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Today I learned...

TIL: The opening question mark in Spanish (¿) was not supposed to be a thing, but people loved it so much, they kept using it all the time despite the official grammar discouraging it. Eventually the Royal Academy of Spanish gave up and made it mandatory in every question.
TIL that paper planes are older than planes. They were originally paper darts.
Today I learned that humans and sharks apparently have a common ancestor that existed 440 million years ago.

I was looking up "human shark" for meme purposes and this turned up. I had to run multiple searches to confirm that this was, in fact, an actual study.

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Today I learned Albert Einstein had a summer home quite close to where I lived. I also learned...he lived in the late 1800s to mid 1950s years not the 1600s-1700s like I thought/assumed. I feel stupid now.
(CW: claustrophobia)

Today I learned, during my Mono-Fairy run of Xenoverse, that the fourth Gym Leader, Nuphar, apparently locks her soldiers and advisors in Cofagrigus-shaped sarcophagi during her last trial just so they can surprise the player character with a battle. One of her soldiers even comments that he felt as if he were suffocating before the player opened his sarcophagi and freed him.

I had never seen that in my previous two playthroughs, and I am both disturbed and pissed off beyond belief. I already hated N*phar's guts for a lot of reasons (including calling the player character a Lillipup just like a certain leaker in the Pokémon fandom calls his rival a puppy, what the HELL) but this is pretty much a point of no return for her.

Remind me why we aren't able to team up with Gengar X to oust her from her self-proclaimed throne, again...?
Today I learned that my absolute favourite Poké Ball throwing style is the Reverent style - the two-handed throw. It's the one that Allister, Iono and Poppy use, if you wanna look it up. Yes, I know it's probably the most childish one, but I'd rather throw my Poké Balls in that way than... whatever the rest of the Paldea Elite Four do.

You can also set it as your own in the Alola games (and I think I already did, if I remember correctly), which makes me think it's a shame that the feature to change your Poké Ball throwing style was removed in the Switch games.
TIL in Super Bomberman 2 for the SNES you can change the color of the bombers in VS mode by pressing Select in the character selection screen.

All these years in my childhood being annoyed that I could only play as either white or black bomber... <_<
Today I learned that even though the first Windows OS was released in 1985, Microsoft as a company had already been around for 10 years until then (1975).

2025 sure is going to be a special year for those folks. I really, really hope they delay the planned Windows 12 release to coincide with the anniversary and use that extra time to polish some of the bugs that 10 and 11 came with at release. 11 is still kind of user-unfriendly, but I hope that will improve with time.
Til that the writer Ernest Hemingway had the strangest luck. In 1954 he was on a trip to Africa, and the airplane carrying him and his wife was downed. The pilot was trying to land in a way that would avoid hitting a flock of ibises, and they ended up crashing. They survived, but were dangerously close to a sandpit where they saw 6 crocodiles. So Hemmingway and crew made a trek through thick wild scrubs where they spotted herds of elephants, and decided that it was safer to spending the night in the company of the herbaceous giants.

The next day a rescue plane came for everybody, but then that plane exploded when it took off! The man was in 2 completely different plane crashes within 24 hours. What are the odds of that happening? He and his family were badly injured, but fortunately everyone survived again, and Hemmingway walked out of the wilderness carry a bunch of bananas and a bottle of gin, supposedly quipping, "My luck, she is running very good."

This was not his first time surviving something that should have killed him. When he was on the Italian front line driving the red cross ambulance during WWI he went to deliver food to the soldiers in the trenches, but was hit by enemy shellfire from the Austrian side. Two Italian soldiers standing next to him at the time of the attack were killed, but Hemmingway survived. He was knocked unconscious from the blast, and fragments from the shell had entered his feet, knees, thighs and head, but despite this once he regained consciousness he not only found the strength to make it back to the safety of the first aid dugout, but did so carrying another injured soldier on his back, for which he was awarded a medal.

It's definitely a dramatic and heroic story, but the double plane crash is still the tale that gets me the most.
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TIL the difference between a dragon and a wyvern. I wanted to know if this necklace of mine had a dragon or a wyvern on it. Dragons have 4 legs, whereas wyverns have 2. My necklace does in fact have a dragon on it, since it has 4 legs.
Today I learned that the Pokemon Company International localized Riko's name to Liko. I don't like it. Feels weird unless she's from Alola it really doesn't make sense to me since it's Hawaiin.

Reminds me of the time I named one of my ocs Waiola thinking it was a Persian name only to find out later it's a Hawaiian name, and I have to live with the fact forever that I gave her a name from a culture that isn't hers. (Her name is Waiola by the way).

Today I also learned my computer no longer does the cool icons for special holidays anymore in my search bar and only shows the Bing icon. That's lame. I'm not sure why they changed it, to be honest. (But to be fair I have been pushing back windows updates because I'm scared my computer will Explode Or Something so).
Today I learned that, to apply for a US visa, you must provide your social media account handles and at least five years of activity. Oh, and this is a measure implemented by the previous President which has been upheld by the current one.

...Well, hope this post counts, because either way I have no intention of even visiting the US. I wouldn't feel safe there.
Today I learned that, to apply for a US visa, you must provide your social media account handles and at least five years of activity. Oh, and this is a measure implemented by the previous President which has been upheld by the current one.

...Well, hope this post counts, because either way I have no intention of even visiting the US. I wouldn't feel safe there.

Wow, TIL this!

This is just unrealistic. Not everyone uses social media and those that do may not have had it that long.

Anyway, TIL that one of Junko Furuda's murderers is on Twitter. I'm in complete shock.
Today I learned that, to apply for a US visa, you must provide your social media account handles and at least five years of activity. Oh, and this is a measure implemented by the previous President which has been upheld by the current one.

...Well, hope this post counts, because either way I have no intention of even visiting the US. I wouldn't feel safe there.

The dumbest thing I've ever heard is this right here. If I didn't live in the us and I wanted a Visa, I'd probably just lie and say that I don't use social media.