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(Hey look, it's the transfer student)


Turn the tables
  • 148
    Have you even transferred schools? Usually high school and college are the toughest, but I guess you could list grammar schools as well.
    If you have, how was the transfer? Was it smooth or were there some rough patches? Did it all work on in the end? And are you happy you transferred?

    Well when I was four, after being bored out of my mind in preschool (it's possible) and being jabbed underneath the eye with a plastic spoon, my mom got me out of that place. That was probably the single best thing that happened to me. I went to my new school until eighth grade, and those were the best years of my life.

    Then, when I graduated I procrastinated in picking a high school, leaving it till July. Oops. Well in this case it came back and bit me. Hard. This school was filled with pretty much jocks and jerks (and mixes of the two). Me, being ok at sports but (not to toot my own horn) intelligent, I was outcast immediately. I was pretty much miserable every day I was there. Then I transferred to a new high school, which was the second best thing that ever happened to me. After summer school and cross country, school started and I immediately felt at home. The transition was perfect, and I felt like I had gone there last year by the second day.

    So, discuss!
    Oh goodness, I transferred a lot when I was younger.

    I stayed in the same elementary school till I was in the 5th grade (Ontario, CA). My dad got a new job, so we had to move about 15 miles away (San Bernardino, CA). The transition from that school to the newer school was not what I was expecting because instead of making new friends I started making enemies.

    Then I started middle school in the 6th grade within the same city. I still had the same bullies. So I begged my mom to transfer again to another middle school in the area, and she finally did for 7th grade. That was a lot better than I expected. I was away from the horror that middle school had, and began to rebuild my reputation in that school. I became part of the yearbook staff, got above a 3.0 GPA, and was selected to become part of the High School band.

    Of course that never happened when I started high school. All the drama started to dawn on me. I met a guy who is now my ex-boyfriend, my counselor gave me math remedial classes instead of band, and started to hang out with the wrong crowds. In 10th grade when my grandma was borderline dying of a heart attack and my parents separating, my mom immediately took me out of that school, and we both moved inside an apartment in Mexico. Where I finished the rest of 10th grade and first semester of 11th grade in a spanish speaking school. That transition was the worst of my life. Even though I knew Spanish, it was hard for me to comprehend what I was actually learning. Chemistry, one of the classes I had, was the hardest. It was Winter of 2007 when my parents went back together, and moved back to the US, but we were to stay near Mexico, the current town I'm in right now.

    tl;dr, the best transition was from 6th grade to 7th grade when I switched schools that time. Those formed the best middle school years of my life and reliving them would make me feel a bit nostalgic. :3
    I went to 9 different schools growing up. Here's how it breaks down:
    2 Preschools
    3 Elementary Schools
    2 Middle Schools
    1 High School
    1 College

    Let's just say, I'm not a stranger when it comes to being the new kid.
    Not once have I ever even transferred schools, so I would not know what the experience is like. The closest I could get to transferring schools was when I transferred the area within the school district I went to. And I'm glad that I changed areas because I was more social and made more friends in high school than I ever did in elementary and middle school combined.
    I stayed in one school until 8th grade was over. I decided that everyone there hated me and I was above them. Afterwards, I moved to a new school that was much better and closer to my new home. Fitting in there was a little bit difficult, but once I got the hang of it, I made a lot of friends. Right now I can confidently say that more people in that school like me than hate me. An even bigger majority doesn't know me, so that's a plus :D
    Oh boy all the schools I've transferred to. It's been about 4 schools.

    All 4 schools were Catholic schools so when I say grade school I mean grades kindergarten to 8th grade and high school I mean 9th-12th.

    I started off at this one grade school down the street from me. I stayed there from kindergarten to first grade. My brother wasn't doing so well in his classes there so in 2nd grade I transferred to another school a bit further out. I went there to 3rd grade and then ha to go to another school cause that one was shutting down due to low attendance. So I was at my 3rd grade school from 4th grade to 7th grade. In 7th grade I was doing so well in grade school. I was late on most days and didn't turn in most of my homework and projects. Because of that, my teachers figure it was best that I transfer somewhere else for 8th grade. There was a special ed class at this grade school called St. Johns so my dad transferred me there for 8th grade. I hated doing that honestly because I wanted to graduated from grade school with the classmates I spent 4 years of my life with. I went regardless and graduated at St. Johns. There was a St. Johns High School right next door so for high school I was went there. I thought I was finally done with transferring to schools but I ended up being wrong. I was only at the high school for freshmen year and then they had to shut down cause of lack of funds. The school I wanted to go after that rejected me so I had to go to an all boys high school that was only my option. For the first year or sophomore year, I also had to go to special ed classes at another school far away every morning and had travel 20 minutes from there to my normal school after lunch. Thank God that program ended after my sophomore year cause I hated how inadequate the teachers there made me feel.Like I wasn't expectedto do as well as other students cause of my learning disability and that I was "special". Anyway I honestly hated being at that high school. There wasn't anyone there who I could relate to except maybe 3 people. Though I survived and made it through my last 3 years of high school there. And that the story of my school life so far.
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    The only time I transferred schools was in college. I transferred from the top SUNY college to one of the CUNYs.
    It was awkward when I was taking level 100 classes at my second school and we did ice breakers. When I told people from where I transferred, I always got the look of, "Why are you here? YOU'RE SUPERIOR TO US." It was like I had to validate why I would "demote" myself, even though you learn the same material wherever you go >_>

    However, I did notice that the student bodies differed greatly. My first college was comprised of mostly "nerdy" people, whereas my current school is more varied.
    The SAT averages of my first were about 1930, second is about 1500. The 6 year graduation rate of my current school is lower than the 4 year of my former.
    Despite this, I have had a great experience so far, and hope to graduate this spring!
    I still do not regret transferring. This might be my graduate school soon ;p
    I transferred school a couple times, but the biggest one was back in 2005 when I moved from Korea to US. Back then I knew very little English, so the schoolwork was very difficult for me the first several years. Not to mention the various cultural differences.
    Luckily for me, I've never transferred schools. Mainly because, I really enjoyed my time where I was and didn't really have any major issues with them. Plus, I didn't want to leave my friends! o:
    I followed my friends from Primary School to High School so the transition their was relatively easy.
    I changed schools just in time to start my VCE because the school I was at was absolutely terrible, terrible in every sense of the word, that and one of my closest friends absolutely destroyed my reputation.
    My new school I became the well liked, mysterious drifter who would associate with literally every group briefly and cycle around; although I did develop strong bonds with a few people and reestablish friendships from pre-highschool. I'm now emotionally distant and lack sincere empathy. I also have a phobia of commitment and am afraid to get close to people just in case they realise they don't actually like me. On the positive I'm a fantastic actor.
    High school, ruining self-esteem since it's invention.
    It's pretty tough transferring schools I gotta say. I first transferred to a private school in 5th grade, went great and sadly we moved and I went back to public. 6th-8th was pretty bleh (except 8th, which was okay) but I stayed in one middle school the entire time.
    Then came high school. I'd always wanted to transfer to the other school nearby since most of my closest friends went, and it wasn't that far anyway. I never really liked the school, but it kind of grew on me. Being there for almost 3 years and then having to move half of my junior year sucked. I thought I wouldn't miss it, but looking back I do. When I transferred to my 2nd high school, I really couldn't click with people there for some reason. I was just pretty much left with acquaintances and it was overall not so great. Moved again this year, my senior year and it's been amazing. I wish I could have taken back those months at the other school, it felt like such a waste of time.
    It's taught me a lot actually, meeting so many people. You realize that friends come and go and you learn to appreciate those that have stayed with you all these years. I was never a judgmental person because of this, I kind of learned to just accept people for who they are.
    My grades have always been pretty good, but the teachers really varied in each high school. You start seeing which teachers actually know how to teach well and which couldn't care less. It's been an interesting experience overall. Just a few more months and I'm off to college ~
    I'm considered a transfer student at the college I attend right now. I transferred from a two year community college into a four year college. The transition was very smooth. The only thing different about my new college is that I dorm (live) there, while at my community college I drove to and from home.
    I've only transferred once, and that was when I moved from my home country to England back when I was 8. People in my primary school actually kinda accepted me so fitting in wasn't hard at all. A lot of them were either Pokemon or football fans so I could relate easily to them I guess, maybe that's why.
    I have transferred from 3 primary/elementary schools as I moved from Sweden when I 6 to England then finally Scotland. In each school my fellow pupils were friendly to me.
    I've transferred schools once, but the way things are going I'll have transferred again by 2015 (probably for academic reasons).

    I had the 'privilege' of attending a snooty Anglican school in Year 7, and it wasn't my cup of tea at all. I had no friends there - I'd just meander around the place every break - and I was relentlessly bullies by the same group from the first day; I had to endure a particularly traumatising experience at a school camp. The place also damaged whatever social skills I had irreparably - if they weren't up to scratch before, this school knocked them down even further. By the second half of the year, my academic results slowly but surely began to plummet from depression and anxiety. Fortunately (amid a ferocious battle between my parents) I got out of there and my experience at the school I'm at now still isn't perfect but at least I'm not being savaged every step of the way.
    I was in one place during preschool and nursery............. I don't remember anything at all from that time.......... Then I transferred to the place where I currently reside.............. I've living here for more than 10 years and I can't say I would rather be someplace else............. The place I live currently at is literally the best place in the best place.............
    Transferred once after 1st year of college, I transferred in a different college so It's kinda easy adjusting cause it's not like HS transfer or Elementary.

    But whenever I see a new transfer student classmate, I'm always the one befriending him or her because it's fun and he or she will always remember that I am the one who talked to him/her first~
    When I moved to America I transferred schools when I was really young. I don't remember much, but I had to go to some speech classes, it wasn't bad. I also transferred schools sophomore year, when my family moved across the state. It was a rough transition and I hated it at first, but now I enjoy where I live. I've made new friends and school is alright I guess. I've always wanted to be a foreign exchange student, I think it would be interesting.
    In 2009, I spent four years at a community college, where I used the credits I obtained there to transfer into a university where i'm now living.

    But I was at a public school for most of my life before I started looking at any colleges seriously.
    4 Elementary Schools
    3 Middle Schools
    2 High Schools

    Kinda know what it's like but I never cared being the new kid because I was always a loner and didn't want friends growing up. I enjoyed my solitary.