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Anti Virus software you use nowadays?

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 655
    What anti virus software do you use nowadays? I just use Windows Defender but did have paid anti virus at one time.
    windows defender is the way to go for windows. if you use anything else, especially one you pay for, then you're getting scammed
    Uses Windows Defender. Runs Malwarebytes (free version) on occasion too, if you wish to count that.
    I used Avast another free one, also available on mobile, it did start to piss me off eventually (can't remember why). I think I still have it on my android phone tho.
    Haven't used a 3rd party AV since 2015 I think? I tried Malwarebytes once but it kept detecting my uh... semi-legally obtained softwarez.
    Windows defender a lot thought really want to use AVAST or FREE versions of these programs. People say notron is worse but it is then you don't want that
    Just use the default built in scanner. Everything else is lowkey adware. Avast demands you buy it. Malware bytes does, too. I don't download anything and have a pop-up blocker & ad blocker on my browser, so I don't really need a 3rd party one. I'm fine with defender.
    Windows Defender is pretty standard fare for Windows. I don't worry about anything on my Linux partitions on my various devices as I don't use it often, and lol macbooks pretty much never need them because of how walled the Apple garden is when you stick to it.
    The one that comes with Windows, it's effective these days. But I back it up with Malwarebytes too even if they do harass me to get premium every time I open it.
    Just regular WIndows Defender on my work computer and nothing really on my Linux machine. I don't really do much downloading these days, use adblockers and stuff and if I end up needing some software I either look for it in my distro's package manager or get the source and compile it.
    Just regular WIndows Defender on my work computer and nothing really on my Linux machine. I don't really do much downloading these days, use adblockers and stuff and if I end up needing some software I either look for it in my distro's package manager or get the source and compile it.

    Does Linux have antivirus? I've been using it some for a while, but I haven't looked into it because you don't really need it
    Does Linux have antivirus? I've been using it some for a while, but I haven't looked into it because you don't really need it
    The most well known one is ClamAV. There are also some distributions that are basically just an AV. Like, those live CDs that companies like Kaspersky used to give out.

    Honestly, whenever people do talk about using an AV on Linux it's usually not about using it for Linux. For example: some people recommend to scan your emails when you're on Linux especially if you plan to deliver it to a Windows machine. Basically, not to keep your Linux safe. But instead to make sure that any Windows machine that interacts with that Linux machine is protected well.

    But that's also been a couple years since I've heard it. I'm not sure if it's still necessary nowadays.
    Way back when in the ancient time of the 2010s our home desktop used to have Panda Antivirus, I think.

    Nowadays I have Windows Defender because I'm forced to and more often than not it just gets in the way.
    I'm about to have my new PC built and I popped into this topic to see what I should get and... you're all saying Windows Defender? You mean that one that is built in with the OS? o.O We can just use that, now? Is it that simple? Hm...
    Avira for me on Windows, nothing on the Mac. Hardly have virus issues even on my Windows computer nowadays but that is largely because I'm more cautious and aware of what pages I access and what things I download aha. The lack of viruses on the Mac is super convenient too! I do use Malwarebytes scanner on it every few months just in case though.
    I don't use any virus protection on my computer other than the default Windows Defender, I guess. I just never felt that I needed virus protection because I am typically careful with my internet activity regardless.