But yeah, I really sort of imagined there being alot more people... you know, looking like super heroes. Costumes and all that ,right? Seems only a couple of us had that idea."

    "Yeah," Hilda rolled her eyes jokingly and cleared her throat a bit. "So... you're just called Quantum, then? No nickname, maybe?"

    Quantum lifted a hand to rub at the back of her neck, folding her other arm across her chest as she gave a little nod. "Yeah, just Quantum. The, uh... the guy who made this suit for me came up with it, and I liked it."

    "There's a guy?" Hilda said, wiggling her eyebrows.

    "Wh- no! Not like that! He's- well, he..." She began, spluttering a little bit before managing to calm herself down. "It's a really long story, but he's the doctor who made sure I could actually... move around. I mean, you heard Binary calling me an 'energy being', so without this suit and the one I'm wearing inside of that, I couldn't really... go anywhere."

    "I see," Hilda said, nodding slowly. "I just thought, you're a girl and talked about a guy who did something you liked, you know? Us girls like to talk about guys sometimes, you know?" She grinned and bumped Quantum's arm gently with her fist, trying to not let her superstrength take over.

    Quantum let out a little laugh, fidgeting with her fingers in front of her, trying not to look directly at Hilda as she bumped her arm, though still smiling beneath the helmet. "Don't really have alot of experience with that, I'll admit..."

    "Oh well, all in good time," Hilda continued, changing the subject. "Quantum is cool but I might just shorten it to Qt or something, if that's alright with you. Get it? Qt?"

    Looking up again, the armored girl had a look of confused curiosity in her eyes as she glanced at Hilda. "... Cutie? It's not exactly, uh, the name I'd imagine a superhero using."

    The blonde let out a 'pfft' noise. "We're the superheroes now, we decide what superheroes do! It's still way better than Ensign Nsync or whatever." She was interrupted by her stomach making a loud, gurgling noise that put away every doubt one might have about Hilda being anything other than a very biological being. "Oops, sorry, guess my fuel reserves are running dry, haha," she joked.

    Quantum laughed with her, the gurgling completely interrupting her chain of thought and, oddly enough, putting her a bit more at ease. "Well, don't let me keep you, then! I should be getting home too, Doc's probably getting worried. He was sort of against me coming here, at first, but.. I mean, when do you get a chance like this?" she questioned, glancing back at the couple remaining people standing around in the lobby, sorting out their own things.

    Hilda followed her gaze, thoughtfully. "Chance... Yeah," she said, a bit more collected than she'd seemed so far. "I guess I should be getting back too, before my mum comes home and realizes that I'm not actually laying in my bed sick today."

    She looked up at the black and pink face again. "It was really nice meeting you!"

    "Oh, yeah, you too, Hilda! I'll see you around, yeah? Can't wait to see you in action!" Quantum replied, unable to hold back the excitement in her voice as she raised a hand and waved a quick goodbye to her new friend.

    Hilda, of course, waved back. "See you around, Qt!"

    Stepping outside of the building, Quantum glanced up and down the street to make sure no one was looking, before glancing up and then shooting skywards, flying up above the building before changing course for the hilly farmlands to the east. Man, what a crazy day. And I met and talked with another hero! She seemed super cool, too...

    After coming home to the lab, kept secret from everyone, except for Binary it seems, she spent a good half an hour, explaining to Mengsk what had happened. The doctor was sat in a chair in his lab, holding a cup of coffee, staring at Quantum through his half-glasses as the girl rambled on in one, long string of words, until finally scurrying off into her room, leaving the man looking completely baffled. "Well, she... seemed to have enjoyed herself, at least. I just hope Binary knows what he's doing." He muttered, going back to his work.

    Inside Quantum's room, which was decorated surprisingly normally, aside from the floor and walls basically being made of steel, Quantum stepped over to a wall, facing it and resting her arms along her sides.

    She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as the suit let out a soft, mechanical whirr, the back of the entire thing sliding open in different panels, until Quantum in her Inner Suit was able to step out of it, leaving it rigid and open, ready for her to enter it again.

    Stretching out her arms and legs, now only in her rubbery Inner Suit, Quantum smiled before turning and scurrying over to the computer, sitting on a desk in the corner, which she promptly turned on and launched her favourite passtime; Age of Titans.

    Just as she logged onto the very popular MMO, she noticed one of her online friends, 'Basilizard', was on. She didn't waste a second.

    Whisper to [Basilizard]: Hey Basil! You have no idea how awesome my day's been!


    Blade of Justice
  • 4,066

    Name: Akira Dyer
    Alias: Shade
    Status: Happy (???)
    Location: Otw home
    Other: N/A
    Name: Alexander Smith
    Alias: Axel
    Status: Rejected
    Location: The Hall
    Other: N/A


    Rejection hurts man

    "Hey there."

    Akira stopped in her tracks, slightly assuming that the guy was talking to her. That's pretty new.. She thought, glancing at her shadow and then back to the guy-- Sea gu.. oh Axel! She smiled, tucking a strand of her hair under her ear.

    "Um, hi."

    As he thought she indeed a pretty woman. He also found her tucking her hair pretty cute.

    "Akira it is, right? Well I'm Axel as you probably already know. Well I thought, since we're gonna be working together for a while, why not get acquainted? I hope I'm not bothering you."

    With this, he scratched the back of his head a bit. His social skills definitely were getting a bit rusty.

    Her smile grew wider. "You're not bothering me." She said, noticing that he was also a bit awkward like her... maybe? "And um, yeah. I'm Akira... or Shade if you want that superhero name thing I guess..?"

    He couldn't help but feel a bit of relief when she said he wasn't a bother. He grinned a bit. "I wouldn't really say I'm superhero yet." Then he scratched his head again. "Anyway what do you plan on doing next? Hopefully you're not staying forever in the lobby." He said, joking around.

    She blushed, looking embarrassed all of a sudden, "I-I'm not gonna stay here forever...!" She was silent, but then giggled soon after that. "Well, technically you are one." She grins, "Um, shape shifting.. right? Oh, and um, I might go home. Nothing else to do... um, how about you? She asks, looking at him with curious eyes.

    There was his chance! "Yeah but not totally. I can only change into an animal." He then blushed a bit. "Since we both have nothing to do... Um I thought maybe, we could go hang out somewhere."

    "What animal?" She was pretty curious about his power. Let it be cats, come on little bundle of faith, let it be cats... She mentally hoped. "Hmm, maybe, but not today, I guess. It's getting a bit late." She smiled, "M-maybe the next time we meet, how about then?" She looked out the window, and saw that it was slowly getting dark. She still had to find her way back home, too. "So... um.. yeah?"

    He felt a little bit deceived at that rejection but did his best not to let it show. "As of now, only a bear but I can talk and control other animals so it's not too bad." He smiled at her. "Sure thing! I'll show you an animal shelter where I used to volunteer, that's where I got my rabbit. There's plenty of cute animals there."

    A teddy bear? Akira imagined him transforming into a cute and cuddly bear, and then fighting crime with his fluffy little arms and little bear tail. She giggled, and then went back to the conversation that's been happening, "A bear is still pretty cool." She tried to keep her excitement at bay when she heard the next one, but it was sadly obvious in the eyes. "R-really? I'd like to see that sometime!"

    Maybe all hope wasn't lost. She did giggle a bit and seemed quite excited about the animal shelter. But of course who would hate cute animals? He smiled at her. "Just poke me anytime you'd wish to go."

    She smiled, "Maybe I will." It had been a while since she saw some cute animals... Plus, there might be cats. That's always a plus for Akira.

    He quickly took out a bit paper in his pockets, they were always useful. Surely he had a pen as well. There it was! He wrote a few numbers on the paper and handed it to her. "There! You can call me whenever you wanna go to the shelter, I'm sure the kittens and the puppies will love you."

    She hesitated for a while, but took the piece of paper handed out to her. She nodded, "I will, I will. I'd like to see the kittens soon~" She giggled, thinking of cute little kitties bouncing around like the little fluffballs they are. She could feel the shadow moving slightly, but she didn't bother to deal with it just yet; she'll fix that when she gets home.

    He smiled at how childish she was, it was so cute. "Fine then I guess I'll let you go home. Have a great evening and see you soon!"

    She smiled, "T-thanks. See you too, Axel!" She went outside and left, giving up on walking home and opted for a taxi. She needed the rest; that was too much social interaction in one day, gosh. It was... fun.. I guess.

  • 106
    Richard Renner aka Reverb

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    Richard didn't know what to think of the meeting that just happened. He was honestly speechless. As a majority of the attendees shuffled out of the room, Richard slowly got up and followed them out of the meeting room. He stood in the hallway trying to process all of the information that he just went through. The Champions are gone? What does that mean? How could that even be? And worst of all, I and a few other people with powers are supposed to fill their shoes? That's insane. Richard leaned back against the hallway wall. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. Okay, maybe I just need a second to individually proccess what happened. Binary mentioned a few names.

    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."

    Was he serious? A shapeshifting repitlian alien? And I laughed at the conspiracy theorists.... Yet, there he was, sitting at the table.

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."

    'Former agent of TEA', was it? I've never heard of it. And he can create copies of himself? That's... interesting. A little hard to believe, though.

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."

    ...a water goddess? That's a bit outlandish. From what I've gathered from ancient Greek mythology, I've never heard of a Nerites Ekitai. She looks like a regular woman to me.

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shapeshifting as well."

    Right, the dude who jumped out of his seat and began worshipping Nerites. I suppose that does make her a goddess... or him a lunatic.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a a chunk of radioactive space rock."

    Right, the girl dressed up in the superhero armor. At least she looked like a proper hero. And her abilities are interesting, too.

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possess the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength."

    She looked pretty normal, too, although her outfit was a bit out of the ordinary. But her power bothers me. Combining separate objects? With a complete disregard for the laws of thermodynamics? That doesn't sit well with me at all. I'll believe it when I see it. Not to mention, the name didn't exactly roll off the tongue....

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, who can manipulate shadows."

    Quiet, but a very impressionable appearance. Her powers sound unreal, though. Again, I'll believe it when I see it.

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."

    That's... incredible. Sentient energy? I can only imagine what kind of research can be done on her. And how did she identify as a female? Very interesting....

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."

    Another interesting power. Very versatile. I'd like to see it in action.

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, who can telekinetically create objects from metal."

    Oh, the man who gave Akira the metal flower. It was a very impressive power. Versatile in its own manner.

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."

    Excuse me, but what? 'Create and control vibrations?' It'd be really cool if I could do that, but that isn't exactly the case. All I can do is go through objects at the most incovenient of times. Whatever this Binary dude was saying, he has to be making some sort of mistake. Isn't he? ... I suppose I'll have to talk to him later. ...but Reverb is a pretty cool name.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, who controls chi to enhance combat abilites and use echolocation."

    Right, the guy that mouthed off the secretary. The one wearing the mask. If he uses echolocation, is he blind? Also, how does he use that dagger...?

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."

    A spiritual nomad? Element manipulation? Ugh, give me a break. Then again, he seems very... pleasant.

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."

    An... Akansu? Whatever that means. A fire manipulator, though... well, that's apparently not the craziest this team possesses.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."

    That guy looked the most average out of everyone at the meeting, but his powers seem very useful. And he seems nice enough.

    Richard took another deep breath. His thoughts on the subject were not better than when he first stepped out of the meeting room. Well, once again, I think the best option is to go along, and talk to this Binary guy. He apparently knows more about my powers than I do, or he's severely mistaken about who I am. Richard took the stairs down to the lobby, where he saw some people had already left. I wonder how many of them picked up a transceiver. Richard approached Binary, who acknowledged Richard when he noticed him.

    "Hi. Uh, I guess you know who I am. I'm just thinking you have the wrong guy. I don't know anything about this... vibration control stuff you were talking about. I do have... something, but I'm pretty sure it's not generating sound."

    Pkmn Trainer Butthead

    Proto (Not the *****)
  • 118
    • Seen Aug 25, 2015

    Theo "Proto" Allen

    Dr. Phillips waited in the van, unsure of when the accident scene would clear up.

    " I gotta get out there and do something about this," Proto said.

    " No, you can't been seen in public yet," Dr. Phillips retorted.

    " Oh, I thought I was supposed to help people, this seems like a good enough reason to help out," Proto snarked.

    " Fine, figure it out," Dr. Phillips sighed.

    Proto hopped out the back of the van, then started walking slowly towards the crash scene. The most pressing issue Proto saw was a sedan hanging half over the edge of the freeway. Proto rushed over, and two police officers got in front of him and started slowly pushing him back.

    "Sir, please remove yourself from the scene, this isn't a civilian matter," the first officer said.

    " Do I look like a civilian to you," Proto snapped back.

    "Umm...umm, Sir this is being handled by police, please step back," the officer replied, stuttering throughout.

    " Let me give you guys a hand, its my new job," Proto pleaded.

    "Alright, we've been trying to pull this sedan here back up on the road, but haven't been able to do it securely," the officer replied.

    Proto nodded, and approached the back of the car. Proto stretched his arms out, and felt a tingling current flowing through his arms, he could feel his powers building slowly. Proto bent his knees, lift with your knees, not your back, floated through his mind as he grabbed the rear axle of the sedan. Proto started pulling, and the sedan started to climb back onto the freeway, the bottom of the car grinding on the exposed asphalt. The car popped back up on the freeway, and Proto dragged the sedan to the side of the road. Proto pushed another car out of the way, to clear a lane for traffic to pass through. Proto walked back towards the van, before the two police officers ran up to him.

    " Sir, I'd like to thank you for your assistance, and I would like to apologize for my actions earlier, your actions will not go unnoticed," the officer stated.

    " It's all good officer, it's what I do," Proto replied.

    "What do we call you," the officer asked Proto.

    " I'll get back to you on that one," Proto stuttered.

    Proto returned to the back of the van, and sat down in the seat.

    "Well that went well," Proto sighed out.

    " I guess so, hope that doesn't anger the champions too much," Dr. Phillips stammered.

    Dr. Phillips started the van, and followed the traffic through the one lane provided by Proto's efforts. Traffic was still moving slowly along the freeway.

    It took an extra fifteen minutes to get to the Champions Headquarters, as traffic was held up by the accident. Dr. Phillips parked out front, and turned back towards Proto.

    "Here you go, the Champions Headquarters, I've got a couple things to do in downtown, figure this whole champion's business and let me know when you need a pick up," Dr. Phillips instructed.

    Proto nodded, and got out of the van and walked through the front door of the champions headquarters, which was quite a large building, but blended into the Hyperia skyline. The lobby was nicely decorated, nothing over the top. Proto noticed people dressed in their "superhero outfits" exiting the elevator. Looking at those people, Proto felt a little out of place, but he ignored them, and instead walked up to the receptionist's desk.

    "Hello, my name is Theo Allen, and I believe I was summoned here," Proto stated to the receptionist.

    " Well Binary has already met with the new champions, but I'm sure we can arrange him to talk to you," the receptionist informed Proto.

    " My fault, traffic was shall we say held up on the way, I was summoned here, so I assume its something important," Proto replied.

    " Just take a seat on one of the couches, and I'm sure we will figure everything out," the receptionist assured.

    Proto sighed, walked over to one of the perfectly clean looking couches, and sat down on it. Proto reclined, and waited.


  • 2,791
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)
    Nerites and Burst

    The elevator slowly came to a stop in the lobby, and Chris walked out, searching for the water-goddess lady he had talked to earlier. He didn't know what had just happened up in the conference room, but he was intrigued. Also, he felt he should probably go talk to her anyways, since they had been cut off by Binary's sudden arrival.

    Looking around the lobby, it was much less crowded than when he had first entered. Some of the other new recruits must have left, while some were still waiting upstairs, probably wanting to talk to Binary.

    Spotting Miss Goddess over near the receptionist's desk, he walked over to her. She seemed to be admiring some kind of bracelet that she wore on her wrist. Unhesitatingly, Chris resumed their conversation.

    "Hey! So what was that whole thing in the room up there, with you going all floating-water-goddess thing? Do you know that guy or something?"

    For a few moments, Nerites simply stood there, unaware that someone was speaking to her. She was still contemplating the new device that had been given to her, examining every side of it, carefully keeping clear of the buttons however.

    She suddenly realized someone had spoken to her, and turned her head to face him.

    "Oh, pardon me. I was only admiring this beautiful jewelry this woman here has given me. I must keep clear of the buttons, I will 'mess them up' if I touch them. What do you think they do?" she asked, going back to staring at the device, her eyes full of wonder.

    Chris wondered what the woman was talking about. Jewelry with buttons? Taking a more careful look, he realized it must be one of those "transceivers" Binary was talking about earlier.

    "I don't know, they probably change the settings and stuff. So you're going to join up?"

    Nerites raised an eyebrow, taking her attention away from the 'jewelry' for a moment. "Joining? What matter are you speaking of?"

    "Well, the whole 'save-the-city' thing that Binary was talking about up there. Didn't you hear? The Champions are missing, and they want us to do their job? Isn't that cool?"

    Nerites looked up at the air conditioner. "Champions? I thought there was only one of them... I am not sure it is cool enough for me to display my ice form, however, sorry." Nerites frowned, clearly disappointed. "The Champion introduced you as Burst, I believe. Did you select that name yourself?"

    Chris looked slightly puzzled for a moment, then remembered that he had indeed been given a codename by Binary. "Oh, yeah, I guess that is me! No, I didn't choose that name or anything, I guess Binary must have done it for me. I like the sound of it though, makes me think of balloons popping or something. You can call me Chris though, if you want, unless we're supposed to go by codenames." He paused for a moment, then stuck out his hand towards Nerites. "Well, you know me, but I don't really remember your name. Nice to meet you though!"

    Nerites stared blankly at the hand for a few moments, before slowly extending hers towards him.

    "Hey, what're you- HEY!" Chris exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

    Instead of shaking his hand, Nerites' hand shot for Chris' face, grabbing his glasses and pulling them off.

    "Ha! I knew you had a nymph in there somewhere!" she yelled triumphantly, looking into the lens, examining it. She looked back at Chris. "Wh- I thought-" she stuttered, confused.

    The young man looked around wildly, not able to see anything but blurred blobs of color. "Um... I kinda need those to see..... please?" Unable to see if Nerites was still present, he began to panic.

    "I- I thought I had seen a light inside your eyeglass... Your blue eyes, they must have something to do with it, I am sure of it!" Nerites continued, flustered. "I know I saw a light in it! There must be!"

    Chris was relieved to hear that he had not been mugged by one of the new heroes in town. "Ah, ok, that's interesting, but I don't think anything lives in there. Not that I know of, at least. Could I have them back now?"

    Nerites shook her head in disbelief, handing Chris back the glasses. "I- Maybe they-" she stammered, overwhelmed by the sudden wave of emotion that had hit her.

    Putting the glasses back on his head, Chris stared at the odd lady. "Well, I don't know much about nymphs, but I think what you saw might have been a reflection or something. Like maybe the sun was shining off of them at an angle. Anyways...what was your name again?"

    The question snapped Nerites out of her trance. Immediately regaining her cheery composure, she smiled at him. "I am Nerites Ekitai, 74th Neries, protector of the Ocean." she replied calmly. "Child of the Ocean, and of Poseidon. Well, I am not too sure of that yet, but I do not believe I am in any position to ask about my parentage anymore, nor that it holds any importance."

    She took Chris' hand. "I enjoy your company, Burst. You should come with me, I believe somebody I know wants to know your name." she said, slightly pulling him in the direction of the glass door.

    "Whoa, okay, where are we going?" Chris queried as Nerites led him towards the door.

    As they were about to leave, a female voice called out, "Mr. Coleman! Wait!" The owner of the name turned around, to see the secretary motioning for him to return to the desk. "Um, Nerites, hold up for a second. I think that lady over there needs to talk to me or something."

    He walked back over to the waiting secretary, who handed him a what looked like a bulky watch. Upon closer inspection, though, it was a standard Champion Transceiver. Sweet!, he thought to himself, before returning to Nerites, who was patiently waiting at the door.

    "Did you also receive your -ah- transcender?" she asked, looking at his wrist. "Perfect! Come with me, then."

    Nerites took hold of his hand and began leading him outside, towards the alley where she had come in. She suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Oh yes, you will not be able to come with me to the docks that way... I suppose we will have to walk, then!" she exclaimed with a grin.

    "Walk? No, I have a car, it's cool. Burning a little extra gas won't hurt anything." Smiling, Chris led her over to his beat-up little Mazda. which had used to be his dad's. Opening the door for Nerites, he climbed in and sat down on the driver's side. "Hop in, and you can tell me where we're going."

    Nerites quietly sat in her seat, waiting for Chris to come inside. I have seen these machines before from the outside - but I have never seen them from the inside! she thought herself, contemplating the multiple dials and buttons of the car.

    "If this method is faster, then take us to the docks! The ocean always welcomes newcomers there." she told Chris, smiling.

    Chris looked at Nerites, wondering why she didn't seem to understand that driving would indeed be a whole lot faster. "Yeah, I think it will. The docks, you said? That's an interesting place to pick, but why not?" Putting the vehicle into gear, the two drove off toward the docks, in the Bayside district.

    The pair didn't speak much during the trip, aside from Nerites occasionally inquiring about the functions of the buttons and dials.

    Nerites looked out of the window as they drove along the busy road, amazed by the various storefronts and skyscrapers. "Beautiful... I have never seen your city from this perspective..." she told Chris.

    Looking over at her, he replied, "Yeah, most people don't even realize it, since downtown Hyperia is a pretty busy place. You get used to it, though."

    The young man wondered about his new companion as they drove along the highway. She seems pretty nice, but what's up with these random mood swings? First there was the incident in the conference room at the tower, then she nearly stole my glasses, now she wants to go to the edge of town? Well, she couldn't be that bad, right? After all, she was one of the new Champion-recruits. That had to count for something.

    The car pulled up into a nearby lot, and they parked. "Well, we're here! Now, what exactly did you want to show me, Miss... um.... Nerites?"

    It took a moment for the goddess to reply, as she was seemingly absorbed by the scenery around her. She turned her head half-consciously. "Oh, we have arrived? I did not expect such a short trip." she mumbled, disappointed that she had not seen any more of the city.

    Seeing his companion's disappointment, Chris was surprised, considering they had just driven nearly a half-hour. "Hey, we can always see some more of the city later. But it'll be dark soon, so we better hurry."

    They exited the vehicle, and walked past the parking lot to the nearby section of boat docks. All was quiet, as the sailors and fisherman had gone home for the day. Walking along the waterside, Chris relaxed a little, forgetting about having to get up early for work the next morning. "Wow, it's pretty nice out here," he mumbled.

    As soon as she had gotten out of the car, Nerites instantly felt a powerful wave of energy strike her. She was at home.

    She took a deep breath, smiling as she inhaled the sea air. "Tell me, what do you call home?"

    "Uh, well... my apartment, I guess." he answered. "Why do you ask?"

    "Because this, Chris, is my home." Nerites spread her arms, allowing the ocean breeze to hit her full body.

    Chris was starting to become concerned. Although he remembered the fact that she claimed to be a sea goddess or something, he has beginning to suspect that the woman might just be delusional. "Ah... ok.... so you live here at the docks, then? That's cool."

    Nerites suddenly turned and grabbed his hand. "Come with me." she told him, and faced the ocean.

    Realizing she was trying to lead him somewhere again, he hesitated. "Where to now, exactly?"

    Nerites raised an eyebrow, as if the question Chris had asked was supposed to be a joke or a rhetorical question. "Underwater, of course!" she replied, grinning.

    Not giving him the time to reply, she immediately began running towards the dockside, pulling Chris with her with surprising strength.

    "Wait, wait, where are-- WAIT WHAT!" he shouted, as Nerites leapt over the edge of the Dock, still pulling him behind her. Oh crap.

    As he felt himself being pulled down towards the water's surface, he braced himself for the cold, wet impact.

    It never came. As he opened his eyes (which he must have shut just moments before), he came to the realization that not only was he dry, he could breathe. What's going on?

    "Are you alright?" a voice called. It was akin to Nerites', but had a noticeable echo to edit, as if it was coming from different places at once.

    Instead of falling into the water, Chris found himself encased into a large bubble. It was big enough for him to stand inside. The walls seemed to be made simply of air, and was slightly pushing his feet upwards as if it were solid ground. Nerites was nowhere to be seen, however.

    What in the world is going on? he wondered. He gazed all around him, and saw plenty of sea life, but nothing of the woman who had brought him there.

    "Hey, um Nerites?" He hoped he was pronouncing it right, but more than that he hoped that she hadn't just ditched him at the bottom of the ocean. "Where'd you go? And where are we, exactly?"

    "Oh, you are still here. The last human I did this with did not end up so well... Water pressure is apparently quite harmful to your bodies, especially in the ocean." the voice replied. "And can you not see me? You are looking straight at me this very moment!"

    Chris looked around, but only saw vast stretches of seawater. "So, you're... part of the water? Is that your superpower or something?"

    "Well of course I am part of the ocean! Just like your body is a part of you, is it not?" Nerites' voice sounded amused, as if what she was stating was obvious. "I have brought you here to show you what it is like here. You look so very much like a nymph yourself, with those blue eyes... It is truly a shame you keep them hidden behind those- what do you call them?"

    "Glasses. And, they kinda help me to see, so that's why I have to wear them. Not so much to hide my eyes, although I didn't really think they were that big of a deal."

    "Silly, if anyone shall help you to sea, it is I! Have I not told you I am the goddess of the ocean? I guess not... Pardon me, I must be very forgetful indeed."

    "No, I definitely remember that part. At least now I do."

    Staring out into the blueness around him for the umpteenth time, he finally saw what Nerites was trying to show him.

    "Man, it is really pretty down here. Look at all these fish! Is that a shark? Sweet!"

    The sphere continued to slowly sink down deeper, however moving forward at a tremendous speed. "We are not far from our final destination, however. This ocean holds much more than meet the human eye..." Nerites continued, her voice trailing off. It seemed as if it was circling the sphere.

    Suddenly, the ball stopped in its tracks, and began shooting downwards. After closer inspection, it seemed to be diving straight into a crevice in the seabed.

    "Oh, I believe I forgot something back at the docks. I shall return in an instant. Please attempt not to drown, Chris - I really do not like the sight of human blood." Nerites said. Her voice seemed far away, as if she was swimming off. I am sure he will be able to stay for an hour or so, so I have enough time. Unless that applies to dolphins? I do not think it matters, anyway, they are practically the same species...

    All of a sudden, the bubble of air surrounding Chris popped. Now completely submerged, all that was running through his mind was a simple Oh crap.

    It wouldn't be long before he either ran out of air, or the water pressure crushed his lungs. Desperately trying to find a way to save himself, he concentrated on the space around himself, creating a green-hued force sphere roughly the same size as Nerites bubble had been. Unfortunately, it was still filled with water, and he was running out of oxygen.

    Reaching out, he created a larger sphere above the surface of the water, much farther away. The edges of his vision were beginning to grow black. He pulled this sphere, filled with air, towards his own, praying there was enough time.

    Chris was on the edge of consciousness, yet he still maintained control of both force spheres, knowing vaguely that if he lost control he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. As the spheres grew close to one another, he used the last of his willpower to compress the sphere of air. As the spheres merged, the compressed air expanded, forcing the water from them, and filling the, with air. The drenched man gasped in deep, choking breaths, as sweet air filled his lungs.

    His force field wouldn't last long, though. He had spent too much of his energy trying to simply survive the experience, leaving him drained, barely able to hold on to the construct that shielded him. He didn't know why Nerites had left, but he sure hoped she'd come back before he ended up dead on the ocean floor.

    A sudden gush of water brushed against the sphere, and a faint humanoid outline appeared in the water, carrying a sort of notepad. The pages were surprisingly dry, though.

    "Sorry, I had forgotten my notepad in your vehi- vah- machinery." Nerites stuttered, flicking though the pages. "I need to color your eye, though, it- oh dear me!"

    Nerites gasped and her eyes grew wide as she noticed Chris lying half-unconscious inside the sphere. "Your clothes, Chris, they are as wet as a fish out of water!" With a flick of her hand, the water on his face, hair and clothes disappeared.

    "Much better. Do you like it down here?" Nerites asked, smiling. "Has the ride made you sleepy?"

    Putting forth his best effort to stay conscious, he managed to get out, "Another... bubble.... would be nice..."

    Nerites raised an eyebrow. "Is the current one not comfortable enough?" She brought her hands together and opened up her arms again, creating a new, larger bubble. "Here you go. Chris? Do you feel well? Chris?"

    With that, he exhaled a breath of relief, and was out cold.


    Chris awoke to a rain of sharp blows to his skull. Ugh, it feels like... someone's using my head for a drum, he groaned inwardly, slowly opening his eyes. When he did so, however, he immediately discovered the issue. His companion, the clueless "sea goddess" was whacking him on the noggin with her transceiver-bracelet.

    "This button says 'on', why is he not waking up?" he heard her mutter to herself.

    Instantly waking the rest of the way up, he shouted at her, "Hey, HEY! I'm up! I'm up!"

    "Ah, perfect! Maybe these are not as hard to use as I thought!" Nerites beamed, proud with herself. "Now, what did you think of the trip? The sea is beautiful, is it not?" she asked eagerly, completely ignoring the fact that the person in front of her had just blacked out not too long ago.

    "Well.... that was definitely.... exciting. Can't remember getting that kind of rush anywhere else!" he replied, managing an unconvincing smile. "Still, how about we stay on dry land for a while? There are plenty of cool things up here too, you know, and I won't have to worry about.... you know, drowning or anything."

    Picking himself all the way up off the ground, he dusted off his clothes, which much to his surprise weren't even slightly damp. Looking around, he realized they were on a beach, one he had never been to before.

    The coastline was still dotted with beachgoers, despite the late hour. The tide was going out, and the sun had nearly set. Not recognizing his surroundings, he tried to find some kind of landmark.

    They didn't have to look far. The nearest pier had a large, colorful sign mounted on the side, proclaiming 'Cape Royale, Paradise at Last!'

    Nerites scoffed when she read the sign. "Olympus looks nothing like this! Although it has been long, so I may be wrong..."

    Oh no Chris thought. This is just great.Cape Royale was a playground for the wealthy of Hyperia. Only businessmen, celebrities, and other big names hung out there. Somehow, they had managed to get past all the usual security, and land themselves right smack on the center of the rich-person beach.

    If someone finds us here, we're gonna get the pants fined off of us, assuming they don't just take us straight to the police. We've gotta get out of here.

    Glancing over at Nerites, he spoke in a hushed tone. "We need to get out of here, before anyone finds us. Come on."

    Grabbing his companion's arm, he walked forward and pulled her around the side of the nearest building. What he didn't realize, however, was that this building happened to be the lifeguards' lounge. As they rounded the corner, the two bowled straight into a burly lifeguard, who was exiting through the side door.

    Stunned for a second, the man began to shout at the pair. "Hey! What do you think you're doing here! This is private property!" Looking around and seeing no one else nearby, the lifeguard grumbled, muttering to them. "Well, looks like you two are gonna have to come with me, and we'll see what the boss has to say about this."

    Well, that's it. So much for being a Champion. Chris thought dejectedly. I doubt they'll let me off easy because I was asked to help protect the city. Great hero I'm turning out to be.

    Oh, I do not think Chris likes this man... Nerites thought to herself, looking at up the burly lifeguard's face.

    What neither of the pair had realized was that her appearance had changed, though. Nerites raised her eyebrows in confusion as she saw the lifeguard's eyes lock in on one point on her body. Following his gaze, she let out a tiny gasp as she noticed her new clothes. Well, lack of clothes. She was now dressed in a blue Bikini and sandals, adorned with a fish pattern.

    Oh, I forgot that my clothes change with the area... How embarrassing... she thought.

    Nerites didn't seem too shocked by the attire change, but was still confused as to what the lifeguard enjoyed about her top.

    "Excuse me, you alright there?" she asked him. Her accent had completely changed to a strong Caucasian, American accent, much to Chris and Nerites' surprise.

    Their captor seemed to have forgotten about his original goal. Seizing the opportunity, Chris stammered out a quick excuse about them being late for something or other, and the two left, the young man pulling the confused goddess behind him. It wasn't until they had reached the road that he looked at Nerites. By then however, she had reverted back to her usual city-faring form.

    Maybe he liked the fishes? Nerites thought to herself as they began walking.

    "Alright, I don't know what happened back there, but we need to get home before it get's pitch black out here. Let's just get back in the- oh, great." Realizing they had left their ride over in Bayside, Chris knew that they were stranded. "Well, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do now. The car is all the way back at the docks. Looks like we're stuck here."

    They waited by the roadside for a while, until fortune finally favored them. A public bus drove by, making the last of it's daily rounds, and the two boarded it gladly.

    "Is this some sort of large car? Or a land ship?" Nerites asked him as they took a seat, ignoring the weird looks by the other passengers. "Where is the hull?"

    Chris sighed, glad to be on the way home safe, yet still wondering about this woman. She knows cars, but not buses? "This is a bus, it's what people who don't ride in cars use to get around the city. It sure beats walking; Hyperia's a big place."

    A light overhead indicated the next stop would be coming up soon. It would be a few more til they got back to Bayside. Maybe she lives close to one of these stops. Could be faster for her to get home that way.

    "Hey, so, Nerites? Where do you live exactly? Downtown? Bayside, maybe?"

    Nerites shrugged. "I showed you my home. I am not sure it is very welcoming to humans, though." she replied. "I do not need any sleep, though, if it is what you mean. We gods only rest after meals, and it has been quite a while since the last sacrifice..."

    An elderly woman who was sitting behind the pair slowly stood up and repositioned herself away from them, at the back of the bus.


    After a few more minutes passed, the bus finally pulled up to it's stop near the docks. Chris and Nerites stepped off, the former making sure to pay their fee. The duo walked back over to the car they had come in, stopping as they reached it.

    "Well, that was certainly quite an adventure," he said, looking carefully at Nerites, still studying her reactions. "I guess this is where we part ways then, huh?"

    Nerites jumped a little and realized Chris was addressing her. "Oh, I suppose so. Very few people have seen my home, - and have been able to tell me what they think - so I think this was a successful quest." she replied, grinning. "I do feel an increasingly unpleasantly pleasant feeling, though..." she shrugged it off.

    "I certainly hope we meet again. Maybe you can show me yours sometime." she smiled.

    "Yeah, we'll have to do that!" Chris grinned, inwardly laughing at all the things Nerites would have to learn about city life. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around anyways, since the Champions want us do the whole 'protect the city' thing." Glancing down at his watch, he knew he had to get home soon. "Nerites, it was nice meeting you. See you around?"

    "The sea is all around us, of course!" Nerites laughed at Chris' remark. "You are an amusing human, Chris."

    "All right then," He chuckled, and got into his car. He didn't know what to make of what had happened to him that day, but what he did know was that he needed to get some sleep. He pulled out of the lot, and headed toward home, Nerites' last words to him still echoing in his mind.

    Nerites waved as the car drove off. When it disappeared around the corner, she turned and smiled to herself. Maybe stopping by Hyperia was not a bad idea after all...

    She walked towards the pier and stared melancholically at sea. Maybe there is a place for a being like me in the human world.

    A joint post of GreyBidoof and Foxrally


    Don't let me disappear
  • 13,642

    The girl he was sitting next to seemed quite bashful, and he almost thought to retract the flower. Before he could actually think of something to say to break the awkwardness that he had just created the girl spoke and took the flower from him.

    "T- thanks..." She forced a smile but her eyes were still fixated on the ground in front of her.

    Deuseas having noticed how hard it seemed for the girl to talk to him almost felt bad about having approached her. "I-" he started to speak. But at the very moment his mouth opened the elevator dinged.

    "Come this way, please. I shall explain more once we are in a more secure location."

    The girl next to him seemed relieved, and immediately went for the doors. Other figures moved with her, others went for the stairs. Sam made his way for the elevator, but once he arrived he was attacked by a horrendous smell. He held his nose and stuck his head through the door and gave everyone a good look over.

    "Yeah, no thanks. I'll just meet you all up there. I'm scared of tight spaces and one of you smells like fish. I thought I was done with that smell after I broke up with my ex. Bye-bye."

    He walked back into the middle of the room and waved them all goodbye as the door closed. "Guess I'll just take the stairs."


    Deuseas took his seat and looked around the room, taking in all of the characters that surrounded him while the big boss man went over some of the things that were of lesser importance. There was plenty to look at, but he had always had a pretty short attention span and so his mind began to wander.

    He was almost on the verge of dozing off when Binary began in on the list of heroes that he had gathered.

    "Basil Deleon, as known as 'Giron', a reptilian alien who can shapeshift into any object he can think of."

    Oh sweet, so the lizard man is intelligent. That'll be fun.

    "James Abney, also known as 'Smiley, a former TEA agent who can create copies of himself at will."

    Copying. That has its uses. He'd make a great spy. No idea what TEA is though.

    "Nerites Ekitai, also known as Torrent, an ancient Greek Goddess with mastery over water."

    That must be fish girl. God I hope I don't get stuck with her.

    "Alex Forestveil, also known as Sea Champion, another water user, with limited shapeshifting as well."

    Ah, the one that just made that huge scene about fish girl. Not my problem, though he'd be almost as bad to work with as the one he's worshiping over there.

    "Selune Greenwood, also known as Star Gazer. She gained the powers to manipulate starlight, heal herself, and flight from a a chunk of radioactive space rock.

    That's cute. Sounds like some kind of pop idol's stage name though.

    "Hilda Gard, also known as Enzyme. She possess the ability to combine separate objects at a molecular level, along with enhanced strength.

    Huh, sounds somewhat similar to what I do. She could be useful, especially given that she has enhanced strength. I could work with that, and she's not unattractive either so that's a plus.

    "Akira Dyer, also known as Shade, who can manipulate shadows.

    The girl I gave the flower to. I don't know what exactly she can do with shadows, but it'll be an experience I suppose.

    "Quantum, who goes by just that, a being made of pure energy contained within a protective suit. She has enhanced strength, can fly, and can emit energy blasts."

    He cocked his head and his eyes widened. No shit? Just pure energy in a suit? That sounds oddly erotic. How does she identify as a female if she's just energy? I wonder what would happen if I messed with the suit...

    "Alexander Smith, also known as Axel, a man who can transform into and communicate with animals."

    Sounds like a hippie's dream. I wonder if his power is limited or if he can just do whatever. Randomly transforming into a whale or a gorilla could prove really useful.

    "Samuel Lehry, also known as Deuseas, who can telekinetically create objects from metal."

    Well at least they don't know everything about my powers. It's probably for the best I don't reveal them more than I have to either.

    "Richard Renner, also known as Reverb. He can create and control vibrations, such as sound waves."

    Sounds cool I guess. He'd be good at riot control. Some sound waves can cause brain damage or your head to explode. You literally wouldn't even know it hit you. He could be a problem if he can't control his powers.

    "Edward Trayton, also known as Renegade, who controls chi to enhance combat abilites and use echolocation."

    Doesn't sound too troublesome. If he turns out to be trouble then that Reverb guy would counter him pretty easily... unless he also has hidden powers.

    "Cain Thompson, also known as Spirit, a nomad who can manipulate the natural elements."

    Not much to go off of there. Sounds pretty simple compared to the others.

    "Kari Brown, also known as Kariyai, an Akansu who possesses the ability to control fire."

    Akansu? No idea what that is. Sounds like a weaker version of Spirit though if all they can do is control fire.

    "Chris Coleman, also, known as Burst. He can create and manipulate tangible fields of energy."

    Now that sounds interesting. Sounds like he'd make for a good support member and with some training he might be able to make his power useful on the offensive.

    Binary stopped and took a drink of water before continuing.

    "Ugh, just hurry up and get to the point." Deuseas thought.

    "For those of you who may be wondering, I took the liberty of creating callsigns for those of you who didn't currently have one. They relate to your powers, in some way or another, and makes quick communication slightly easier."

    The man pulled a small rectangular object out of another pocket. It looked akin to a watch, but the face was a blank blue screen.

    "This is a transceiver," he explained. "This will be how I will communicate to you on the field if you choose to accept my offer. You will be out preventing crime across Hyperia, and I will remain here coordinating our efforts. Do not lose this."

    He put the transceiver back into his pocket before continuing. "Now is the time to choose. Should you want nothing more to do with this offer, that is perfectly fine, but I will need to perform a quick... operation to remove all memory of the events that have just transpired. On the other hand, if you would like to join with me in protecting Hyperia, then talk to Amanda downstairs to receive your transceiver, and I will be in contact soon. If you have any other questions, you are free to ask me. You are dismissed."

    After saying this he walked away and everyone else got up and started heading off in their own directions. Deuseas sat there for a moment, wondering why everyone was so eager to leave. Really, if they answered the call to come here in the first place they should have already made up their mind to accept the offer and should be here considering next steps and try to figure out as much as they can about each other.

    He sighed. "Working with these people is going to be a nightmare, I can already feel it." He removed his mask and rubbed his temples. His identity had already been revealed, so there was no real reason to still have a mask on. He walked to the elevator and pressed the call button. "I'm sure they don't want us going anywhere, but I'd love to explore this place. I'm sure there's all sorts of... hmm... maybe I'll talk to Binary about their tech department tomorrow. He's probably even more worried than I am right now so it's probably best to just let him have some peace and quiet today."


    Deuseas walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. It was already getting dark out and he still had a few miles to go before he was back home. Plus he had to replace his phone tonight in case someone wanted to get a hold of him.


    The doors opened to the ground floor. There was no one around except for the secretary who was still just sitting there typing away on her computer and a new face on one of the couches though he paid the man no attention. "Ma'am? I'm here for the transceiver?"

    "Yeah yeah, just give me a minute. Okay, now what was it that you needed?"

    "A transceiver?" He shifted his weight to his right foot and sighed.

    "Please don't get an attitude with me sir. Today has been a busy day. Here's your transceiver and I thank you for accepting this duty."

    He looked over the watch-like thing he had been handed and tried pressing it from various directions though nothing happened. "Hey so uh, how does this work?" He asked but got no reply. "Hey I asked how-" He looked up and the secretary was gone. "Yeah, great service. Thanks." He grumbled and went out the front door. "This ought to be fun."

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  • 10,078
    • UK
    • Seen Oct 17, 2023
    Power: Soul of Fire

    "Oh! How did you get to Earth? Did you lose your visa too?" The peculiar lizard man asked. He seemed just as human as the rest of those gathered, besides his appearance. The ability to shapeshift... Kariyai wondered what this man was like - he did not seem particularly threatening. Perhaps he had spent too long with humans, acquiring their weaknesses for himself.

    Kariyai's brow furrowed at his odd question. "I'm not sure what you mean..." she said, sidestepping the question and Giron himself, focusing on Binary now the room was almost clear.

    As soon as the lizard man stepped away, she spoke up, "I need some answers." she spoke bluntly to make her intent clear. She had waited long enough, sitting through a presentation just for the chance to investigate her situation. Now it was paramount that the danger was assessed.

    "How did you know about me? How did you find me?"

    The champion did not seem riled by Kariyai's attitude, his voice as calm and controlled as during the briefing, "It's my duty to know about everyone and everything that may concern the fate of Hyperia, and the Earth. I've pieced together much of your time on Earth, as I do for many travelers. This universe of ours is full of many interesting races, and collecting information on them is my forte."

    "So you've been tracking me all this time?" Kariyai suppressed the instinctive growl in her voice. "Have you been working with them?"

    The champion looked puzzled.

    "The Nemuth. The destroyers, those vile and villainous cretins."

    "Nemuth..." Binary rolled the word around his mouth, his face quickly registering the name, "Ah yes, I recall some information on them. However, I can assure you I work for no aliens. I belong to this city, this planet."

    Firis purred the gentle vibrations soothing Kari - it seemed the firestone had been satisfied by Binary's answer. With a wave of relief, Kariyai let her expression relax - her pained, frowning expression fading.

    "In that case, I can accept your offer without fear." The alien woman nodded, "I shall await your call then, Binary." With that Kariyai left, taking the stairs back down to reception. Most of the others called in had already left, the champion headquarters looking much more sterile and empty with the odd assortment of characters gone.

    The woman at reception held the same smile as earlier. "Would you like your transceiver?" She asked as the Akansu strode towards the desk. The blue-screened wrist watch looked inconspicuous enough.

    With a dozen people roaming around the city wearing them, perhaps it's best to remain off-radar Kari thought, stuffing the device into her hidden jacket pocket. Nestled against her chest, any vibrating signals would be easily noted without having a flashing beacon for everyone else to see.

    Unsure quite where she was heading, Kariyai headed out of HQ. The young alien knew she couldn't return home, resigning herself to the alleyways of Downtown Hyperia in the meantime.
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    Rocking Round the Clock
  • 737

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    Πρωταθλητής Θάλασσα
    Pro̱tathli̱tí̱s Thálassa

    Alex was stunned by the reaction. After his recital of the Prophecy to his Goddess. She had released her true form. She had announced, "You have done well, my worshipper. You have finally answered my calling, and have received the blessing of Ekitai. As your reward, valiant sea champion, you-" She was interrupted. Alex didn't question, his mortal needs for achievement were above those of an immortal. His fate was clear, his prophecy has been fulfilled. As she walked away, he felt the adrenaline dull, his powers ceased to fluctuate. He stood up observing as people drained away. He craned his head, looking around at the remains. He noticed the tall, lean person who had introduced them. Alex absorbed his sweat... Alex was hit by a massive pain spike. A temporary headache, focussed in the space of a few seconds. He felt his brain flood with emotion, he became less... blindly obedient, and more in his usual composure.

    Binary had observed the interaction between the man and the goddess with a keen interest, if nothing else. He had not realized that the two shared some kind of connection, although it seemed that Nerites had not known who her new-found worshiper was.

    Looking over at the young man, he seemed to be in some kind of pain, possibly a headache of some sort. Slightly concerned, Binary questioned him.

    "Are you feeling alright?"

    Alex cleared his throat. "What happened?" He brought his hand down from his forehead. He looked up to the man in the lab coat. "Did you know she was in here?"

    "I'm not exactly sure, and I'm surprised you don't know the answer to that question. Did you not know Nerites beforehand? Her powers seem somewhat similar to your own." Binary replied to the still-seated man.

    "Nerites Ekitai, Guardian of the Ocean, She is described in ancient texts as a youthful Goddess. I didn't expect her to still be alive... However, I was overcome with a drive... A drive to worship. Apologies..." Alex looked at the floor. This deity he worshipped presented herself in a most off putting manner. He looked to Binary, who he assumed he was beginning to bore, "What are you planning to do after we get this communicator?"

    Binary cracked a small grin at the young man. "You'll find out soon enough. Feel free to pick one up when you are ready. Other than that, I suggest you go home and get some rest. You'll want to be feeling well for your first day 'on the job', I assume."

    "Being a Superhero isn't really a job you take shifts on, I assume we'll be on call for most of the time. Wouldn't you need us to be near?" Alex's mind rung with the words 'Home' "I live outside of Hyperia." He looked all around the room.

    "Don't worry, the details have been taken care of. You are free to lodge wherever you feel necessary, within reason. Money has been transferred to your credit to do so. Now with that, I must be going, as I have work to, and tomorrow is a big day"

    "All I need is a quiet room with water." He smiled as Binary walked away. Alex walked out in to the corridor. Quickly, he turned in to the stairwell. He looked around to make sure no ones there. Looking down he saw the large square hole in the middle of the helical staircase. Alex stood up on his tips of his feet on top of the side railings. "Should of asked for them to build a water tube." He breathed in tensing his muscles.

    I hope this works...

    He ejected himself forward, propelling himself up and over like a dolphin would break the surface. He dived down, the air brushing past his body, his jumper flapped with the wind catching in to the folds. As the floor quickly came up to meet him. He spun in mid air. As he free fell he angled his feet towards the ground. Preparing for impact. He opened up his palms. He felt a surge of power and adrenaline enter his hands. A high pressured stream erupted from his palms. The water stream enacted an upwards force slowing his descent. When the water hit the floor it flattened and rushed off in to many different directions. But then the water exhausted itself. Alex met the ground relatively gently. He looked around at the pool that began to form on the floor of the stairwell. Alex knelt down and placed his hand in the water. absorbing the water back in.
    Alex had tried to get away as soon as possible but he still had to get the transceiver doo-hicky. He looked around the room. Nerites had gone. Alex was met with a mixture of feelings but dismissed it. He marched up to the desk. "Transceiver, please." The receptionist smiled and then passed a watch to him and then Alex walked out to get in to his car, only to find it being hooked up to the back of another vehicle.

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  • 25,587
    Giron // "Basil DeLeon"

    Titans: A Superhero RP (T) (IC)

    "I'm not sure what you mean..." the Akansu replied, before disregarding Giron and turning her attention to Binary.

    "Well okay then! Bye!" Giron chirped, before returning to the lift and returning to the lobby. There seemed to be a few others standing around chatting, but Giron didn't really want to interrupt anybody, besides he was already bursting with excitement and curiosity to try out his new transceiver. The alien walked up to the desk, not noticing that the sudden appearance of a large reptilian creature in front of her nearly resulted in the secretary from falling out of her chair.

    "Hello, I'd to have a transceiver please. I need the one with the unstable molecule thingies."

    "Oh, right" Amanda said, collecting herself and remembering that Giron was meant to be there "Here you are Mr. Giron." She continued, handing the alien what looked like a blue watch at first glance. Giron smiled at the woman, a rather strange expression on his face.

    "Thank you!" Giron said, taking the transceiver and strapping it tightly around his wrist "Oh and I'm just a Giron, not a Mister Giron." He then looked at the object on his wrist, he was just dying to test it out and see if it really did change with him. So he did.

    Giron started by turning into a human being, the first one he thought of being the secretary herself. In an instant the tall, green lizard's features and distorted and shifted, a perfect replica of Amanda standing before her. Again she gasped, oddly enough having not suspected that she would suddenly be looking at a living breathing copy of herself.

    "So far so good" Giron chimed, an excited smile being prevalent on Amanda's visage in stark contrast to the actual woman. Giron continued by turning into a monkey, then an octopus and then finally into a zebra before he returned to his actual appearance.
    I wonder what happens if I turn into something that doesn't have a forelimb that can fit the transceiver on though?

    Giron continued his testing, still to the astonishment of Amanda, becoming a large eagle, then a snake and shortly afterwards a bee before once again returning to his usual body, beaming. When he had shifted to the eagle he had found the transceiver on his leg, as the snake it had been on his tail and as the bee it had become small enough to fit on his insectoid leg. These locations might not always be convenient but at least the transceiver wasn't going to break. Visibly pleased, Giron bid the still somewhat stunned secretary goodbye and left the Champions' headquarters as a man in his forties to avoid suspicion. He then stepped into an alleyway and turned into a crow, taking to the skies and heading for his small home near the college.

    It wasn't long before Giron, as Basil DeLeon was stepping through the door of the small apartment he lived in. He was still bubbling with excitement, but was also feeling somewhat tired by the day's events. Deciding to give physical activity a rest, Giron sat down at his computer and hopped onto Age of Titans to see a message from someone he talked to frequently

    Whisper from [Qassidy]: Hey Basil! You have no idea how awesome my day's been!

    Whisper to [Qassidy]: I bet I do. My day has been really great too! I just got a new job with some really cool people.

    Whisper from [Qassidy]: Really? Me too! I'm so excited to get started. It's actually a branch of law enforcement, if you can believe that. So I might be a bit busier than normal, haha. What about you, though? :)

    Whisper to [Qassidy]: Yeah, I'm doing a sort of public relations job. So I'll probably be a bit busier too now actually. xD

    Whisper from [Qassidy]: Pfft, look at us, growing up. Really happy to hear you're doing well, Basil ^_^

    Whisper from [Qassidy]: Oh hey, someone wants me to go heal their group at BF. You up for stabbing some butts?

    Whisper to [Qassidy]: Well I don't know how to aim for the butt but sure! :D

    [Qassidy] has invited you to a party.



    You used a Master Ball on the GreyBidoof!
  • 770

    Chapter Two

    "Breaking news today, we have word from multiple unnamed sources that the Champions have indeed disappeared!"

    The newscast continued to blare, as Binary typed away at his workstation, only half listening to the broadcast. He was monitoring the crime levels of the city, and it was just as he had expected. Numerous reports flashed on different screens, all requesting help. He stood up, stretching out his back, and looked at the middle monitor. He had compiled a list of the ongoing crimes, ready to be sent to his new team. The question was, were they ready?

    Incoming Story Objectives:

    - Resolve one of the current ongoing crimes Binary has listed.

    - A list of objectives is listed in the OOC.
    - You are allowed to complete objectives by yourself or with others
    - You do not have to stop posting after you complete your objective. Simply talk to me if you can't think of something else for your character.
