Ah, yay! =D I'm glad that someone agrees, lol.
Lol, I know. I'm a big blabber-mouth around my mom and brother, too. >_> I'm kind of like a radio that's impossible to turn off. But I guess it's because I live with them and feel so comfortable around them. It's funny, though... Around some of my other family members, I get pretty quiet. Except around my grandparents, aunt, and a few cousins.
Ohh, I'm best around small groups. Like 3 or 4 people. Just talking to one person can be hard, because it's hard to think of things to talk about, and I definately won't speak up in a huge crowd. I get so nervous. One time I was supposed to say something in front of my brother's Boy Scout group, and I just froze. XD I can't even remember what I said, but it probably sounded dumb.