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Most Memorable High School Moment

Miss Wendighost

Satan's Little Princess
  • 709
    Seeing as I'm graduating this year, I figured that it might be the best time to look back on those awkward years known as high school. By that I mean to ask my fellow trainers about what their most memorable moment of high school was. My most memorable moment was actually from this year. My bio teacher (who also teaches forensics) around Halloween actually decorated his entire room and dressed up to talk about Jack the Ripper as Jack the Ripper (he actually gave a pretty good performance). Likewise, he had some underclassmen dress as the Canonical Five (watch Buzzfeed Unsolved if you don't know what I'm talking about) and gave out Laffy Taffy at the end. So it was a trick and a treat in itself.
    Most memorable High School moment for me was when I was playing Soccer for PE and I am terrible at sports. I was wearing bad shoes standing next to the goalie. When I saw the ball coming towards me, I lightly kicked the ball towards the net. The goalie fell and I scored a point for my team and that was shockingly surprising and funny.
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    It's funny that you mention high school. I just got a letter from the Department of Education regarding my lunch balance from my time back in high school. I graduated high school from 2013, mind you. The letter said that I had 15 cents in my balance and they would like to give it back. Not even to me, but my mother. Almost five years after the fact. Gave my whole family a good laugh.

    as for moments, probably the time i fell on my face trying to impress a girl.
    One of the best days in high school was when my friends and I spontaneously decided to not go to class and went go-karting instead. Someone had just learned to drive and we all went in her car, but there wasn't enough space so we stowed one of the girls in the trunk lol (dw not aganst her will, she volunteered)

    If we're talking about actually inside the school, I had a lot of fun in the electives I took:

    - Cooking and baking with my friends in home ec! Even washing dishes is not that bad when you do it together. I remember every time I brought fresh baked goods home my dog would follow me around because she could smell it, lol.

    - I loved sewing so much, made so many cool things and the class was always fully stocked with free patterns and supplies (we had to buy our own cloth for bigger projects, but there's every color of thread handy and scrap cloth for small projects).

    I think the best part with both of those was just that the classrooms are always fully stocked with supplies and there's so much space to make whatever you want.

    - Photography was a really cool class, there was a dark room where we learned to develop our own photos and one of my favorite moments in that class was when the teacher singled out one of my projects and said it was really well executed in front of the class. We also learned how to make cameras out of shoeboxes - they took really shitty pictures but it's a cool concept. I really liked that teacher, he had a moehawk and he was super chill.

    - the electronics teacher was really sexist (but in a way that benefitted me so I didn't mind) - I was the only female student in that class and he was super nice and lenient to me because of that, highly praised my ideas and soldering skills but he was like REALLY mean to the boys lol

    - Took graphics one year and I did not learn a single thing in that class that I didn't already know, the teacher would literally just sit at her computer (one time we caught her on OkCupid) and very occasionally do really basic Photoshop tutorials. But most of the time we would just sit and draw and chat amongst ourselves so it was a really chill class.

    Also every year, one of the assignments in the class was to design the covers for the next year's planners (you know those little notebooks with the calendars in it), and mine won the most votes, became the cover design for my senior year!

    Those were a lot more memorable than academics. I really liked biology and english too, though.
    When I was a junior in high school I was in this college preparedness program called AVID and several students get to go on a week long field trip where we take several college tours. Besides that, we also get to do some sightseeing like when we stayed in San Francisco for a few hours. I remember me and a group of friends visited several shops and see a lot of gay and lesbian couples holding hands which was cool haha.

    Another high school memory I had was how one of the clubs I'm in we camped out and stayed overnight at another local high school's football field for this cancer walk thing. In the evening there was karaoke and I went up on stage. Despite being very nervous, many people enjoyed my performance haha. Around midnight I tried to sleep in my tent, but I wasn't able to so I ended up watching one of the Lord of the Ring movies that was showing lol. After that I ended up probably only got 4 hours of sleep.
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    1) girl in my chem class held a thermometer over the flame of a bunsen burner. It exploded.
    2) bomb threats almost every day making us have to evacuate and get out of class. The girl that was doing it was doing it while in the same class as me during 2nd period.
    3) cockroach jumped out of a girls hair at the lunch table. Hilarity ensued.
    4) school was so underfunded during my senior year a few of my classes had zero curriculum so we played cards all day. For money. I got really good at poker and some other card games and made good money for a 17yo.
    5) [same year as number 4] I also helped the teachers forge the grades for all the students because at my school hardly anyone could type well or nearly as fast as I could. We had to forge the grades because despite having zero curriculum given, they still had to give the county or state records of what occured over the year.
    6) one day a student brought like 10 trash cans to school and placed them under all the leaking parts of the ceiling in the hallways. This was iconic to me and I always look back to it when I need inspiration when feeling petty and shady.
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    To be honest, most of them were not good. I was a shy and quiet person who struggled to fit in, and most of my memories consist of hilarious faux pas that I committed and never really got over. Plus, I was still a ridiculous anime fan, but I tried to wean myself off of it by writing my own original stories and trying to create my own games. It was easy and something that helped me pass the time.

    I did manage to get over my Pokemon obsession by high school, though. Instead I took up cooking, writing, and training actual animals; it was pretty fun. Had I stayed in touch with my desires I probably would have become a veterinarian or a zoo keeper.

    Now, I can actually watch the anime, play the games, and read the stories without being affected much. I guess that's what growing up will do for you. When I was in middle school, it wasn't like that, though; I often daydreamed about the anime.
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    Me and a friend were messing around outside and we knocked over a pole, at the same time a teacher was walking around the corner. She saw us and gave us an evil look, and we ran into a bus to get away. We avoided that teacher for the rest of the entire year, and we would signal each other when we saw her.

    The next year, I decided to speak to the teacher, and she ended up being incredibly nice.
    I like to say i didn't like high school much, and while that is true, there was a few moments that stood out, but I definitely had to think about it for a bit.
    -Freshmen year, for some engineering science elective, I went to something called a construction career day. It was an event where there would be job recruiters, but also booths to build boxes, test equipment, and even a driving simulator thing. In retrospect, it wasn't that special of an event, but I think that was the only field trip I went on in high school.
    -Senior year, on the last day of Government/Economics, we played Monopoly. I know that I said that Monopoly was really boring in another thread, and I still stand by that, but I was missing the point. It was the first time I played Monopoly, but it was the last time I would be able to talk to those people. It's a really special moment for me, even though Monopoly isn't that good of a game.
    -Going back to that Engineering Science course, I remember that we had to build a hydraulic claw that would be pitted in some sort of competition. We managed to get the hydraulic claw working about 10 minutes after the competition started. We weren't let into the competition.
    -Senior year, the last week or so in my AP Biology class after the AP exam. There was actually 2 memorable events. My teacher took us outside to do Tai Chi. The other time, we played this kind of game that was kind of like musical chairs, only that there wasn't any music and we told personal facts about ourselves. It was kinda of weird that the game was at the end of year, rather than the beginning, but I really enjoyed it.
    -This was also senior year, but there needs to be some context. The student council at my school puts on these student morale events at every season or so. I didn't like most of them. The final one or the one before that, I really did like. There isn't much else to say about this event other than it was the only one I really liked.
    That's all I can remember right now.
    Someone lit a firecracker under our lunch table, sending everyone running out screaming.
    Endless bomb threats and false alarm fire drills senior year.
    Yearbook class was a blast.
    Construction on a new wing my freshman year was fun, because it meant the floors were ripped up, ceilings gone, and a dusty haze was everywhere.
    We watched Full Metal Jacket in history class, Office Space in art class, and Christmas Vacation in English class.
    Most memorable moment has to be performing in the color guard for this cultural thingy. Thing is, these flags and rifles are heavy as all hell, and they ran the national anthem three times yo. We were about to keel over by the end of it.
    To be honest I don't have one moment that sticks out like a sore thumb when it comes to good memorable memories. I have quite the amount of bad ones but who wants to hear that?

    I suppose it was the day I was called up and miraculously won a scholarship out of... well, just being a good student. (Anybody could've won it but I was next in line for it somehow) You see, three students won the four-year scholarship (awarded during middle school. Long time.) And one of them managed to... do not so good academically. So they simply transferred it to me. Let me tell you, I didn't believe it at first. I had also long forgotten I had signed up for it all those years ago.

    Never seen my parents happier really.
    I graduated from a school made for people who were behind on credits, AKA a school for people screwing up in school, lol.

    One moment that comes to mind was really funny to me at the time, though it's kind of stupid looking back on it. I used to do graffiti, so I always carried a marker on me back then. I went into the bathroom to take a crap, it was just a single person bathroom since it was a small school. While I was sitting there, I looked at the trash can next to me and though "What the hell, may as well". So I grabbed it and started tagging the underside of it. It turned out I forgot to lock the door, and right in the moment I was writing on it and taking a crap, another student walked in, saw what I was doing, our eyes locked, and we both laughed as he stepped back out of the bathroom. (Considering the type of school, he didn't tell the teacher) XD

    The other thing that stuck with me was the graduation, not just because I was done with school, but basically they took everyone from all of these type of schools in the surrounding citites that were graduating, and had a big ceremony at a local college. There was one speaker at the beginning of it that had a real thing of grout or concrete, and while giving a speech about needing to build a strong foundation to build the rest of your life on, he laid out the grout with a trough and placed a real brick on it. Probably doesn't seem like much, but I do like that philosophy so it stuck with me. :D
    I've left high school memories behind me, as most of it was shit and not really years I want to look back on much.
    My most memorable high school memories... let's see. My most memorable one was when I graduated. Cliche, but eh. I didn't think I'd make it past 16 years old so I'm just.. glad I graduated. Another few good high school memories was when we had group time and we played a lot of games together, like Apples to Apples, Taboo, Spoons, and Bull. My most fond memories are while playing those games with the small class I had.

    Another good memory I had was when I won a poem contest we had at my school. I was really shocked and honored that I won. I didn't read it aloud, because of stage fright but I am glad it won. It was a poem very personal to me.

    Another good memory is just.. with all my favorite teachers. I had a lot of good teachers there and good support. This was from the second half 10th-12th grade though when I transferred. Not 9th grade.

    Don't really have any good memories from public high school, just.. private. Welp.

    I miss high school. Never thought I'd say that, but I do. I took the support I got there for granted :/
    oh none of it honey i blocked that shit out. I'm much happier as an adult than a teenager.
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    We broke into the sports equiptment room that they were remodeling and stuck like 300 plastic forks in the dry wall. I'm an asshole I feel bad now