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Let's talk sleep

  • 41,842
    Sleep is a very important part of life. So let's talk about it! When do you usually go to bed and wake up? Do you feel you get enough sleep? Do you dream a lot? What's your favorite position to sleep in? Do you sleep with a thick or thin blanket (or does it depend on the weather/season for you)?

    I'm one of those people who can't sleep without a thick blanket even if it's summer, it just feels so odd not to have it. I also tend to have a lot of deep dreams... which isn't always a good thing lol, since it makes it tougher to wake up sometimes.
    I usually go to bed around 11:30/midnight and wake up at around 7 am or 7:30. It's very important to me to sleep, so that's my schedule and I have adjusted to it. Sometimes I wake up on my own without the alarm, so I guess that's a sign that it feels that I had enough sleep. I might rest a little after lunch, bit not more than 40/45 minutes.
    I don't remember my dreams at all and I tend to forget them most of the times. Let's say I remember a dream in like two months lol.
    I don't really have a favourite position and that's why I move a lot while I sleep. Having a big bed, it's pretty common for me to wake up on the other side of the bed or maybe without any blanket on or (on the opposite) with a blanket on lol. If it's hot, I can sweat a lot, so while I need at least a blanket to sleep, I generally keep a light one for the summer. It often happens that I wake up without any blanket on though. During winter, I definitely have thick blankets on lol.
    I usually go to bed around 23:30 - 0:00 as I'll just lie awake much longer if I go any earlier. But I'll still lie awake for quite awhile anyway. Usually at least an hour if not more.
    I wake up around 9:00. Which still gives enough time to get to work by 10:00 due to it being nearby.
    I probably don't get enough sleep as I generally feel fatigued during work days even when I've just woken up.

    I sleep with a thick blanket during winter. Thin blanket rest of the year and during the summer heat I'm forced to lie on top of it despite preferring to lie under a blanket.
    I probably dream pretty regularly, but only very rarely can recollect them so idk. The ones I can recollect are usually nightmares =\

    I'll start lying on my back and regularly switch to one side while trying to fall asleep. I'll regularly wake up in a different position than how I fell asleep.
    I go to bed between 9-11 usually.
    I always need a blanket, it makes me feel secure and snugged in.
    I'm a side sleeper. I have a hiatal hernia so sleeping on my back or stomach is a no go.
    My sleep schedule varies. Lately it's been 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM. I'm also an early riser.

    I prefer sleeping on couches over beds. I didn't grow up with a bedroom and slept on a couch. Became ingrained into me and now I find couches much more comfortable. For this reason, I find staying at hotels dreadful.

    My dreams also frequently repeat. Although haven't been dreaming much of anything as of recent.
    I usually go to bed around 11PM. On weekdays, I usually wake up around 7AM, but on weekends, I sleep in as needed. I feel I get adequate sleep, but my sleep schedule is chaotic when I have to work late into the night especially during crunch week. I dream in color quite a lot, typically about my day or work. My dreams are so realistic! I had a dream I got out of bed to get a glass of water and when I returned, my dog was hogging my spot! When I woke up, I had to second guess myself and the dog...

    I sleep with my own thin blanket because I am a blanket hog. I sleep on my side with at least 2 to 3 pillows - one pillow for my head, one pillow for hugging, and maybe another pillow on my back. I like feeling like I am in a cocoon all night to later emerge as a somewhat functioning member of society each morning.
    Usually I go to sleep between 10-11PM, waking up around 6-7AM most days, sometimes later. I typically do feel I get enough sleep. My dreams... Are usually very vivid and strange, but most of the time I only can remember them the first 5 minutes I'm awake, then they fade away. I always sleep on my side, can't fall asleep on my back. I have to have some kind of cover over me, regardless of the season, I feel too out in the open and exposed without one.
    I currently go to bed at 10PM and wake up around 4AM. I'm trying to bump it back to being in bed by 9PM, because that's when I get decent sleep. Though I still get enough sleep now where I'm tired but still able to function. On days off from work, I get a solid seven hours, and bounce right out of bed.

    The bed currently has three layers on it. One of them is a 15lb. weighted blanket, which is on year-round. There's a regular sheet, and a heavier blanket, and during the winter, there's a fleece blanket.

    Though I can sleep in any position, I prefer on my stomach. I've been told I snore when I lay on my back.

    Dreams are...there. In color, and I can read in them, and remember them most times. I used to write down what I dreamed about to try lucid dreaming, but I haven't done that in a while.
    Currently I go to sleep around 5 to 7 AM, and get up around 1 to 3 PM. I could sleep for a whole year and still feel tired... I don't really have a 'sleep position' either, I usually just find a comfortable spot and stay like that. My bed's got tons of pillows and blankets of varying thickness, so I'm good no matter the season.
    I go to bed around 8 PM and get up around 4:20 AM. It usually takes a while for me to fall asleep, especially during Summer when it stays bright up until ~10 PM. I also wake up multiple times in the middle of the night. It's especially bad during Summer because I just can not get the heat out of my apartment which just makes it even harder to fall asleep again. <_<

    I used to be a side sleeper but nowadays I have a hard time lying in any position for a longer period of time. So, I toss and turn a lot. Dreams exist and they're usually very interesting. But I also forget them pretty quickly.
    I sleep straight up on the rug in the living room because I despise mattresses. I don't have any particular time I go to sleep. I just...pass out whenever. And wake up at random times because I have insomnia. Most days I just pass out beside my computer, but I try to to fall asleep on top of my huge rabbit stuffed animal in the corner of the room.

    I would say I get between 4-7 hours of sleep, but never eight. I tend to have very fantastical dreams more often than not. The only day I don't really sleep is Sunday because I'm working on my fanfiction for however many hours straight.
    Always aims for 8 hours of sleep. Values a good night's sleep highly. Feels some level of tired for the entire day at 7 hours and under, typically. Occasionally wakes up and cannot fall back to sleep for an hour or more. Walks around for 20 minutes to try to fix that. Almost never sleeps more than 8 hours, also.

    Rarely naps. Coincides with illness, in most of those instances.

    Sleeps on either side. Favors the right side a little more.

    Feels weird to not have a blanket, barring very warm temperatures. Uses three blankets in the winter (one thin, one slightly less thin, and a third poofy one).

    Dreams frequently. Varies from frightening to pleasant to interesting. Repeats dreams within a night sometimes, although not frequently. Tends to be the unpleasant ones, if so. Keeps trying to escape.
    I just can't seem to pinpoint when exactly I fall asleep at night on the norm. I think some of it has to do with my coffee obsession and the other part...idk. I hate lying awake in the middle of the night.

    On weekdays, I wake up at 7am if i'm lucky enough to sleep toward my alarm. On weekends, it's a free-for-all time. Most Saturdays (like yesterday) I sleep a huge majority of the day. No joke. Unless I have to get up for something important on a weekend or day-off, it's snooze-vill for me.

    This probably sounds really unhealthy, but i'm sorry. I've been recommended weighted blankets, but that is still to be tested. Otherwise, I sleep with like...20 stuffed animals and decent blankets/pillows. As for dreaming and sleep positions...idk. My dreams really vary, and I have no preferred sleep position.
    Usually I go to sleep around 11/12PM and wake up around 6:30AM, which is long enough for me to feel rested in the morning. I always sleep on my stomach, otherwise I'll have neck pain. I don't dream at all though; I just go to sleep and wake up with no thoughts in between.

    Whether I use a thick or thin blanket depends on how cold I am. If it's under ~60F I use the thick one while I use the thin one otherwise.
    I'm disabled, and, due to medications and random health issues, my sleep's all over the place (probably not the healthiest thing). I use the same thickish comforter year-round; I'm like you in needing one. I'll go months without dreaming then suddenly dream every night for months...it's weird. My dreams are usually weird too :P.
    I'm kinda particular about how I sleep. I sleep laying on my side, curled up, hugging a pillow and a nesoberi. I cannot sleep in any other position, or without my nesoberi. ;;
    I'll also always listen to something on youtube while I sleep, most of the time either old let's plays or speedruns of whatever game I'm thinking about. I need something playing in my ears to fall asleep, but even if it gets really loud it won't wake me up.

    I've been dreaming more often now that I'm no longer a teen, which is strange? I'll remember a dream maybe once every 2 or 3 days. Recent ones include becoming a bassist for a high school banned I signed up for on craigslist, getting arrested for walking down the street, or some stuff related to some recent troubles in my life. Most of the time I'll feel fine waking up, though.

    I usually try to be asleep by 1 or 2am but sometimes I'll be up until 3 or 4 and I kinda just have to let it happen. I've been wanting to try shifting to an earlier sleep schedule.
    haven't had a consistent sleep schedule since pandemic struck and i fully embraced WFH. sometimes i sleep from 4am-12nn, other times it'll be 8am-3pm, and there will be days i try to "reset" my body clock by powering through 24+ hours without sleep to go to bed at an earlier time the next day. certainly not healthy, but i'm trying my best to make changes.

    for the longest time i was a stomach sleeper and constantly drooled all over my pillow. but now that i share a bed with someone else, lying on our backs saves the most space, so i've since adjusted to that lol. i notice i grind a lot in my sleep too, so imma need to get night guards or smth before all my enamel disintegrates.
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    The days of me staying out until 3/4am are gone. Now I need to be in bed by 9p - 10p to have a chance at functioning the next day lol. Luckily when I fall asleep I usually stay asleep throughout the entire night, so I do feel like I get enough sleep. Usually I sleep on my left side / back and rarely remember dreams I have which leads me to think I don't dream often lol.