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Today I learned...

Today I learned that a switch can just lock up and then not turn on unless you remove your sd card. I was scared I bricked it when I did nothing bad. All I did was click a game & noticed it never started.

Also learned that the kingdom heart's storyboards from 2003 were dropped the other day.

& That cartoon brew sensationalizes stories & shouldn't be trusted.
Why Swedish has the strange rhythm. Turns out they have a different way to accent words, other than the usual 'stress one syllable in the whole word' that most other European languages have. Took me a while to understand how it worked (and that was some three years after visiting Sweden and despite having Swedish friends for almost two decades).
I learned that the Spaceworld '97 demo of Ocarina Of Time didn't include a rolling mechanic for Link. :o
I didn't know the ability intimidate had an overworld effect.

"if a Pokemon with Intimidate is leading the party, there is a 50% chance that a Pokemon that would be encountered will not appear if its level would be 5 levels or more below the leading Pokemon".
Today I learned about the "Theory of the 12 Sofías" - an Argentinian "friend of a friend" meme that claims that if your date follows more than 12 people named Sofía, they're more likely to cheat. Oh, and today I also learned that people take this theory very seriously.

I think we've got a strong contender for the most stupid meme to come out of Argentinian Twitter.
I have a torn Rotator Cuff and last Friday, I had an X Ray to rule out anything like arthritis. However, they caught an image of my right lung, which is full of shit so my doctor thinks my recent issues have been Pneumonia and I'm getting a full chest X ray.
Today, I re-learned my mom finds slugs and snails disgusting. I also drew one since I saw a big slug in my dream that talked and opened my pantry door!

Also learned that I actually can draw anatomy at least a little decently. Except hands. Still can't draw those realistically. But, hey, at least I think my art style looks like it could be Anime, even though I'm not particularly good. please someone look at my thread in the art studio
A few days ago, I learned what a theocracy is - a form of government sustained by the belief in a deity, in which said deity is recognized as a ruling authority.

Today, I thought of whether any of the canon Pokémon regions could fit such a definition. Turns out, the one that matches that definition the closest is not a canon region - it is, what you know, Eldiw from Pokémon Xenoverse. The Champion (or Lumen) of that region is one that is chosen by a Legendary Pokémon, and the chosen one before the player character swoops in happens to be... a particularly accomplished Trainer, researcher, engineer and sort-of politician who keeps the Gym Leaders and Cardinals in line. That explains why so many of the Gym Leaders have disproportionate amounts of power over their domains compared to the ones in the canon games. For eff's sake, there is an honest absolute monarchy embodied by an implied immortal ruler in what is supposed to be the mid 21st century and no one bats an eye! Even in Alola, the closest canon example to a theocracy, the Kahunas, Captains and other civilians hold their own against the flighty Tapu despite being "ruled" by them, and Kukui's opening a Pokémon League is more an attempt to provide an alternative to the trial system - ergo, to transition to a more democratic order. I've had this criticism of the game ever since I first played it, but it's only today that I can put a name to it.

(However, for what it's worth, that also explains why I started playing favourites with Gym Leader Ginger after I realized this. He's the one who holds least power among the Gym Leaders. In a crowd composed of a cult spiritual leader, a Princess, the aforementioned absolute monarch, a small town Sheriff, a big celebrity, and a circus ringleader and Tamer, he's just... a popular university student and rookie researcher. Sure, he's tasked with preserving the Red Plate and then goes on to work for the regional Professor, but in the end, he's just a guy with an ordinary life.)
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Til learned that grasshoppers come in pink. My, my, my! They look like fairies. I wonder if people of the past came across one of these, and it gave rise to belief in fairies, pixies and the like. I also thought of Atta from A Bug's Life, even though she's an ant, I see a certain resemblance since she's a flying ant and in pretty pastel colors.

[PokeCommunity.com] Today I learned...

I read that it's a genetic mutation known as eelrythrism that makes pink grass hoppers. Sadly, you don't see these beauties in the wild often, because the color makes them conspicuous, and therefore more vulnerable to predators, instead of the earth tones that would usually camouflage them. I'm rooting for these little ones though. Looks like hitching a ride with humans is safer for them.
Eternamax Eternatus has a base stat total of 1125.

(it really just functions as a story fight, so it makes sense). It's stats are

225 HP
115 Attack
250 Defense
125 Special Attack
250 Special Defense
130 Speed.
Today I learnt that I should do what I want to do with my project and focus on the feedback that really helps it push forward and that i don't have to take in the advice if it makes me feel negative because my project is something that i enjoy and make for fun with my own ideas and stuff!
I was informing myself on the recent climate protests in which activists threw food at famous paintings (yet didn't damage them for real)... and somehow went on a deep dive that ended in me learning that people actually use their own bodily secretions and those of other humans and animals as materials in art. And that sometimes, those works get sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars, instead of being branded sanitary hazards and hauled away by people in hazmat suits.

I have never been so close to losing all my faith in humanity.
TIL that Fairy as a type was retired from the TCG in 2020. It's a bummer becuase I really wanted to have one of them. :<
I learned that sperm whales can sleep vertically, just floating and resting in the sea. Huh. The more you know.