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Internet Explorer Retires

  • 17,133
    • she / they
    • Seen Jan 12, 2024
    Microsoft has officially announced that they are moving away from their 30-year-old flagship browser, Internet Explorer, in favor of Microsoft Edge. In many ways, this comes as no surprise as Microsoft Edge has always been more compatible, attractive, user-friendly, and faster than its much older sister site. As of Windows 10 and further, Internet Explorer will no longer be available for download.
    "We are announcing that the future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge."
    That said, Microsoft has also announced that there will be a built-in Internet Explorer "mode" so users may continue to browse legacy websites with no compatibility issues.

    Still, this news has gotten a mixed reception. Surprisingly, Internet Explorer is still a popular browser and, according to Digital Trends, 47% of Windows 10 devices still use Internet Explorer. Another common reaction is one of bittersweet nostalgia. Growing up in the 90's with dial up, booting up Windows 2000, and waiting a small century for Internet Explorer to open was certainly an experience -- whether you love it or hate it, it is definitely the end of a major technological era.

    So, how do you feel about it?
    Well, honestly, I think it was about time to retire this browser. Shocked people even still use it to begin with.
    I never cared much for IE. The only thing that's bothering me is that we now have one browser less that is not based on Chromium.
    IE has been dead for years, I think M$ should've done this when Edge was released.

    That said, Microsoft has also announced that there will be a built-in Internet Explorer "mode" so users may continue to browse legacy websites with no compatibility issues.
    LOL, there's no need for that, those non-standard sites should be updated or removed.
    i'm only sad not because i care for IE in particular, but only because it's another relic of internet past that's going away in the same vein as AIM or MSN.

    ah well
    I think 2013 was the last time I actually opened IE. Was shocked they still had it for download until now. RIP to the legend tho. And RIP to browser variance; another non-Chromium browser bites the dust. Only time will tell before Firefox goes down the drain too (praying to heavens it doesn't)
    I was about to say "maxthon cloud browser is a browser that isn't based on chromium" but apparently it is now in Maxthon 6... (For those curious, I use Maxthon 5 which is actually not Chromium based, but I digress, I'm the 1% who uses it because I find it useful to have i a built in in browser notes app I can access whenever I need it.)

    At any rate, I know I already posted in here, but I am still shocked they didn't retire Internet Explorer a lot sooner. I saw a video on Twitter today about how browser usage has since changed & how IE used to be the most used browser until Chrome came around in 2008...and now Chrome is the most used browser of all time. This is shocking to me that Internet Explorer used to dominate the world and then less than 1% of people were using it to the point of its retirement.
    IE reminds us about distant past such as Yahoo Messager or MSN Messager. Kicking the bucket surely it was browser that could make your PC download malware in the pass; As website evolves there isn't any much need to use IE anymore as popular browsers have plenty of customization , website nowdays don't run as much activeX in the relics of the past

    I'm not sure how many sites are there use activeX like the good o'l days, but I'm just neutral on this decision they have.. May IE join what's left of our 80's era.

    People will remeber Netscape, well time for IE to join netscape's grave.
    I can see both sides of the argument, since for one it seemed microsoft never really tried update IE to "modern" times and actually be competitive to chrome so it was only doomed to fail and retire specially when edge switched to chromium it was inevidible (f spelling). The other side of the coin as everyone has already stated, less competition towards chrome, and i think once firefox falls its really gonna be barely any competition towards chrome, yes some alternatives exist but they are so small (or safari) that its hard to call them any kind of competition towards chrome. But as soon as microsoft released edge i knew one day IE would retire, when was a mystery to me, but it only showed that they gave up on IE and decided to start something new, which wasnt a bad browser, just switching to chromium was iffy imo. sorry for all the words,
    TLDR it ended up becoming inevidible(i hate spelling), it sucks but the worst part is, what can we even do about it now.
    I'm not sure how many sites are there use activeX like the good o'l days, but I'm just neutral on this decision they have.
    I think there aren't sites that use ActiveX because it's deprecated and browsers don't support it anymore.
    I think there aren't sites that use ActiveX because it's deprecated and browsers don't support it anymore.

    In fact, all the site nowdays doesn't use activeX because other browsers can't utilized activeX only IE does. and IE being dead dry