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Tug o' War 3 - Tea (+1) vs Coffee (-1)

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I don't mind coffee on a rare occasion.
When I do get a coffee, I prefer it iced and black, though sometimes I'll add some cream to it for a bit of a mild flavor note in the background.
I'm fine with bitter, it's sweet that I'm not all that good with when it comes to drinks.

I really can't drink anything bitter. That's the main reason why I don't drink alcohol!

There were a couple occasions where I was forced to drink coffee and I didn't like it. I also used coffee as kinda a "tool" when I was going for my drivers license. It actully kinda helped, the caffein, that is.
I'd still drink it black, though.

A lot of people drink coffee with sugar. I get it, but I personally prefer without sugar, so you can feel the taste better.
When it comes to tea, I also don't add anything. Sometimes I add honey tho, especially in winter or when I need something sweet and hot for my throat.

I have a relative who buries their tea with so much sugar they'd be better off just adding some hot water to a cup of sugar xD

Would be nice if I had people I like hanging out with that I can do stuff with; like drinking tea somewhere...


I have been feeling under the weather since yesterday evening. Hopefully it's just spring allergies, but tea saved the day. I made nice hot cup of mango peach roobios tea, and it really soothed my sore throat. It also a magical aroma that was so relaxing to breathe.

I have been feeling under the weather since yesterday evening. Hopefully it's just spring allergies, but tea saved the day. I made nice hot cup of mango peach roobios tea, and it really soothed my sore throat. It also a magical aroma that was so relaxing to breathe.

Ooh that sounds wonderful, I've never seen that flavour of rooibos. More importantly, I hope you feel fully better real soon 😊


Aww thanks,

The company that made the tea is a women-owned business, it's also supposed to be a green business and everything is organic, so those sound like good to support to me :)

Tonight i'm trying this Yogi bedtome tea that's made with lavender and chamomile, passion flower, spearmint, rosehips, cardamon, raspberry leaf and all sorts of things that sound unique
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I should probably experiment some more with tea flavors.
When I find a couple flavors I like for something I tend to just stick to those.
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