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Is your first starter Pokémon also your favorite?

Squirtle, and no. Prefers Totodile and some others the most among the first stage starters. Fares pretty well on the whole line. Places it maybe 2nd or 3rd on the full evolutionary line.
Cyndaquil was my first starter. And it ranks high, but my favorite is Turtwig.
My very first Pokémon ever was Snivy, but I can't say that it is my favorite. The Snivy line is definitely one of my favorites and always has a special place in my heart. The thing is, I've been watching the anime long before I began playing the games. Because I wanted to watch the series from the very beginning when I was little, I started with the first season. From watching the anime, I fell in love with Misty's Starmie, which became my favorite Pokémon. Thus, when I started playing Pokémon Black, my main goal was to train a Starmie of my own because I loved it so much. Ever since then, I trained a Starmie in every other Pokémon game I played. I am very happy that the Snivy line has returned on the Nintendo Switch. Now I can train Snivy again and get a Serperior with Contrary.
My first starter was Charmander, and whilst I am somewhat fond of the line still, it's a far cry from my favourite, or even my favourite fire-type starter.
If this is anything to go by, yes. Absolutely and completely correct. And while my favourite starter usually bounces between either Totodile or Primarina or even rarely one of my other top favourite starters, right now I'm on a giant sea monster craze and so the gator wins. And was the first starter I took to the end.
My first starter was either Charmander or Squirtle back in RBY.

And nope, they're not even my favorite starter for those types. My favorite Fire type starter is the Fennekin line, my favorite Water starter is the Piplup line and my favorite Grass starter is pretty much a tie between the Chikorita and Sprigatito lines atm.
If I had to pick one of those I'd probably go with Fennekin.
My first starter was Pikachu in Yellow. Nah, probably not even in my TOP100 Pokémon. To be honest, I'm not sure what is my favourite starter. There are so many to choose from. Maybe Mudkip, since it was my first starter in a game I bought for my own money (Sapphire) and have special place in my heart.
It's hard for me to decide on my favourite of anything. In a playthrough, my starter would've generally been my favourite - as a kid I used to steamroll the story with just my starter.
Nowadays, not so much. Even in games like B2W2 and USUM, I didn't actually use the starter, because I wasn't crazy about that generation's choices. I do have favourite starters from each set, but most of them wouldn't qualify as my absolute favourite Pokemon.
Honestly, I started in Gen 6 (cus I was finally old enough in 2016 to play pokemon), and while at first I didn't really like the Froakie that I chose, in all, it became one of my favorite water types. Honestly though, I prefer Fire and Psychic Types more...
Nope! I started with Piplup back in the day, but it's dropped down to my second favourite since. I fell in love with Primarina instantly and I have a soft spot for the starters people seem to hate at first but love as they evolve. I don't really consider myself a Water type lover, but half the time my favourite starters do seem to be Water type...