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damn I'm old

The fact that there's people 10+ years younger using the net and I actively talk to them. (Like on a forum)
What made me feel old was listening to these on the radio or on the TV:

"_______________ is celebrating their 25th anniversary! Congratulations!"

...I'm turning 25 in November.

Also, songs made in the early 2000's turned 10 or even 15 years old...
That I'm older than all my favorite anime characters. I'm serious on this one. I'm going to be 19 in three months, and damn, I already feel old.

Another thing that makes me feel old? That I'm out of school. :(

Honest'y, it's being as old and older than NFL players. Seeing that a guy is now at his 4th year in the league and is less than 2 months older than me is pretty crazy for me (note that in the NFL you can't play until you are 21 years old, unlike most other professional sports where it's usually 18 or sometimes as young as 16).
^ Sports gets me all the time with this, hockey especially. I could be watching a game and see a really talented player out there, and then realize that he's 5 years younger than I am.

I can also remember doing things in elementary school like it was yesterday... and then I remember not only was I last in elementary 12 years ago, but the school I went to doesn't even exist any more.
When the teenagers at the grocery store call me miss or ma'am.
- spent over half my life on PC
- pkmn emerald came out over a decade ago in the states & that was my first pokemon game
- my youngest stepbrother started middle school. ive known him since he was 6 months old
- ive known the man who is my boyfriend and his family for over seven years
-- his sisters are 12. i met them when they were FIVE
- kids i was in charge of for events and stuff have grown up and like?? are in high school?? and are defined people now??
- my younger brother is married o_O
- i live in a house without my parents
realizing that i don't like pokemon the same way i used to.
I have a favorite stove top and I got excited about buying salt and pepper shakers once. Salt and pepper shakers.

Dude I get the feeling. I get excited about buying dates and potatoes.

I'm saving to buy a house.. Dat property market.. lol..
A few Christmases ago I asked for pots and pans... I'm debating doing it again if my grandma asks what I want. My pots are all crappy! Last year she gave me socks and a $50 Target gift card that went towards a new vacuum.

My little brother is legal drinking age in 2 months. And I'm in the US, so he's turning 21, not 18. He's been out of high school for a few years now. What?

Apparently Pokemon's 20th anniversary is coming up. I've been playing since I was 10, iirc. So a good 16 years.

Oh yeah and I've been on PC 10 years now. I knew some of you when I was a teen and now you're all adults too doing adult things. Yeah...

And I know I'm not even old in the grand scheme of things. :|
I was in work the other night and happened to glance at a box of Toy Story fruit snacks. The box said "Celebrating Toy Story's 20th Anniversary!" I just stared at the box because I can remember asking for a Toy Story cake for my 8th birthday and no one knowing who Woody was because the movie was so new.

Honest'y, it's being as old and older than NFL players. Seeing that a guy is now at his 4th year in the league and is less than 2 months older than me is pretty crazy for me (note that in the NFL you can't play until you are 21 years old, unlike most other professional sports where it's usually 18 or sometimes as young as 16).
Same here, but with baseball. When I look up a player's stats, I'm always so amazed that I was in school by the time that they were born.