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  • Please note that this section is for questions regarding the forum itself - it is not for fan game-related questions. If you have a question about a fan game, ask in the appropriate thread.

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Official Feedback Request: Migration feedback

  • 41,842
    Hi everyone! The XenForo migration is now complete. You will definitely spot some bugs, especially as migrating a website of our size is extremely difficult. If anything seems wonky to you feel free to point it out here. =)

    Please see this thread for info: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/downtime-and-migration-notice.504166/

    Known Issues
    • Custom fonts are not here. We will be bringing them over as soon as we can, but will have to reduce the amount of fonts we have for performance purposes.
    • Certain customized threads/posts will appear to have some broken BBCodes (such as certain section rules threads), but we are working on these. We have new advanced BBCodes that will need to replaced our old ones.
    • Edit button missing for some users; investigating (may be a usergroup permission issue).
    • Missing banner on some themes e.g. Johto Elite. WIll be fixed after more pressing issues are addressed.
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    I've noticed that I can no longer edit my own posts which I have already sent, is this a side effect of the migration?

    In addition, I have also found that pages can only hold 20 posts in them instead of 25: is this also a side effect?
    Looks like CSS properties in post flair settings are more restricted than before, border, font-family, margin-right and text-transform aren't allowed anymore. Will those be allowed later?
    Looks like CSS properties in post flair settings are more restricted than before, border, font-family, margin-right and text-transform aren't allowed anymore. Will those be allowed later?
    Please let me know where you want to use them so I can enable those properties depending on the section you want
    Please let me know where you want to use them so I can enable those properties depending on the section you want
    I want to use border and font-family in main block, margin-right in avatar container and text-transform in both username and mini biography.
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    I can't find the place to edit my signature.
    Also there are 2 fields to put your Twitter in your profile, an none as a link.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Migration feedback
    Not super helpful, but I'm finding that some of the themes have missing banner images.
    Here is my entire banner when using Johto Elite. It's possible this is something on my end but I've disabled my extensions and tried clearing cache.

    I'm not sure if this is an already known issue, but I did notice that after logging in once, I had to log in again when clicking on my profile icon/username.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Migration feedback
    It's not a big issue, but it seems like the "Your Account" quick action menu doesn't sync up with the session token. Possibly they're stored as separate session tokens. Hope I'm wrong about that though.

    Having had experience with XenForo in the past, I don't remember encountering this. But maybe I might have encountered it on XenForo before? Who knows? I'm not good at remembering stuff though. ^^;
    We'll look into the lack of edit buttons for some of you. It should be lower left of the post you want to edit (is for me). May be a usergroup thing so we'll edit permissions. Rest assured the edit button will return!

    Not super helpful, but I'm finding that some of the themes have missing banner images.
    Here is my entire banner when using Johto Elite. It's possible this is something on my end but I've disabled my extensions and tried clearing cache.

    Can confirm I see this issue too, so not your cache. Will be fixed later!