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At the beginning, they tell me :
"You get 2 days off."
Later :
"Wait, you get 3 days off."
At the end :
"Oh no, you get 4!"
That was the first time.

A week ago :
"You get 2 days and a half."
Today :
"Oh no, just 1 day and a half!"

Also, have enough chairs so we all can sit down ? Nonsense!
And heaters in cold November ? What for ?

Are you absolutely sure you're not working for the Chancelor of this movie?

Joking aside, I'm really sorry that your boss(es?) are so incompetent...
50% tired

Very sore and tired...

*just big hugs*



Actually, no, I don't even need a spoiler to tell you what happened in my country today. My only consolation is that I voted with a clean conscience.

I feel for you so much.

I have been saying that to so many people in so many countries lately...


At the beginning, they tell me :
"You get 2 days off."
Later :
"Wait, you get 3 days off."
At the end :
"Oh no, you get 4!"
That was the first time.

A week ago :
"You get 2 days and a half."
Today :
"Oh no, just 1 day and a half!"

Also, have enough chairs so we all can sit down ? Nonsense!
And heaters in cold November ? What for ?

50% tired


Double big hugs for you my friend. I hope everything picks up soon 😊

Today: Feeling nostalgic
Slightly annoyed at lack of turn signals on the road today.

It's a nice gesture to signal before crossing right in front of somebody with your 5 ton metal hunk of death. I'd like to go out and grab a sandwich and not die.
Pretty, I felt pretty for once. I bought a dress, wore it and it felt AMAZING. I don't remember other occasions in which I looked at myself and thought "wow, I feel pretty like this". One of the best sensations of my 2023, indeed!

That is amazing to hear! You rock that dress Piplup!

I feel happy beyond what words could properly express...
Pissed off. Had a day so vexing that I literally smashed my umbrella in pieces and dumping it in the apartment bin on the way home. I feel a little better.
Pissed off. Had a day so vexing that I literally smashed my umbrella in pieces and dumping it in the apartment bin on the way home. I feel a little better.
I am sorry to hear that, SteCisGreenDog. I can relate about frustrating days. Best wishes for you to feel better soon.
Tired and mentally drained.
I wish you a good rest, Crustan, and to feel better quickly.
Just angry, perhaps anxiety ridden. Idk. My mind is just going really fast. Like lightening fast GGAAAAAHHH!
As someone who struggles with anxiety coughs and panic attacks, I feel you :(
Hope you feel better, and maybe try taking some deep breaths and think about things that make you happy? :)

Right now: Tired