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Serious Are you afraid of death?

  • 41,842
    Obviously, this is a serious topic and should be treated by replies as such.

    There's no telling when anyone will go - life can be very unpredictable. Do you find yourself afraid of death? Is it something you accept as inevitable, or do you try to avoid thinking of it at all costs? Have you ever had a near-death experience?
    I fear having to see my loved ones die. Watching others slowly depart one by one is a scarier concept to me than my own death. Not to say I don't have some existential dread myself, because I certainly do.

    This would normally be a fear contained to someone older, not currently in my early 20's. But I've already lost all my grandparents, my dad, several other close relatives in the last few years due to substance abuse issues.

    My family has trimmed out significantly.
    Most probably not. Not fear the death as such, rather to me the fear is of failing to accomplish what I want.

    In our religion, it is said that soul is formless and unbounded. All the feelings, relations, sad, happiness, good, bad, etc. are the things experienced by body not the soul. Body is like a dress to soul, hence when the time comes, the soul leaves the body as if it discards the old clothes. The soul has no feelings.

    Death is inevitable, and every person has their purpose for which they are born; some fail to do it and some manage to do it.

    There is a line which is written in the scripture which roughly means that body is like flower; it spreads the fragrance as the wind flies, and then it also gets fly away with the same wind. And here wind is treated as time, flower as body and fragrance as our deeds.

    Most of you had seen in anime that there are 5 elements or 7 elements which people master, as in Naruto. The purpose of showing them is the life force; the body is made up of those elements, and after death it gets dissolved into them only, and so are the feelings and relations. Each element represents certain group of feelings as well.

    I had came across several life-threatening events from my childhood. And the recent one was about 1.5 years back when I was driving scooter at night during rain, and out of nowhere a group of raging wild buffaloes was crossing the roads. And since it was raining and dark, I didn't saw them. Couple of other people who were also driving got hit by those raging buffaloes, but I managed to escape it without getting a single scratch.
    I'm not really afraid of death itself, and really at this point I'd rather be dead.

    It's more how I die that I have any fear about. There's a lot of nasty, painful ways to go.
    No, I don't. Haven't for many years actually. In a way, I'm kinda looking forward to it... The only exception to this is the regret I'll feel for leaving my friends here. I haven't known people I've enjoyed being around as much as those here on the site, it's the one thing that's given me a reason to care about being alive, so losing that connection feels painful, but inevitable all the same.
    And to the second question, yes. Twice.
    No, but I am afraid of being separated from my friends and family who are alive. All of my friends are in their 20s and none of them have died, and none of the family members I know well are dead either. If I suddenly died one day, and that death wasn't from an apocalyptic disaster in my metropolitan area, I'd be very lonely in the afterlife. Once I'm old and plenty of my friends and family have passed on, though, I expect that I'll actually look forward to reuniting with them in the afterlife.

    To the other question, I haven't had any near-death experiences, but I've had a couple dreams where I visited the afterlife to say goodbye to my cats after they died. It's a pretty nice place, from what I can tell.
    I'm not afraid of death at all. I'm no longer suicidal or anything like that because I know people will miss me when I do die, but I feel like I will be at peace when I finally do die. I actually racked up 7 near-death experiences before becoming an adult (and only one was a suicide attempt)....I'm either very lucky or very unlucky. I've had a lot of people tell me I have a guardian watching over me.
    I fear having to see my loved ones die. Watching others slowly depart one by one is a scarier concept to me than my own death. Not to say I don't have some existential dread myself, because I certainly do.

    This would normally be a fear contained to someone older, not currently in my early 20's. But I've already lost all my grandparents, my dad, several other close relatives in the last few years due to substance abuse issues.

    My family has trimmed out significantly.
    Yeah I'm pretty similar, I'm much more afraid of others dying than dying myself.
    I don't think so. I don't want to die (take that depression), but it's not something that fills me with immense dread or anything at the moment. I have a lot more pressing concerns than something I can't do anything about. That being said though, I do fear being forgotten. I don't want to be someone who leaves nothing worth remembering behind.
    I am not afraid of death itself, but rather suffering before it happens. I don't think there's an after life and this is one of the main reasons why I took my distances from religion. Thinking like that, just makes me think that dying is not much different than falling asleep, like I do everyday. But even if I was wrong, I have never experienced death, so how can I know what's like? So, this made me realize that maybe it's not even worth thinking about what happens, because, honestly, we can't truly know. There are some people who mentioned stuff from death, but how can you measure how truthful they are? What if it's different for anyone? I feel that not knowing what death is like is what makes death an interesting part of life.
    Not of dying, but of being sick all alone, with no one to confide in. I don't have many people who care for me in the slightest. I'm so scared of getting sick again.
    It's gonna happen sooner or later, nobody lives forever. I'm not gonna waste any thoughts or time on worrying about it.
    When it's time it'll be time, better to try and enjoy the here and now

    As for the last question, yes and I don't feel like talking about it.
    I don't think I am. But I'm more afraid that I won't finish all the stuff I want to. I can't afford to die now or in any foreseeable future.
    I don't think I've ever been afraid of it? I just try not to get stuck thinking about it because I think there's a lot of things that I'm still working towards in my life. I guess it is inevitable but I've always thought my life will be much longer and more impactful to me personally than my death, and it's better for me to think about what I can do in my lifetime rather than what I'll be once I'm gone.
    I'd be more upset about the death of someone close to me than I would my own death.
    I would not be lying and say it does scare me a little bit, despite me believing in an afterlife. It could be me just wanting to be in control of everything as well as I'm almost 31 and fairly healthy as well as having thoughts that I just cannot comprehend. I try not to think of it but at the same time it also does motivate me to live my life to the fullest.

    I have not had any near death experiences myself.
    Honestly, no.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means excited about or comfortable with dying, and the last thing I want is for someone I care about to pass. Near-death experiences, I've had a few, did I ever accept my "fate" during those? No, I was scared mindless. But I believe in reincarnation and karma, and I think everyone comes back, just as a different person. I believe that one should live their best life, and be their best self everyday, no matter how hard it can get, and hopefully be placed in the life they deserve after this one ends.