• Our software update is now concluded. You will need to reset your password to log in. In order to do this, you will have to click "Log in" in the top right corner and then "Forgot your password?".
  • Please note that this section is for questions regarding the forum itself - it is not for fan game-related questions. If you have a question about a fan game, ask in the appropriate thread.

  • Welcome to PokéCommunity! Register now and join one of the best fan communities on the 'net to talk Pokémon and more! We are not affiliated with The Pokémon Company or Nintendo.

Official Feedback Request: Migration feedback

I think there's some too-aggressive caching going on somewhere. On the forum index I was logged in and saw professor plum as the last poster 3 minutes ago, but when I clicked to view this thread I was logged out and the last several posts were missing. A hard refresh fixed it.
Yes, there is a caching set for guests which is refreshed every 5 minutes
I'm not able to post in the Monotype Challenges thread. The website says I need to login, but I've logged in and out multiple times. I'm not sure why I'm able to type information in this thread but not in the "Monotype Challenges" thread. I'm going to give it a day before I delete all my tracking cookies because it's a hassle for me to sign into 15+ web accounts. I'm really hoping this is resolved soon.
Hi everyone! The XenForo migration is now complete. You will definitely spot some bugs, especially as migrating a website of our size is extremely difficult. If anything seems wonky to you feel free to point it out here. =)

Please see this thread for info: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/downtime-and-migration-notice.504166/

Known Issues
  • Custom fonts are not here. We will be bringing them over as soon as we can, but will have to reduce the amount of fonts we have for performance purposes.
  • Certain customized threads/posts will appear to have some broken BBCodes (such as certain section rules threads), but we are working on these. We have new advanced BBCodes that will need to replaced our old ones.
  • Edit button missing for some users; investigating (may be a usergroup permission issue).
  • Missing banner on some themes e.g. Johto Elite. WIll be fixed after more pressing issues are addressed.
missing completed rom hacks page
Prefixes for hacks are no longer color coded! Pretty frustrating when you only look for generation 2 hacks in the sea of threads :c
Maybe I'm missing something, but I can no longer see who else is in a thread. This felt like a valuable feature to prevent posting directly at the same time as another person. Especially in places like Forum Games/Trivia in which you often have to respond to a specific post.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I can no longer see who else is in a thread. This felt like a valuable feature to prevent posting directly at the same time as another person. Especially in places like Forum Games/Trivia in which you often have to respond to a specific post.
yeah, i noticed that, too 😯
hope they bring that back...
Last edited:
From the migration FAQ:

Will my Blog carry over?
Blog entries will carry over to a Blogs forum. However, the forum will be archived so the team can decide how, and if, we should bring Blogs back.

The move in the backend came along with a lot of old things tossed back into the moderation queue, which staff are working to clear en masse. It's possible those posts may end up just getting approved and shown to all but if that's the case, you should be able to ask a moderator to delete/hide them for you and undelete when you're ready to potentially use them one day. :)
This is regarding postflair's CSS.

Before the update I was able to use the CSS that other members had including image, cursor, shadow, background, etc.. I was testing them out right before the switch, I was intrigued by other users postflairs but had little knowledge on CSS but managed, right now I'm limited to the basics
color: darkgrey;
background: #9D2933 ;
border-bottom: 1px solid skyblue;

anything else I get errors on everything, main block, avatar, username, stats, mini bio

For the main block I had saved;
cursor: url('https://i.ibb.co/ZzFHMvG/212-mega.png'),auto;
background: url('https://i.ibb.co/HPtxbLV/PC-postflair-1600x200.jpg');

for the username
font-style: italic;
color: #404040;
font-weight: 900;
text-shadow: 4px 4px 0 #59b19b, -4px -4px 0 #df4763;

I was wondering if anything had changed, as the FAQ - PostFlairs ( https://www.pokecommunity.com/faq.php?faq=pokecommunity_faq#faq_postflairs ) isn't there or on the updated link ( https://www.pokecommunity.com/help/ )

Maybe I'm missing something, but I can no longer see who else is in a thread. This felt like a valuable feature to prevent posting directly at the same time as another person. Especially in places like Forum Games/Trivia in which you often have to respond to a specific post.

yeah, i noticed that, too 😯
hope they bring that back...
Added this in! Let me know if you don't see it!