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4th Gen Did you like Voltorb Flip, and would you like to see more minigames like this?

  • 41,842
    Voltorb Flip replaced the Game Corner in localized versions of HGSS due to concerns with having gambling machines in the games. Did you like it? Would you like to see similar minigames be present in future games? Or did you like the Game Corner slots more?
    Slots were more visually exciting, but I can't say I loved either. Annoying that HGSS got rid of the ability to just buy coins. :/
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    I remember little from the Game Corner other than grinding it in gen 1 for the reward mons.
    The slots mini-game didn't feel fun either, just some tedious RNG stuff.

    I don't remember Voltorb flip at all and am now wondering if I've ever even played it rofl
    I hate gambling. Voltorb Flip was fine, because it wasn't completely luck based, although luck still played a role on it, it was a game you could learn to play and get better at.

    I don't mind if such mini-games exist. I just don't like being forced to play them in order to obtain certain TMs or buy Pokémon.
    Totally hated it. Still to this day I think Voltorb Flip was the worst feature introduced out of any Pokémon game.

    Well, HG/SS had to have a weak point overall, since it was a great remake.
    I liked it. Its a more logical version of Minesweeper (which was infuriating when I was a kid with a Windows 98 computer and no internet - when Solitaire eventually got boring, I had this completely illogical nightmare as the only alternative?). It also is significantly less luck-reliant than slots.They should have definitely allowed you to just bulk-buy coins though, even if it was made exclusive to Celadon's Game Corner so you had to wait a while.

    Slots were a weird thing to me as I couldn't understand why they were in a kids game (even when I was a kid) as they were so frustrating. So to see them banned for promoting gambling was even weirder as I felt they were so infuriating as to have permanently put me off gambling!
    It was alright. I used to just buy coins in orer to get stuff. And I don't like having to play the minigame for coins. But at least it was fairly enjoyable. I prefer it over the gambling machines which I never used. But most importantly: I prefer it over getting absolutely nothing.
    I honestly preferred roulette in RSE over both slots and Voltorb Flip. I thought the roulette game was fun because you had to bet on the ball landing on a certain space, which was honestly pretty cool.

    Voltorb Flip was fun, but I never got the hang of it. Slots were okay, but getting big wins until maybe the D/P/PT era with the cute Clefairy minigame.
    Totally hated it. Still to this day I think Voltorb Flip was the worst feature introduced out of any Pokémon game.

    Well, HG/SS had to have a weak point overall, since it was a great remake.

    I personally wouldn't call it the worst, but I also really didn't like it. It was just...really boring and took many, many hours of playing before you could afford anything good. I know it was the case with slot machines too, but at least there were NPCs who let you outright buy coins with money. Why couldn't we do that here?? Forcing me to spend 8 hours to earn one single-use TM was just too painful. So I hope we never see anything like it either.

    (Gonna agree with those who also disliked slots lol.)
    Never cared for it much myself, or any of the Game Corner minigames really, it's a lot of RNG-based grind.
    I preferred voltorb flip over slots gameplay wise, but it was just a room with a guy. It would have been a lot more fun if they made it an arcade and you purchased tickets to play mini games.
    I would like to see more creative minigames in future Pokémon games to keep things fresh and enjoyable.
    I hated Voltorb Flip. It was very boring. I also hated the Game Corner in general. Instead, I want future Game Corners to have minigames similar to Pokémon Stadium instead where you can actually play with your Pokémon and possibly even compete with others via multiplayer. That would be much more fun than any of the slots or card flip game.
    I absolutely hated it. It had the perfect combination of being just skill based enough to make you have to pay attention and being just luck based enough that it feels like your actions don't matter anyway. It was also frustrating how you couldn't buy coins like in other games, forcing you to play it if you want the prizes.
    As someone who actually took the time to almost master the slots in FR/LG when I was younger, I absolutely HATED Voltorb Flip. Pretty much exactly for the reasons that @CoolKid575 said. (and it made it even worse when I found out that the Japanese version had the classic slots when no other country did) And while I'm not sure about the machines in R/B/Y, the slots in the remakes weren't luck-based at all. Either that or I'm the divine master of all luck, because I was able to almost consistently get 777 back-to-back after I got good enough.

    On a separate note though, I honestly prefer Serenity's idea of having more Pokemon interactable minigames in future releases to just having slots again. It kind of reminds me of the infinitely better Pokeathlon that just so happened to be in the same games as VF lol.
    i actually made a thread similar to this but about the slot games in general. I always liked voltorb flip! I thought it was a different take on those games that wasnt entirely lucked based(and i will argue anyone who still says its luck). I remember not even caring much for the prizes i just played to rack up coins. And yes i would absolutely love minigames to make a return to the series, they have been sorely lacking