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Do you miss the random grass/wild encounters of the 1st 7 gens or not?

  • 315
    • Seen Jan 9, 2025
    If yes, do you want to return to inescapable wild encounters every 1 or 2 steps in a Zubat cave or have random encounters each time you walk through their natural habitats? (Annoying, but it's a nostalgic artifact left over from the Gameboy, DS, and 3ds eras.)
    If no, should all remakes from now on rework overworld encounters and have them implemented? (I know LGE/LGP already do this, but BDSP doesn't.) (Also not going to lie, it feels much more natural seeing Pokemon frolick and chill in their natural habitat plus it adds charm, character, and brings more "life" to an otherwise "lifeless" landscape.) It be interesting if they were to rework it with the original game components in mind. I'm indecisive, ok?
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    If I had to pick I suppose I'd go with the modern version of encounters just to avoid making caves and water annoying. But really I can still live with either one.
    Misses them a little. Made it easier if you ever wanted a random Pokemon from the grass, for whatever reason. (Did not like separate encounter tables for grass randoms, though, as in Sword/Shield. Ought to be the same encounter table and rates for both.)

    Prefers the newer, overworld Pokemon overall. Runs into its own problems sometimes too. Throws you into battles immediately after leaving one sometimes. Happens with packs of Sneasels in Paldea, for example. Got pinned against a cliff wall against a Reuniclus in Blueberry Academy once too. Ran away over a dozen(?) times. Could not open the menu to fast-travel in time. Had to fight it (die to it, technically, given the ~50 level difference).

    As for remakes: Yes, in theory. Wonders if some areas would be too small or narrow to do well, however. Back-up plan: put it on an option toggle? Satisfies new and old school players.
    No, it just makes you waste more time battling/escaping from unwanted Pokémon until you find the one you're looking for. I don't miss random encounters in turn-based RPGs in general.

    I guess Nuzlockers do miss this because random encounters do work well with Nuzlockes. No idea how this has been adapted to the games with overworld encounters, I'm personally not a fan of this particular type of challenge.
    Overworld encounters are more realistic, but I do miss the surprise factor of random encounters. Overworld encounters also make it more of a pain to play while multitasking. Shiny-hunting is a pain on SWSH in general with such tiny overworld models for some 'mon even without multitasking.
    I know most people don't like random encounters. I personally am not opposed to those types of encounters, especially in Pokemon games. They add a sort of randomness that may seem tedious. But it also helps making experiencing the games unique for everyone. They're also a lot easier to implement than overworld encounters. It's just easier to explain away that random Pokemon may pop up when walking through tall grass. On the other hand it is harder to explain why two different species of Pokemon who according to the PokeDex behave completely different from each other still end up behaving exactly the same as overworld encounters.
    Just reading this made me think hard longer than I expected. I have grown so accustomed to random encounters that I do not mind them at all. Does it get tedious overtime? Definitely. Mostly when going through caves. Sure I stock on repels or grind a bit, but having to hit the run option seems like the better choice. Although that stems more from burnout or fatigue while going through long dungeons or areas. It can suck seeing the same Zubat or Geodude pop up, but I always took that as the devs not having enough variety at the time. Gen 4 has the stat trainers that makes random encounters the most annoying because now everything is a double battle. Gen 5 also seemed to have increased the random encounters because I find myself taking only about 5 steps before a roggenrola with sturdy blocks my path. That I remember getting annoying. By gen 6 the caves are more interesting to go through.

    Now having overworld encounters like in Violet I do enjoy them better, usually. The only problem is that sometimes after an encounter I immediately get another one because a pokemon happened to be close to me after the battle ended. Also another problem is that when I see a pokemon I want I go towards it, but then another pokemon gets in the way and I have to then battle that instead. That and it seems to tank the frame rate, but that's a whole other discussion within itself. It seems that no matter what direction the encounter rate goes there will always be some problems. I'm however open to either one and I believe that as time goes on overworld encounters will get better, so I am leaning more towards that.
    Yes and no. Random encounters are so ingrained in my head that it's the norm for me (same with using a Pokemon to Fly instead of the world map). What frustrated me most about the overworld Pokemon (at least in gen 8) was how some species would chase you down, and that was more annoying to me than an actual wild encounter.

    So yeah, if the wild overworld Pokemon didn't pursue you, I probably would prefer overworld Pokemon - as long as the issue with them overlapping also didn't come into play.
    I do miss the element of surprise that random encounters had. It came with not knowing which Pokemon would appear in a new area until the screen displayed it and that also made the rare shiny encounters even more exciting.
    As irritating as getting attacked every four steps got in the old games, I found how Shield handled encounters much more annoying. I can't count the number of unwanted battles I got stuck in because a small Pokemon spawned five feet in front of me that I couldn't see due to it being hidden behind my character model. Seeing wild Pokemon in their natural habitat might be fun, but seeing those Pokemon all get in my way isn't.
    I personally don't mind encounters being in the overworld so long as it doesn't look glitchy or make the framerate extremely low. Although I loved the few seconds of wonder or hope when you randomly encountered a wild Pokémon having no clue what it would be. Is it a shiny? Hidden ability? Perfect stats or nature? It's a gamble and I love it.
    I was ecstatic when they introduced the Pokemon being in the overworld in Let's Go.
    While I can replay the older games and be fine with it still, it's not exactly something I'm begging to go back to unless we're talking about remakes of past gens.

    Sure, sometimes bumping into a small Pokemon when you don't mean to is a bit annoying in the newer games, but I think it's way less time consuming than past gens when you're trying to get through the caves and sometimes take a step, enter a battle, flee, only to take like 2 more steps and get another encounter. It's really nice to be able to truly choose when you want to catch Pokemon.

    Random encounters in RPG's have always been annoying for me (which is ironic because I like so many turn based RPG's...) but nothing annoys me more than when I'm just trying to get from point A to point B, or trying to figure out a maze or a puzzle and I have to stop so often. Thankfully, in most Pokemon games repels would come around early on, but I just prefer enemies/Pokemon being visible and giving the player the choice of initiating it, especially if it's not a key event or boss fight.
    Yesn't. I preferred how they were in SW/SH not as frequent. If we go back to the way they were in those games I'd be cool with that. But, not as they were prior. Having to use repels was extremely annoying, especially in caves. So, I'd prefer it to be as it was in Gen 8 if we ever get them again.
    Not really, but it wasn't bad. It relates to the game I am playing. Seeing pokemon in overworld pre SwoShi doesn't seem good, I'd avoid that. Opposite for gen 9, I think the no grass encounters works. SwoShi has a balanced compromise. PLA needed no grass encounters. So, basically, for me it depends on the map the game is gonna use.