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What kind of phone do you have?

I have a Samsung S23 Ultra. I had my old phone for so long it was actually becoming unusable due to severe lag so I completely bankrupted my self for one last year.

I wanted something with a camera I was happy with and it's actually so good I no longer take my big camera anywhere at all. I also listen to a ton of music so I wanted a phone that would play 24bit audio over Bluetooth which it does with the Samsung buds. Most importantly though, I needed the note capabilities to use it as my poem writing pad.

I absolutely love my phone and have less than zero interest in the next model (or the one after). If I'm still around, I will replace it when it breaks or is no longer able to keep up with basic apps and browsing.
I have a Samsung S23 Ultra. I had my old phone for so long it was actually becoming unusable due to severe lag so I completely bankrupted my self for one last year.

I wanted something with a camera I was happy with and it's actually so good I no longer take my big camera anywhere at all. I also listen to a ton of music so I wanted a phone that would play 24bit audio over Bluetooth which it does with the Samsung buds. Most importantly though, I needed the note capabilities to use it as my poem writing pad.

I absolutely love my phone and have less than zero interest in the next model (or the one after). If I'm still around, I will replace it when it breaks or is no longer able to keep up with basic apps and browsing.

[PokeCommunity.com] What kind of phone do you have?

We almost have the same phone!

I have a Samsung S23 FE, which I just got last December. I had an S10+ for the past 4 or so years but it needed replacement since the battery was dying too quick throughout the day even if I wasn't using it. I've been super happy with it, even if I think overall I still would've preferred the previous one. Getting something new and shiny was still exciting though, so I gladly got a new one. It helps that I know someone who could help get me a good deal.

I've been using Galaxy phones all my life and have never had any desire to change, I think it'd be too inconvenient to learn how iOS works (so it's kinda funny how I'm basically unable to use my bf's iphone) so in however long it takes to need a new phone, I'll probably just try and get whatever new Galaxy that appeals to me.
I am also running Samsung like above two, though mine is A34 5G.

I will not change it because I bought it few months ago, and Samsung's guaranteed 3 OS upgrade will keep it up-to-date for time being, plus I use it for going through articles, calls and messages, Camera, Wikipedia, Pokemon GO, Hill Climb Racing, Stellarium, that's it.

I don't use any social media tools, including Whatsapp. The messages which I am posting on the forum are been done by Desktop only. So my use cases are pretty limited, hence I don't think the phone will give up quickly.

And like @Setsuna , everyone in the family uses Samsung's phone only, and that goes back to keypad phone. And to make it much more fun, even the appliances like TV and refrigerator are of Samsung !!
I bought a OnePlus 8 Pro 3 and a half years ago, but my manager at the time made me use an iPhone as part of work and it was tracked so it became my daily driver for the better part of a year and a half. After that I went back to my OP but I found the battery wasn't performing up to spec anymore, so I upgraded to the new Pixel 8 Pro. With 7 years of updates and parts available to do repairs, I can likely make this phone last.
iPhone 14 Plus

I don't normally care to have the latest* tech asap (I used a Windows XP computer until it was about to die lol), but while we were changing carriers we were also offered a deal on 14s, so it seemed like a good idea to upgrade. Will probably use this phone for a long-ass time, or as long as you can use some shit in a world of planned obsolescence anyway.

*15s were already out at this point, but it's still pretty close to newest
I've really wanted to try the Samsung phones, but in the end I went with the 15 Pro a few months ago since I was already used to the smooth iOS experience. But I am still willing to try one down the line lol. People say if you're in the Apple ecosystem it's hard to make the switch, and while I do have a Macbook, iPad, and AirPods, I just use them for the basics (browsing, drawing, etc) and don't make much use of the ecosystem interconnectivity features much. So it probably wouldn't make much of a difference if I ended up with a Samsung phone...?
Moto G Power 2022. (Android 11). Large screen size and run games/whatever apps well enough. Although I hate the UI and the camera isn't good either.

I can't wait to switch so I can get rid of the UI. It's so clunky and on top of that, they gave it a wavy motion effect when scrolling. It made me feel sick. Thankfully I found a way to turn this off.
Android A32 5G if I'm not mistaken. I've had this one for about 2 1/2 years now and it's served me well. The only problems I've noticed are that the speaker is a little janky (probably from when I got some water in it) and the power button sometimes doesn't register when I press it. Nothing too terribly concerning. (1) I usually use earbuds/headphones anyway and (2) only sometimes, and I just press it a little harder when that happens. Also I changed the settings so double tapping the phone screen turns it on, so I don't need to push it as much
I have a Samsung Z Flip 4 and it's basically my dream phone. It's a flip phone with a little screen on the front so you can still check messages, control media, and so on. I got it right before the Flip 5 came out but I just... don't like the visuals on that phone as much. I love the purple colour of my phone so much and you didn't get as much of it with the 5 so I'm glad I didn't wait for it when my last phone shattered.

[PokeCommunity.com] What kind of phone do you have?

Look how cute and compact it is!!!! It's the first phone in like a decade that actually fits in my pocket!!!!

I came from Pixels so I do miss a lot of things that I thought were just Android features but are actually Pixel-exclusive features and the camera on this phone is... not fantastic, but I'm getting used to Samsung's stuff and the aesthetic of the phone is just too strong to be unhappy with it haha.
I have a Samsung Z Flip 4 and it's basically my dream phone. It's a flip phone with a little screen on the front so you can still check messages, control media, and so on. I got it right before the Flip 5 came out but I just... don't like the visuals on that phone as much. I love the purple colour of my phone so much and you didn't get as much of it with the 5 so I'm glad I didn't wait for it when my last phone shattered.

<snipping image for brevity>

Look how cute and compact it is!!!! It's the first phone in like a decade that actually fits in my pocket!!!!

I came from Pixels so I do miss a lot of things that I thought were just Android features but are actually Pixel-exclusive features and the camera on this phone is... not fantastic, but I'm getting used to Samsung's stuff and the aesthetic of the phone is just too strong to be unhappy with it haha.
That is freaking adorable and I love how color-coordinated you are ✨
I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S9. Bought it four years ago. While I like it and have no issues with it, I'm thinking about upgrading it. Just can't afford to upgrade right now. 😅
pixel 6 pro! it's been a great phone to me and it's basically irreplaceable until google decides it needs no more updates