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What made you smile/happy today?

GOOD NEWS: After two years of treatment, our dog is heart-worm free. And can finally live her life as a normal pet.

Hanging at out an autumn festival in my city, eating junk food, watching jugglers, stilt walkers, acrobats, escape artists, listening to musicians, and just enjoying my Sunday
Putting down a new empty box from a package and seeing my cat immediately commandeer it by jumping into it and then lounge in it =P
Talking with my old friend. We were friends for a long time, but because i was stupid, i spoil our friendship.

So now, i think it's my opportunity to fix all my errors.

Also, listed some Disturbed's songs really made my day more enjoyable
I had a job interview for a teaching job today. I wasn't the kind of teacher they were looking for, but at least I went there when they put out a call.

I'm also still giddy over the fact I got the exact Mimikyu card I wanted - the one that is currently my profile picture. That was a week ago, last Saturday. Now I hope I can get more when I go back to that place.
Today was a rough day (I biked all the way to campus, just to realize that all the buildings were closed since it's a federal holiday) but I did get a little consolation prize- I saw some snacks in a vending machine that someone must not have picked up. I basically got a free bag of (stale) trail mix and (not stale) sour cream and onion chips.
I've been trying to bond with our cat for the past few months ever since I started living in her house. Calling her name, giving her treats, petting her, being the one to let her inside and outside, and hoping she likes me.
Today she came into the bedroom and jumped up onto my lap for the first time! I got to pet her a ton, and hilariously she was stepping over my keyboard and walking in front of my monitor. I was in the middle of a dungeon in FFXIV but I've never been so happy to be interrupted, I was laughing the whole time and trying to give her as much attention as I could. I got her a bowl of treats and watched her eat it on my desk, and it made me really happy that she likes me enough to do that, and I didn't even really have to convince her or anything. She just wanted to say hello and be affectionate. 😊