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I guess five years has been enough.


  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 3,667
    My life is in shambles right now. College is proving to be too difficult. But maybe, if I let go, I'll be able to walk again. I don't know what lies ahead, but I am hopeful that it'll get better.
    For now, with a heavy heart, I'll be walking out the doors of PC, five years later, and eons and eons wiser.

    I remember entering PC as a young, twelve year old kid. Looking to play ROM hacks. Searching for a site that holds these cool fan projects. I found PC, or more specifically, the ShinyGold thread. Of course, this made me happy, but to my surprise, ShinyGold wasn't all there is to the place. I was astounded by all these amazing graphics in avatars and signatures, all these cheerful conversations and all these warm friendships and fun banter. So I was, naturally, filled with wondrous excitement. I remember signing up, wishing so hard that I could have people on my signature's friends list then too. That I could at least enjoy it, as much as they do. I started posting around, ventured to a cool little place to make an introduction thread, got a few replies, and the next thing I knew, I was learning all these life lessons, feeling all these emotions, living all these memories. Man. All I can say is, it was the best decision ever.

    I could stay in this dream forever. I could keep chasing these clouds. Let the wind take me wherever it wishes. Continue roasting marshmallows by the campfire. I could lie down a field of grass, look up to the sky and relax in an endless slumber, if you will. But I guess...all good things come to an end. There comes a chapter, in this book, when life urges you to move on. To make it worth watching, perhaps. Of course, it doesn't mean you can't look back. But you can't walk forward with your head facing the road behind you. And if it's time-- if the red bar is just bleeping, then maybe you just have to switch out. You might not get all the experience that you could have gotten from staying in, but it's better than fainting for naught.

    I leave PC a better person. These past years were filled with laughter, sorrow and life. I've experienced a lot, and I've learned a lot. The Welcome Lounge is the best section I could have ever hoped to moderate, and I'm lucky to have had the chance to show my love to it. Even at moments when my life came crashing down. I hope it continues to be a great place as it is, and that I at least was able to care for it with the little time I had. To PC's staff, I know I've barely scratched the surface as a member of the staff, but I think it has led to the biggest wake-up call, and the most important life lesson, that I could have ever picked up from this amazing website. So thank you. Thank you. I wish...I could personally address a heartfelt message to every person that's touched my heart in this place, but maybe that's something you can look forward to if I ever come back. I hope I can. And I hope that when I do, you guys will be here, being as awesome as ever, and keeping this place as wonderful as it is.

    Love you guys. See you on the other side.
    Bye Cid. I only recently met you, and only chatted a couple times on the Showdown server, but you're a terrific person and I wish all the best for you. Good luck on your future endeavors and don't forget about all of us here. It's honestly sad to see you go, but I completely understand what you're going through / doing. Again, good luck. :]
    Love ya too! You are an amazing person and I wish you all the best with College! Rock it, man! And hope you enjoy life to it's fullest! Us here at Pokecommunity will never forget you, and we thank you for all your contributions here!
    Stay safe, and have a great one! You will be missed dearly!
    I already said what I wanted to say in that other thread. Stay strong ba. x
    Bye :> Ive never talked to you but you seem like a cool person, good luck with college and stuff.
    I never have gotten the chance to speak to you, but it stinks to see you go :/ You are a great member and I always have seen you around. I wish you the best in life and hope you return! (:
    Goodbye Cid :( It's sad to see you go. You were one of the best mods I ever seen. Good luck with life man!
    Goodbye Cid ): I am glad that I got to meet someone as awesome as you and I wish you best of luck with life and hope that you can one day return. Imma miss you!
    Aw, I guess this answers the question I VMed you. :c

    I already said my feelings to you before, I'm not going to repeat myself, mostly because I fear I wont be able to say it a second time without feeling really sad. :c We just started talking too.

    You'll be missed, Cid <3
    aww.. i am gonna miss u Cid :( :'(
    u are an awesome member and mod. i hope u come back soon and good luck Cid! :)
    We never really talked but I'll miss you anyways cause you seemed pretty chill. If you're able to come back please do so, but I completely understand your decision to leave. Good luck sir with your future endeavors.
    Will miss you like crazy man. But you know that already. Go smash college and come back as en even more amazing individual than you are now. See you soon. ;]
    .Aero;bt88356 said:
    Bye Cid. I only recently met you, and only chatted a couple times on the Showdown server, but you're a terrific person and I wish all the best for you. Good luck on your future endeavors and don't forget about all of us here. It's honestly sad to see you go, but I completely understand what you're going through / doing. Again, good luck. :]
    Thanks, buddy. I'm glad that I had the chance to meet you guys at the server. It's awesome.

    Kura;bt88357 said:
    Love ya too! You are an amazing person and I wish you all the best with College! Rock it, man! And hope you enjoy life to it's fullest! Us here at Pokecommunity will never forget you, and we thank you for all your contributions here!
    Stay safe, and have a great one! You will be missed dearly!
    Thank you, Kura. My thoughts are mostly in my reply to you elsewhere, but again, I'm just really thankful for all you guys. I'm gonna rock it in college, for sure.

    GolurkIsDaBomb;bt88358 said:
    Aw Cid its sad to see you go :( You're a great guy and I hope things get easier! Good luck with college and come back to us soon! :D
    I hope it'll be sooner than I'm thinking it will take, haha. But I will. Thank you, Golurk.

    Sydian;bt88359 said:
    I already said what I wanted to say in that other thread. Stay strong ba. x
    And I appreciate it more than you would believe. Thank you, Syd.

    Yuki's Sword;bt88360 said:
    It's sad to see you go, Cid. But a decision is a decision, and I know we can't change your mind. D:
    Don't be sad. It's gonna be alright. We'll all keep living our lives, thankful for the memories that we made in places we left behind.

    Cirno;bt88361 said:
    ...oh my god Cid I am distraught over this. D: I hope you're okay, please please get better! I'm here thinking of you!
    I'm gonna be okay, Cirno. Again, I cannot say enough how thankful I am for everything. I'll do my best to get things back the way they should be irl. I just hope that you'll continue to be as awesome as ever. <3

    Shiny Celebi;bt88371 said:
    Bye :> Ive never talked to you but you seem like a cool person, good luck with college and stuff.
    Thanks, Shiny. :]

    Toshiro.;bt88372 said:
    I never have gotten the chance to speak to you, but it stinks to see you go :/ You are a great member and I always have seen you around. I wish you the best in life and hope you return! (:
    Aww thanks man. I've seen you around too and I know that you're a pretty cool guy. Let's hope so.

    JNathan;bt88376 said:
    Goodbye Cid :( It's sad to see you go. You were one of the best mods I ever seen. Good luck with life man!
    You should try talking more mods! Haha. But thanks, I'm really flattered. You were a pretty cool person at the server, and at fleeting times that I saw you around the forums, so I appreciate your words. I'll do my best.

    jellicentfan1;bt88378 said:
    Goodbye Cid ): I am glad that I got to meet someone as awesome as you and I wish you best of luck with life and hope that you can one day return. Imma miss you!
    Likewise, you are an awesome person, Jelli. Glad to have had the chance to hang out with you at the server.

    Hikari10;bt88392 said:
    I'm gonna miss ya dude *sobs*

    But don't worry, I'll help the newbies out even more than ever!
    Thanks Hikari. Again, make sure you're doing that in all its sincerity, aight? Don't burn yourself out.

    Bloodex;bt88397 said:
    Aw, I guess this answers the question I VMed you. :c

    I already said my feelings to you before, I'm not going to repeat myself, mostly because I fear I wont be able to say it a second time without feeling really sad. :c We just started talking too.

    You'll be missed, Cid <3
    Thank you, Dipu. I hope that even my last few VMs and those handful times I got to talk to you were fun enough. It sure was, for me.

    Avishka;bt88412 said:
    aww.. i am gonna miss u Cid :( :'(
    u are an awesome member and mod. i hope u come back soon and good luck Cid! :)
    I'm gonna miss you too. I'm happy to have become friends with you, Avishka, even if it was limited in a way because either I was inactive or you were inactive. I remember you told me some of your problems in school, too. I hope you get through that, too.

    AWsquared;bt88415 said:
    We never really talked but I'll miss you anyways cause you seemed pretty chill. If you're able to come back please do so, but I completely understand your decision to leave. Good luck sir with your future endeavors.
    Yeah, I wish we actually had the chance to talk. You were one of my favorite members that I never had the chance to talk to, seriously. I'm glad that you understand. Thanks, man.

    Curious.;bt88419 said:
    Will miss you like crazy man. But you know that already. Go smash college and come back as en even more amazing individual than you are now. See you soon. ;]
    Haha. I will, Nathan. I'll see you when I see you.
    WTF CID NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...........................

    I am serious... We have so much fun together, and just thinking bout that college makes me shudder coz I will also planning to attend there 2 years from now ::::<
    Awww Ciddy! :(

    I haven't been on as much to see you shine as a staff member (dang life), but I totally, and completely understand how you feel! And you will always be my NU/W TWL grandson, no matter what! I wish you all teh best in your future endeavours, and hopefully you can visit us anytime! I'll miss you sweetheart! <3
    better to love and lose than to never have loved at all~